The Letter CBSE Class 10 Questions Answers and Summary – A comprehensive resource for CBSE Class 10 students, featuring detailed questions and answers for the story “The Letter.” Essential for Board Exam 2025 preparation.
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About the Author
Dhumaketu (1892-1965) was the pen name of Gaurishankar Govardhandas Joshi, a prolific writer, who is considered one of the pioneers of the Gujarati short story. He published twenty-four collections of short stories, as well as thirty-two novels on historical and social subjects, plays and travelogues. His writing is characterized by a poetic style, romanticism and powerful depiction of human emotions.
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The Letter CBSE Class 10 Summary
“The Letter” by Dhumketu is a poignant story that revolves around an old man named Coachman Ali, who anxiously awaits a letter from his daughter, Miriam, whom he hasn’t heard from in years. The story explores themes of love, patience, hope, and the pain of separation.
a. Introduction of Coachman Ali:
Coachman Ali is introduced as a retired coachman known for his skill and dedication. Despite his reputation, he is now a lonely old man, living a life filled with longing and anticipation. Ali is now waiting eagerly for a letter from his daughter, Miriam.
b. Ali’s Daily Routine:
Every day, Ali visits the post office, hoping for a letter from Miriam. The post office staff mock him, knowing that no letter ever arrives for him. Ali’s routine becomes a symbol of his undying hope.
c. Background of Miriam:
Miriam, Ali’s daughter, married a soldier and moved away. Since her departure, Ali has received no news from her, causing him great distress.
d. Postmaster’s Insensitivity:
The postmaster, indifferent to Ali’s plight, dismisses his requests for the letter. He is more concerned with his own duties and problems than the old man’s suffering.
e. Ali’s Final Visit:
During one of his visits, Ali, sensing his end is near, gives the postmaster some money and asks him to deliver the letter if it ever arrives. This act underscores Ali’s enduring hope and his acceptance of his fate.
f. Change in the Postmaster:
After Ali’s death, the postmaster experiences a personal crisis when his own daughter falls ill. He starts to empathize with Ali’s suffering and regrets his previous insensitivity.
g. Arrival of Miriam’s Letter:
Eventually, a letter for Ali does arrive, but it is too late. The postmaster, now remorseful, attempts to find Ali, only to learn of his death. He delivers the letter to Ali’s grave, fulfilling the old man’s last wish.
h. Conclusion
“The Letter” by Dhumketu is a touching tale that delves into the themes of love, loss, and the human capacity for hope. Through the character of Coachman Ali and his relentless wait for his daughter’s letter, the story highlights the profound impact of emotional bonds and the pain of separation. The transformation of the postmaster from a figure of insensitivity to one of empathy underscores the importance of understanding and compassion in human relationships.
The Letter CBSE Class 10 Questions Answers
The Letter CBSE Class 10 Questions Answers” provides detailed solutions and explanations to help students understand and analyze the story effectively. This resource is essential for mastering the key themes and preparing for the Board Exam 2025.
The Letter Class 10 Textual Questions Answers (Page No 32)
4. Answer the following questions by selecting the correct options:
(a) Ali’s walking to the Post Office daily even in biting cold weather shows his __________
(I) courage
(ii) optimism
(iii) foolishness
(iv) strength of will
Answer: (iv) strength of will
(b) Why is the post office referred to as Ali’s ‘place of pilgrimage’?
(I) He visited it daily.
(ii) He came there to pray for a letter from his daughter.
(iii) He went there with faith and hope.
(iv) He believed God would bless him if he went there.
Answer: (iii) He went there with faith and hope.
(c) What does the post master’s rudeness to Ali, reveal about him?
(i) lack of empathy
(ii) preoccupation with his work
(iii) preconceived notions
(iv) sensitivity
Answer: (i) lack of empathy
The Letter Class 10 Textual Questions Answers (Page No 33)
5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
The post office, one of the most uninteresting buildings in the world, became his place of pilgrimage. He always occupied a particular seat in a particular corner of the building, and when the people got to know his habit, they laughed at him. The postmen began to make a game of him. Even though there was no letter for him they would call out his name for the fun of seeing him jump up and come to the door. Still with boundless faith and infinite patience, he came every day, and went away empty-handed.
(i) Select the option which displays an example of ‘make a game of’.
Situation 1Nikhil and Harishare interested indeveloping an appfor a new videogame they haveinvented. They are working hard for it. | Situation 2The football team of a school plans to conduct an interschooltournament.The SportsSecretary plans toconduct a meeting | Situation 3Raju has recentlyjoined a school. One of his classmateshides his lunch box and tells his friends to watch the fun when he searches for it. | Situation 4It is recess time. Laya trips and falls whilerunning in the field. Shruthi helps herback to her feet and takes her to the first-aid room. |
A. Situation 1
B. Situation 2
C. Situation 3
D. Situation 4
Answer: C. Situation 3
(ii) Identify any two characteristics of the postmen that are revealed via their behaviour towards Ali.
Ans: Cruelty: The postmen find amusement in mocking Ali, showing a lack of empathy and kindness.
Insensitivity: They are indifferent to Ali’s feelings and do not consider the emotional impact of their actions on him.
(iii) Give one reason why the writer refers to the post office as “One of the most uninteresting buildings in the world.”
Ans: The post office is described as uninteresting because it is a mundane, ordinary place where nothing noteworthy happens, making Ali’s unwavering visits stand out in contrast to its dullness.
(iv) Choose the option that displays the thoughts of Ali as he walks out of the post office.

A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Answer: B. Option 2
(v) Identify two words from the extract that imply ‘without limits’.
- Boundless
- Infinite
The Letter Class 10 Textual Questions Answers (Page No 34)
6. Answer the following questions briefly.
(a) “Ali displays qualities of love and patience”. Give evidence from the story to support the statement.
Ans: Ali’s love and patience are evident in his daily visits to the post office for five years, hoping for a letter from his daughter Miriam. Despite being mocked and ridiculed by the post office staff, he never loses hope and continues his routine, demonstrating his enduring love and patience.
(b) How do you know Ali was a familiar figure at the post office?
Ans: Ali was a familiar figure at the post office because the staff recognized him and often mocked him. His daily visits for five years made him well-known to everyone there.
(c) Why did Ali give up hunting?
Ans: Ali gave up hunting after his daughter Miriam got married and left. Her absence made him realize the pain of separation, and he could no longer take pleasure in causing suffering to other creatures.
(d) What impression do you form of the postmaster after reading the story ‘The Letter’?
Ans: The postmaster initially appears insensitive and indifferent to Ali’s plight. However, after experiencing personal grief, he becomes more empathetic and regretful, showing that he is capable of change and compassion.
(e) The postmaster says to Ali, “What a pest you are, brother!” Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: I do not agree with the postmaster’s statement. Ali’s persistence in visiting the post office daily was driven by his deep love and concern for his daughter. While it might have been annoying to the postmaster, Ali’s actions were understandable and heartfelt.
(f) “Ali came out very slowly, turning after every few steps to gaze at the post office. His eyes were filled with tears of helplessness, for his patience was exhausted, even though he still had faith.” Why were Ali’s eyes filled with tears of helplessness? What had exhausted his patience but not his faith?
Ans: Ali’s eyes were filled with tears of helplessness because he had been waiting for so long without any news from his daughter. His patience was exhausted due to the long wait and continuous disappointment, but his faith in eventually receiving a letter remained intact.
(g) “Tortured by doubt and remorse, he sat down in the glow of the charcoal sigri to wait.” Who is tortured by doubt and remorse? Why? What is he waiting for?
Ans: The postmaster is tortured by doubt and remorse. He feels guilty for treating Ali poorly after realizing the depth of Ali’s pain when he experiences his own personal crisis. He is waiting for news about his own daughter, hoping she will recover from her illness.
7. The writer carefully builds up an atmosphere of loneliness and grief in the story. Working in groups, pick out words/ phrases from the story that build up the atmosphere. Copy the following table in your notebook and complete it.
Words/Phrases from the Story:
Loneliness | Grief |
“An old man was walking through the town, now and again drawing his tattered clothes tighter to shield his body from the cold and biting wind” | “his lonely way” |
“the whole town was wrapped in deathly silence” | “his eyes were filled with tears” |
“He walked slowly, turning after every few steps to gaze at the post office” | “tears of helplessness” |
“For five long years, Ali had not missed a single day” | “His patience was exhausted” |
“He was a familiar figure at the post office” | “He had faith still intact” |
“mocked by the post office staff” | “He came out very slowly” |
“no letter ever arrived for him” | “Tortured by doubt and remorse” |
“the postmaster’s heart was touched with pity” | “sat down in the glow of the charcoal sigri to wait” |
“long years of waiting” | “pain of separation” |
“He was filled with a deep sense of isolation” | “a sense of loss and despair” |
The Letter Class 10 Textual Questions Answers (Page No 35)
8. Complete the table by explaining the following phrases/ sentences in your own words:
Explaining Phrases/Sentences in Own Words
Phrases | Meanings |
happy memories light up a life that is nearing its close | Positive memories bring comfort and joy to someone in their old age. |
the sounds helped him along his lonely way | The familiar sounds provided some comfort to him as he walked alone. |
the cold used sleep to extend its sway over all things even as a false friend lulls his chosen victim with caressing smiles | The cold made people fall asleep, spreading its influence like a deceitful friend who betrays with kindness. |
when the evening of his life was drawing in, he left his old ways and suddenly took a new turn | In his old age, he abandoned his past habits and changed his behavior or lifestyle dramatically. |
the whole universe is built up through love and that the grief of separation is inescapable | Love is the foundation of the world, but the pain of being separated from loved ones is unavoidable. |
the post-master, a man with a face as sad and as inexpressive as a pumpkin, would be seen sitting on his chair inside | The postmaster, who had a sad and emotionless expression, often sat on his chair inside the office. |
And so the clerk, like a worshipper of Lord Vishnu, repeated his customary thousand names | The clerk performed his duties repetitively and faithfully, similar to a devotee chanting names of a deity. |
The haughty temper of the official had quite left him in his sorrow and anxiety, and had laid bare his human heart | The official’s arrogance disappeared in his sadness and worry, revealing his true, compassionate nature. |
The Letter Class 10 Textual Questions Answers (Page No 36)
Tortured by doubt and remorse, the postmaster sits in the glow of a charcoal sigri that night, waiting for news of his daughter. As he sits, he writes his diary. As the postmaster, write a diary entry in about 150 words outlining your feelings about the day’s events.
Ans: Diary Entry
July 21, 2024
Tonight, as I sit by the glow of the charcoal sigri, my heart is heavy with doubt and remorse. Today has been a day of deep reflection and regret. I can’t shake off the memory of old Coachman Ali and how cruelly I treated him. For years, he waited at the post office, longing for a letter from his daughter, and I dismissed him as a nuisance. Now, as I wait for news about my own daughter, I feel his pain. I understand the agony of not knowing, the helplessness, and the fear. How could I have been so blind to his suffering?
I thought I saw him today, standing in the post office, just as he always did. It was a fleeting moment, but it felt so real. Perhaps it was my guilt manifesting as a vision. I hope wherever he is, he has found peace. As for me, I will never forget the lesson he has taught me about empathy and patience. I can only pray that my daughter recovers and that I get the chance to make amends for my past insensitivity.
(a) The postmaster believes that he had seen Ali. What do you think? Discuss with your partner and present your views in front of the class.
Partner 1: I think the postmaster’s sighting of Ali was more of a hallucination born out of guilt and remorse. After experiencing the same pain of waiting for news about his own daughter, he could finally empathize with Ali’s plight. This guilt likely made him imagine Ali’s presence.
Partner 2: I agree. The postmaster’s vision of Ali represents his awakening to the suffering he previously ignored. It symbolizes his recognition of the pain he caused and his subconscious need to seek forgiveness. It’s unlikely that Ali was physically there; it was more of a mental realization.
Partner 1: We believe that the postmaster didn’t actually see Ali. Instead, his vision was a manifestation of his guilt and newfound understanding of Ali’s suffering.
Partner 2: This hallucination reflects the postmaster’s remorse and his desire for redemption. It shows how deeply he was affected by his own experience of waiting for news about his daughter.
(b) The postmaster was anxiously waiting for his ailing daughter’s news. On not getting any news, he visits his daughter’s town. Now create a dialogue between the postmaster and his daughter and enact it.
Ans: Postmaster: (knocks on the door) Miriam, it’s me, your father.
Miriam: (opens the door, surprised) Father! What are you doing here?
Postmaster: I couldn’t bear the silence any longer. I had to see you and make sure you are okay.
Miriam: I’m touched by your concern, Father. I am recovering slowly. The doctors are hopeful.
Postmaster: (sighs in relief) Thank God! I have been so worried. It made me realize how terrible I was to old Coachman Ali. I dismissed his pain, and now I feel it myself.
Miriam: It’s never too late to change, Father. The important thing is that you’ve realized your mistake.
Postmaster: Yes, and I promise to be more compassionate and understanding from now on. Seeing you recover gives me hope. Let’s cherish our time together and be there for each other.
Miriam: (smiling) I’m glad you’re here, Father. Let’s move forward with love and empathy.
Postmaster: I also brought something for you. (reaches into his bag and pulls out a letter) This letter arrived for you at the post office just before I left. I thought it might lift your spirits.
Miriam: (taking the letter) Thank you, Father. Your presence here is the greatest comfort. This letter will be a bonus.
Postmaster: (sitting down) I’ve been reflecting a lot lately. Waiting for news about you made me understand the agony Ali felt for all those years. I want to make things right, to be a better person, and to help others like Ali.
Miriam: That’s a noble intention, Father. Helping others and showing empathy can heal your own heart too. You’ve always been strong for me, and now, you can be a source of strength and kindness for others as well.
Postmaster: (nodding) You’re right, Miriam. Once you’re fully recovered, maybe we can find a way to honor Ali’s memory. Perhaps we can start a community initiative to help those who are waiting for news from their loved ones.
Miriam: (smiling warmly) That sounds wonderful, Father. It would be a beautiful tribute and a way to spread hope and compassion. Let’s focus on the future and how we can bring light into others’ lives.
Postmaster: (holding Miriam’s hand) Thank you, my dear. You’ve always been my guiding light. Together, we will make a difference, one small act of kindness at a time.
Miriam: (squeezing his hand) I believe in you, Father. We’ll make the world a little better, starting right here.
Postmaster: (smiling with newfound resolve) Yes, we will. And it begins with love, patience, and understanding—the very things that old Coachman Ali tried to teach me.
The Letter Class 10 Questions Answers Extract Based:
Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions
1 An old man was walking through the town, now and again drawing his tattered clothes tighter to shield his body from the cold and biting wind.
(a) The word… the extract means ‘old and torn.’
(b) What was the time?
(c) Why did the old man draw his clothes tighter?
(d) Where was the old man going?
Ans. (a) ‘tattered’
(b) The time was early morning.
(c) He did so in order to protect his body from the cold winds.
(d) The old man was going to the post office.
2 The old man, shivering at times but fixed of purpose, plodded on till he came out of the town gate on to a straight road. Along this he now went at a somewhat slower pace, supporting himself on his old staff. [CBSE 2015]
(a) Who was the old man and why was he shivering?
(b) Where was he going so early?
(c) What does the phrase, ‘plodded on’ mean?
(d) Why did the old man slow down?
Ans. (a) The old man was Coachman Ali. He was shivering because it was a cold winter morning.
(b) He was going so early to the post office.
(c) It means to walk with great effort or laboriously.
(d) The old man slowed down as he was tired from walking the long distance.
3 Beholding the wooden arch of this building, the old man was filled with the joy that the pilgrim feels when he first sees the goal of his journey. CBSE 2011
(a) Which ‘building’ is being referred to here?
(b) The word……….in the extract means ‘taking a look at.’
(c) Why did he go to the building?
(d) Why is the old man compared to a pilgrim?
Ans. (a) The building of the post office is being referred to here.
(b) ‘Beholding
(c) He went to the post office in the hope of getting a letter from his daughter, Miriam.
(d) The old man is compared to a pilgrim because the post office is like a place of pilgrimage for him, as he visits it every day to enquire for a letter from his
4. But for the faith and love that warmed him, he could not have borne the bitter cold.CBSE 2012
(a) The the extract is a synonym of ‘harsh’
(b) Why was ‘he’ in the bitter cold?
(c) How was he able to gain strength to bear the bitter cold?
(d) Was he rewarded for his faith and love?
Ans. (a) ‘bitter’
(b) ‘He’, /.e., All, was in the bitter cold because he was waiting outside the post office one morning.
(e) The hope of getting a letter from his daughter gave him strength to bear the bitter cold.
(d) No, he was not rewarded as he did not receive any letter from his daughter.
5 “It’s a mad man, sir, who worries us by calling every day for letters that never come”, said the clerk to the postmaster.CBSE 2012
(a) Who is referred to as a ‘mad man’?
(b) The word in the extract means ‘insane.”
(c) What is the attitude of the clerk and the postmaster towards the mad man?
(d) What had the ‘mad man’ done to get this response from the clerk?
Ans. (a) Coachman All is referred to as a mad man here.
(b) ‘mad’
(e) Their attitude is cruel and insensitive.
(d) The ‘mad man’ had requested the clerk to give the letter addressed to him, as the clerk had announced his name jokingly, although no letter was there for him.
6. The whole universe is built up through love and that the grief of separation is inescapable.CBSE 2015, 14
(a) When did the speaker acquire this philosophy?
(b) What pain has the speaker gone through?
(c) What does the word ‘inescapable’ mean?
(d) What follow up action did the speaker take on this reflection!
Ans. (a) The speaker acquired this philosophy when his daughter Miriam got married and went away to live in another city.
(b) The speaker has gone through the pain of separation from his daughter. He also suffers from loneliness.
(c) The word ‘inescapable’ means ‘unavoidable’.
(d) The speaker, Coachman Ali, took the follow up action each day to visit the post office in the early morning to enquire if any letter had come from his daughter.
7 Ali came out very slowly, turning after every few steps to gaze at the post office.
(a) The word… in the extract means ‘look.”
(b) How was Ali feeling?
(c) What made him feel so?
(d) Why was Ali repeatedly looking back at the post office?
Ans. (a) ‘gaze’
(b) Ali was feeling helpless and sad.
(c) Ali felt very sad because the postmaster had behaved rudely with him.
(d) Ali was repeatedly looking back at the post office because he realised that this was his last visit there, as he understood that he would die soon. He looked back repeatedly in the hope that somebody would call him back and give him a letter from his daughter.
8 “They will be useful to you and they can never be to me. But will you do one thing?” “What”
“What do you see up there?” said Ali, pointing to the sky. CBSE 2019
(a) Identify the person being spoken to.
(b) What does the word ‘they’ refer to?
(c) Why did Ali say ‘they’ can never be useful to him?
(d) What opinion do you form of Ali on the basis of the given extract?
Ans. (a) Lakshmi Das, the post office clerk, is the person being spoken to or the listener here.
(b) ‘They’ refers to ‘five golden guineas’ (gold coins) which Ali gave to Lakshmi Das.
(c) They’, the coins, could never be useful to Ali, because he realised that he was going to die soon.
(d) The given extract tells us the Ali was a worldly, sensitive man who was desperate for something. He knew his death was near and so used his money to fulfill his last desire, i.e. to get his daughter’s letter.
9 Tortured by doubt and remorse, he sat down in the glow of the charcoal sigri to wait. CBSE 2015, 12
(a) Who sat by the charcoal sigri?
(b) What was he waiting for?
(c) Why was ‘he’ feeling tortured?
(d) The word…… the extract means ‘deep regret’.
Ans. (a) The postmaster sat by the charcoal sigri.
(b) He was waiting for a letter from his daughter who was ill.
(c) The postmaster was feeling tortured because he had failed to understand Ali’s distress as long as Ali was alive.
(d) ‘remorse’
The Letter Class 10 Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ)
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
Ans. The author describes the early morning in a very beautiful manner. We are told that it was the time of dawn (sunrise/early morning) and the stars could still be seen in the sky. It was winter season and a cold wind was blowing. A deathly silence spread all around, which was occasionally broken by some normal sounds for this time of the morning.
Ans. The author describes the place in an impressive way. The trees stood in a line on one side of the road and on the other side was the public garden of that town. At the end of the garden, there was a building in the newest style. It was the post office.
Ans. Being a devoted father, Ali got up at 4 am every day and went to the post office in the hope of getting a letter from his daughter who lived in Punjab after her marriage with a soldier. Thus, he was a lonely man without any companion. Further, Ali gave up hunting and did not engage himself in any other activity either.
4 The post office became a place of pilgrimage for Ali. How? CBSE 2014
Ans, Ali was suffering from the pain of separation from his daughter, who had gone away after marriage. He was so anxious (worried) about her well-being that he would visit the post office every day, expecting a letter from her. Thus, the post office became a place of pilgrimage for the old man.
5 “Mad men are strange people”, the postmaster said. Comment.
Ans. The postmaster was told by a clerk that the old man was mad because he came to the post office every day for the past five years without bothering about the weather. Thus, the postmaster made this comment without realising why the ‘mad man’, i.e. Ali, had been coming to the post office every day.
6 Why was Ali impatient when he visited the after many days? post office
or Why did Ali not come to the post office for several days? Why was he impatient when he finally returned to the post office? CBSE 2012
Ans. It had been All’s regular routine for the past five years to visit the post office, as he hoped to receive a letter from his daughter. But his bad health interrupted this routine. He had realised that his life was close to its end. Hence, he became impatient to know about his daughter’s letter.
7 Ali’s patience was exhausted. Why?
Ans. All had been showing his patience by waiting for his daughter’s letter. Every morning, for the past five years he had been regularly visiting the post office and enquiring for Miriam’s letter. His patience was now giving way because he could foresee approaching death.
8 What request did Ali make to Lakshmi Dast CBSE 2012
or What was Ali’s request to the clerk? CBSE 2011
Ans. All requested Lakshmi Das to deliver his daughter’s letter to him whenever it came. For this, Ali gave five gold coins to the clerk. When the clerk asked him where he was to deliver the letter, the old man told him to leave the letter at his grave as he realised that he would die soon.
9 What made the postmaster understand Ali’s pain later on in the story “The Letter’? CBSE 2020
Ans. The postmaster understood All’s pain when he himself faced a similar situation that All had been facing for the past 5 years. The postmaster’s daughter was ill and he had no news of her. Just like Ali, he also had to wait for the letter from his daughter informing about her health and well being.
10 How did the postmaster become a changed man!
or What brings about a change in the postmaster? CBSE 2012
Ans. At first, the postmaster was a man devoid of compassion (kindness). But one day, he faced the same situation that Ali had faced for five years. Now, he realised Ali’s painful mental situation. As a result, the postmaster grew remorseful and became a changed man.
11 Why was the postmaster so keen to deliver the letter to Ali himself?
Ans. The postmaster was very worried all night as he did not receive any news about his ill daughter. This made him understand Ali’s agony (pain). Afflicted with regret, he scolded himself for his insensitivity. His own worry and anxiety made him identify himself with All. So, he decided to deliver the letter to Coachman Ali personally.
12 “The haughty temper of the official had quite left him in his sorrow and anxiety, and had laid bare his human heart.” In the lesson “The Letter’, who is the official referred to? Give an example of his haughty behaviour.
Ans. The official referred to is the postmaster. When Ali asked him about the letter from his daughter for the last time, the postmaster became angry and started shouting at him. He called Ali ‘a pest’ and ‘a man with no sense’, showing his haughty behaviour.
13 What is the importance of “The Letter’ in the story?
or What is the role of “The Letter’ in the story by Dhumaketu? CBSE 2012
Ans. For five years, Ali waited for ‘The Letter’ from his daughter. The postmaster understood Ali’s feelings only after he found himself in a similar situation. He realised the essential human worth of ‘A letter’. Hence, ‘A letter’ plays a very important role in the story.
14 “Ali is a true example of love, faith and sacrifice.” Elaborate, CBSE 2016
Ans. It is true that All is a true symbol of faith, love and sacrifice Owing entirely to his deep love for his daughter, All gave up his passionate sport, hunting, and accepted the life of an ascetic but he had firm faith in providence. He thought that his daughter would write to him one day asking his well-being and telling her own. For this, he goes to the post office everyday braving biting cold and scorching heat.
15 What is your impression of the postmen and the postmaster in the story, ‘The Letter’? CBSE 2015
Ans. The postmen as well as the postmaster were very rude towards Ali. The postmen used to ridicule him and called him mad. They were insensitive and cruel. The postmaster was haughty, arrogant and emotionless. He was tempered and called Ali ‘a pest
The Letter Class 10 Long Answer Type Questions (LAQ)
Answer the following questions in 130 words.
1. “But when the evening of his life was drawing in, he left his old ways and suddenly took a turn.” What was the change in Ali’s nature towards the end of his life? What was the reason for this transformation? What values do we learn from his story?
Ans. All was a clever hunter in his youth. He killed many birds and animals, and left their families bereft of their loved ones. But when his daughter, Miriam, got married and went far away from him, he too suffered the pangs (pain) of separation. He realised that it was really difficult to live without our near and dear ones. He gave up hunting. His heart was completely changed after the separation from his only child. He understood the real meaning of love and the acute pain of separation and could not bear this pain and even cried but he became lonely and his journey to the post office began. The story teaches us that everyone in this world needs to love and be loved, but everyone has to bear the grief (pain) of separation from the loved ones.
2 Do you think Ali’s misery is a result of his past deeds? Give reasons to justify your answer,
Ans. All had been a clever and skilled hunter in his youth, and he never cared to think of the pain he caused to the birds and animals he hunted, or to the young ones who were orphaned. However, after Ali’s daughter went away from him, he realised the true meaning of love and separation.
This made him give up hunting. Ali’s present misery, he suffers from the pangs (pain) of separation from his daughter, Miriam, can be seen as a result of his past deeds. He has to pay a really heavy price for the cruelty he so enjoyed in the past. However, this turns out to be too harsh a punishment for the old man. He had already realised his mistake and had given up the cruel sport. In my opinion, this suffering is too much for him in his old age.
3 Lakshmi Das, the clerk, to whom Ali had given the money, writes a diary entry
regretting his misbehaviour with Ali when he pestered him. Imagine you are Lakshmi Das and make the diary entry. Also mention what Lakshmi Das learned from his mistake.
Ans. Monday, 17th December, 20XX
10 PM
Dear Diary
Today, I have realised that we must not misbehave with anybody for any reason. Ali loved his daughter and waited for her letter for a long time. He was suffering from loneliness and I should have understood his situation. The postmaster insulted him and others used to make fun of him. Ali knew that he would not live long and so he offered me five gold coins as he wanted me to place his daughter’s letter on his grave.
The poor soul died waiting for the letter. I regret not being compassionate enough towards him. It taught me a great lesson that what goes around comes around. We must not treat anyone harshly, otherwise others may also treat us harshly. I pray to God to forgive me for my rude behaviour towards Ali.
4 One feels other’s pain only when one goes through it oneself. Explain the postmaster’s change of heart in the chapter ‘The Letter’ and why it took place. CBSE 2013
Ans. At the beginning of the story, the postmaster appeared to be a haughty, high-headed and ill-tempered official. His behaviour towards Ali, when the latter asked him if he had a letter from his daughter, was quite rude.
Once the postmaster’s daughter was ill in another town. He anxiously awaited news from her. It was at this point that his suffering father’s heart realised the pain of separation in Ali’s heart for Miriam. He was no longer a haughty official but a loving father, full of respect for Ali’s feelings. Thus, it was only when the postmaster himself underwent a similar experience that he was able to feel Ali’s pain. We should, thus, be good to others and never treat anyone harshly.