Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers for Class 7

Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers for Class 7 provides a comprehensive set of educational materials tailored for students in Class 7 at DAV for the academic year 2024-2025. These resources aim to enhance understanding through engaging questions and insightful answers based on the famous story of the clever soldier and the stone soup.

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Pre-reading Task Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers

1. Have you ever befooled anyone? Narrate the event in the class.

Ans: Yes, once during April Fool’s Day, I tricked my friend into believing that our school had declared a sudden holiday. I sent him a fake announcement message that looked very official. He was so excited and decided not to come to school. Later, when he found out that it was just a prank, we both had a good laugh about it.

2 If you were to choose between intelligence and money, what would you opt for? Give reasons for your choice.

Ans:  I would choose intelligence over money. Intelligence allows a person to solve problems, make wise decisions, and create opportunities. With intelligence, one can earn money and achieve success in various fields. On the other hand, money without intelligence can be easily lost or misused. Intelligent individuals can also contribute positively to society and innovate, which brings long-term benefits beyond just personal wealth.

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Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers

I Understanding the Story: Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers

A. Write T for true and F for false statements.

1. The villagers gave the soldier a very warm welcome. (F)

2. The stones had no power of making a soup. (T)

3. The villagers added nothing to the soup. (F)

4. The villagers found the soup extremely delicious. (T)

5. A Chinese had taught the soldier how to make stone soup. (F)

B. Answer the following questions in about 30 words each.

1. How did the soldier react to the unwelcoming attitude of the villagers?

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Ans:  The soldier remained cheerful and didn’t get disheartened. He addressed the villagers politely and proceeded to make his “stone soup,” cleverly engaging their curiosity and generosity.

2. What according to the soldier was the speciality of the stones?

Ans: According to the soldier, the stones had the power to make the most delicious, mouth-watering soup, a special recipe from China, which he claimed to have learned from a saint.

3. Why did the villagers initially hesitate to add anything to the soup?

Ans:  The villagers were suspicious and didn’t want to be the first to appear foolish. They were unsure if the soldier’s story about the stone soup was genuine.

4. What comments did the various villagers make on the quality of the soup?

Ans: The Burgomaster found the soup exquisite, the portly merchant called it magnificent, the woman with the wart said it was real tasty, and others praised it as a miraculous and marvellous gift.

II HOTS: Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers

What are the various methods that the soldier adopted to be friendly with the villagers?

Ans: The soldier used his wit and charm to befriend the villagers. He entertained them with stories, flattered the Burgomaster, joked with the old woman, and included everyone in the soup-making process, making them feel involved and appreciated.

III Life Skills: Stone Soup in Bohemia Questions and Answers

A. ‘Presence of mind is a more valuable asset than wealth or strength. Elaborate the idea in a short paragraph.

Ans: Presence of mind allows a person to think quickly and act appropriately in any situation. Unlike wealth, which can be depleted, or strength, which can diminish over time, presence of mind helps in making swift decisions and solving problems effectively. It enables individuals to turn adverse situations to their advantage, as demonstrated by the soldier who used his quick thinking to transform the villagers’ hostility into cooperation.

B. ‘And the soldier chuckled to himself.’ Why did the soldier do so? Discuss with your partner.

Ans: The soldier chuckled to himself because he successfully tricked the villagers into providing the ingredients for a hearty meal. His intelligence and quick thinking allowed him to turn an unfavorable situation into a satisfying one, demonstrating the power of wit over adversity.

IV Values

Tough times don’t last but tough people do.’ How could the solider ensure that he was not disheartened at all?

Ans: The soldier remained undaunted despite the villagers’ initial hostility. His resilience, positive attitude, and clever strategy ensured he didn’t get discouraged. By maintaining his composure and using his intelligence, he managed to win over the villagers and secure a meal, proving that tough individuals can overcome challenging circumstances.

V Writing Skills

You are a reporter who visits the village in Bohemia and listens to the fame of the stone soup. Write a news report to be published in your newspaper showing how a soldier used his wits to satisfy his hunger.


Headline: Clever Soldier Concocts Delicious Soup from Stones in Bohemia

In a remarkable display of wit and ingenuity, a soldier passing through a small Bohemian village recently transformed hostility into hospitality by creating a delectable soup using nothing but stones and water.

Upon arriving in the village, the soldier was met with skepticism and unfriendliness from the villagers. Undeterred, he announced his intention to make a “stone soup,” a recipe he claimed was given to him by a saint. With only stones and water in his cauldron, he set about his task, piquing the curiosity of the villagers.

As the soup began to boil, the soldier cleverly suggested that a pinch of garlic or a piece of carrot would enhance the flavor. One by one, the villagers contributed vegetables to the pot, turning the simple concoction into a rich and hearty meal. The resulting soup was a culinary triumph, enjoyed by all.

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The soldier’s ability to engage the villagers and turn their skepticism into generosity is a testament to the power of quick thinking and resourcefulness. This incident has now become a celebrated tale in Bohemia, reminding us all that sometimes, a little ingenuity is all it takes to turn a difficult situation around.

Extra Questions and Answers

Q: How did the soldier use his intelligence to convince the villagers to contribute to the stone soup? Explain in your own words. (HOTS)

Ans: The soldier used his intelligence by inventing a story about magical stones that could make delicious soup. He engaged the villagers with humor and flattery, making them curious and willing to contribute ingredients to the soup. This showed his cleverness in turning a difficult situation into a positive one.

Q:  Imagine you are the soldier in the story. How would you convince the villagers to help you make stone soup if they were initially hostile? Write your plan in 5 steps.  (HOTS)


1: Politely greet the villagers and introduce myself as a traveler in need of a meal.

2: Mention a special recipe for stone soup that I learned during my travels, claiming it’s from a distant land.

3: Display confidence and start preparing a pot of water with two magical stones.

4: Invite villagers to watch and ask for a small contribution, like a pinch of salt or a piece of vegetable, to enhance the soup.

5: Use humor and storytelling to keep everyone engaged and excited about the soup, eventually enjoying it together as a community.

Q:  How did the soldier demonstrate resilience in the story? Explain with examples. (Life Skills)

Ans: The soldier showed resilience by remaining cheerful and optimistic despite facing initial hostility from the villagers. Instead of being discouraged, he used his wit and storytelling skills to gradually win their trust and cooperation. This resilience helped him turn a potentially difficult situation into a positive and satisfying outcome.

Q:  Why is it important to have presence of mind in challenging situations? Give an example from the story where the soldier used his presence of mind effectively.  (Life Skills)

Ans: Presence of mind is important because it allows a person to think quickly and make smart decisions, especially when facing difficulties. In the story, the soldier demonstrated presence of mind by improvising a story about magical stones and engaging the villagers in making stone soup. This quick thinking helped him to overcome initial skepticism and turn the villagers’ reluctance into active participation.

Q:  How did the soldier’s behavior teach us the value of perseverance? Explain with reference to the story. (Values)

Ans: The soldier’s perseverance is evident when he remains determined to make stone soup despite the villagers’ initial unfriendliness. Instead of giving up or feeling discouraged, he persists in his plan, using his intelligence and charm to gradually win over the villagers. This teaches us that perseverance can turn challenges into opportunities and lead to positive outcomes.

Q:  What lesson about generosity can we learn from the villagers’ actions in the story? Support your answer with examples. (Values)

Ans: The villagers displayed generosity by contributing ingredients to the stone soup, even though they were initially hesitant and skeptical. They showed kindness and willingness to help someone in need, which eventually created a sense of community and shared enjoyment during the meal. This teaches us that generosity not only benefits others but also builds stronger relationships and fosters a sense of belonging.

Extra Extract-based Questions Answers

Extract 1:

 “Almost at once he felt a certain hostility among the passers-by, a grumpy resentment.”

Q:   What did the soldier notice about the villagers when he arrived in the small village?

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Ans: The soldier noticed that the villagers were unfriendly and showed resentment towards him.

Extract 2: 

“‘Stone soup?’ Was the man mad? Just stones in water? What kind of stones? Was he a magician?”

Q:   How did the villagers react when the soldier mentioned making stone soup?

Ans: The villagers were confused and skeptical. They thought the soldier might be crazy or a magician, questioning the idea of making soup from just stones and water.

Extract 3:

 “And thus carrying them along, with a joke for an old woman, a dig at a portly merchant, a little flattery for the Burgomaster and a flood of anecdotes, the soldier had all the citizens sitting around him, wondering and expectant.”

Q:   How did the soldier engage the villagers to participate in making stone soup?

Ans: The soldier engaged the villagers by telling jokes, flattering the Burgomaster, and sharing stories. He kept them entertained and curious, which encouraged them to stay and watch the soup-making process.

Extract 4: 

“‘Splendid!’ said the soldier. ‘Ho, what a dinner we are going to have, one and all of us, in this benevolent and hospitable village!'”

Q:   What did the soldier say to express his satisfaction after the soup was ready?

Answer: The soldier exclaimed with joy, calling the soup splendid and expressing anticipation for a wonderful dinner with all the villagers in the kind and welcoming village.

Extract 5:

 “Exquisite,’ said the Burgomaster, who prided himself on knowing about the food. ‘Magnificent,’ said the portly merchant, who was very fond of eating.”

Q:   How did the Burgomaster and the portly merchant react to the taste of the stone soup?

Ans: The Burgomaster praised the soup as exquisite, showing his knowledge of food. The portly merchant called it magnificent, indicating his enjoyment of good food.

Extract 6: 

“‘And the soldier chuckled to himself, as he had his soup comfortably.'”

Q:   Why did the soldier chuckle to himself at the end of the story?

Ans:  The soldier chuckled because he had successfully tricked the villagers into contributing to and enjoying the stone soup. He felt satisfied and amused by his cleverness.

Extract 7:

 “‘That’s all, Sir,’ replied the soldier. ‘nothing more nor less. Tell you what, stone soup is even better-even more breathtakingly wonderful-with just a pinch of garlic or of a carrot brings out the flavor, you know.'”

Q:   What did the soldier say when the Burgomaster asked if making soup only required stones and water?

Ans: The soldier assured the Burgomaster that stones and water were indeed all that was needed to make stone soup, but suggested that a pinch of garlic or carrot could enhance its flavor.

Extract 8: 

“One by one they slipped away and came back with a contribution. Splash went half a turnip. In went a potato. In went cabbage, and onions, and peas, until the brew was marvelously thick and fragrant.”

Q:   How did the villagers eventually contribute to the stone soup?

Ans:  Initially hesitant, the villagers gradually added ingredients like turnip, potato, cabbage, onions, and peas to the soup. This made it thick and fragrant, improving its taste.

Extract 9:

 “‘Stone soup from China, Aaach!’ And taking a little of water in his spoon, he sipped it with relish.”

Q:   Why did the soldier mention China when talking about the stone soup?

Ans:  The soldier mentioned China to make the stone soup seem exotic and special, adding to the villagers’ curiosity and willingness to participate.

Extract 10:

 “Its nourishing vapors were wafting around the square. A pile of bowls had appeared and they all sat on the paving stones, the soldier in the middle, sipping the stuff with infinite satisfaction.”

Q:    How did the soldier feel when he finally tasted the stone soup?

Ans: The soldier felt infinite satisfaction as he sipped the soup in the middle of the villagers. He had succeeded in creating a delicious meal through his cleverness and wit.