Do As Directed: English Grammar Questions with Answers

“Do as Directed” refers to a type of exercise where sentences are given with specific instructions to modify or transform them according to the rules of English grammar.

Contents show

Basically, “Do as Directed” is a grammatical instruction commonly used as a question format in English exam papers across various classes.

Do as Directed:

It doesn’t focus on one particular grammar concept but combines several English grammatical topics, requiring students to apply different grammar rules. Let’s now practice “Do as Directed” with the given sentences.

Do as directed:

1. She turned every stone. (Turn into negative)
Ans: She left no stone unturned.

2. Horses, which come from Arabia, are much in demand. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Ans: The Arabian horses are much in demand.

3. Don’t frighten the crying child. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Ans: Don’t frighten the child that is crying.

4. People came to hear the leader with enthusiasm. (Rewrite using the adjective form of enthusiasm’)
Ans: People came to hear the leader with an enthusiastic attitude.

5. He escaped to avoid arrest. (Turn into a compound sentence)
Ans: He escaped and avoided arrest.

6. He deserved to succeed. He failed. (Join using adverbial clause)
Ans: He failed though he deserved to succeed.

7. He is at least as competent as any other man. (Turn into comparative degree)
Ans: He is not less competent than any other man.

8. Were the boys playing football? (Change the voice)
Ans: Was footbal being played by the boys?

9. He said, “Will you listen to such a man?” (Change the mode of narration)
Ans: He asked if she would listen to such a man.

10. He set his burden down with great gentleness. (Rewrite using the adverb form of ‘gentleness’)
Ans: He set his burden down very gently.

Do as Directed by the given instructions

Do as directed‘ is a title containing various English grammar questions. The word do as directed means to do as directed i.e. write the answers according to the instructions given in the brackets next to each grammar question.

Do as Directed

1. Do or die. [Turn it into a simple sentence]

Ans: In case of not doing it, you will die.

2. My friend has given me oranges. [Change the voice]

Ans: I have been given oranges by my friend.

3. You helped me. I should have been in trouble otherwise. [Join into a single sentence]

Ans: You helped me lest I should have been in trouble.

4. How he behaved shocked me. [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans: His behaviour shocked me.

5. Sucheta said to me, ‘Let us go for a picnic’ [Change mode of narration]

Ans: Sucheta proposed that they should go for a picnic.

6. I was numb with shock. I got into the car. [ Join into a simple sentence]

Ans: Being numb with shock, I got into the car.

7. Evil customs must be eradicated. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: Evil customs must be done away with.

8. Smith has done the finest job. [Make it positive]

Ans: No other man has done the job as fine as Smith.

9. Who has taught you to play the Piano? [ Change the voice]

Ans: By whom were you taught to play the Piano?

10. She was reared by her uncle and aunt. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: She was brought up by her uncle and aunt.

Do as Directed Worksheets with Answers

1. My neighbourhood is ______________very interesting place. My house is located ______________ an area which has many stores and offices. The biggest store is only five minute’s walk ______________ my house. [Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions]

Ans: a, in, from.

2. I don’t know when he departed. [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans: I don’t know the time of his departure.

3. Yesterday, he came to my house when I ______________ (study). [Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs]

Ans: was studying

4. Over exercise causes harm to our health. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: Over exercise tells upon harm to our health.

5. The centre constituted a high-level technical team _________ resolve _________ Cauvery water dispute __________ Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. [Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions]

Ans: to, the, between

6. We should not show cruelty to animals. [Rewrite using the adjective form of the underlined words]

Ans: We should not be cruel to animals.

7. The mother said to her son, ‘Where have you been throughout the day?’ [Turn into indirect speech]

Ans: The mother asked her son where he had been throughout the day.

8. The girl has kept the promise. [Change the voice]

Ans: The promise has been kept (by the girl).

9. Rina is the most intelligent girl in the class. [ Rewrite using a positive degree of the adjective]

Ans: No other girl in the class is as intelligent as Rina.

10. Always save some money for the future. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: Always lay by some money for the future.

Do as Directed Examples

Do as Directed conveys transformation to reshape sentences while retaining their core meaning in English Grammar. This section presents a collection of do as directed examples to help you navigate the intricacies of sentence transformation.

Do as Directed

1. When I entered the house (smelling/smells/ smelt) awful. Someone (had been cooking/ has cooked/was cooking) and (burn/burnt/has burnt) the meal. (Fill in the blanks with the correct alternatives)

Ans: smelt, had been cooking, burnt.

2. You do not take care of your health. You may fall ill. (Join into a single sentence using an adverbial clause)

Ans: If you do not take care of your health, you may fall ill.

3. Yesterday, we ______________ (walk) in the Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary for an hour. [Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Tense]

Ans: had been walking

4. __________ 2014 Ebola virus is the largest epidemic _________ history affecting ________ number of countries of West Africa. [Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions]

Ans: In, in, a

5. Tell me your name. [Turn into complex sentence]

Ans: Tell me what your name is.

6. Rina who _________ (have been/has been/is being) ill for a month _________ (will visit/visited/has visited) the doctor last Monday. The doctor _________ (advised/had advised/will advise) her complete bed rest. (Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs)

Ans: has been, visited, advised.

7. Have you seen a tiger? [Change the voice]

Ans: Has a tiger been seen by you?

8. Most people are fond _________ mystery stories. They find _________ extra pleasure _________ trying to solve the mystery along with the investigator. [Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions]

Ans: of, out, in

9. Today is the hottest day of the year. [ Rewrite using comparative degree]

Ans: Today is hotter than any other day in the year.

10. The president distributed the prizes. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: The president gave away the prizes.

Do as Directed Sentences

Do as directed‘ is a title containing various English grammar questions. The word do as directed means to do as directed i.e. write the answers according to the instructions given in the brackets next to each grammar question.

Do as Directed

1. Do or die. [Turn it into a simple sentence]

Ans: In case of not doing it, you will die.

2. My friend has given me oranges. [Change the voice]

Ans: I have been given oranges by my friend.

3. You helped me. I should have been in trouble otherwise. [Join into a single sentence]

Ans: You helped me lest I should have been in trouble.

4. How he behaved shocked me. [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans: His behaviour shocked me.

5. Sucheta said to me, ‘Let us go for a picnic’ [Change mode of narration]

Ans: Sucheta proposed that they should go for a picnic.

6. I was numb with shock. I got into the car. [ Join into a simple sentence]

Ans: Being numb with shock, I got into the car.

7. Evil customs must be eradicated. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: Evil customs must be done away with.

8. Smith has done the finest job. [Make it positive]

Ans: No other man has done the job as fine as Smith.

9. Who has taught you to play the Piano? [ Change the voice]

Ans: By whom were you taught to play the Piano?

10. She was reared by her uncle and aunt. [Repalce the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb]

Ans: She was brought up by her uncle and aunt.

Do as Directed English Grammar

These “Do as Directed” examples in sentences sharpens your understanding of grammar rules, sentence structure, and the appropriate usage of different parts of speech.

The following ‘Do as Directed’ are required for practice and they are shown with topics and examples important in English Grammar.

Below Do As Directed are the topics with examples and answers for each of the types in English grammar found as the Do as Directed in the English Grammar Question paper of all classes.

1. Do as Directed for a Change of Tense

Do as Directed

(1) I feel much better today. (Rewrite the following sentence into the Present continuous Tense)

Ans: I am feeling much better today.

(2) He realized how late it was. (Rewrite the following sentence into the Present Perfect Tense)

Ans: He has realized how late it was.

(3) People will laugh at your mistake. (Rewrite the following sentence into the Future Continuous Tense)

See also  Narration Change Answer set 1 to Answer set 10 for Class 9

Ans: People will be laughing at your mistake.

(4) You will go to the fair. (Rewrite the following sentence into the Future Perfect Tense)

Ans: You will have gone to the fair.

(5) A tiger was caught in a storm. (Rewrite the following sentence into the past continuous Tense)

Ans: A tiger was being caught in a storm.

(6) She has won the first prize. (Rewrite the following sentence into the future perfect Tense)

Ans: She will have won the prize.

(7) I drink milk every morning.  (Rewrite the following sentence into the simple past Tense)

Ans: I drank milk every morning.

(8) He was doing the work.  (Rewrite the following sentence into the present perfect continuous Tense)

Ans: He has been doing the work.

(9) They play football on the ground.  (Rewrite the following sentence into the simple future Tense)

Ans: They will play football on the ground.

(10) What are you doing?  (Rewrite the following sentence into the present perfect Tense)
Ans: What have you done?

More Do as Directed Tenses Examples & Answers

2. Do as Directed changing Affirmative to Negative

Do as Directed

(1) Only the brave deserves the fear.[ using none but or omit only]

Ans: None but the brave deserves the fear.

(2) As soon as he saw the snake he ran away.[using No sooner… than]

Ans: No sooner had he seen the snake than he ran away. / No sooner did he see the snake than he ran away.

(3) All but the little boy did run.[using only]

Ans: Only the little boy did not run.

More Affirmative to Negative Sentences Questions

3. Do as Directed changing Interrogative to Assertive

Do as Directed

(1) when can their glory fade? Or can their glory ever fade? [Make it declarative]

Ans: Their glory can never fade.

(2) Can I ever forget his kindness? [Make it declarative]

Ans: I can never forget his kindness.

(3) Are not the beauties of nature beyond description? [Make it declarative]

Ans: The beauties of nature are beyond description.

More Interrogative to Assertive Sentences Questions

4. Do as Directed changing Exclamatory to Assertive

Do as Directed

(1) How beautiful is the Rose! [Make it declarative]

Ans: The Rose is very beautiful.

(2) If I knew this before! [Make it declarative]

Ans: I wish I knew this before.

More Exclamatory to Assertive Sentences Examples

5. Do as Directed for Interchange of Parts of Speech

Do as Directed

(1) He showed generosity even to his enemies. [Rewrite the sentence using the Adjective Form of the underlined word]

Ans: He was generous even to his enemies.

(1) It is probable that he will come today. [Rewrite the sentence using the Adverb Form of the underlined word]

Ans: He will probably come today.

(7) The answer is apparently to the point. [Rewrite the sentence using the Verb Form of the underlined word]

Ans: The answer appears to the point.

More Interchange of Parts of Speech Exercises

6. Do as Directed to join into a single sentence

Do as Directed

(1) He was tired. He rested for a while. [ Join into a simple sentence ]

Ans: Being tired, he rested for a while.

(2) He is wrong. I am sure of it. [ Join into a complex sentence ]

Ans: I am sure that he is wrong.

(3) He is honest. He is humble. [ Join into a compound sentence ]

Ans: He is not only honest but also humble.

More Joining into a single sentence Questions Answers

7. Do as Directed for the Interchange of Degrees of Comparison

Do as Directed

(1) Iron is the most useful of all metals. [ Change into comparative degree]

Ans: Iron is more useful than any other metal (or all other metals).

(2) Madras is bigger than most other towns in India. [ Change into superlative degree]

Ans: Madras is one of the biggest towns in India.

(3) Some towns in India are richer than Kolkata. [ Change into positive degree]

Ans: Kolkata is less rich than some other towns in India.

More Degrees of Comparison Examples & Answers

8. Do as Directed changing simple to complex or compound

Do as Directed

(1) I do not know him. [Make it complex]

Ans: I do not know who he is.

(2) After I had read the newspaper I return it to my father. [Make it simple]

Ans: After reading the newspaper, I return it to my father.

(3) In spite of his richest he is not happy. [Make it compound]

Ans: He is rich yet he is not happy.

More simple to complex or compound Examples & Answers

9. Do as Directed for Changing the mode of Narration

Do as Directed

(1) Mother said to her, “Are you feeling feverish?” [ Change the mode of Narration]

Ans: Mother inquired of her if she was feeling feverish.

(2) Mother says that She made the fish curry.[ Change the mode of Narration]

Ans: Mother says, “I made the fish curry.”

(3) Keats said, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” [ Change the mode of Narration]

Ans: Keats said that beauty is truth, truth beauty.

More Direct and Indirect Speech Examples & Answers

10. Do as Directed for Changing the voice

Do as Directed

(1) Let him be taken care of. [ Change the voice]

Ans: Take care of him.

(2) Who wrote the essay? [ Change the voice]

Ans: By whom was the essay written?

(3) Her eyes were filled with tears. [ Change the voice]

Ans: Tears filled her eyes.

More Active and Passive Voice Examples & Answers

Do As Directed 2024

The following Do as Directed 2024 Questions Answers are the most important and it is the direction from the different English grammatical topics that are essential to practice for students of different classes.

Question Set 1

Do as Directed

1. The authorities postponed the cricket match. [Change the voice]

Ans: The cricket match was postponed by the authorities.

2. We should not show cruelty to animals. [Rewrite using the adjective form of the word underlined]

Ans: We should not be cruel to animals.

3. The people were too stunned to speak in the beginning. [Rewrite using too … to]

Ans: The people were so stunned that they could not speak in the beginning.

4. You do not take care of your health. You may fall ill. [Join using adverbial clause]

Ans: If You do not take care of your health, you may fall ill.

5. He said to me, “Please lend me your book.” [ Change the mode of narration]

Ans: He requested me to lend me his book.

Question Set 2

1. I don’t know when he departed. [ Turn it into simple sentence]

Ans: I don’t know the time of his departure.

2. Having fought the battle, he returned victorious. [Split the sentences]

Ans: He fought the battle. He returned victorious.

3. Suparna is not only wise but also brave. [Change into simple sentenec]

Ans: In spite of being wise, Suparna is brave.

4. Athens is the capital of Greece. It is an exotic place. [ Join into simple sentence]

Ans: Athens, the capital of Greece is an exotic place.

5. The man said, “What a big mistake I have made!” [ Change the mode of Narration]

Ans: The man exclaimed that he had made a very big mistake.

Question Set 3

The following Do as Directed Examples are shown how to solve the questions regarding English Grammar.

Do as directed:

1. Nothing succeeds like success. [Transform the sentence into a question without changing its meaning]

Ans: Does anything succeed like success?

2. Only God knows everything. [Make it Negative]

Ans: None but God knows everything.

3. Why waste time? [ Turn into Assertive sentence]

Ans: It is no use wasting time.

4. If I knew this before! [ Make it a Declarative sentence]

Ans: I wish I knew this before.

5. Man must eat to live. [ Change into compound sentence]

Ans: Man must eat or he cannot live.

Question Set 4

Do as directed:

1. Spare the rod and spoil the child. [ Turn into complex sentence]

Ans: If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child.

2. Some boys are at least as industrious as Karim. [Change into Comparative degree]

Ans: Some boys are not less industrious than Karim.

3. The answer appears to the point. [Rewrite the sentence using the adverb form of the underlined word]

Ans: The answer is apparently to the point.

4. The teacher told the students, “Perseverance always leads to success.” [Change the mode of narration]

Ans: The teacher told the students that perseverance always leads to success.

5. Can you do the exercise? [Change the voice]

Ans: Can the exercise be done by you?

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Do as Directed Test Questions Sets for Exams 2024

Question Set 5

Do as Directed:

1. The stable door was opened. The horse ran away. [ Join into a simple sentence]

Ans: The stable door being opened, the horse ran away.

2. He wrote the letter yesterday. [Change the voice]

Ans: The letter was written yesterday by him.

3. Rahul is better than any other boy in the class. [ Change into Superlative Degree]

Ans: Rahul is the best boy in the class.

4. He is writing an answer attentively. [Rewrite the sentence using the ‘Noun’ form of ‘attentively’]

Ans: He is writing an answer with attention.

5. The girl resembles her mother. [ Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.]

Ans: The girl takes after her mother.

Do As Directed 2023

The most discussed Do As Directed 2023 do as directed Questions Answers are given below.

Question Set 1

Do as directed

(i) People on the train sang ‘Bhajans’. [Change the voice] [M.P. 2023]

Ans: ‘Bhajans’ were sung on the train by people.

(ii) Samuel said, ‘Swaminathan, ‘Where is your homework?’ [Change into indirect speech] [M.P. 2023]

Ans: Samuel asked Swaminathan where his homework was.

(iii) He put it in an envelope and sealed it. [Turn into a simple sentence.] [M.P. 2023]

Ans: Putting it in an envelope, he sealed it.

(iv) The poor man carried a heavy load. [Change the voice]

Ans: A heavy load was carried by the poor man.

(v) ‘What has he done, father?’, said Swami.[ Change the mode of Narration]

Ans: Swami asked his father what he had done.

Question Set 2

Do as directed

(i) The people were too stunned to speak in the beginning. [Rewrite the sentence using ‘so that’]

Ans: The people were so stunned that they could not speak in the beginning.

(ii) The authorities postponed the cricket match. [Change the voice]

Ans: The cricket match was postponed (by the authorities).

(iii) ‘Is there anybody there? said that Traveller. [Change into indirect speech]

Ans: The traveler asked if there was anybody there.

(iv) We should not show cruelty to animals [Write using the ‘adjective’ form of the word underlined]

Ans: We should not be cruel to animals.

(v) You do not take care of your health. you may fall ill. [Join the following sentences]

Ans: Unless you take care of your health, you may fall ill.

Question Set 3

Do as directed

(i)The teacher delivered a lecture to a group of students.[Change the voice

Ans: A lecture was delivered to a group of students by the teacher.

(ii) ‘What have you written, Sachin?’, The teacher asked. [Change the mode of narration]

Ans: The teacher asked Sachin what he had written.

(iii) He has worked out the answers carefully. [Change the voice

Ans: The answers have been worked out carefully by him.

(iv) The trainer said, ‘Why is everybody late today?’ [Change the mode of narration ]

Ans: The teacher asked why everybody was late that day.

(v) He is the tallest boy in the class. [Change into comparative degree

Ans: He is taller than any other boy in the class.

Question Set 4

Do as directed

(i) ‘Are cherry seeds lucky?’, asked Rakesh. [Change the mode of narration ]

Ans: Rakesh asked if cherry seeds were lucky.

(ii) The policeman said to the thief, ‘ Where have you kept the stolen goods?’ [Change the mode of narration ]

Ans: The policeman asked the thief where he had kept the stolen goods.

(iii) She said to me, ‘Are you well?’ [Change into Indirect Speech ]

Ans: She asked me if I was well.

(iv) ‘What’s your problem?’ said the doctor to the patient. [Change into Indirect Speech ]

Ans: The doctor asked the patient what his problem was.

(v) ‘How did you get here, child?’ asked the man. [Narration Change]

Ans: The man asked the child how he had got there.

Question Set 5

Do as directed

(i) I received a phone call. [Change the voice]

Ans: A phone call was received by me.

(ii) I am writing a poem. [Turn into Passive voice]

Ans: A poem is written by me.

(iii) Many buildings have been damaged by flood. [Change the voice]

Ans: The flood has damaged many buildings.

(iv) Let the door be shut. [Turn into Active voice]

Ans: Shut the door.

(v) My friend gave me a storybook. [Change the voice]

Ans: I was given a storybook by my friend.

Do as Directed for class 12

Question Set 1

Do as directed

(i) Evidently he made a mistake. [Write using the ‘adjective’ form of the word underlined]

Ans: It is evident that he made a mistake.

(ii) She is a swift runner. [Write using the ‘adverb’ form of the word underlined]

Ans: She runs swiftly.

See also  Gender of Nouns and Pronouns Examples Exercises for Class 7

(iii) He rejected all our proposals. [Write using the ‘verb’ form of the word underlined]

Ans: He rejected all that we proposed.

(iv) He turned out to be a meritorious man. [Write using the ‘Noun’ form of the word underlined]

Ans: He turned out to be a man of merit.

(v) The boys are proud of their school. [Write using the ‘Noun’ form of the word underlined]

Ans: The boys take pride in their school.

Question Set 2

Do as directed

(i) Sheetal is the fastest runner in the school. [Turn into positive degree]

Ans: No other runner in the school is as fast as Sheetal.

(ii) St.Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest church in our locality. [Chnage into comparative degree]

Ans: St. Paul’s Cathedral is beggar than any other church in our locality.

(iii) No other Indian poet is as good as Tagore. [Chnage into comparative degree]

Ans: Tagore is greater than any other Indian poet.

(iv) Meat is not more nutritious than soya beans. [Chnage into comparative degree]

Ans: Soybeans are at least as nutritious as meat

(v) No other animal is so ferocious as the tiger. [Change into superlative]

Ans: The tiger is the most ferocious of all animals.

Question Set 3

Do as directed

(1) Snigdha is not only wise but also Brave. (Change into a simple sentence).

Ans : Snigdha is wise and Brave.

(2) She is the best student in the class. (Rewrite the sentence using better).

Ans: She is better than any other student in the class.

(3) I said to him, “Do not do it.”. (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: I forbade him to do it.

(4) Kolkata is one of the oldest cities in the world. (Rewrite using the positive degree).

Ans: Very few cities in the world are as old as Kolkata.

(5) My father said to me, “Honesty is the best policy”. (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: My father told me that honesty is the best policy.

Question Set 4

Do as directed

(1) I do not know him. (Change the voice).

Ans: He is not known to me.

(2) Give me a glass of water. (Change the voice).

Ans: Let a glass of water be given to me.

(3) Chennai is one of the largest cities in India. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘larger’).

Ans: Chennai is larger than most other cities in India.

(4) He said, “Let us go home.”. (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: He suggested that we should go home.

(5) I am sure of his success. (Change into Complex sentence).

Ans: I am sure that he will succeed.

Question Set 5

Do as directed

(1) This is the most beautiful flower in the vase. (Rewrite the sentence usingmore beautiful’).

Ans: There is no other flower more beautiful than this in the vase.

(2) He said to me, “Please let me go.” (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: He requested me to let him go.

(3) He is the worst boy in the class. (Change to a positive degree).

Ans: No other boy in the class is as bad as him.

(4) Bring some mangoes. (Change the voice).

Ans: Let some mangoes be brought by you.

(5) He completed his examination. He was relieved. (Turn into a simple sentence).

Ans: Completing his examination, he was relieved.

Do as Directed for Class 11

Question Set 1

Do as directed

(1) I will be back next year. ( Make it negative).

Ans: I will not be back this year.

(2) He said, “I shall be glad to be here tomorrow.” ( Change the mode of narration).

Ans: He said that he would be glad to be there the next day.

(3) He is too weak to walk. ( Change into a complex sentence).

Ans: He is so weak that he cannot work.

(4) Bangalore is Cooler Than Mumbai. ( Rewrite using ‘cool‘).

Ans: Mumbai is not as cool as Bangalore.

(5) Is this song known to you? ( Change the voice).

Ans: Do you know this song?

Question Set 2

Do as directed

(1) Rita has a brother who can help her. (Change into a simple sentence).

Ans: Rita’s brother can help her.

(2) Rahul said to Deepu, “Will you go to school today?” (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: Rahul asked Dipu whether she would go to school that day.

(3) This is the darkest evening of the Year. ( Rewrite using a positive degree of comparison).

Ans: No other evening of the year is as dark as this.

(4) Let the door be shut. (Change the voice).

Ans: Shut the door.

(5) Light runs faster than sound. (Change to a positive degree).

Ans: Sound does not run as fast as light.

Question Set 3

Do as directed

(1) Everybody admits to his smartness. (Change into a Complex sentence).

Ans: Everybody admits that he is smart.

(2) Apple is not as sweet as mango. ( Rewrite using sweeter).

Ans: Mango is sweeter than Apple.

(3) He said to me, ‘Bravo! well done.” (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: He said appreciatively that I had done well.

(4) That you are drunk aggravates your offense. (Turn into a simple sentence).

Ans: Being drunk, aggravates your offense.

(5) Advising is not so good as helping. (Change into affirmative).

Ans: Helping is better than advising.

Do as Directed Grammar Exercises with Answers

Explore the Do as Directed Grammar Exercises resources that will enhance your language skills and check your progress with the provided answers.

Exercise 1

Do as directed

(1) Please do this work. ( Change the voice).

Ans: You are requested to do this work.

(2) I am not as large as you. (Change the degree).

Ans: You are larger than me.

(3) He said, “Let him speak first”. ( Change the mode of narration).

Ans: He suggested that we should allow the man to speak fast.

(4) I don’t know when he Departed. (Turn into a simple sentence).

Ans: I don’t know the time of his departure.

(5) Do or die. (Turn into a Complex sentence).

Ans: If you do not do you will die.

Exercise 2

Do as directed

(1) One of my earliest memories is flying kites from the roof. (Use a positive degree of the adjective).

Ans: Very few memories of mine are as early as that of flying kites from the roof.

(2) How could you do it? (Change the voice).

Ans: How could it be done by you?

(3) The mind is fearless. ( Rewrite the sentence using ‘fear‘).

Ans: The mind has no fear.

(4) Wise is he who keeps quiet. (Turn into a simple sentence).

Ans: A wise man keeps quiet.

(5) My mother said to me, “May you have peace and prosperity in your life.” (change the mode of narration).

Ans: My mother wished that I might have peace and prosperity in my life.

Exercise 3

Do as directed

(1) How was the problem solved? (Change the voice).

Ans: How did you solve the problem?

(2) No river in India is as large as the Ganga. ( Make it affirmative).

Ans: Ganga is the largest river in India.

(3) This pen is smoother than all others. (Change the degree of the adjective).

Ans: This pain is the smoothest of all.

(4) ”How cruel he is!” said the little boy. (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: The little boy exclaimed that he was very cruel.

(5) There is no smoke without fire. (Change into positive).

Ans: Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Exercise 4

Do as directed

(1) The time of the examination has changed. Ritesh knew it. (Join into a complex sentence).

Ans: Ritesh knew that the time of the examination has changed.

(2) He said, “Good morning, my friend”. (Change the mode of narration).

Ans: He bade his friend good morning.

(3) They lived in a house town near the town. (Join into a complex sentence).

Ans: They lived in a house that is near the town.

(4) As soon as he entered the house, the rain started. (Make it Negative).

Ans: No sooner had he entered the house than the rain started.

(5) Only the morning star has remained in sight. (Replace ‘only’ with ‘all’ and Rewrite).

Ans: All but the morning star has remained in sight.

Do as directed Questions Answers Set

Different grammatical topics that have been given under the Do as Directed heading is discussed with questions and answers set. Do as Directed grammatical Instruction has been given by the side of each question.

Question Set – 1

Do as directed:

(1) The bus stopped and two women and a man got in together. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Ans: After the stopping of the bus, two women and a man got in together.

(2) How happy we are here! (Make it an Assertive sentence)
Ans: We are very happy here.

(3) Never tell a lie. (Make it affirmative)
Ans: Always speak the truth.

(4) This is the darkest evening of the year. (Re-write into positive degree)
Ans: No other evening of the year is as dark as this.

(5) The sum is very easy. Anyone can do it. (Join using “too”)
Ans: The sum is too easy to do it.

Question Set – 2

Do as directed:

(1) The coach said to the players, “Bravo! you have played well.”(Change into indirect speech)
Ans: The coach applauded the players, saying that they had played well.

(2) By this time next year Diya will be attending her university classes. (Re-write using future perfect tense)
Ans: By this time next year Diya will have attended her university classes.

(3) He said to me, “May God bless you.”(Turn it into indirect speech)
Ans: He wished that God might bless me.

(4) The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth. (Re-write into positive degree)
Ans: No other animal on earth is as fast as the Cheetah.

(5) Who will solve the problem? (Change the voice)
Ans: By whom will the problem be solved?

Questions Set – 3

Do as directed:

(1) Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of faster).
Ans: No other girl in her class runs as fast as Sangeeta.

(2) Samuel blamed his friend for the trouble. (Rewrite using the Noun form of blamed).
Ans: Samuel gave his friend the blame for the trouble.

(3) Rahul said to Deepa, “Will you go to school today?”. (Change into indirect speech).
Ans: Rahul asked Deepa if she would go to school that day.

(4) They did not make a sound. They did not stir. (Join using Neither …. nor).
Ans: They neither made a sound nor stirred.

(5) He is going to do the work. (Change the voice).
Ans: The work is going to be done by him.

Questions Set – 4

Do as directed:

(1) We had scarcely set out when it began to rain. (Begin with No sooner)
Ans: No sooner did we set out than it began to rain

(2) I have never seen so beautiful a pearl as this. (Use the comparative degree)
Ans: I have never seen more beautiful a pearl than this

(3) Why waste time reading trash? (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Ans: It is no use wasting time in reading trash.

(4) Of Jesus’s birth many tales are told. (Change into active voice)
Ans: Of Jesus’s birth people tell many tales.

(5) There is no doubt that he is honest. (Use the noun form of honest and rewrite the sentence)
Ans: There is no doubt about his honesty.

Questions Set – 5

Do as directed:
(1) He must confess his fault, or he will be blind. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans: He must confess his fault to escape blindness.

(2) I am certain of giving you satisfaction. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Ans: I am certain that I can give you satisfaction.

(3) Only the morning star has remained in sight. (Replace ‘only with ‘all’)
Ans: All but the morning star has not remained in sight.

(4) They proclaimed him king. [Change the voice]
Ans: He was proclaimed king by them.

(5) Only the brave deserves the praise. [Make it negative]
Ans: None but the brave deserve the praise.

Questions Set – 6

Do as directed:
(1) Swami gave a quick reply. [Use the adverb form of quick‘]
Ans: Swami replied quickly.

(2) We should seek the poor people in our locality.[Voice change]
Ans: The poor people in our locality should be sought by us.

(3) “Let’s talk freely in the meeting.” our friends said. [Omit inverted commas]
Ans: Our friends suggested that they should talk freely in the meeting.

(4) She seems to be one of the worst girls in the class. [Begin with very few]
Ans: Very few girls in the class seem to be as bad as she is.

(5) I saw the cleaning of the roads. [Change the voice]
Ans: The clearing of the roads was seen by me.

Do as Directed Questions Set – 7

Do as directed:
(1) Saikat said to Rita, “How did you enjoy the Party?” [Change the mode of narration]
Ans: Saikat asked Rita how she(Rita) had enjoyed the party.

(2) It is easier to win freedom than to preserve it. [Change it to a positive degree]
Ans: To preserve freedom is not as easy as to win it

See also  Direct and Indirect Speech of Exclamatory Sentences

(3) We are proud of Saurav Ganguly. [Rewrite using the verb form of the underline]
Ans: we pride ourselves on Saurav Ganguly.

(4) The Giant said, “What a marvelous sight it is!” [Change the mode of narration]
Ans: The Giant exclaimed in surprise that it was a marvelous sight

(5) As soon as I saw Balmukund, I was shocked. [Use No sooner than]
Ans: No sooner did I see Balmukund than I was shocked.

Questions Set – 8

Do as directed:
(1) It was obvious that he had some defects of speech.[Make it simple]
Ans: Obviously he had some defect of speech.

(2) They are watching the movie. [Change the voice]
Ans: The movie is being watched by them.

(3) I know him. [Make it a complex sentence]
Ans: I know who he is.

(4) Do as I tell you. [Change the voice]
Ans: You are told to do as I told you.

(5) It grows slowly. [Change into a negative sentence]
Ans: It does not grow rapidly.

Questions Set – 9

Do as directed:
(1) “Please sit down”, said the headmaster. [Change into indirect speech]
Ans: The headmaster requested to sit down.

(2) He is never on time. [Make it affirmative]
Ans: He is always late.

(3) We can feel him. [Change the voice]
Ans: He can be felt by us.

(4) He has worked out the answers carefully. [Change the voice]
Ans: The answers have been worked out carefully by him.

(5) You do not take care of your health. You may fall ill. [Join into a single sentence using an adverb clause]
Ans: Unless you take care of your health, you may fall ill.

Questions Set – 10

Do as directed:
(1) “What have you written, Sachin?” The teacher said. [Change into Indirect Speech]
Ans: The teacher asked Sachin what he had written.

(2) He has worked out the answers carefully. [Change the voice]
Ans: If you do not work hard, you may fall ill.

(3) He could not do well in the exam. They worked hard for months together. [Join into a single sentence using an adverbial clause]
Ans: He could not do well in the exam though he worked hard for months together.

(4) They laughed at me. [Change the voice]
Ans: I was laughed at by them.

(5) I am sure of his success. [Rewrite using an Adjective form of the word underlined]
Ans: I am sure that he will succeed.

Questions Set – 11

Do as directed:
(1) Very few girls in the class are as good as Mita. [Change the degree]
Ans: Mita is better than any other girl in the class.

(2) I cheated you. I am sorry. [Join with infinitive]
Ans: I am sorry to cheat you.

(3) The guard said, “Let me do my duty” [change the narration]
Ans: The guard wished that he might be allowed to do his duty.

(4) We had a good dinner last night [change the voice]
Ans: A good dinner was had last night by us.

(5) Very few subjects are as easy as this. [change into comparative degree]
Ans: This is easier than any other subject.

Questions Set – 12

Do as directed:
(1) Did he know the password? [change the voice]
Ans: Was the password known to him?

(2) The monk said, “Do not look down upon the poor.” [Change into indirect speech]
Ans: The monk advised us not to look down upon the poor.

(3) Iron is one of the most useful metals. [Change the degree]
Ans: Very few metals are as useful as iron.

(4) Deepa is writing a letter [Change the voice]
Ans: A letter is being written by Deepa.

(5) My father lives in a big house. The house is by the river. [Join into a single sentence].
Ans: My father lives in a big house that is by the river.

Questions Set – 13

Do as directed:
(1) Raj said, “Will you go to the picnic, Swati?” [change the mode of narration]
Ans: Raj asked Swati if she would go to the picnic.

(2) He could not do well in the exam. He worked hard for months together. [Join into a single sentence using an adverbial clause]
Ans: Though he worked hard for months together, he could not do well in the exam.

(3) They laughed at me. [Change the voice]
Ans: I was laughed at by them.

(4) Very few girls in the class are as good as Mita. [Change the degree]
Ans: Mita is the best girl in the class.

(5) Rome was not built in a day. [Change the voice]
Ans: None build Rome in a day.

Questions Set – 14

Do as directed:
(1) “When will you come back ?”. my father said to me. [Change the narration]
Ans: My father asked me when I should go back.

(2) Who has not seen the India-Pakistan match? [Make it affirmative]
Ans: Everyone has seen the India-Pakistan match.

(3) He said to me, “Will you go to school today ?” [Change into indirect speech]
Ans: He asked me if I should go to school that day.

(4) He was absent. He explained the reason.[Make it simple]
Ans: He explained the reason for his absence.

(5) The poem is too simple to need an explanation. [Omit “Too]
Ans: The poem is so simple that it does not need an explanation.

Questions Set – 15

Do as directed:
(1) The man has said to me, “I can play cricket.” [Turn info indirect speech]
Ans: The man has told me that he can play cricket.

(2) Who wrote the letter? [Change the voice]
Ans: By whom was the letter written?

(3) He speaks too fast to be understood. [Turn into a complex sentence]
Ans: He speaks so fast that it can’t be understood.

(4) The teacher said to the students, ‘Do not write anything on the question paper. [Change the mode of narration]
Ans: The teacher ordered the students not to write anything on the question paper.

(5) I have to make a straw doll. [Change the voice]
Ans: A straw doll has to be made by me.

Questions Set – 16

Do as directed:

[1] The man said to me, “I can play cricket.” [Turn info indirect speech]
Ans: The man has told me that he can play cricket.

[2] Who wrote the letter? [Change the voice]
Ans: By whom was the letter written?

[3] He speaks too fast to be understood. [Turn into a complex sentence]
Ans: He speaks so fast that it can’t be understood.

[4] The teacher said to the students, ‘Do not write anything on the question paper. [Change the mode of narration]
Ans: The teacher ordered the students not to write anything on the question paper.

[5] I have to make a straw doll. [Change the voice]
Ans: A straw doll has to be made by me.

Questions Set – 17

Do as directed:

[1] He is incorrect. [Make it negative]
Ans: He is not correct.

[2] Gold is the most precious metal. [Use the comparative degree]
Ans: No other metal is as precious as gold.

[3] Father asked Swami. “Have you no school today?” [Change the mode of narration]
Ans: Father asked Swami if he had no school that day.

[4] MS Dhoni is the most successful captain of the Indian cricket team. [Make it positive]
Ans: No other captain in the Indian cricket team is as successful as MS Dhoni.

[5] Who does not love his motherland? [Turn into a statement]
Ans: Everyone loves his motherland.

Questions Set – 18

Do as directed:

[1] My father said to me, “Do not neglect your studies.” [Change into indirect]
Ans: My father advised me not to neglect my studies.

[2] The time of his arrival is uncertain. [Use the verb form of arrival]
Ans: when he will arrive is uncertain.

[3] She was selected as the chairperson. [Change the voice]
Ans: People selected her chairperson.

[4] What is done can’t be undone. [Change the mode of voice]
Ans: No one can undo what one does.

[5] He said to his parents. “Let me play cricket.” [Change into indirect speech]
Ans: He wished his parents that he might be allowed to play cricket.

Questions Set – 19

Do as directed:

[1] Very few poets are as great as Rabindranath Tagore [Change the degree of comparison]
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets.

[2] I saw an old beggar. He was sitting under a tree. [Turn into a simple sentence]
Ans: I saw an old beggar sitting under a tree.

[3] He is too idle to shine in life. [Make it a complex sentence]
Ans: He is so idle that he can not shine in life.

[4] She killed herself.[ Change the voice]
Ans: She was killed by herself.

[5] The tourist said, “What a beautiful sight!”. [Turn into indirect speech]

Ans: The tourist exclaimed in joy that it was a very beautiful sight.

Questions Set – 20

Do as directed:

[1] Father said to me. “Why are you so upset?”. [Change into indirect speech]
Ans: Father asked me why I was so upset.

[2] She gave me a camera. It was red in color. [Make it a simple sentence]
Ans: She gave me a red pen.

[3] We have a kite that is big and covered with lovely red paper. [Split the sentence]
Ans: we have a kite. It was big. It was covered with lovely red paper.

[4] Why cry over spilt milk? [Change into an assertive sentence]
Ans: It is useless to cry over spilt milk.

[5] The teacher said to the boys, “Don’t make any noise?” [Change the mode of narration]
Ans: The teacher ordered the boys not to make any noise.

Frequently Asked Questions about Do as Directed

1.Q. What is meant by do as directed?

Ans: The word do as directed means to do as directed i.e. write the answers according to the instructions given in the brackets next to each grammar question in English.

2. Q. How do you make do as directed?

Ans: To make “Do as Directed” effective for mastering English grammar, follow these steps:

Understand the Instructions: Read and comprehend the given instructions carefully. Whether it’s a sentence transformation, correction, or other exercises, knowing the task is crucial.

Identify Key Concepts: Determine the specific grammar concepts involved in the task. It could be related to tenses, parts of speech, voice, or other grammar rules.

Analyze the Sentence: Examine the original sentence or phrase provided in the exercise. Pay attention to the context and the structure of the sentence.

Apply the Rule: Use the grammar rule specified in the instructions to modify or transform the sentence accordingly. Make sure to apply the rule accurately.

Check for Errors: Review your work for any mistakes or omissions. Ensure that the sentence adheres to the given instructions and follows the correct grammar rules.

Compare the Answer: If possible, compare your answer with the provided solution to gauge your understanding and correctness.

Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is needed to make “Do as Directed” exercises corectly.32. Q. What is do as directed in English grammar?

3. Q. What is do as directed in English grammar?

Ans: Do as directed” – is a Grammatical Instruction that has been set as questions in different classes’ English Exam Paper. “Do as directed” is not Grammar itself. Different types of Grammatical Topics have been given together as questions under “Do as directed” section.

4. Q. What is do as directed definition?

Ans: “Do as directed” – is a Grammatical Instruction that has been set as questions in different classes’ English Exam Paper.

5. Q. What are examples of directed?

Ans: 1. Only God knows everything. [Make it Negative]

  1. Why waste time? [ Turn into Assertive sentence]
  2. If I knew this before! [ Make it a Declarative sentence]
  3. Man must eat to live. [ Change into compound sentence]
  4. Spare the rod and spoil the child. [ Turn into complex sentence]

6. Q. What is the “Grammar: Do as Directed” method?

Ans: The “Grammar: Do as Directed” method involves practicing various grammar exercises where specific instructions guide your understanding and application of grammar rules effectively.

“Grammar: Do as Directed” is an active learning technique that helps learners master English grammar by following given instructions in exercises.

7. Q. Can “Grammar: Do as Directed” be used by beginners and advanced learners alike?

Ans: Absolutely! “Grammar: Do as Directed” is suitable for learners of all levels, from beginners seeking a solid foundation to advanced learners aiming for refinement.

Yes, “Grammar: Do as Directed” is suitable for both beginners and advanced learners looking to enhance their grammar skills.

8. Q. What is the purpose of “Do as Directed” exercises?

Ans: “Do as Directed” examples serve the purpose of honing your grammar skills and enhancing your command over sentence structure.

9. Q. Can “Do as Directed” exercises improve my writing skills?

Ans: Absolutely! Engaging with these exercises refines your writing skills by making you more conscious of grammar rules and sentence nuances.

10. Q. Are there any online resources for practicing “Do as Directed” exercises?

Ans: Yes, numerous websites and grammar books offer a wide range of “Do as Directed” exercises for practice.

11. Q. How frequently should I practice “Do as Directed” examples?

Ans: Regular practice is key. Aim to engage with these exercises at least a few times a week to see noticeable improvement.

12. Q. Can “Do as Directed” exercises help non-native English speakers?

Ans: Certainly! These exercises are valuable for non-native speakers as they provide hands-on experience with English grammar rules.

13. Q. Are there advanced levels of “Do as Directed” exercises?

Ans: Yes, as you progress, you can tackle more complex exercises that involve combining multiple grammar rules in a single task.