Class 11  A Realm English (B) Suggestion 1st Semester PDF (2024)

Class 11  A Realm English (B) Suggestion 1st Semester is an essential guide for students in the 2024-2025 session under WBCHSE.

This resource, including the Class 11  A Realm English (B) Suggestion 1st Semester PDF 2024 and Class 11 English Suggestive Notes PDF 1st Semester 2024, is meticulously crafted to align with the new semester system introduced by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.

Class 11  A Realm English (B) Suggestion 1st Semester PDF 2024

Class 11 English Suggestive Notes PDF 1st Semester 2024: We present a specialized collection of Class 11 A Realm English (B) Solutions 1st Semester PDF for the 2024 WBCHSE.

The notes cover a variety of MCQ questions and answers from prose, poetry, the rapid reader, and grammar. Get your complete PDF copy in one place now and start studying with confidence!

Class 11 English Suggestive Notes PDF 1st Semester 2024 WBCHSE

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A Realm Class 11 English (B) 1st Semester Sample Questions WBCHSE (2024)

A Realm Class 11 English (B) 1st Semester Solutions WBCHSE 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of all question types, including prose, verse, and rapid reader, along with grammar MCQs, aligned with the WBCHSE 1st Semester syllabus.

For a detailed study, download the Class 11 English Suggestive Notes PDF 1st Semester 2024.

1. An Astrologer’s Day

The story in Brief:

“An Astrologer’s Day” by R.K. Narayan is about a man who makes a living as an astrologer in a busy market. One day, a stranger challenges his abilities, and the astrologer recognizes him as a man he once tried to kill. The stranger, unaware of the astrologer’s identity, wants to know his attacker’s fate. The astrologer tells him his attacker is dead, which satisfies the stranger and ensures the astrologer’s own safety. The story reveals the astrologer’s past and the twists of fate that bring people together.

MCQ Sample Questions and Answers

1. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to “noisy”?

A. Surging
B. Vociferousness
C. Flanked
D. Dallied

2. Why was the astrologer’s location considered remarkable? 

A. It was the quietest spot in the town
B. It attracted a diverse crowd and various trades
C. It was the only place where business could be conducted
D. It was close to the town hall park

Textual Grammar Sample MCQs

A. in the blanks with appropriate articles or prepositions

His forehead was resplendent ………… sacred ash and vermilion and his eyes sparkled with ………… sharp, abnormal gleam which was really ………… outcome of a continual searching look ………… customers, but which his simple clients took to be ………… prophetic light and felt comforted.


a) with, the, an, to, a
b) in, a, the, by, the
c) with, a, an, for, a
d) with, an, a, at, the

B. Do as Directed

1. The astrologer felt very uncomfortable. He continued to answer the questions. (Combine into a Single Sentence Using “Although”)

a) The astrologer continued to answer the questions although he was very uncomfortable.
b) Although he was uncomfortable, the astrologer answered the questions.
c) Although the astrologer felt very uncomfortable, he continued to answer the questions.
d) Even though the astrologer felt uncomfortable, he continued answering the questions.

2. The astrologer sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree. (Change into Complex Sentence)

a) The astrologer sat under a tamarind tree as it was spreading widely.
b) The astrologer sat under the boughs of a tamarind tree which was spreading widely.
c) As the astrologer sat, the tamarind tree spread its boughs widely.
d) The astrologer sat under the spreading tree and watched the tamarind boughs.

1. An Astrologer’s Day Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQsTextual Grammar MCQs

2. The Swami and Mother-Worship

Brief Summary:

“The Swami and Mother-Worship” from “The Master as I Saw Him” by Sister Nivedita describes Swami Vivekananda’s deep devotion to the Divine Mother. The Swami, a prominent disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, emphasized the importance of worshiping the Divine Mother, representing the universal power and compassion. He believed that true strength and enlightenment come from recognizing and honoring this divine feminine energy. Nivedita recounts how Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and actions inspired many to follow the path of devotion and service. His reverence for the Divine Mother was not just religious but also practical, encouraging people to see the divine in every woman and to work towards the upliftment of humanity.

Textual Sample MCQ Questions and Answers

1. Which philosophical doctrine did Swami Vivekananda primarily adhere to?

A) Dvaita
B) Advaita
C) Vishishtadvaita
D) Dvaitadvaita

2. In which organization did Swami Vivekananda become a formal member during his youth?

A) Ramakrishna Mission
B) Theosophical Society
C) Sadharan Brahmo Samaj
D) Arya Samaj

Textual Grammar Sample MCQs

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.

The realization ………… Brahman was his only imperative, ………… Advaita philosophy his only system ………… doctrine, the Vedas and Upanishads his sole scriptural authority.


a) for, an, in
b) of, the, of
c) with, a, to
d) about, the, on

Do as Directed

1. He had a whole-hearted contempt for what he regarded as squeamishness. (Rewrite using the adjectival form of ‘contempt.’)

a) He had a contemptuous attitude towards what he regarded as squeamishness.
b) He regarded squeamishness with wholehearted contempt.
c) He was contemptible of what he regarded as squeamishness.
d) He wholeheartedly showed contempt for what he regarded as squeamishness.

2. I told him eagerly of the sudden realization that had come to me. (Turn into a Simple Sentence)

a) I eagerly told him of my sudden realization.
b) I told him of my sudden realization eagerly.
c) My sudden realization came to me, and I eagerly told him.
d) Telling him eagerly, I spoke of my sudden realization.

2. The Swami and Mother-Worship Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQsTextual Grammar MCQs

3. Amarnath

Brief outline:

In “Amarnath” from “The Master as I Saw Him” by Sister Nivedita, she describes her pilgrimage to the holy Amarnath Cave in the Himalayas, guided by Swami Vivekananda. The cave is renowned for its natural ice lingam, symbolizing Lord Shiva. The journey is arduous, but Nivedita finds spiritual strength and inspiration from the Swami. Along the way, she witnesses the devotion of fellow pilgrims and the majestic beauty of the mountains. The experience deepens her understanding of faith and the divine. Nivedita’s account highlights the significance of the pilgrimage, the power of devotion, and the transformative influence of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings on her spiritual journey.

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Textual Sample MCQ Questions and Answers

1. Where did the Swami make his announcement about going to Amarnath?

A) In a temple
B) In the Mogul Gardens at Achhabal
C) At his home
D) At a friend’s house

2. What did the Swami announce during the open-air meal?

A) He would go on a pilgrimage alone
B) He would go to  Amarnath with the pilgrims
C) He would move to a new city
D) He would host a grand feast

Bengali Meaning and Comprehension: Class 11 English B 1st Sem 2024

Prepare yourself for success in your Class 11 English B 1st semester exams 2024 with our all-in-one guide, “Bengali Meaning and Comprehension: Class 11 English B 1st Sem.” This PDF is specially designed to cater to the needs of Bengali-speaking students who want to excel in their English exams with confidence.

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Textual Grammar Sample MCQs

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.

It was ………… the course of an open-air meal in the Mogul Gardens ………… Achhabal, that the Swami suddenly announced that he would go to Amarnath with ………… pilgrims, and take his daughter ………… him.


a) during, in, the, for
b) during, at, some, to
c) in, at, the, with
d) in, on, some, with

Do as Directed:

1. The Swami suddenly announced that he would go to Amarnath with the pilgrims. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘announce’)

a) The Swami suddenly made an announcement to go to Amarnath with the pilgrims.
b) The Swami made a sudden announcement of his decision to go to Amarnath with the pilgrims.
c) The Swami suddenly announced about his journey to Amarnath with the pilgrims.
d) The Swami made an announcement to suddenly go to Amarnath with the pilgrims.

2. We left Achhabal, and returned to our boats at Islamabad, for final arrangements. (Turn into a Simple Sentence)

a) Leaving Achhabal, we returned to our boats at Islamabad for final arrangements.
b) We returned to our boats at Islamabad after leaving Achhabal for final arrangements.
c) Leaving Achhabal and returning to our boats, we prepared for final arrangements.
d) After leaving Achhabal, we returned to our boats at Islamabad and made final arrangements.

3. Amarnath Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQsTextual Grammar MCQs

4. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

Brief discussion:

Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth is a sonnet celebrating the serene beauty of London in the early morning. Wordsworth describes the city as calm and tranquil, bathed in the soft light of dawn. He marvels at the clear air, the silent streets, and the majestic buildings that shine in the morning sun. The poet emphasizes that such beauty is rare and extraordinary, even for someone who loves nature. The sonnet captures a moment of stillness and peace, showing how the city, often bustling and noisy, can appear as beautiful and serene as the natural landscapes Wordsworth typically admired.

Textual Sample MCQ Questions Answers

1. While Wordsworth was crossing the Westminster Bridge, he was accompanied by

(a) Mary Hutchinson
(b) Coleridge
(c) Dorothy
(d) Blake

2. In ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’, the poet views the city- [2015]

(a) at noon
(b) at night
(c) in the morning
(d) in the evening

Textual Grammar Sample MCQs

Do as Directed

1. Dull would he be of soul who could pass by a sight so touching in its majesty. (Use the adverb form of ‘touching’)

a) He who could pass by such a touching majestic sight would be dull of soul.
b) He who could pass by such a touchingly majestic sight would be dull of soul.
c) Dull of soul would he be who could pass by a sight touching in its majesty.
d) He who could pass by a sight with such touching majesty would be dull of soul.

2. Never did sun more beautifully steep in his first splendour, valley, rock or hill. (Change of Voice)

a) The sun never more beautifully steeped valley, rock or hill in his first splendour.
b) Valley, rock or hill never more beautifully steeped by the sun in his first splendour.
c) Valley, rock or hill were never more beautifully steeped by the sun in his first splendour.
d) The sun in his first splendour was never more beautifully steeped by valley, rock or hill.

4. Composed upon Westminster Bridge Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQsTextual Grammar MCQs

5. The Bangle Sellers

Brief intro:

“The Bangle Sellers” is a poem by Sarojini Naidu that highlights the vibrant life of Indian women through the lens of bangle sellers. The sellers describe the colorful bangles they offer, each representing different stages in a woman’s life. Silver and blue bangles symbolize maidenhood, reflecting youth and dreams. Yellow and red bangles represent a bride’s happiness and her sacred marriage bond. Green bangles signify a woman’s fulfilling role as a wife and mother. Through the bangle sellers’ descriptions, Naidu celebrates Indian culture and the significant moments in a woman’s life, emphasizing the beauty and tradition associated with these ornamental bangles. The poem captures the joy and cultural richness of Indian womanhood.

Textual Sample MCQs

1. What is the mood of the poem “The Bangle Sellers”?

a) Critical and questioning
b) Romantic and passionate
c) Happy and carefree
d) Melancholy and reflective

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2. What is the significance of the bangles in the poem “The Bangle Sellers”?

a) They represent wealth
b) They symbolize love and marriage
c) They are a source of income for the sellers
d) They represent freedom

Textual Grammar Sample MCQs

Do as Directed

1. Who will buy these delicate, bright rainbow-tinted circles of light? (Turn into an exclamatory sentence)

a) How amazing it is to see these delicate, bright rainbow-tinted circles of light!
b) What a wonder these delicate, bright rainbow-tinted circles of light are!
c) How beautiful are these delicate, bright rainbow-tinted circles of light!
d) How will anyone resist these delicate, bright rainbow-tinted circles of light!

2. We bear our shining loads to the temple fair. (Change the voice)

a) The temple fair bears our shining loads.
b) Our shining loads are borne by us to the temple fair.
c) Our shining loads are carried by us to the temple fair.
d) The shining loads are taken by us to the temple fair.

5. The Bangle Sellers Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQsTextual Grammar MCQs

6. The Second Coming 1st Semester English Solutions Class 11 WBCHSE

Short Summary:

“The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats is a poem that reflects the chaos and disintegration of the world after World War I. Yeats describes a world falling apart, where traditional structures and order are breaking down. He envisions a terrifying future, symbolized by the “Second Coming” of a monstrous beast, rather than the anticipated return of Christ. The poem suggests a cyclical view of history, where the end of one era brings the beginning of another, often more frightening one. The imagery of a rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem to be born highlights the poet’s anxiety about the future and the potential rise of a new, ominous force. The poem captures a sense of impending doom and transformation.

Textual Sample MCQs

1. What is the primary metaphor used in the excerpt?

A) A storm
B) A falcon and its falconer
C) A river
D) A labyrinth

2. What does Yeats suggest about the state of society in the lines “The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity”?

A) The worst individuals are more likely to succeed.
B) Both the best and worst lack passion.
C) The best are indecisive, while the worst are committed to their beliefs.
D) Society is evenly balanced between good and evil.

Textual Grammar Sample MCQs

Do as Directed

1. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. (Change the voice)

a) All conviction is lacked by the best, while passionate intensity is full of the worst.
b) Conviction is lacked by the best, while passionate intensity fills the worst.
c) All conviction is lacking in the best, while passionate intensity fills the worst.
d) Conviction is lacked by the best, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

2. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. (Rewrite using ‘so…that’)

a) The best lack all conviction, so that the worst are full of passionate intensity.
b) The best are so lacking in conviction that the worst are full of passionate intensity.
c) The best are so lacking all conviction that they are full of passionate intensity.
d) The best lack conviction so much that the worst are full of passionate intensity.

6. The Second Coming Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQsTextual Grammar MCQs

7. Macbeth

Story in brief:

“Macbeth” by William Shakespeare is a tragic play about ambition, power, and guilt. Macbeth, a Scottish nobleman, encounters three witches who prophesy that he will become king. Driven by ambition and spurred on by his wife, Lady Macbeth, he murders King Duncan to seize the throne. Consumed by guilt and paranoia, Macbeth becomes a tyrant, committing more murders to secure his power. His reign leads to chaos and bloodshed. Eventually, Macbeth faces a rebellion led by Macduff, a nobleman whose family Macbeth has killed. In the final battle, Macduff kills Macbeth, and Malcolm, Duncan’s son, becomes king. The play explores the corrupting nature of unchecked ambition and the moral consequences of one’s actions.

Textual Sample MCQ Questions Answers

1. What is the main driving force behind Macbeth’s actions in the play?

A. Fear
B. Ambition
C. Love
D. Revenge

2. How does the theme of guilt manifest in Lady Macbeth?

A. She runs away.
B. She becomes sick and dies.
C. She sleepwalks and reveals her guilt.
D. She confesses to the murders.

7. Macbeth Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQs

8. Othello

Short summary:

“Othello” by William Shakespeare is a tragic play about love, jealousy, and betrayal. Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army, marries Desdemona, a noblewoman. Iago, Othello’s envious and deceitful ensign, feels wronged and plots to ruin Othello. He manipulates Othello into believing that Desdemona is unfaithful with Cassio, Othello’s loyal lieutenant. Consumed by jealousy, Othello’s trust in Desdemona disintegrates. Despite her innocence, Othello smothers Desdemona in a fit of rage. When the truth of Iago’s treachery comes to light, Othello is devastated by guilt and remorse. Overcome by his actions, Othello takes his own life. The play explores themes of jealousy, trust, and the destructive power of deceit.

Textual Sample MCQ Questions Answers

1. What was the name of the rich Senator in Venice?

a) Othello
b) Brabantio
c) Desdemona
d) Moor

2. Who was Brabantio’s daughter?

a) Othello
b) Desdemona
c) Moor
d) Clime

8. Othello Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQs

9. As You Like It

Story in Brief:

“As You Like It” by William Shakespeare is a romantic comedy about love, disguise, and reconciliation. The story follows Rosalind, the daughter of a banished duke, who falls in love with Orlando, a young gentleman. Forced to flee her uncle’s court, Rosalind disguises herself as a young man named Ganymede and travels to the Forest of Arden with her cousin Celia and the court jester, Touchstone. In the forest, they encounter various characters, including Orlando who is also seeking refuge there. Through mistaken identities, witty banter, and romantic entanglements, the play explores themes of love, loyalty, and the joys of nature. Ultimately, all misunderstandings are resolved, and the characters find happiness and reconciliation in the end.

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MCQ Questions Answers Class 11  A Realm English (B) Solutions 1st Semester

1. France was divided into provinces known as

A. dukedoms.
B. villages.
C. states.
D. districts.

2. The word ‘usurper’ means

A. the lawful man.
B. one who takes somebody’s power and position.
C. one who uses law.
D. Done who serves under a duke.

9. As You Like It Resources:

Bengali MeaningTextual MCQs

Unseen Comprehension 1st Semester English Class 11  

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The 2024 Summer Olympics (French: Jeux olympiques d’été de 2024), officially the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad and officially branded as Paris 2024, is an international multi-sport event taking place from 24 July to 11 August 2024 in France, with the opening ceremony having taken place on 26 July. Paris is the host city, with events held in 16 additional cities spread across Metropolitan France, and one subsite in Tahiti, French Polynesia.

Paris was awarded the Games at the 131st IOC Session in Lima, Peru, on 13 September 2017. After multiple withdrawals that left only Paris and Los Angeles in contention, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) approved a process to concurrently award the 2024 and 2028 Summer Olympics to the two remaining candidate cities; both of the bids were praised for high technical plans and innovative ways to use a record-breaking number of existing and temporary facilities.

Having previously hosted in 1900 and 1924, Paris becomes the second city ever to host the Summer Olympics three times (after London, which hosted the 1908, 1948, and 2012 Games).Paris 2024 marks the centenary of Paris 1924 and Chamonix 1924 (which in turn marks the centenary of the Winter Olympics), is the sixth Olympic Games hosted by France (three Summer Olympics and three Winter Olympics) and the first French Olympics since the 1992 Winter Games in Albertville. The Summer Games returned to the traditional four-year Olympiad cycle, after the 2020 edition was postponed and instead took place in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The six candidate cities were Paris, Hamburg, Boston, Budapest, Rome, and Los Angeles. The bidding process was slowed by withdrawals, political uncertainty, and deterring costs. Boston surpassed Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, in the official US bid. On 27 July 2015, Boston and the USOC mutually agreed to terminate Boston’s bid to host the Games, partly because of mixed feelings in the city of Boston. Hamburg withdrew its bid on 29 November 2015 after holding a referendum. Rome withdrew on 21 September 2016, citing fiscal difficulties. Budapest withdrew on 22 February 2017, after a petition against the bid collected more signatures than necessary for a referendum.

Following these withdrawals, the IOC Executive Board met on 9 June 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland, to discuss the 2024 and 2028 bid processes. The International Olympic Committee formally proposed electing the 2024 and 2028 Olympic host cities at the same time in 2017, a proposal which an Extraordinary IOC Session approved on 11 July 2017 in Lausanne. The IOC set up a process whereby the LA 2024 and Paris 2024 bid committees met with the IOC to discuss which city would host the Games in 2024 and 2028 and whether it was possible to select the host cities for both at the same time.

Following the decision to award the two games simultaneously, Paris was understood to be the preferred host for 2024. On 31 July 2017, the IOC announced Los Angeles as the sole candidate for 2028,enabling Paris to be confirmed as host for 2024. Both decisions were ratified at the 131st IOC Session on 13 September 2017.

Paris was elected as the host city on 13 September 2017 at the 131st IOC Session in Lima, Peru. The two French IOC members, Guy Drut and Tony Estanguet, were ineligible to vote under the rules of the Olympic Charter.

1. Which city is the host of the 2024 Summer Olympics?

A) Los Angeles
B) Paris
C) Rome
D) Hamburg

2. When will the 2024 Summer Olympics take place?

A) 1 July to 24 July 2024
B) 24 June to 11 July 2024
C) 24 July to 11 August 2024
D) 1 August to 24 August 2024

3. How many times has Paris hosted the Summer Olympics including 2024?

A) Once
B) Twice
C) Three times
D) Four times

4. Which event marked the centenary of the Winter Olympics in 2024?

A) Paris 1924
B) Chamonix 1924
C) Albertville 1992
D) Paris 2024

5. Which city was awarded the 2028 Summer Olympics?

A) Paris
B) Rome
C) Los Angeles
D) Budapest

6. Which city withdrew its bid on 29 November 2015 after holding a referendum?

A) Boston
B) Hamburg
C) Budapest
D) Rome

7. Where was the 131st IOC Session, which awarded Paris the 2024 Olympics, held?

A) Paris, France
B) Lausanne, Switzerland
C) Lima, Peru
D) Los Angeles, USA

8. Which country has hosted the Olympics six times including the 2024 Summer Olympics?

C) France
D) Germany

9. What is another word for “centenary” as used in the passage?

A) Anniversary
B) Celebration
C) Jubilee
D) Festival

10. Which word could replace “ratified” in the context of the decisions being ratified at the IOC Session?

A) Announced
B) Approved
C) Discussed
D) Proposed

10. Unseen Comprehension Practice Sets Class 11:

10. Reading Comprehension (Unseen) Exercises ist Semester English for Practice 

Date sheet 1st Semester Class 11 Examination 2024-2025

Examination Routine Class 11 Semester I and II WBCHSE 2024-25