I will go with my father a-ploughing Class 6 Questions Answers

I will go with my father a-ploughing Class 6 by Joseph Campbell in lesson 9 has been included in Blossoms, English Textbook for class 6. Activity Questions Answers and line-by-line Bengali Meanings have been prepared in the following for class 6.

Match Column A with Column B

(i) blacksmith(i)Works on iron
(ii)hawker(ii)sells wares
(iii)nurse(iii)looks after sick people
(iv)pilot(iv) flies aeroplane

(B) Suppose you have accompanied your father/mother/ guardian to his/her workplace. Tell the class what you have seen and whether you liked the place.

Ans:  My father is a farmer. He works in his own field; Last Sunday I went with my father to the field. I enjoyed myself very much. I have also learned a lot. As it is the season of harvest, the fields are beautiful to see. Lots of farmers were in the field cutting ripe corn. I assisted my father in his field. Though I was not acquainted with such work, I loved to do it. The touch of the earth gave me pleasure.

I will go with my father a-ploughing Class 6

Bengali Meaning

বঙ্গানুবাদ: [Consult Blossoms, English Textbook Page No 91,92]

Stanza I

যাবই আমি মাটি চাষে বাবার সাথে

সবুজ ওই মাঠে সমুদ্রেরই পাশে,

আর রুক ও কাক এবং শঙ্খচিল

দলবেঁধে আসবে আমারই পিছু পিছু।

শোনাব আমি গান ধৈর্যশীল ঘোড়াগুলিকে

বাতাসেরই মাঝে লার্ক পাখির সাথে,

আর আমার বাবা গাইবে তখন মাটি চষার

যাতে আশীর্বাদ পাবে দ্বিখণ্ডিত মাটি ।

আরও দেখুন: English Textbook, Blossoms All Lessons Solution for Class 6

Lesson – 1. It All Began With Drip-DripLesson – 7. The Magic Fish Bone
Lesson – 2. The Adventurous ClownLesson – 8. Goodbye to the Moon
Lesson – 3. The RainbowLesson – 9. I Will Go With My Father A-Ploughing
Lesson – 4. The Shop That Never WasLesson – 10. Smart Ice Cream
Lesson – 5. Land of the PharaohsLesson – 11. The Blind Boy
Lesson – 6. How The Little Kite Learned to FlyLesson – 12. Rip Van Winkle

Stanza II

যাবই আমি বাবার সাথে, বীজবপনের কাজে

সমুদ্রেরই ধারে ওই লাল রঙের মাঠে,

আর ব্লক ও কাক এবং স্টারলিং-এর ঝাঁক

দলবেঁধে আসবে আমারই পিছু পিছু।

বজবপনকারীদের শোনাব আমি গান

কিন্তু পপির সাথে ধীরে ধীরে সবুজ হয়ে ওঠা মাঠে,

আপাউবে তখন বীজবপনের গান

জানী মানুষেরা।

Stanza III

যাবই আমি বাবার সাথে ফসল কাটার কাজে

বাদামি রঙের মাঠে সমুদ্রেরই পাশে,

আর হাঁসের পাল ও কাক এবং শিশুর দল

দলবেঁধে আসবে আমারই পিছু পিছু।

শোনাব আমার গান রোদে পোড়া মুখের ফসলকাটিয়েদের

রেন পাখির সাথে সূর্যেরই উত্তাপে,

আর গাইবে আমার বাবা কাস্তের গান

ফসল কাটা ও তোলার আনন্দেরই মাঝে।

Word Nest

A-ploughing -For ploughing the field – মাটির চাষ করা

Rooks – black birds of the crow family – কাক জাতীয় পাখিরা

Seagull – a kind of bird living near the sea – শঙ্খচিল জাতীয় সামুদ্রিক পাখি

Flocking – coming in a flock or group – দলবেঁধে আসা

Blesses – give blessings – আশীর্বাদ করে

Cleaving – Split into two – দ্বিখন্ডিত বা ভাঙ্গা

Share – division – ভাগ

A-showing – sowing the seed – বীজ বপন করা

Starlings – a kind of small songbirds – কৃষি জমির কাছে বাসা বাঁধে এরকম একদল পাখি; স্টারলিং

Blocking – coming in a block – দলবেঁধে আসে এমন

Striding – marching or walking with long steps – লম্বা লম্বা পা ফেলে চলে এমন

Sowers – those who show the seeds – বীজ বপনকারীরা

Finch – a kind of songbird – এক ধরনের গাইয়ে পাখি; ফিঞ্চ

Greening slow – slowly becoming green – ধীরে ধীরে সবুজ হয়ে ওঠা

Seed song – song sung while sowing seeds – বীজ বপনের গান

Wise men – mean of wisdom – জ্ঞানী মানুষেরা

A-reaping – Reaping the crops – ফসল কাটা

Tan-faced – sunburnt face reddish in colour – রোদে পুড়ে যাওয়া মুখ

Reapers – a person who cuts and collects crops – ফসল কাটিয়েরা

Wren – a kind of bird – এক ধরনের পাখি;রেন

Scythe-song – song with scythe in hand or song of cutting card – কাস্তে দিয়ে ফসল কাটার গান

[‘a-ploughing’ ও  ‘ploughing’ – এই দুটির মধ্যে পার্থক্য রয়েছে। যখন ‘a -’ যোগ করা হয় তখন সেটি দীর্ঘ সময়ব্যাপী কাজের পরিধিকে নির্দেশ করে বা কাজের সময় এর উপর জোর দেয়। ‘a -’  হল পুরনো ইংরেজির বৈচিত্রের একটি ধরন। তবে বর্তমানে বিভিন্ন শিশুদের জন্য লেখা পুরনো আধুনিক ছড়ার মধ্যে দিয়ে ‘ a -’ ব্যবহার লক্ষ্য করা যায়।  সুতরাং ‘I will go with my father for ploughing’ -এর অর্থ হলো তুলনামূলকভাবে কম সময়ের জন্য কাজে যুক্ত থাকা। ‘I will go with my father for a-ploughing’-এর অর্থ হলো কাজটি দীর্ঘ সময়ের জন্য।]

Activity Questions Answers I will go with my father a-ploughing Class 6


Choose the correct answer from the alternatives and fill in the blanks.

(a) The child will go with his father to the field for ploughing. (field/sea / hills)

(b) The child will sing to the horses along with the lark. (lark/wren/gull)

(c) The father sings the seed-song while sowing. (reaping/ sowing / harvesting)

(d) Reaping will be done by the father when the field is brown. (red/brown/green)


Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a)  The rooks, the crows and the seagull will come flocking after the child.

(b) The plough-song will be sung by the child’s father.

(c) The child will go with his father to the red field for sowing.

(d) The reapers are tan faced because of the heat of the sun.


Answer the following question:

Why will the father and the child sing while ploughing, sowing and reaping

Ans:  The father and the child will sing while ploughing, sowing and reaping because all those are related to the joy of harvesting


Fill in the chart with information from the text

Names of birdsActions
rooks, crows, seagullflocking
rooks, crows, starlingsblocking
lark, finch, wrensinging


Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

(a) What are the three stages of farming?

Ans: The three stages of farming are ploughing, sowing, and reaping.

(b) What are the different colours of the field at different stages of farming?

Ans: The different colours of the field at different stages of farming are red, green, and brown.

(c) What song do the wise men know?

Ans: The wise men know the seed song.

(d) At what stage of farming is the scythe required?

Ans: The scythe is required at the stage of harvesting.


Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and prepositions:

Ans: We went to the park and had a picnic. I played on a slide and had a chocolate. Then we took a walk.


Identify the types of sentences given below :

(i) Can we go there?

Ans: Interrogative sentence

(ii) What fun they had!

Ans: Exclamatory sentence

(iii) She was not well.

Ans: Assertive sentence

(iv) Sit down

Ans: Imperative sentence


Find the synonyms of the following words or expressions from the poem:

(i) gathering in a group

Ans: flocking

(ii) not foolish

Ans: wise

(iii) persons who plant seeds

Ans: Sowers

(iv) thing used to reap corn

Ans: scythe 


 Match the following words in column A with their opposites in column B:

(i) patientimpatient
(ii) wiseunwise
(iii) slowfast
(iv) joyssorrows

Let’s Do


Write a story in about sixty words based on the following hints:

[Hints: an old farmer calls his lazy sons – asks them to dig up treasure stored in the field-sons dig up field but find no treasure – farmer asks them to sow seeds a rich harvest – sons understand the value of hard work ]

The Old Farmer and His Sons


Once upon a time, there lived an old farmer. His sons were lazy. One day the farmer called his sons and asked them to dig the earth. He told them that there were treasures stored under the earth. They dug the soil but found nothing. Then the farmer told them to sow seeds. After some days they had a rich harvest. The sons learned the value of hard work as it is always fruitful.


Write a short paragraph in about sixty words describing your favourite season. Use the following hints:

[Hints: name of the season-flowers and fruits-vegetables- festivals—why you enjoy it. ]


My Favourite Season

There are five main seasons in our state Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, and Winter. My favourite season is Autumn. It lasts for only one month in October, followed by winter in the months of November, December and January Many flowers like ‘shiuli’, ‘togor’, ‘kaash and ‘lotus’ bloom in this season. Fruits like custard apples and water chestnuts and vegetables like cabbages and cauliflowers are available. Autumn is the season of festivals like Durga Puja and Kali Puja. I enjoy this season because the weather is cool and refreshing and the festivals give me a welcome break from studies.