Questions and Answers I Dream a World by Langston Hughes

Questions and Answers I Dream a World is an essential resource for Class 7 students at DAV for the 2024-2025 academic year. It provides detailed explanations and answers to help students grasp the themes and messages of the poem effectively.


The poem describes the poet’s dream of a perfect world. In this dream world, no one looks down on others, and love and peace fill the earth. Everyone enjoys freedom, and there is no greed or selfishness. People of all races live together and share the earth’s riches, and everyone is free. In this world, sadness disappears, and joy is everywhere, taking care of everyone. This is the poet’s dream for our world.

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Pre-reading Task Questions and Answers I Dream a World

If you want to make this world a better place to live in, what would you like to add to it? What would you like to be eliminated? Make two separate lists of additions and deletions (with reference to political, economic and social conditions) that you and your friends want.


Additions to Make the World a Better Place


  1. Stronger laws to protect human rights
  2. More democratic participation and transparency in government
  3. Policies that promote global peace and cooperation


  1. Fair wages and equal pay for all workers
  2. Increased access to education and job training programs
  3. Support for small businesses and entrepreneurs


  1. Improved healthcare services for everyone
  2. Programs that promote cultural understanding and tolerance
  3. Enhanced social safety nets for the needy and vulnerable

Deletions to Make the World a Better Place


  1. Corruption and misuse of power
  2. Discrimination and prejudice based on race, gender, or religion
  3. Political oppression and censorship


  1. Extreme poverty and hunger
  2. Unfair trade practices and exploitation of workers
  3. Wealth inequality and excessive corporate greed


  1. Violence and crime
  2. Bullying and harassment in schools and workplaces
  3. Environmental pollution and destruction

I Understanding the Poem: Questions and Answers I Dream a World

A. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, complete the following summary.

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In the poet’s dream world, no man will scorn another. The earth will be blessed by love and peace will prevail everywhere. There will be no difference between races. Everybody will be able to experience joy and happiness. Man will not be spiritually weakened by greed. Avarice will not make human life miserable. People will share the bounties of the earth equally. Misery will be banished.

B. Read the following extract from the poem and answer the questions that follow.

“And joy, like a pearl,

Attend the needs of all mankind.”

(a) What has joy been compared to?

Ans: Joy has been compared to a pearl.

(b) What is the significance of this comparison?

Ans: The comparison signifies that joy is precious and rare, just like a pearl. It suggests that joy is valuable and beautiful, and it can bring great happiness and fulfillment to all people.

C. Personification is a literary device in which objects or qualities are represented as human beings. What qualities have been personified in the following expressions?

(a) love will bless the earth


  • Quality personified: Love
  • Word suggesting personification: Bless

(b) wretchedness will hang its head


  • Quality personified: Wretchedness
  • Words suggesting personification: Hang its head

Which word/words in each expression suggests/suggest that the quality has been personified?

D. Word Power Questions and Answers I Dream a World

A few phrases from the text have been placed in Column A with their meanings in Column B in a jumbled form. Match the phrases in Column A with their appropriate meanings in Column B.


Match the phrases in Column A with their meanings in Column B:

Column AColumn B
(a) saps the soul2. weakens or destroys our spiritual power
(b) avarice blights our day4. an extreme desire for wealth makes our daily life tense and miserable
(c) bounties of earth5. the generous gifts offered to us by the land on which we live
(d) wretchedness will hang its head1. misery and suffering will no longer exist
(e) attend to the needs3. take care of the requirements

II HOTS Questions and Answers I Dream a World

The poet has described some features of his dream world. Work in groups of four or five and make a list of the steps that need to be taken to translate the poet’s dream into reality.

Ans: To translate the poet’s dream into reality, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Promote love and respect for all people, regardless of their background.
  2. Encourage and practice peace in our daily lives and communities.
  3. Advocate for equal rights and opportunities for people of all races.
  4. Fight against greed by promoting contentment and generosity.
  5. Ensure that resources are shared fairly among all people.
  6. Work towards eliminating poverty and suffering by supporting charitable activities and organizations.
  7. Foster a culture of joy and positivity.

III Life Skills Questions and Answers I Dream a World

A new child has joined your class. He is black. No one wants to befriend him. You feel concerned for him. How will you ensure that he gradually becomes a part of your class?

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Ans: To ensure that the new black child gradually becomes a part of your class:

  1. Greet him warmly and introduce yourself.
  2. Include him in group activities and games.
  3. Encourage your friends to talk to him and make him feel welcome.
  4. Sit with him during lunch or breaks and get to know him.
  5. Help him with schoolwork if he needs it.
  6. Stand up against any negative behavior or bullying towards him.
  7. Be patient and understanding as he adjusts to the new environment.

IV Values

Greed and avarice are two human vices we need to shun. Do you agree? If yes, how do you think we can ensure that we do not fall victims to such vices?

Ans: Yes, greed and avarice are vices we need to shun. To avoid falling victim to these vices:

  1. Practice gratitude for what you have.
  2. Focus on the well-being of others and share your resources.
  3. Set limits on material desires and be content with enough.
  4. Engage in activities that promote kindness and generosity.
  5. Learn about the negative impacts of greed on society and the environment.
  6. Surround yourself with people who value integrity and simplicity.
  7. Reflect on the true sources of happiness, such as relationships and personal growth.

V Writing Skills

Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains’ in about 80-100 words.


Write a paragraph of about 80 words strongly emphasising the point that human beings should not be divided on the basis of colour, religion or language because all human beings have essentially the same feelings. Give your paragraph a suitable heading. (Refer to the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’ in the My English Reader.)


“Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains”

Man was born with the natural right to freedom, but in many places, he is still bound by various constraints. These chains can be political oppression, social injustices, or economic inequalities. People are often restricted by unfair laws, discrimination, and poverty. To truly be free, we need to work together to break these chains. We must strive for a world where everyone has equal rights and opportunities, where freedom is not just a dream but a reality for all.

“Unity in Diversity”

Human beings should not be divided on the basis of color, religion, or language because we all share the same emotions and aspirations. Despite our differences, we all seek love, happiness, and peace. Dividing people creates unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. By embracing diversity, we can learn from each other and grow stronger together. Respecting and valuing each other’s uniqueness helps in building a harmonious and inclusive world where everyone can thrive.

Extra Questions and Answers

Q: Why do you think the poet dreams of a world without greed and avarice? (HOTS)

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Ans: The poet dreams of a world without greed and avarice because these things make people unhappy and cause many problems. Without greed, everyone would be kind and share what they have, making the world a better place for everyone.

Q: How would our world change if everyone followed the poet’s dream?  (HOTS)

Ans: If everyone followed the poet’s dream, our world would be filled with love and peace. People would respect each other, there would be no fighting, and everyone would have what they need. It would be a happy and fair place for all.

Q: How can you promote peace and love in your classroom? (Life Skills)

Ans: I can promote peace and love in my classroom by being kind to everyone, helping my classmates when they need it, and speaking up if I see someone being treated unfairly. I can also encourage my friends to do the same.

Q: What can you do to make sure everyone in your class feels included, no matter their background? (Life Skills)

Ans:  I can make sure everyone in my class feels included by inviting them to join our activities, talking to them, and being friendly. I can also learn about their culture and celebrate our differences to make them feel accepted.

Q: Why is it important to treat people of all races equally? (Values-based)

Ans: It is important to treat people of all races equally because everyone deserves respect and kindness. When we treat everyone equally, we create a fair and happy world where everyone feels valued and accepted.

Q: How can we practice sharing the earth’s bounties equally, as the poet dreams? (Values-based)

Ans:  We can practice sharing the earth’s bounties equally by not being greedy and by helping those who have less than we do. This means sharing our food, resources, and opportunities with others so that everyone can live a good life.

Extract-based Questions and Answers

Extract 1: 

“I dream a world where man 

No other will scorn”

Q: What does the poet dream about regarding how people treat each other? 

Ans: The poet dreams of a world where no one looks down on or insults others. Everyone respects each other.

Extract 2: 

“Where love will bless the earth

 And peace its paths adorn.”

Q: What two qualities does the poet want to fill the earth? 

Ans: The poet wants the earth to be filled with love and peace.

Extract 3: 

“I dream a world where all 

Will know sweet freedom’s way,”

Q: What kind of freedom does the poet wish for everyone

Ans: The poet wishes for everyone to experience sweet freedom, where they can live their lives freely and happily.

Extract 4: 

“Where greed no longer saps the soul 

Nor avarice blights our day.”

Q: What two negative qualities does the poet want to eliminate? 

Ans: The poet wants to eliminate greed and avarice because they harm people’s spirits and make life unhappy.

Extract 5: 

“A world I dream where black or white, 

Whatever race you be,”

Q:  How does the poet feel about people of different races? 

Ans: The poet dreams of a world where people of all races, whether black or white, are treated equally and fairly.

Extract 6: 

“Where wretchedness will hang its head, 

And joy, like a pearl, 

Attend the needs of all mankind.”

Q:  What does the poet hope will happen to wretchedness and joy in his dream world? 

Ans: The poet hopes that wretchedness (misery) will disappear, and that joy, which is precious like a pearl, will be present to meet the needs of all people.