Class 11 The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions and Answers for Class 11 are part of the 1st Semester (2024-2025) English – B syllabus under WBCHSE’s new syllabus. These MCQs help students understand the main ideas and themes of the chapter.

Contents show

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 1:

1. What spiritual practice did Swami Vivekananda develop at a very young age?

A) Yoga
B) Meditation
C) Fasting
D) Samadhi

Answer: D) Samadhi

2. According to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda was born as a:

A) Karma Yogi
B) Brahmajnani
C) Bhakti Yogi
D) Raja Yogi

Answer: B) Brahmajnani

3. Which philosophical doctrine did Swami Vivekananda primarily adhere to?

A) Dvaita
B) Advaita
C) Vishishtadvaita
D) Dvaitadvaita

Answer: B) Advaita

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4. In which organization did Swami Vivekananda become a formal member during his youth?

A) Ramakrishna Mission
B) Theosophical Society
C) Sadharan Brahmo Samaj
D) Arya Samaj

Answer: C) Sadharan Brahmo Samaj

5. What spiritual text did Swami Vivekananda consider as his sole authority?

A) Bhagavad Gita
B) Bible
C) Vedas and Upanishads
D) Quran

Answer: C) Vedas and Upanishads

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 2:

6. During his travels, what type of teachings did Swami Vivekananda avoid in England and America?

A) Idol worship
B) Ritualistic practices
C) Ascetic practices
D) Scriptural readings

Answer: A) Idol worship

7. Swami Vivekananda’s religious ideas were described as:

A) Ritualistic and traditional
B) Abstract and philosophical
C) Iconoclastic and rebellious
D) Dogmatic and sectarian

Answer: B) Abstract and philosophical

8. What was Swami Vivekananda’s primary spiritual imperative?

A) Worship of the Mother
B) Realisation of Brahman
C) Advancement of social causes
D) Practice of meditation

Answer: B) Realisation of Brahman

9. What aspect of Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy was emphasized as non-dependent on specific forms?

A) Bhakti (devotion)
B) Karma (action)
C) Jnana (knowledge)
D) Raja (meditation)

Answer: A) Bhakti (devotion)

10. According to the passage, what were Swami Vivekananda’s spiritual inclinations during his youth?

A) Practical and pragmatic
B) Esoteric and mystical
C) Scholarly and analytical
D) Rational and empirical

Answer: B) Esoteric and mystical

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The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 3:

11. What word was constantly on Swami Vivekananda’s lips in India?

A) Peace
B) God
C) Mother
D) Love

Answer: C) Mother

12. How did Swami Vivekananda speak of the “Mother”?

A) As a distant deity
B) As an abstract concept
C) As deeply familiar in the household life
D) As a historical figure

Answer: C) As deeply familiar in the household life

13. To whom did Swami Vivekananda attribute the good or evil that befell him?

A) Fate
B) Himself
C) The Mother
D) Other people

Answer: C) The Mother

14. What did Swami Vivekananda entrust to a disciple on a solemn occasion?

A) A sacred book
B) A prayer to the Mother
C) A ritual
D) A mantra

Answer: B) A prayer to the Mother

15. How did Swami Vivekananda want the disciple to say the prayer to the Mother?

A) Humbly
B) Quietly
C) With cringing
D) With assertiveness

Answer: D) With assertiveness

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 4:

16. Which hand did Swami Vivekananda describe as raised in blessing?

A) Right hand
B) Left hand
C) Both hands
D) Neither hand

Answer: A) Right hand

17. What did Swami Vivekananda say was held in the left hand of the Mother?

A) A book
B) A flower
C) A sword
D) A rosary

Answer: C) A sword

18. What phrase did Swami Vivekananda use to describe the Mother’s curse?

A) “Her curse is a tragedy!”
B) “Her curse is a trial!”
C) “Her curse is a challenge!”
D) “Her curse is blessing!”

Answer: D) “Her curse is blessing!”

19. What imagery did Swami Vivekananda use to describe the Mother in the hearts of Her worshippers?

A) “Flashes the blood-red knife of Kali”
B) “Shines the golden light of Kali”
C) “Whispers the sweet words of Kali”
D) “Pulses the gentle touch of Kali”

Answer: A) “Flashes the blood-red knife of Kali”

20. According to Swami Vivekananda, what are worshippers of the Mother from their birth?

A) Devotees of peace
B) Seekers of truth
C) Worshippers of the sword
D) Followers of love

Answer: C) Worshippers of the sword

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 5:

21. What short psalm did the author write and publish based on Swami Vivekananda’s words?

A) ‘Song of the Soul’
B) ‘Voice of the Mother’
C) ‘Hymn of the Heart’
D) ‘Prayer of the Devotee’

Answer: B) ‘Voice of the Mother’

22. What phrase did Swami Vivekananda often say about what he worships?

A) “I worship the Beautiful!”
B) “I worship the Wise!”
C) “I worship the Terrible!”
D) “I worship the Peaceful!”

Answer: C) “I worship the Terrible!”

23. What did Swami Vivekananda believe about the motives of men regarding pleasure and pain?

A) All men seek pleasure
B) All men avoid pain
C) Many seek pain as much as pleasure
D) Pain is always avoided

Answer: C) Many seek pain as much as pleasure

24. How did Swami Vivekananda view the concept of worshiping terror?

A) As a mistake
B) As a necessity
C) As an obligation
D) For Its own sake

Answer: D) For Its own sake

25. Which of the following best describes Swami Vivekananda’s attitude towards the Mother?

A) Fearful and submissive
B) Reverent and familiar
C) Detached and indifferent
D) Skeptical and questioning

Answer: B) Reverent and familiar

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 6:

26. What did Swami Vivekananda have a whole-hearted contempt for?

A) Violence
B) Squeamishness or mawkishness
C) Ignorance
D) Materialism

Answer: B) Squeamishness or mawkishness

27. How did Swami Vivekananda respond to concerns about animal sacrifice in the temple?

A) With a detailed explanation
B) By offering no argument
C) By referencing modern slaughterhouses
D) By dismissing the concerns
Answer: B) By offering no argument

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28. What was Swami Vivekananda’s direct reply to objections about animal sacrifice?

A) “It is necessary for worship.”
B) “Why not a little blood, to complete the picture?”
C) “It is an ancient tradition.”
D) “The gods demand it.”

Answer: B) “Why not a little blood, to complete the picture?”

29. What aspect of Kali-worship did Swami Vivekananda not tolerate?

A) Rituals
B) Singing
C) Blood-offering to demons
D) Meditation

Answer: C) Blood-offering to demons

30. What did Swami Vivekananda aim to banish from his consciousness?

A) Anger
B) Fear and weakness
C) Joy
D) Ignorance

Answer: B) Fear and weakness

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 7:

31. How did Swami Vivekananda view the concept of the Mother?

A) As a symbol of only sweetness and joy
B) As a duality of good and evil
C) As a distant deity
D) As a historical figure

Answer: B) As a duality of good and evil

32. What did Swami Vivekananda call those who worshipped the Terrible but then became fearful?

A) Cowards
B) Sinners
C) Fools
D) Ignorant

Answer: C) Fools

33. What did Swami Vivekananda imply about worship that is devoted only to a kind God?

A) It is the highest form of worship.
B) It is incomplete and egoistic.
C) It is the most popular form.
D) It is the easiest form of worship.

Answer: B) It is incomplete and egoistic.

34. What does the Hindu term ‘shopkeeping’ imply about worship?

A) It is transactional and self-serving.
B) It is deeply spiritual.
C) It is complicated and difficult.
D) It is outdated.

Answer: A) It is transactional and self-serving.

35. According to Swami Vivekananda, how does God manifest?

A) Only through good
B) Through both good and evil
C) Only through evil
D) Only through natural disasters

Answer: B) Through both good and evil

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 8:

36. What attitude did Swami Vivekananda advocate for overcoming the personal self?

A) Seeking comfort and safety
B) Seeking joy and happiness
C) Seeking death, not life
D) Seeking enlightenment

Answer: C) Seeking death, not life

37. What did Swami Vivekananda say about offering arguments regarding modern slaughterhouses?

A) He offered extensive arguments.
B) He offered no argument.
C) He mentioned it briefly.
D) He criticized them heavily.

Answer: B) He offered no argument.

38. What phrase did Swami Vivekananda use to describe those who worship the kind God but fear the Terrible?

A) “Hypocrites!”
B) “Fools!”
C) “Ignorant!”
D) “Blasphemers!”

Answer: B) “Fools!”

39. Swami Vivekananda believed the true attitude of mind and will was to:

A) Seek joy and avoid pain.
B) Accept life as it comes.
C) Seek death and hurl oneself into challenges.
D) Avoid fear and weakness.

Answer: C) Seek death and hurl oneself into challenges.

What did Swami Vivekananda think about the worship of the “demons who attend on Kali”?

A) He encouraged it.
B) He tolerated it.
C) He had no place for it.
D) He was indifferent to it.

Answer: C) He had no place for it.

40. Swami Vivekananda’s approach to worship emphasized recognizing the Mother in:

A) Joy and prosperity
B) Peace and harmony
C) Evil, terror, sorrow, and annihilation
D) Nature and the environment

Answer: C) Evil, terror, sorrow, and annihilation

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 9:

41. What did Swami Vivekananda describe as merely ‘shopkeeping’?

A) Devotion to business
B) Worship of the kind God for personal gain
C) Maintaining a temple
D) Following religious rituals blindly

Answer: B) Worship of the kind God for personal gain

42. Swami Vivekananda’s teaching emphasized the boldness and truth of recognizing God in:

A) Prosperity
B) Both joy and sorrow
C) Nature
D) Human relationships

Answer: B) Both joy and sorrow

43. What was Swami Vivekananda’s reaction to my difficulties about animal sacrifice?

A) Compassionate and understanding
B) Indifferent and dismissive
C) Critical and argumentative
D) Brief and to the point

Answer: D) Brief and to the point

44. What did Swami Vivekananda seek to banish through his worship?

A) Materialism
B) Fear and weakness
C) Ignorance
D) Anger

Answer: B) Fear and weakness

45. What was inconsistent with Swami Vivekananda’s idea of freedom?

A) Teaching philosophy
B) Imposing his own conceptions on a disciple
C) Worshipping Kali
D) Following traditional rituals

Answer: B) Imposing his own conceptions on a disciple

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 10:

46. What contributed to the author’s understanding of Indian consciousness?

A) Western education
B) Indian systems of worship
C) Travel experiences
D) Discussions with scholars

Answer: B) Indian systems of worship

47. What memory was a witness to the strong place of Indian worship in the author’s consciousness?

A) A visit to Varanasi
B) The pilgrimage to Amarnath
C) Attending a Diwali festival
D) A conversation with a guru

Answer: B) The pilgrimage to Amarnath

48. How did the author approach learning about Kali worship?

A) With reluctance
B) Like learning a new language
C) Through reading scriptures
D) By following traditional rituals

Answer: B) Like learning a new language

49. What quality made Swami Vivekananda a born educator in matters religious?

A) His extensive knowledge
B) His ability to check struggling thoughts
C) His gentle encouragement to express ideas
D) His strict adherence to doctrine

Answer: C) His gentle encouragement to express ideas

50. What did the author ask Swami Vivekananda regarding Kali?

A) If Kali was a symbol of power
B) If Kali was the vision of Siva
C) If Kali represented destruction
D) If Kali was the supreme deity

Answer: B) If Kali was the vision of Siva

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 11:

51. What was Swami Vivekananda’s response to the author’s question about Kali?

A) He provided a detailed explanation
B) He dismissed the question
C) He gently encouraged the author to express it in his own way
D) He corrected the author’s perception

Answer: C) He gently encouraged the author to express it in his own way

52. How did the author begin to comprehend the Master’s life and thought?

A) By reading his writings
B) Through religious practices
C) Step by step, glimpse after glimpse
D) By attending lectures

Answer: C) Step by step, glimpse after glimpse

53. What does the author’s effort to learn Kali worship signify?

A) A rejection of his previous beliefs
B) An attempt to embrace a new cultural identity
C) A desire for spiritual superiority
D) A need for social acceptance

Answer: B) An attempt to embrace a new cultural identity

54. What did the author owe to his attempt to enter into Kali worship?

A) His spiritual enlightenment
B) Understanding of the Master’s life and thought
C) Recognition in Indian society
D) Mastery over traditional rituals

Answer: B) Understanding of the Master’s life and thought

55. Who was Swami Vivekananda planning to visit with the author?

A) Maharshi Devendra Nath Tagore
B) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
C) Sri Ramakrishna
D) An unknown disciple

Answer: A) Maharshi Devendra Nath Tagore

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 12:

56. Where was Maharshi Devendra Nath Tagore living?

A) Dakshineswar
B) Jorasanko
C) Varanasi
D) Belur Math

Answer: B) Jorasanko

57. What realization did the author have about religions during a death-scene?

A) Religions were only myths
B) Religions were only languages
C) Religions were unnecessary
D) Religions were all the same

Answer: B) Religions were only languages

58. What did the author believe we must do when speaking to a man about religion?

A) Use complex terms
B) Speak to him in his own language
C) Convince him of our beliefs
D) Avoid religious discussions

Answer: B) Speak to him in his own language

59. How did Swami Vivekananda react to the author’s realization about religions?

A) He disagreed strongly
B) He ignored the statement
C) His whole face lighted up
D) He was indifferent

Answer: C) His whole face lighted up

60. Who did Swami Vivekananda say was the only man who taught the importance of speaking to men in their own language?

A) Himself
B) Maharshi Devendra Nath Tagore
C) Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
D) The Buddha

Answer: C) Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 13:

61. What did Swami Vivekananda instruct about foreign friends attending the lecture at Kalighat?

A) They could sit on chairs
B) They had to sit on the floor
C) They should stand at the back
D) They were not allowed to attend

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Answer: B) They had to sit on the floor

62. What was the requirement for all attendees in the Presence at Kalighat?

A) To dress formally
B) To remove their shoes
C) To bring offerings
D) To remain silent

Answer: B) To remove their shoes

63. Who was responsible for ensuring that the rules were followed at the lecture?

A) Swami Vivekananda
B) The author
C) The temple priests
D) The foreign friends

Answer: B) The author

64. Which poem did Swami Vivekananda reference when explaining his position?

A) “The Guardian Angels” by Colonel Hay
B) “The Divine Comedy” by Dante
C) “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
D) “The Odyssey” by Homer

Answer: A) “The Guardian Angels” by Colonel Hay

65. What did Swami Vivekananda say he believed in?

A) Brahman and the gods
B) The power of nature
C) The philosophy of the West
D) Ancient rituals

Answer: A) Brahman and the gods

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 14:

66. What intellectual difficulty did Swami Vivekananda anticipate for the author?

A) Understanding Sanskrit
B) Accepting Indian customs
C) The incompatibility of a definite worship scheme with Vedantic theory
D) Grasping the concept of karma

Answer: C) The incompatibility of a definite worship scheme with Vedantic theory

67. How did the author and others perceive Swami Vivekananda in relation to reconciling opposites?

A) As indifferent
B) As the reconciliation of these opposites
C) As confused
D) As uninterested

Answer: B) As the reconciliation of these opposites

68. What mood did Swami Vivekananda drop into while talking?

A) Joyful
B) Half-soliloquy
C) Anger
D) Silence

Answer: B) Half-soliloquy

39. What was Swami Vivekananda doing while talking in a disjointed manner?

A) Chanting prayers
B) Writing notes
C) Answering questions
D) Meditating

Answer: C) Answering questions

70. What was Swami Vivekananda’s state of mind while explaining himself?

A) Fully focused
B) Half-absorbed in something within
C) Completely distracted
D) Fully relaxed

Answer: B) Half-absorbed in something within

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 15:

71. What did Swami Vivekananda linger to discuss before going?

A) The arrangements for the lecture
B) His position about Brahman and the gods
C) The rules for the audience
D) The significance of the temple

Answer: B) His position about Brahman and the gods

72. How did Swami Vivekananda describe his belief in Brahman and the gods?

A) As a mere formality
B) With absolute certainty
C) As an intellectual curiosity
D) With some hesitation

Answer: B) With absolute certainty

73. Why was Swami Vivekananda concerned about the author’s understanding?

A) He thought the author might be confused about ritual practices
B) He thought the author might struggle with the concept of karma
C) He thought the author might find incompatibility in religious concepts
D) He thought the author might not understand Indian languages

Answer: C) He thought the author might find incompatibility in religious concepts

74. What aspect of Swami Vivekananda’s teaching was highlighted by his half-soliloquy?

A) His commitment to rituals
B) His deep internal reflection
C) His anger towards misconceptions
D) His indifference to opinions

Answer: B) His deep internal reflection

75. What did Swami Vivekananda insist on regarding the audience at the Kalighat lecture?

A) They should meditate before attending
B) They should wear traditional clothes
C) They should all sit on the floor without exception
D) They should read certain texts beforehand

Answer: C) They should all sit on the floor without exception

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 16:

76. How did Swami Vivekananda initially feel about Kali?

A) He loved Her
B) He was indifferent to Her
C) He hated Her
D) He worshipped Her from the beginning

Answer: C) He hated Her

77. What was the main reason for Swami Vivekananda’s six years’ fight?

A) He didn’t believe in gods
B) He didn’t want to accept Kali
C) He was against religious practices
D) He wanted to follow a different path

Answer: B) He didn’t want to accept Kali

78. Who dedicated Swami Vivekananda to Kali?

A) His parents
B) His own decision
C) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
D) A religious council

Answer: C) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

79. What changed Swami Vivekananda’s view about Kali?

A) A personal revelation
B) His love and respect for Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
C) His own spiritual experiences
D) His acceptance of fate

Answer: B) His love and respect for Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

80. How did Swami Vivekananda initially view Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?

A) As a great spiritual leader
B) As a brain-sick baby seeing visions
C) As a powerful deity
D) As a scholarly teacher

Answer: B) As a brain-sick baby seeing visions

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 17:

81. What did Swami Vivekananda believe about Kali after his acceptance?

A) She had no influence on his life
B) She guided him in every little thing he did
C) She was a myth
D) She only influenced Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Answer: B) She guided him in every little thing he did

82. What made Swami Vivekananda finally accept Kali?

A) A secret that he would not reveal
B) Public pressure
C) A miracle
D) His desire to become a priest

Answer: A) A secret that he would not reveal

83. What did Swami Vivekananda describe himself as in relation to Kali?

A) A worshipper
B) A priest
C) A slave
D) A follower

Answer: C) A slave

84. How long did Ramakrishna Paramahamsa live after dedicating Swami Vivekananda to Kali?

A) Two years
B) Five years
C) Ten years
D) Six months

Answer: A) Two years

85. What condition did Ramakrishna Paramahamsa suffer from after dedicating Swami Vivekananda to Kali?

A) Great health and brightness
B) Continuous suffering
C) Mental instability
D) Spiritual conflict

Answer: B) Continuous suffering

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 18:

86. Who did Guru Nanak look for to pass on his power?

A) His children
B) His family members
C) A disciple
D) A priest

Answer: C) A disciple

87. How did Guru Nanak view his own children in comparison to the chosen disciple?

A) They were his first choice
B) They were secondary to him
C) They were equal to the chosen disciple
D) They were better than the chosen disciple

Answer: B) They were secondary to him

88. What does Swami Vivekananda think the future will call Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?

A) A great teacher
B) An Incarnation of Kali
C) A revolutionary leader
D) A scholarly saint

Answer: B) An Incarnation of Kali

89. What does Swami Vivekananda believe about Kali’s influence on Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?

A) She had no influence on him
B) She worked up his body for Her own ends
C) She only guided his thoughts
D) She was a minor influence

Answer: B) She worked up his body for Her own ends

90. What words did Ramakrishna Paramahamsa use to describe the relationship between Swami Vivekananda and Kali?

A) “A follower of you”
B) “A slave of you”
C) “A worshipper of you”
D) “A servant of you”

Answer: B) “A slave of you”

The Swami and Mother-Worship MCQ Questions Answers Set 19:

91. What does Swami Vivekananda believe about a great Power?

A) It is purely masculine
B) It thinks of Herself as feminine, called Kali, and Mother
C) It has no gender
D) It is purely abstract and philosophical

Answer: B) It thinks of Herself as feminine, called Kali, and Mother

92. What does Swami Vivekananda also believe in, alongside Kali and Mother?

A) Vishnu
B) Shiva
C) Brahman
D) The Buddha

Answer: C) Brahman

93. What analogy does Swami Vivekananda use to explain the concept of unity in complexity?

A) The multitude of stars in the sky
B) The multitude of cells in the body that make up the personality
C) The various rivers flowing into one ocean
D) The different languages spoken in the world

Answer: B) The multitude of cells in the body that make up the personality

94. What does Swami Vivekananda compare the multitude of cells in the body to?

A) Different religions
B) The various aspects of Brahman
C) The different forms of nature
D) The many paths to enlightenment

Answer: B) The various aspects of Brahman

95. What did Swami Vivekananda say about gods after returning from a pilgrimage in Kashmir?

A) They are mere figments of imagination
B) They are merely symbols
C) They are the forms that the bhaktas have seen
D) They do not exist

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Answer: C) They are the forms that the bhaktas have seen

MCQ Set 20:

96. What would Sri Ramakrishna sometimes speak of when coming out of samadhi?

A) Future predictions
B) The past experience of the soul that dwelt within him
C) Scientific truths
D) His personal preferences

Answer: B) The past experience of the soul that dwelt within him

97. Who did Sri Ramakrishna claim dwelt within him?

A) Vishnu
B) Shiva
C) He who came as Rama, as Krishna, as Jesus
D) Buddha

Answer: C) He who came as Rama, as Krishna, as Jesus

98. How did Sri Ramakrishna playfully address his chief disciple regarding Vedanta?

A) With agreement
B) With criticism
C) With a joke, saying “But not in your Vedanta sense, Noren!”
D) With dismissal

Answer: C) With a joke, saying “But not in your Vedanta sense, Noren!”

99. What struggle is highlighted in the lives of great souls according to the text?

A) Struggle for wealth and power
B) Struggle for correlation and mutual adjustment of different realisations
C) Struggle for social acceptance
D) Struggle for academic achievements

Answer: B) Struggle for correlation and mutual adjustment of different realisations

100. What two concepts are presented as being potentially irreconcilable?

A) Love and Hate
B) Wealth and Poverty
C) The Mother and Brahman
D) Peace and War

Answer: C) The Mother and Brahman

MCQ Set 21:

101. According to Swami Vivekananda, what happens to the impersonal God when seen through the mists of sense?

A) It remains impersonal
B) It becomes personal
C) It disappears
D) It becomes irrelevant

Answer: B) It becomes personal

102. What might one of the two concepts, Mother or Brahman, do in the end according to the text?

A) They might coexist equally
B) One must melt into the other
C) They will both become irrelevant
D) They will oppose each other forever

Answer: B) One must melt into the other

103. What determines which concept (Mother or Brahman) will prevail in any particular case?

A) The will of society
B) The destiny and past of the worshipping soul
C) The strength of one’s prayers
D) The influence of teachers

Answer: B) The destiny and past of the worshipping soul

104. What does Swami Vivekananda suggest about the nature of gods and symbols?

A) Gods are mere symbols
B) Gods are real forms seen by bhaktas
C) Symbols are more important than gods
D) Both gods and symbols are imaginary

Answer: B) Gods are real forms seen by bhaktas

105. What did Sri Ramakrishna believe about the soul within him?

A) It was a new soul without past experiences
B) It had past experiences as Rama, Krishna, and Jesus
C) It was a collective soul of many beings
D) It was a divine soul without human connections

Answer: B) It had past experiences as Rama, Krishna, and Jesus

MCQ Set 22:

106. What does Swami Vivekananda believe about the relation between complexity and unity?

A) Complexity negates unity
B) Unity exists within complexity
C) Unity and complexity are unrelated
D) Unity simplifies complexity

Answer: B) Unity exists within complexity

107. What does Swami Vivekananda compare the personality to in terms of complexity?

A) A single thought
B) A single cell
C) A multitude of cells in the body
D) A single emotion

Answer: C) A multitude of cells in the body

108. How did Swami Vivekananda describe the gods seen by bhaktas?

A) As illusions
B) As mere symbols
C) As real forms
D) As fictional characters

Answer: C) As real forms

109. What was Sri Ramakrishna’s attitude towards his chief disciple’s Vedanta sense?

A) He fully supported it
B) He disagreed with it
C) He humorously acknowledged it
D) He was indifferent to it

Answer: C) He humorously acknowledged it

110. What does Swami Vivekananda imply about the nature of personal and impersonal gods?

A) They are completely separate
B) The impersonal God becomes personal through sensory perception
C) Personal gods are superior to impersonal gods
D) Impersonal gods are more powerful than personal gods

Answer: B) The impersonal God becomes personal through sensory perception

MCQ Set 23:

111. What does the narrator see in the Master’s attitude?

A) Indifference towards life
B) A sense of carrying a trust confided to him
C) Enthusiasm for new experiences
D) Detachment from spiritual duties

Answer: B) A sense of carrying a trust confided to him

112. How does the Master describe the image of Kali?

A) As a source of ultimate truth
B) As a mere illusion
C) As the book of experience
D) As a symbol of power

Answer: C) As the book of experience

113. What does the Master imply by saying the soul turns page after page in the book of experience?

A) The soul gains ultimate knowledge
B) The soul finds nothing in it after all
C) The soul becomes enlightened
D) The soul reaches divine revelation

Answer: B) The soul finds nothing in it after all

114. What is the narrator’s final explanation of Kali the Mother?

A) She is a symbol of destruction
B) She is the future of Indian worship
C) She is an illusion
D) She is irrelevant to spirituality

Answer: B) She is the future of Indian worship

115. What will the sons of Kali find through Her worship?

A) Eternal peace
B) Spiritual liberation
C) Many experiences to their depths
D) Material prosperity

Answer: C) Many experiences to their depths

MCQ Set 24:

116. What will the hearts of Kali’s worshippers return to in the end?

A) Modern philosophy
B) Ancient wisdom
C) Spiritual emptiness
D) Religious dogma

Answer: B) Ancient wisdom

117. What realization will each man come to when his hour comes?

A) His life was a series of triumphs
B) His life was but as a dream
C) His life was full of suffering
D) His life was a divine revelation

Answer: B) His life was but as a dream

118. Which words from the Gita does the narrator refer to?

A) “Action leads to enlightenment”
B) “Avoiding action leads to inaction”
C) “Not, verily, by avoiding action, can a man rise to this inaction!”
D) “Through action, one achieves liberation”

Answer: C) “Not, verily, by avoiding action, can a man rise to this inaction!”

119. What is required to reach realization at the end, according to the narrator?

A) Avoiding experiences
B) Seeking knowledge
C) Going through experiences
D) Detaching from the world

Answer: C) Going through experiences

120. What path does the narrator describe towards Brahman?

A) Through material wealth
B) Through the Mother
C) Through renunciation
D) Through meditation alone

Answer: B) Through the Mother

MCQ Set 25:

121. What elements make up the journey to the safe haven of the soul?

A) Wealth and power
B) Knowledge and meditation
C) Struggles, victories, and defeats
D) Renunciation and isolation

Answer: C) Struggles, victories, and defeats

122. What does the safe haven of the soul represent?

A) Ultimate power
B) Absolute knowledge
C) Unity and peace
D) Material success

Answer: C) Unity and peace

123. How does the narrator view the life of the great Teacher?

A) As a series of failures
B) As turning the pages of the book of experience
C) As a struggle for power
D) As a path to wealth

Answer: B) As turning the pages of the book of experience

124. What realization did the great Teacher come to at the end?

A) Life is full of suffering
B) All this was but a dream
C) Knowledge is ultimate power
D) Detachment leads to enlightenment

Answer: B) All this was but a dream

125. How did the great Teacher feel at the end of his journey?

A) Enlightened and powerful
B) Weary and child-like
C) Confident and assertive
D) Detached and isolated

Answer: B) Weary and child-like

MCQ Set 26:

126. Into whose arms did the great Teacher lie back at the end?

A) His disciples’
B) His family’s
C) His Mother’s
D) His followers’

Answer: C) His Mother’s

127. What does the Supreme Revelation signify in the context of the passage?

A) Material wealth
B) Spiritual enlightenment
C) Personal achievements
D) Ultimate knowledge

Answer: B) Spiritual enlightenment

128. What does the narrator imply is necessary for understanding the Master’s teachings?

A) Intellectual knowledge
B) Personal experience
C) Strict discipline
D) Social status

Answer: B) Personal experience

129. What is the attitude of the narrator towards the Master’s explanation of Kali?

A) Skeptical
B) Confused
C) Accepting
D) Indifferent

Answer: C) Accepting

130. What theme is emphasized throughout the passage?

A) The pursuit of wealth
B) The importance of personal experience in spiritual growth
C) The rejection of religious practices
D) The significance of intellectual debates

Answer: B) The importance of personal experience in spiritual growth