English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets with Answers PDF (2025)

Introducing the Session 2024-2025 edition, the English Grammar Class 2 PDF with Worksheets and Answers emerges as a crucial resource for Grade 2 kids’ English grammar learning, in line with NEP 2020. This engaging worksheet ensures enjoyable practice for Grade 2 children. Additionally, we have expanded our English Grammar resources to include classes 3, 4, 5, and 6, enriching learners’ grammar journey.

What Are English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets?

English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets with Answers pdf are valuable tools designed to reinforce the learning of English grammar for second-grade students. 

These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, from basic sentence structure to parts of speech, helping students build a strong foundation in English.

Benefits of Using English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets

Enhanced Learning: Worksheets provide a practical way to apply theoretical knowledge.

Skill Development: They help students improve grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Self-Paced Learning: Perfect for independent study and self-assessment.

Easy Access: Available in PDF format, making them easily accessible and printable.

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Features of Quality English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets

Clear Instructions: Worksheets are easy to follow, ensuring that students can complete them with minimal assistance.

Engaging Content: They include colorful illustrations and interactive exercises.

Comprehensive Answers: These provide explanations to help students understand their mistakes and learn from them.

Class 2 English Grammar Worksheet Lesson-wise

1. The Alphabet9. The Present Continuous Tense
2. Common Nouns and Proper Nouns10. Adverbs
3. Singular and Plural Nouns11. Prepositions
4. Pronouns12. Conjunctions
5. Articles13. Question Words
6. Verbs and the Simple Present Tense14. Sentence and a Part of a Sentence
7 Adjectives15. Punctuation
8. Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives

Exploring English Grammar Class 2 Syllabus and Topics

English Grammar for children of Class 2 is designed to provide them with a solid foundation for effective communication, reading, and writing. Let’s explore the English Grammar Class 2 Topics.

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 1: The Alphabet


A. Rewrite the words in alphabetical order.

1. arm, ant, apple, age.


2. bag, ball, board, bite.


3. fill, fan, fence, fun.


4. sun, son. Sat, sit


5. rat, rot, rub, rip.


6. tip, top, tap, tub 


7. hot, hen, hat, hit


Get more The Alphabet 2nd grade English worksheets

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 2: Common Nouns and Proper Nouns


A. Circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns in these sentences.

1. Ramesh is a policeman.

2. We go to Delhi by Rajdhani Express.

3. Hoppy is a playful goat.

4. My uncle comes for lunch every Sunday.

5. Fatehpur Sikri is in Agra.

6. My doll’s name is Julie.

7. Mr Rao goes to the hills in April.

8. The peacock is the national bird of India

Get more Common Nouns and Proper Nouns Grade 2 Worksheets

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 3: Singular and Plural Nouns


A. Complete these sentences with the plurals of the words given in the brackets.

1. Raj and Ravi open a box of  ………………….. . (cherry)

2. There are beautiful ………………….. in my garden. (butterfly)

3. Heavy …………………..often cause traffic jams on narrow roads. (lorry)

4. Mumbai and New Delhi are important …………………… (city)

5. The …………………..like to play on thre floor. (baby)

6. We love Grandmother ………………….. . (story)

7. I have bought two ………………….. . (doll)

8. We see with our two ………………….. .(eye)

9. My friend saw five ………………….. (lion) at the zoo.

10. Our school has made ten ………………….. . (bench)

11. The little ………………….. stand near the stable.(pony)

12. The…………………..  buzz near his ears. (fly)

Get more Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheets for 2nd Grade

4. Pronouns: English Grammar Class 2 Topic


A. Rewrite these sentences. Use the correct pronouns in place of the underlined words.

1. Sam is not well. Sam is going to the doctor.


2. Leela goes to the market. Leela buys some bread.


3. The cat is hungry. The cat wants to eat fish.


4. Polly wakes up early in the morning. Polly goes for a walk.


5. The lion is angry. The lion growls.


6. Suraj is a painter. Suraj paints many beautiful pictures.


7. The garden is very pretty. The garden is full of flowers.


8. Ali does his homework. Ali likes school.


Get more Pronouns Worksheets in Grade 2

5. Articles


A. Choose the correct articles and complete these sentences.

1. Ravi hurries to catch ……………. Rajdhani Express. (the/a)

2. Ali and Farid play guitar in ……………. band. (a/an)

3. Pete buys a red box. He puts ……………. box on Nana’s table. (the/a)

4. Our team wins ……………. first prize for selling candles. (the/a)

5. ……………. Arabian Sea looks orange during sunset. (The/A) 

6. We put …………….onions in a brown bag. (the/an)

7. I want to buy ……………. watermelon. (a/an)

8. Mother pours milk into ……………. glass. (a/an)

Get more Articles  A, An, The Worksheet for Grade 2

6. Verbs


A. Complete these sentences with the words in the box.

[Sleeps, play, swim, starts, live, teaches, shines, cycles]

1. You  ________ in the lake in summer.

2. I  ________ in a village.

3. The film ________ at twelve o’clock.

4. He ________ to school.

5. Miss Kapoor ________ Maths very well.

6. Raj ________ on the sofa.

7. I ________ badminton with Amol.

8. The Sun ________  brightly.

Get more Verb Worksheets for Grade 2

7. Adjectives


A. Circle the adjective and underline the nouns they describe.

1. The round stool is near the table.

2. Mother cut a big watermelon.

3. The thin man walks slowly.

4. She wears purple ribbons.

5. My kitten slips on wet floors.

6. Salma has short hair.

7. He walks along the wide road.

8. The baby plays with the fluffy pillow.

Get more Adjectives Worksheets for Grade 2

8. Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives


Look at these pictures and complete these sentences with this and that.

1. …………… is my school bag.

2.  ……………is a building.

3.  …………… is a car.

4   ……………is a white swan.

5.  ……………is a snake.

6.  ……………is a mongo tree.

Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives Worksheets for Grade 2

9. The Present Continuous Tense

When we talk about actions taking place as we speak, we use the present continuous tense.

We form the present continuous tense like this-

am/is/are + verb + -ing

●I am flying a kite.


A. Complete these sentences with am/is/are and the correct form of the verbs in the box.

[paint, talk, drink, watch, play, listen]

1. I …………  …………… drinking milk.

2. We …………  …………… TV in the living room.

3. She …………  …………… to music.

4. They …………  ……………  on the phone.

5. Raj …………  …………… playing in the park.

6. The boy …………  …………… beautiful pictures.

The Present Continuous Tense Worksheets for Grade 2

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 10: Adverbs

Nita eats slowly. → slowly tells us how Nita eats

The frog jumps quickly. → quickly tells us how the frog jumps.

We usually add -ly to an adjective to make it an adverb.

The children sing loudly. → loud + -ly

She looks sadly at her broken doll. → sad + -ly


A. Complete these sentences by adding -ly to the words given in the brackets.

1. The stars shine …………………  (bright)

2. I cannot tie my shoelaces …………………. (tight)

3. Ants move …………………(quick)

4. She works ………………… (slow)

5. Bina dances…………………  ( beautiful)

6. The young man speaks ………………… (clear)

Adverbs Worksheets for Grade 2

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 11: Prepositions

Prepositions are words that show the relationship between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence.


  1. The cat is on the table.
  2. The book is under the bed.
  3. The ball is beside the box.
  4. The birds flew over the trees.
  5. The hikers climbed up the mountain.
  6. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
  7. We’ll have dinner at 7 o’clock.


A. Complete these sentences with-in/on/under.

1. The mouse is ……………… the table.

2. The flower vase is ………………the table.

3. Tej is ……………… the swimming pool.

4. My book is ……………… the drawer.

5. Piya keeps her books ……………… her desk.

6. The boy sits ……………… the rock.

7. The ball rolls ……………… the table.

8. The river flows ……………… the bridge.

Prepositions Worksheets for Grade 2

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 12: Conjunctions

The Conjunctions are joining words.

Conjunctions join two words, groups of words, or sentences.

The word and is a conjunction. We use and to join two words, groups of words, or sentences.


Separate: The goat is sleeping. The sheep is sleeping.

Joined: The goat and the sheep are sleeping.

Separate: I am buying a pencil. I am buying a notebook.

Joined: I am buying a pencil and a notebook.

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 13: Question Words

We ask a question to find out something.

So, We often begin a question with a wh-question word.

We write a question mark (?) at the end of the question. What, Where, who, when, which, why.

What is the time?

It is four o’clock.

Who is he?

He is my brother.

Where is your notebook?


A. Tick (✓) the pictures that answer the questions.

1. What is red in colour?

2. Who is older?

3. Where can you get ice?

4. Who is taller?

5. Where can I find my storybook?

6. What makes a buzzing sound?

Question Words Worksheets for Grade 2

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 14: Sentence 

A sentence is a group of words with a verb. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.


  1. The sun shines brightly in the sky.
  2. I like to play with my dog in the park.
  3. Rita reads books every evening before bedtime.
  4. We ate delicious pizza for dinner yesterday.
  5. The bird sings a sweet melody in the morning.


A. Tick (✓) the correct sentences.

  1. moon round is the
  2. Ravi is late.
  3. The child milk drinks
  4. I love mangoes.
  5. she left early
  6. Sunday is a holiday.
  7. Works Shyam hard very.
  8. Mother buys toffees for me.
Sentence Worksheets for Grade 2

English Grammar Class 2 Topic 15: Punctuation


A. Rewrite these sentences with capital letters, full stops, and question marks.

1. i play with raj, lina and gia at the park


2, where does rashida go every summer


3. abdul cannot jump over the wall


4. i give alina storybooks on her birthday


5. what does piya like to eat


Punctuation Worksheets for Grade 2


Q: Are English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets with Answers pdf suitable for homeschooling?

A: Absolutely! These worksheets are a great resource for homeschooling, allowing parents to provide structured grammar lessons.

Q: Can I find worksheets tailored to my state’s curriculum?

A: Yes, you can find worksheets aligned with various state curricula, ensuring they meet your specific educational requirements.

Q: Are these worksheets suitable for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners?

A: Yes, they are. The worksheets are versatile and can be adapted to suit the needs of ESL learners.

Q: How often should my child use these worksheets?

A: It’s advisable for your child to work on these worksheets regularly, aiming for consistency without overwhelming them.

Q: Do these worksheets cover advanced grammar topics?

A: No, they are designed for second-grade students, so they focus on foundational grammar concepts.

Q: Can teachers use these worksheets in the classroom?

A: Certainly, teachers can incorporate these worksheets into their lessons to reinforce grammar concepts.

English Grammar Class 2 Worksheets with Answers are totally free for children so that their parents can make them practice any time possible. So, learn with fun!