Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers Class 7

Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers Class 7 provides a comprehensive set of questions and answers for DAV students for the academic year 2024-2025. This resource helps Class 7 students understand and analyze the story effectively.

Pre-reading Task: Textual Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

1. Imagine a situation wherein you are suffering from very high fever and you are to appear for a very important examination the next day. What will you and your friends do? Discuss in groups of five.


Facing an Important Exam with a High Fever

Manjula: Guys, I have a very high fever, but I have to appear for a very important exam tomorrow. What should I do?

Amit: Oh no, Manjula! First, you should tell your parents so they can take you to a doctor. It’s important to get proper medicine and rest.

Sneha: Yes, Amit is right. You need to take care of your health first. If the fever is too high, maybe the doctor can give you something to help you feel better quickly.

Ravi: Also, we can help you prepare for the exam. We can go over the important topics and make sure you understand everything. That way, you won’t have to study too much on your own.

Priya: Good idea, Ravi! We can make short notes and summaries for you. You just need to read through them, so it’s less stressful.

Manjula: Thank you so much, everyone. I will take the medicine and rest as much as I can today. Your notes and summaries will be really helpful.

Amit: Don’t worry, Manjula. We’re here to support you. Just focus on getting better and we’ll make sure you’re ready for the exam.

Sneha: Yes, and remember, it’s just one exam. Your health is more important. Do your best, but don’t stress too much.

Ravi: We believe in you, Manjula. You’ve got this!

Priya: And after the exam, take some time to fully recover. We’re always here to help with anything you need.

Manjula: Thank you, everyone. I feel so much better knowing I have such good friends. I’ll do my best tomorrow!

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2. Do hurdles dishearten you or give you greater strength? Share your opinion with your friends.


Discussion: Do Hurdles Dishearten You or Give You Greater Strength?

Manjula: Hey everyone, do hurdles dishearten you or give you greater strength? For me, they sometimes make me feel down at first, but then they push me to try harder.

Amit: I feel the same way, Manjula. At first, hurdles can seem discouraging, but when I overcome them, I feel much stronger and more confident.

Sneha: I agree. Hurdles can be tough, but they also teach us important lessons and help us grow. Every time I face a challenge, I learn something new about myself.

Ravi: For me, hurdles are like tests. They challenge me, but when I get past them, I feel a great sense of achievement. It’s like winning a small battle each time.

Priya: That’s true, Ravi. Hurdles can be frustrating, but they make us more resilient. When we face difficulties, we learn to be patient and persistent.

Manjula: Yes, and I think it’s important to have a positive attitude. Instead of seeing hurdles as problems, we should see them as opportunities to improve and grow stronger.

Amit: Definitely. And remember, we don’t have to face hurdles alone. We have friends and family to support us and help us get through tough times.

Sneha: That’s right, Amit. Together, we can overcome any obstacle. It’s always easier to face challenges when you know you’re not alone.

Ravi: And every time we overcome a hurdle, we become more prepared for the next one. It’s like building a muscle; the more we use it, the stronger it gets.

Priya: I agree. Hurdles are a part of life, and how we respond to them shapes who we are. They make us stronger and more capable.

Manjula: So true. Hurdles may be tough, but they definitely give us greater strength in the end. Let’s keep facing them head-on and supporting each other!

Everyone: Absolutely! We can do it!

I Understanding the Story: Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

1. Why did Manjula wear the wrong shoes most of the time?

Ans: Manjula often wore the wrong shoes because she was always in a rush and didn’t pay attention to what she was putting on. Her hurried nature made her overlook such details.

2. Why did Manjula need extra money?

Ans: Manjula needed extra money to cover her school fees and buy necessary school supplies. Her family’s financial situation was tight, making it difficult to afford these expenses.

3. Where was her mother’s piggy bank?

Ans: Her mother’s piggy bank was kept on a high shelf in the kitchen. It was placed there to keep it out of easy reach.

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4. How many knots were tied on the gift given by Manjula’s brother?

Ans: There were three knots tied on the gift given by Manjula’s brother. These knots added to the anticipation and excitement of unwrapping the gift.

5. Who was Rich Belanger?

Ans: Rich Belanger was a famous athlete admired by Manjula. He served as an inspiration and role model for her in pursuing her own athletic goals.

B. Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words.

1. Handling brushes was no problem for Manjula. Then what was the real problem in learning painting?

Ans: The real problem for Manjula in learning painting was her lack of confidence and self-doubt. She often felt that her work wasn’t good enough, which hindered her progress.

2. Manjula used to drift to another world. What was there in this another world of Manjula?

Ans: In Manjula’s imaginary world, she was a successful and accomplished athlete, admired and respected by everyone. This world was a stark contrast to her real life, where she faced challenges and insecurities.

3. What were the three gifts that Manjula received on her birthday?

Ans: Manjula received a pair of sports shoes from her parents, a sketchbook from her brother, and a set of paintbrushes from her best friend. These gifts were thoughtful and supportive of her interests and talents.

4. Why did Manjula tear her painting into pieces?

Ans: Manjula tore her painting into pieces out of frustration and disappointment. She felt that her painting did not meet her own standards and was not as good as she wanted it to be.

5. Which sentence was underlined in red in the newspaper cutting? Why?

Ans: The sentence underlined in red in the newspaper cutting was, “Rich Belanger wins the national championship.” It was highlighted to inspire and motivate Manjula, showing her that achieving great success was possible.

C. Complete the following table mentioning the role of various characters in

encouraging Manjula.

CharactersHow they encouraged Manjula to achieve her goal
FatherManjula’s father supported her by understanding her passion for sports and encouraging her to pursue it despite the challenges. He provided practical advice and guidance to help her improve her skills.
MotherManjula’s mother showed her support by managing the household chores so Manjula could focus on her training. She also encouraged Manjula by believing in her potential and offering emotional support.
BrotherManjula’s brother encouraged her by giving her a thoughtful gift, a sketchbook, which recognized her artistic talent and passion. His belief in her abilities boosted her confidence and motivated her to keep trying.
Rich BelangerAs a famous athlete, Rich Belanger served as an inspiration for Manjula. His success story motivated her to persevere and dream big, showing her that achieving greatness was possible with hard work and dedication.

D. Who do you think kept the newspaper cutting on the table? Why?

Ans: Manjula’s brother likely kept the newspaper cutting on the table. He did this to inspire and motivate her by showing the success of Rich Belanger, hoping it would boost her confidence and encourage her to pursue her own athletic dreams.

II HOTS Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

“Sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can.”

Discuss the importance of having a positive attitude in life. Give examples to justify your point of view.

Ans: Having a positive attitude is very important in life because it helps people overcome difficulties and achieve their goals. For example, Thomas Edison failed many times before inventing the light bulb, but he kept trying because he believed he could succeed. Similarly, J.K. Rowling faced many rejections before “Harry Potter” became famous, but she didn’t give up.

Athletes also use positive thinking to perform better. They imagine winning and it helps them stay confident and focused. A positive attitude helps people stay motivated, handle stress, and build good relationships.

Believing in yourself and staying positive makes it easier to achieve your dreams and be successful in life.

III Life Skills Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

Physically challenged people do not need sympathy, they need encouragement. Discuss,

Ans: Physically challenged people do not need sympathy; they need encouragement to succeed. Sympathy can make them feel pitied and helpless. Encouragement, on the other hand, gives them strength and confidence. It helps them realize their potential and pursue their dreams.

For example, Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, became a famous author and speaker because she received encouragement from her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Similarly, Stephen Hawking, a renowned physicist, continued his work despite having ALS because of the support and encouragement he received.

Encouragement helps physically challenged people feel valued and capable. It motivates them to overcome challenges and achieve great things. Everyone should focus on encouraging and supporting them instead of feeling sorry for them.

IV Values Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

A. Sometimes Manjula was not too sure whether her brother was mischievous or

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simply mean. Discuss with your partner what kind of boy he was.

Ans: Manjula’s brother often seemed mischievous, playing pranks and teasing her, which made her unsure if he was being mean. However, his actions showed that he cared about her and wanted to motivate her, like when he gave her a thoughtful gift. This suggests that he was more playful and caring rather than mean.

B. What qualities of Manjula’s mother do you admire the most? Do you feel all mothers are alike?

Ans: Manjula’s mother was supportive, understanding, and encouraging. She managed household chores to let Manjula focus on her goals and believed in her potential, offering emotional support. While not all mothers are exactly alike, many share these qualities of love, support, and encouragement, striving to help their children succeed in their own unique ways.

V Writing Skills Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

Manjula won the first prize in her category in ‘On-the-spot Painting Competition’. Write her diary entry. Specially include the following:

(a) how the newspaper cutting instilled new courage in her,

(b) the satisfaction she got from the prize.


Date: [26 06 2024]

Dear Diary,

Today has been the most amazing day of my life! I won the first prize in my category at the ‘On-the-spot Painting Competition’. I can hardly believe it!

This morning, I remembered the newspaper cutting that my brother left on the table. It talked about Rich Belanger winning the national championship. Seeing that cutting filled me with new courage and determination. If Rich Belanger could achieve his dreams, why couldn’t I? It made me believe in myself and pushed me to give my best in the competition.

Winning the prize gave me immense satisfaction. All the hard work, the practice, and the moments of self-doubt were worth it. Holding that trophy in my hands felt like a dream come true. It wasn’t just a prize; it was a symbol of my perseverance and belief in myself.

I am so grateful for the support of my family, especially my brother, whose small gesture made a huge difference in my confidence. This victory has motivated me to keep pursuing my dreams and to never give up, no matter how tough things get.

Today, I learned that with courage and determination, anything is possible.

Goodnight, Diary.

Extra HOTS: Fight Manju Fight Questions and Answers

Q1: Why was the newspaper cutting significant in Manjula’s journey, and how did it influence her actions? 

A1: The newspaper cutting about Rich Belanger’s championship win inspired Manjula, instilling new courage and determination in her. It made her believe in her potential and motivated her to strive harder in her painting competition, ultimately leading to her success.

Q2: How did Manjula’s perception of her brother change throughout the story, and what events led to this change? 

A2: Initially, Manjula was unsure if her brother was mischievous or mean, but his thoughtful gift and actions showed his care and support. His encouragement and belief in her abilities helped her realize he was a supportive and loving sibling, changing her perception positively.

Q3: How did Manjula’s mindset change throughout the story, and what events contributed to this change?

A3: Manjula’s mindset changed from self-doubt to confidence through the encouragement she received from her family and the inspiration of Rich Belanger’s newspaper cutting. Winning the painting competition also boosted her self-esteem. These experiences taught her to believe in herself and her abilities, showing her that perseverance and a positive attitude can lead to success.

Extra Life Skills Questions and Answers:

Q1: What strategies did Manjula use to manage her time and responsibilities effectively while preparing for the competition? 

A1: Manjula managed her time by setting priorities and focusing on her practice sessions. She balanced her household chores with her painting practice, ensuring she was well-prepared for the competition. Her ability to stay organized and dedicated helped her succeed.

Q2: How did Manjula handle stress and pressure during the painting competition, and what can we learn from her approach? 

A2: Manjula handled stress by staying focused on her goal and drawing inspiration from her support system, including the newspaper cutting and her family’s encouragement. She maintained a positive attitude, which helped her perform well under pressure. We learn the importance of focus and positive thinking.

Q3: What life skills did Manjula develop through her journey in the story?

A3: Manjula developed several life skills, including perseverance, resilience, and time management. She learned to push through difficulties and stay committed to her goals despite setbacks. Additionally, she gained confidence in her abilities, learning to balance her responsibilities and manage her time effectively to achieve her objectives.

Extra Values Questions and Answers:

Q1: How does Manjula’s story highlight the importance of family support in achieving personal goals? 

A1: Manjula’s family provided emotional support, encouragement, and practical help, such as her brother’s gift and her mother’s understanding. This support boosted her confidence and helped her stay motivated. The story shows how crucial family encouragement is in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

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Q2: What lesson about perseverance and determination can be learned from Manjula’s experiences in the story? 

A2: Manjula’s journey teaches that perseverance and determination are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. Despite facing self-doubt and competition pressure, she remained dedicated and believed in herself, ultimately leading to her success. The lesson is to keep striving, no matter the challenges.

Q3: What values does Manjula’s story teach about dealing with challenges and self-belief?

A3: Manjula’s story teaches the values of perseverance, resilience, and self-belief. It shows that overcoming challenges requires determination and a positive attitude. The support and encouragement from loved ones also play a crucial role in boosting confidence and achieving success. These values highlight the importance of not giving up and believing in one’s potential.

Extract-Based Questions and Answers

1. Extract: 

“Manjula wore the wrong shoes most of the time.” 

Q: Why did Manjula often wear the wrong shoes? 

A: Manjula often wore the wrong shoes because she was usually in a hurry and didn’t pay attention to what she was putting on.

2. Extract:

 “Manjula needed extra money to pay for her school fees.” 

Q: Why did Manjula need extra money? 

A: Manjula needed extra money to cover her school fees and other educational expenses due to her family’s tight financial situation.

3. Extract: 

“Her mother’s piggy bank was kept on a high shelf.” 

Q: Where was Manjula’s mother’s piggy bank kept? 

A: Manjula’s mother’s piggy bank was kept on a high shelf in the kitchen, out of easy reach.

4. Extract:

“There were three knots tied on the gift.”

 Q: How many knots were tied on the gift given by Manjula’s brother? 

A: There were three knots tied on the gift given by Manjula’s brother, adding to the excitement of unwrapping it.

5. Extract: 

“Rich Belanger was a famous athlete.” 

Q: Who was Rich Belanger? 

A: Rich Belanger was a famous athlete and an inspiration for Manjula, motivating her to pursue her own athletic dreams.

6. Extract: 

“Manjula’s teacher, Mrs. Roy, noticed her talent.” 

Q: Who noticed Manjula’s talent and encouraged her? 

A: Manjula’s teacher, Mrs. Roy, noticed her talent and encouraged her to participate in the painting competition.

7. Extract: 

“Manjula’s mother managed household chores.”

 Q: How did Manjula’s mother support her? 

A: Manjula’s mother supported her by managing household chores, allowing Manjula to focus on her training and studies.

8. Extract: 

“Manjula’s brother gave her a sketchbook.” 

Q: What gift did Manjula’s brother give her, and why was it significant? 

A: Manjula’s brother gave her a sketchbook, recognizing her artistic talent and encouraging her to pursue her passion for painting.

9. Extract: 

“The newspaper cutting about Rich Belanger inspired her.” 

Q: How did the newspaper cutting about Rich Belanger affect Manjula? 

A: The newspaper cutting about Rich Belanger inspired Manjula, giving her new courage and determination to succeed in her own endeavors.

10. Extract: 

“Winning the competition filled Manjula with immense satisfaction.” 

Q: How did Manjula feel after winning the painting competition? 

A: Manjula felt immense satisfaction and pride after winning the painting competition, validating her hard work and determination.

11. Extract:

“Manjula tore her painting into pieces out of frustration.” 

Q: Why did Manjula tear her painting into pieces? 

A: Manjula tore her painting into pieces because she was frustrated and felt it wasn’t good enough, reflecting her self-doubt.

12. Extract:

“Her father provided practical advice and guidance.” 

Q: How did Manjula’s father support her? 

A: Manjula’s father supported her by providing practical advice and guidance, helping her to improve her skills and stay motivated.

13. Extract:

“The sentence underlined in red in the newspaper was, ‘Rich Belanger wins the national championship.'” 

Q: Which sentence was underlined in red in the newspaper cutting, and why? 

A: The sentence “Rich Belanger wins the national championship” was underlined to inspire Manjula and motivate her to achieve her own success.

14. Extract:

“Manjula’s mother believed in her potential.” 

Q: How did Manjula’s mother show her support? 

A: Manjula’s mother showed support by believing in Manjula’s potential and offering emotional encouragement, which boosted Manjula’s confidence.

15. Extract:

“Manjula often drifted to another world.” 

Q: What did Manjula imagine in her other world? 

A: In her imaginary world, Manjula envisioned herself as a successful and accomplished athlete, admired and respected by everyone.

16. Extract:

“Her brother’s gift was wrapped with three knots.” 

Q: What significance did the three knots on the gift have?

 A: The three knots on her brother’s gift added to the anticipation and excitement of unwrapping it, showing his playful and caring nature.

17. Extract:

“Manjula felt disheartened but didn’t give up.” 

Q: How did Manjula react to feeling disheartened? 

A: Manjula felt disheartened at times, but she didn’t give up; instead, she pushed through her challenges with determination and perseverance.

18. Extract:

“Her friends helped her prepare for the competition.” 

Q: How did Manjula’s friends support her before the competition? 

A: Manjula’s friends supported her by helping her prepare for the competition, offering notes and summaries to ease her study process.

19. Extract:

“Manjula was inspired by the success stories of others.” 

Q: How did success stories of others influence Manjula? 

A: Success stories of others, like Rich Belanger, inspired Manjula to believe in herself and strive for her own success, despite obstacles.

20. Extract:

“Winning the prize boosted Manjula’s self-esteem.” 

Q: What effect did winning the prize have on Manjula? 

A: Winning the prize boosted Manjula’s self-esteem, validating her hard work and encouraging her to continue pursuing her passions.