Class 10 English Grammar Practice Questions with Answers 2025

Enhance your preparation with CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions with Answers! This essential collection features top sample questions from the past ten years, designed for the 2025 Board Exam. Practice thoroughly to strengthen your grammar skills and excel in your test. Don’t miss this valuable resource for effective preparation!

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CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 1

1. Complete the following passage by filling in one or two words each:

Most of us fail in our efforts (a) __________self improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time (b) ________ carry them out. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolution to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slipback (c) __________ our bad old ways. Aware of these pitfalls, this year I attempted (d) _________ keep my resolution to myself. I limited myself to two modest ambitions, to do physical exercise every morning and to read more (e) ________ the evening. An overnight party on New year’s eve provided me with a good excuse (f) _________ not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task.

2. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. The first one has been done as an example for you:

Most people travel as part of their                                e.g. asapart
daily routine because it enjoyable.(a) 
There are lots places to explore in(b) 
the world. Travelling worth every(c) 
penny you spend memories last forever(d) 
When travelling, one the opportunity(e) 
to meet different people from different(f) 
places. One the most important social(g) 
skills that we learn is how interact and (h) 
communicate with different people.______________

Q 7. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences:

1. is its / remarkable feature / preciousness / the most / of time

2. opportunities /of golden / every moment / thousands / brings with it

3. slip away / not allow / we must / time to / such precious

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CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 2

1. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate word from the given options. 

It is not possible even for the greatest optimist (a )————– ( on, for, of, to )smile all the time and feel good throughout the day. Every one (b) — ——— (had ,have,had having )a tension now or then , when everything seems dark. But once you develop a positive attitude (c)________ (so ,but ,and ,or ,realize that life is a roller coaster ride, a series of ups and downs. 

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number. The first one is done as an example.

You are very trusting with my servant.The local                e.g MyYour
Grain merchant warns me one daya.
You shall lock up your house when youb.
Go out and let the boy sleeps elsewhere. c.
some of this boy turn out to be thievesd.

3. Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. One has been done for you as an example. 

e.g. artisans /displays/artists/Dilli Haat/ and /at one place/of /works Dilli Haat displays works of artists and artisans at one place. 

a. from all/ Craftsmen/ over India /come to/ at stalls here/ their wares/ sell 

b. food court /can try/ different/ food /One/ from/ regions in India/ at the. 

c. cultural /there /performances/ are /folk dances /regular/ including

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 3

1. Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blanks. Do not copy the whole passage. 

Thinking negatively will get negative results because your thoughts create a negative atmosphere which is hospitable (a) ____________ negative results. On the contrary, (b) _____________ thinking positively you can create a positive atmosphere which makes positive results a certainty. To cultivate positive thinking, you should speak hopefully (c)__________ everything.

(a) (i) of (ii) on (iii) to (iv) in 

(b) (i) at (ii) by (iii) on (iv) of 

(c) (i) among (ii) over (iii) across (iv) about 1×3=3 6 

2. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. The first one has been done as an example for you: 

Paragraphbefore missing after 
Patriotism is noble virtue.                                                     e.g.isnoble 
Patriotism means love one’s country. (a) 
A person loves his/her country more (b) 
than anything else called a patriot(c) 
Patriotism inspires a man do everything (d) 
just and fair for the well being betterment(e) 
of the country. It is the quality impels a(f) 
man to sacrifice own interest, comfort(g) 
pleasure and even his life for the sake his__________________
own country.(h) 

3. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences: 

1. 12,000 species / all over / there are / of ants / the world / more than 

2. or groups / who live in / social insects / they are/ small colonies 

3. of millions/ant colonies / of ants / can consist

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 4

1. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by using the most appropriate word:-.

 I was touched (e.g.) when I saw my neighbors sending off their son. I could understand their pain (a )————– their only son leaving home. It is always a difficult time for parents (b) ———–it is also inevitable. How long can you keep the birds in cages (c) ———– Their wings are strong and they are ready to fly. 

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number as given in the example. Remember to underline the word 4 that you have supplied. 

Disasters often come suddenly ,with warning, and(e.g. without) 
causes great suffering to those a.——— 
which are left alive. b———
Because these tragedies need immediate help and c———
solution .who should be provided at the earliest.d——–

3. Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. One has been done for you as an example. 

(e.g.) Red cross day / an / become /day / the / in /important /world /of / history / has 

Red cross day has become an/important day in the history of the world 

A. Celebrated /plays /annually /it / role / is / big /the /saving /to /in /lives / 

B. Due / war / aims/ human beings / it / relief /distress / to /provide /the /in/to 

C. this day/Various/ to celebrateare / held . /programmes /in the schools

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 5

1. Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given below. Write the answers in your answer –sheet against the correct blank numbers. 

A. Sanitation and hygiene are also important ( a) ___________the well – being of society and biodiversity conservation. 

B. The government has (b )____________ a program. 

C. It aims to develop ( c) ____________riverfronts. 

D. It will solve the problem of pollution ( d) ____________ the rivers. 

E. The need has been(e) ______for a long time. 

(a ) ( i) by (ii ) from (iii) for (iv) into 

(b ) (i) initiates (ii) initiated (iii) initiate (iv)initiating 

(c ) (i) an (ii) a (iii) in (iv ) the 

(d ) (i) in (ii ) on (iii) onto (iv )by 

(e)  (i) feeling (ii ) feel (iii) felt (iv ) have felt 

2.  In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line .Write the missing word, in any four sentences of the given paragraph, along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided . ( 4 marks ) 

Paragraphbefore missing after 
Himachal Pradesh a good place for Eco CampPradesh is  
Pine Hill Eco Camp one of the ecotourism resorts(a) 
near Barog Himachal Pradesh . Ecotourism is (b) 
gaining popularity each passing day as more (c) 
and more people want get away from the (d) 
hectic schedules . This become a favourite tourist spot.(e) 

3. Rearrange any four of the following word clusters to make meaningful sentences .(1x 4=4 marks ) 

( a ) rain water / flooding / helps/ harvesting / in / chances of / reducing 

( b ) storm / helps/ also/better/ water/ it / water management / in 

( c ) plant growth / in/storing /rainwater / can/ help / improving 

( d ) is/ from / stored/ natural and/ pollutants /rain water /free/ man- made 

(e) out/ the/street/ earthquake/another/on/people/ came/ fearing/ 

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 6

1.  Fill in any four of the blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given in the box. Write the answers in your answer –sheet against the correct blank numbers. ( 1 x 4 = 4 marks ) 

1. Butterflies are abundant( a) ___________the Central African Republic . 

2. It (b)____________ home to nearly 600 identified species. 

3. Many butterflies are brilliantly coloured and small ____( c) some are as big as saucers. 

4. Farmer Philippe (d ) _____solace in collecting butterfly wings from his fields and turning them into works of art . 

5. My favourite hobby , since my childhood, is __________(e) butterflies. 

1.(a ) ( i) in(ii ) from (iii) for (iv) into 

2.(b ) (i) has (ii) is (iii) was (iv) are 

3.(c ) (i) if (ii) therefore (iii) so (iv ) while 

4.(d ) (i ) find (ii ) to find (iii) finding (iv ) finds 

5.(e) ( i) catch (ii ) caught (iii) catching (iv) has been catching 

2. In the following passage one word has not been edited in each line .Write the incorrect word along with the correct word in the space provided . Do any four ( 4 marks ) 

In Himalayas ,the desert is turning green .                               e.gthe a
Climate change in a Indian region of a)
Ladakh has shrunk glaciers or has made rainfall b) 
and temperature unpredictable. Water has c) 
needed to irrigating the fields . d) 
Farmers may requiring aid from the government. e)

3. Rearrange any four of the following word or phrases to make meaningful sentences.(4 marks ) 

i. enters / millions of tons / the/ every year / of / ocean /plastic 

ii. are / waters/sightings/junk – filled /of /common 

iii. population / middle-class / increasing/is / coastlines / along 

iv. trash/ increase/ has led / waste management/lack/of/in/to 

v. close/like/ others/ helping/my/friends

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 7

1. Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given below. Write the answers in your answer –sheet against the correct blank numbers. 

A. Sanitation and hygiene are also important (a) the well – being of society and biodiversity conservation. 

B. The government has (b) a programme. 

C. It aims to develop (c) riverfronts. 

D. It will solve the problem of pollution (d) the rivers. 

E. The need has been (e) for a long time. 

(a ) (i) by (ii) from (iii) for (iv) into 

(b ) (i) initiates (ii) initiated (iii) initiate (iv) initiating 

(c ) (i) an (ii) a (iii) in (iv) the 

(d ) (i) in (ii) on (iii) onto (iv) by 

(e) (i) feeling (ii) feel (iii) felt (iv) have felt 4 

2. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word, in any four sentences of the given paragraph, along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided. 

ParagraphBeforeMissing After
Himachal Pradesh a good place for Eco Camp                Eg. Pradesh is 
Pine Hill Eco Camp one of the ecotourism resorts(a) 
near Barog Himachal Pradesh. Ecotourism is (b) 
gaining popularity each passing day as more(c)
and more people want get away from the (d)
hectic schedules. This become a favourite tourist spot(e)

3. Rearrange any four of the following word clusters to make meaningful sentences. 

( a ) rain water/flooding /helps/ harvesting / in / chances of / reducing 

( b ) storm / helps/ also/better/ water/ it / water management / in 

( c ) plant growth / in/storing /rainwater / can/help/improving 

( d ) is/ from / stored/ natural and/ pollutants /rain water /free/man-made 

( e ) out/ the/street/ earthquake/another/on/people/ came/ fearing/

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 8

1. Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks choosing the correct option from those that follow

Elephants (a) _____ the largest land mammals. Three species of elephants (b) _____ living today. Elephants (c) ________other Elephantidae were once classified with other thick-skinned. The elephant’s gestation period is 22 months, (d) _________ longest for any land animal. 

(a) (i) is (ii) are (iii) was (iv) were 

(b) (i) are living (ii) have been living (iii) had been living (iv) will be living 

(c) (i) with (ii) also (iii) and (iv) but 

(d) (i) a (ii) an (iii) which (iv) the

2. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. 

ParagraphError Correction
Tsunami is a series in waves (a)
generated in a body from water (b)
through an impulsive disturbance (c)
causing damage to property or loss of life. (d)

Error Correction Tsunami is a series in waves (a) _______ _______ generated in a body from water (b) _______ _______ through an impulsive disturbance (c) _______ _______ causing damage to property or loss of life. (d) _______ _______ 

3. Rearrange the following sets of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences

a. of/ the world’s /sugar cane / in Asia / over 40 percent / is produced 

b. can be /used as fuel/ethyl alcohol / for cars / extracted / sugar cane / from 

c. not the /only thing / can power/automobiles/gasoline is / that 

d. can be / alternative /energy source / an / hydrogen/ also

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 9

1. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the Wangala Festival of Meghalaya. (3×1) 

The Wangala -(i)- festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a postharvest festival -(ii)- the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior -(iii)- with synchronized dance steps and specific hand-head movements. 


a) is important 

b) are an important 

c) was the important 

d) is an important 


a) being celebrated for marking 

b) celebrated to mark 

c) celebrated to marking 

d) being celebrated for mark 


a) leads the youngsters 

b) is lead the youngsters 

c) was leading the youngsters 

d) had leads the youngsters 

2. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Venu’s narration. (3×1) 

Venu: Suppandi, what are you doing standing all alone here? 

Suppandi: Uncle, I’m trying to win a Nobel prize. 

Venu: How will standing in my rice field help you win a Nobel? 

Suppandi: because, that’s how it’s won. I’ve heard that the people who have won Nobel prizes were all out standing in various fields. 

Venu: Oh! 

I saw Supanddi standing in the field. When I -(i)- doing there, he -(ii)- he was trying to win a Nobel prize. I was confused and enquired how standing in the rice field would help him do so. He stumped me by saying that he -(iii)- won Nobel prizes had all been outstanding in their fields! 


a) exclaimed what he was 

b) told him what he was 

c) asked him what he was 

d) says to him about what 


a) ordered that 

b) refused that 

c) questioned that 

d) replied that 


a) has heard that people who has 

b) was hearing that people who were 

c)had heard that people who had 

d) did hear that people who had 

3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below. (4×1) 

(i) You …………………… consult the Thesaurus if you need groups of synonyms for those words. 

a) had to 

b) need to 

c) used to 

d) might 

(ii) Everybody …………… keen to participate in the upcoming nukkad natak. 

a) are 

b) has 

c) is 

d) were 

(iii) The good news is that…………… volunteers dropped out this month than the last two. 

a) fewer 

b) less 

c) few 

d) a little 

(iv) It was …………… historic day for the organisation when ……………. honour was bestowed upon its employees. 

a) a; an 

b) an; the 

c) the; a 

d) an; a 

(v) At this time tomorrow we ………………………. our project details to ma’am. 

a) are presenting 

b) shall be presenting 

c) have been presenting 

d) will have presenting 

(vi) The Komodo dragon …………… follow its prey till it will eventually dies due to its venomous bite. 

a) must 

b) will 

c) could 

d) may 

Read also
CBSE Class 9 Integrated Grammar Exercises with Answers
Omission Exercises for Class 9 CBSE English Grammar
Editing Class 9 Practice Exercises CBSE English Grammar
Gap Filling Class 9 CBSE Practice Exercises with Answers

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 10

1. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for each. 

I. The hospital board clearly mentioned that you ________ smoke in the hospital as it is a health hazard for all. 

A. cannot 

B. must not 

C. need not 

D. might not 

II. There’s never _______ petrol left after Rahul uses the car. 

A. much 

B. little 

C. many 

D. a little 

III. I am taking driving lessons now. Hopefully, I ___________my driving test by November. 

A. will take 

B. would pass 

C. will have taken 

D. will be taking 

IV. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech? Sunitha asked Venkat, “How much is the rent for your flat?” 

A. Sunitha asked Venkat how much was his rent for flat. 

B. Sunitha asked Venkat how much the rent for his flat was. 

C. Sunita enquires from Venkat that how much rent he pays. 

D. Sunita told Venkat how much the rent for his flat was. 

V. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech? She said, “I told Damanjit to send you an e-mail three days ago.” 

A. She told that Damanjit had mailed you three days then. 

B. She informed me that Damanjit has mailed me three days before. 

C. She says that she has told Damanjit to send me an e-mail three days then. 

D. She said that she had told Damanjit to send an e-mail to me three days before. 

VI. The dog ____________ under the chair before the children arrived. 

A. has been hiding 

B. was hid 

C. have hid 

D. had hidden

2. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has been done for you. 

PassagesError Correction 
Have you ever learn from a mistake you have made?                     E.g.learn learnt 
Many shouldn’t admit doing so. For those who do, a) 
there was no need for guilt. We often make mistakes b) 
while taking risks, but all brush them aside and learnc) 
With that, they usually don’t make mistakes the next time…….……….

3. Read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows. 

Biology Teacher: I instructed you to draw a diagram of bacteria. Why did you submit a blank sheet? 

Sameer: Sir, I had drawn the diagram of bacteria, but you can’t see it because it is not visible to the naked eye

The biology teacher had instructed Sameer to draw the diagram of a bacterial cell and asked him (a) ……………………………………………a blank sheet.  Sameer respectfully answered that he had drawn the diagram but (b) ……………………………………………………to the naked eye.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 11

Do as Directed.

1. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete an online update. 

The climate control comment by an activist on social media yesterday. 

A. blow up 

B. blew up 

C. is blown 

D. will be blown 1 

2. Read the conversation between a doctor and his patient. Complete the sentence by reporting the patient’s reply correctly. 

Doctor: Do you feel down from time to time Mr. Gopalan? 

Patient: Yes, I do not stay in a good mood. 

The doctor, while trying to figure out his patient’s ailment, asked about his well-being, to which, the patient affirmed ____________.

3. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a health magazine. 

The advertisement read, ‘If you smoke, statistically your story end 15% before it should’. 

A. must 

B. should 

C. will 

D. ought to 1 

4. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a news report: 

Last week a child was not allowed to board the plane at Ranchi airport.

Option no.errorcorrection
B.last previous
D. at in

5. Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option

As I was standing on the dock, looking out at the lake for the last time, a feeling of emptiness over me like darkness. 

A. will wash 

B. had washed 

C. will have washed 

D. washed 

6 Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: 

Subject: Request for Approval 

Dear Sir 

This is to respectfully submit that I ___________ (seek) approval for organising a tree plantation drive to be undertaken by the club.  

7. Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence: 

Grandson: Grandpa, who are your superheroes? 

Grandpa: Anyone who shows kindness and compassion to others. 

In response to the question about his superheroes, grandfather says that _________________ .

8. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the correction. 

In order to balancing the sentiments of the Eagles and the Hawks, the Student Council suggested a rematch between the teams. 

Use the given format for your response.  

error correction

9. Sunil shared some information, with Tariq, about a holiday at sea. Report Tariq’s question. 

Did you enjoy travelling by sea? 1 

10.  Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan by the Ministry for Child Welfare. 






11. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Latha and her father. 

Father: Why ask so many questions, Latha? 

Latha: I believe that if you don’t know the answer, keep asking till you do! 

Father asked Latha the reason for the many questions she was asking. Latha exclaimed good-humouredly that in event of not knowing the answer one should___________________ . 

A. keep asking till one does. 

B. kept asking till one does. 

C. keep asking till one do. 

D. kept on to ask till one do.  

12. Identify the error on a shop’s hoarding and supply the correction, for the following sales offer: 

Gumnaam & Daughters Pvt. Ltd.                                     Bindapur, Jharkhand 
Massive discount for all senior citizen vaccinated with the precautionary dose.

Use the given format for your response. 

error correction

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 12

Complete the tasks as directed. 

1.  Fill the blanks (i) -(iii) with the appropriate option from those in the brackets.

Time travel (i) __________ ( ought to /should/ could) become a reality in the near future, (ii) _______ (allows/ allowed/ allowing) human beings to experience the thrill of travelling back or forward in time. Sample Question Paper Communicative English 2023-24 Class – X 7 of 9 However, (iii) _______ (most/ many/ much) challenges must be overcome, such as ensuring safety and affordability for all potential time-travellers. 

2. In the following paragraph, one word has been omitted in each line. In your answer sheets, remember to write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it, as shown below. The first one has been done as an example. 
Text Before OmissionAfter
Ever wondered sleep deficit? Well,                               e.g.wonderedaboutsleep
sleep deficit a common problem among 
teenagers today, with many staying up late       ✖        ✖    ✖
to use electronic devices. This lead to 
difficulty in concentrating, mood swings, even 
It’s important for teens to prioritize sleep
to ensure their overall health and well-being.        ✖        ✖    ✖
3. Do as directed. 

Rearrange the following jumbled words/phrases in the given dialogue to create a meaningful sentence. 

Did you know that the lack of hydrological resources affects more than 40% of the world’s population? 

No, I didn’t. What are hydrological resources? 


4. Report the dialogues to complete the paragraph that follows.

Photographer: I want to use a drone for photographing your event. 

Customer: Really! Do you usually offer this advice? 

Photographer: No. I don’t. Your event is in an open and picturesque area and I want to capture the complete scene. 

The photographer told the customer that she wanted to use a drone for photographing his event. The customer exclaimed in surprise and asked (ii) ___________________. The photographer replied in the negative and shared that (iii) ____________________as his event was in an open and picturesque area.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 13

Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 1×10 

1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter

Dear Sir This is with reference to committee’s letter of recommendation that ________ (highlight) the nominations for ‘Safe Residential Area’ award for this current year. 1 

2. Read the given sentence from a recipe review article. Identify the error and supply the correction in the sentence. 

This delightful recipe must keep your hunger pangs at bay with its balanced spices and oriental flavour. 

Use the given format for your response. error correction 1 

3. Abhilash and Neha had a conversation about the inauguration of Neha’s Dance Academy. Report Abhilash’s question.

 Is your best friend helping you in this venture? 1 

iv. Read the dialogue between Shabnam and her mentor, Sara, regarding her summer internship programme. 

Sara: Why did you choose to participate in this internship programme? 

Shabnam: Ah! I am convinced this programme has the potential to enhance my abilities. 

Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue. 

Sara asked Shabnam _________________________________ in that internship programme. Shabnam sighed and exclaimed that she was convinced that programme had the potential to enhance her abilities. 

A. why to choose to participate 

B. to choose participation 

C. why he had chosen to participate 1 6 of 13 

D. with her choice in participating 

5. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the concluding line of an issued circular by an Organisation, to its Managers. 

A copy of the plan is enclosed and __________ (that/ then/ this) may be communicated to all Team Leaders for compliance. 1 

6. Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a commercial company’s current marketing strategy. 

The company aimed at increasing authority in areas frequently visited by the clients. 

Use the given format for your response. 

7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the closing line, from an analytical report. 

In conclusion, this study explores the association among short-sleep pattern and overweight youngsters. 

Option No.errorcorrection 
Band or 
DIn for 
8. Complete the given narrative, by filling the blank with the correct option. 

The experience of nursing an injured bird left me _____________ grateful for knowing the importance of being kind and compassionate to all creatures. 

A. feeling 

B. having felt 

C. felt 

D. feels 1 

9. Report the dialogue between a vendor and his customer, by completing the sentence: 

Vendor: It is nice to see you, Sir! 

Customer: Yes, indeed! Unlike last month, I have been away for quite some time this month. 

The vendor greeted his customer respectfully and mentioned that he was pleased to see him. The customer answered in the affirmative and explained that ______________________ 1 

10. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the live feed on a school news channel. 

Congratulations Change Makers! 

The regional competition awards have been announced and our school music club ___________ the first prize.

A. had been won 

B. will win 

C. was winning 

D. has won 

11. Complete the line from a self- awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option.

The river runs through your veins 

The trees and mountains ______ your name 

The moon and stars watch over 

You’re guiding your way back home 

To dream the night away. 

A. will call 

B. call 

C. had called 

D. calls  

12. Identify the error and supply correction for the following note in a passengers’ flight instruction manual: 
Note- Passengers will not reach the airport late in order to avoid a fine equivalent to 5% of the basic fare.

Use the given format for your response. error correction 


CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 14

Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 10

1. Complete the exclamation of a storekeeper by filling the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets. 

One of the bundles of paper _____ (be) missing from the stock again, today! 

2. Read the given conversation between two friends. 

Sumit: What do you plan to do after your graduation? 

Rahul: I have processed my admission at Harvard Business School. Very soon, I shall be leaving for London. 

Report what Rahul told his friend, by completing the following sentence. 

Rahul replied that__________. 

3. Fill the blank to complete the cautionary declaration, given below. 


4. Fill the blank with the correct option to complete the note of appreciation by the Head of an organisation. 

It is good to know that ______ registration forms were received this time for our event, as compared to the previous year. 

A. many 

B. most 

C. much 

D. more 

5. Select the correct option to fill the blank about Dipti’s nature. 

She always _____ every person. 

A. trust 

B. trusts 

C. trusting 

D. have trusted 

6. Identify the error in the given opinion below and supply the correction 

The rise or control of artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting society, as a whole. 

Error – ________; Correction – ________ 

7. Fill the blank with the correct option, about Girish’s habit. 

Girish, along with his father, _____ every official meeting. 

A. attend 

B. are attending 

C. have attended 

D. attends 

8. Report the given question Kanthi asked her teacher. 

Can we attempt this project as a group of four, rather than that of six members, Sir? 

9. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the opening line of a report. 

Facebook, with more than 1 billion users is celebrated its 10th birthday this year. 

Error Correction 
A. with for
B. is are
C. than then 
D. celebrated celebrating

Error Correction A. with for B. is are C. than then D. celebrated celebrating 

10. Fill the blank to complete a line from a Professor’s introductory address to her class. (Use the correct tense of the word given in the bracket) 

We _____ (complete) the course by next year. 

11. Complete the sentence by correctly reporting Jagdeep’s advice to Gopi. 

If I were you, I would go now and apologise to Mrs. Kumar and offer to pay for the shattered glass. 

Jagdeep said that if he were in Gopi’s position _______________________________

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 15

Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions as Directed:

1. Read the conversation between a mother and her son. Complete the sentence by reporting the mother’s reply correctly. 

Son: Mom, how do I become an artist? 

Mother: You will need to learn more about the art you like and practice it every day. 

 A son asked his mother how he could become an artist. She told him __________. 

2. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete this advertisement. 

Are you looking for more books to read? Due to popular demand, we __________ back our ‘Buy One Get One Free’ offer next weekend! 

A. brings 

B. brought 

C. will bring 

D. were bringing 1 

3. Identify the error in the given newspaper headline and supply the correction. 

Athletics Star Helps State Stays Ahead of Competition 

Use the given format for your response. error correction 

4. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a doorway sign. 

Caution! You __________ not enter. 

Only employees are allowed beyond this point. 

A. need 

B. must 

C. could 

D. might 

5. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a diary entry: 

Dear Diary, 

Today I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the ocean. I wish I could __________ (painting) it to truly capture and preserve the beauty I witnessed.  

6. Select the option that identifies the error in a museum plaque and supplies the correction for the same. 

These building, inaugurated on 29 March 1954, was a former residence of a Maharaja. 

Option no.ErrorCorrection 
A.These This
C.on at 
7. Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence below. 

You must have got good news. I could __________ you celebrating! 

A. hear 

B. hears 

C. heard 

D. hearing 1 

8. Read the conversation between a lawyer and his client. Complete the sentence by reporting the lawyer’s reply correctly.

Client: I am worried, this is a very complicated case. 

Lawyer: Don’t worry, I have never lost a case in my life. 

The client was worried as it was a very complicated case, but his lawyer told him __________. 

9. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the text message below. 

Let’s meet another day since neither Kavi nor Samantha __________ free today as they have tennis practice. 

A. were 

B. are 

C. be 

D. is 1 

10. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Ayan and his mechanic, Vir. 

Ayan: By when do you think you can fix my car? 

Vir: Probably by tomorrow. I don’t think your car has any major issues. 

Ayan asked his mechanic Vir when he thought he could fix his car. Vir replied that he could probably fix the car by __________ as it had no major issues. 

A. that day 

B. one day 

C. tomorrow 

D. the next day 1 

11. Identify the error in the advertisement given below and supply the correction for the same. 

Use the given format for your response.


Looking to Buy a Guitar? 

The brand new guitar is for sale. It comes with a wooden, velvet-lined guitar case. 

If interested, contact me at 99889xxxxx for more details. 

12. Rishi asked Ali the question given below. Report Rishi’s question. 

Could you give me some advice on how I could be a better school captain?

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions Set 16

Do as Directed

1. Read the following dialogue between Kashika and Sam. The underlined parts of this dialogue may or may not have an error. Choose the option that best replaces the underlined part(s). You may choose ‘no error’ if no change is required in the underlined parts. 

Kashika: Sam, will we take a look at the rules of the poetry competition conveyed by Ms Natasha last Tuesday? We have very little time to prepare. 

Sam: You’re right! I completely forgot about it. We should not delay it any longer. 

A. no error; shall not 

B. shall we; no error 

C. may we; may not 

D. can we; could not 

2. Choose the option that completes the paragraph above correctly. 

My work requires me to spread awareness about the kinds of bullying prevalent in a student’s life. Did you know that one out of __________ five students is bullied by another youth? __________ students are scared of opening up to others about instances of bullying __________ may be happening to or around them. 

A. each; Few; that 

B. every; Many; that 

C. every; Few; those 

D. each; Many; those 

3. In which of these does the underlined phrase indicate that the subject has completed the action in the very recent past? 

A. Kelly and I would study together each evening. 

B. Sarah has been playing in the rain since 2 o’clock. 

C. Jack has informed her that he would not be available. 

D. The plane had left by the time Mandy reached the airport. 

4. Gina was asked to convert sentence A to reported speech. Given below are three options that she came up with. 

Sentence A: Larissa said, “Why don’t you join me for dinner tonight?” 

I. Larissa suggested I join her for dinner that night. 

II. Larissa asked me to join her for dinner that night. 

III. Larissa insisted that I should join her for dinner that night. 

Which of the following statements about her options is TRUE? 

A. Only I is correct. 

B. Only III is correct. 

C. Only II and III are correct. 

D. All I, II and III are correct. 

5. Given below is a statement made by politician Jason Bailey: 

“I don’t believe in giving second chances to these so-called allies who went behind my back.” 

Imagine you are a newspaper reporter. While reporting this statement, you will NOT __________. 

A. change ‘my’ to ‘his’ 

B. change ‘went’ to ‘gone’ 

C. change ‘don’t’ to ‘didn’t’ 

D. change ‘these’ to ‘those’ 

6. Choose the option that completes the sentence below correctly. 

She had already begun eating her dinner by the time I __________ there. 

A. reached 

B. had reached 

C. was reaching 

D. had been reaching

Answer Sets CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Questions

Answers Set 1

Q5. ½ X 6= 3 marks 

(a) at 

(b) to 3 

(c) into 

(d) to 

(e) in 

(f) for 

Q6. 4 marks

(a) it is enjoyable (½ m) 

(b) lots of places (½ m) 

(c)Travelling is worth (½ m) 

(d) spend because memories (½ m) 

(e) one gets the (½ m) 

(f) people from different (½ m) 

(g) One of the (½ m) 

(h) how to interact (½ m) 

Q7. 3  marks

1. The most remarkable feature of time is its preciousness.

2. Every moment brings with it thousands of golden opportunities. 

3. We must not allow such precious time to slip away.  

Answers Set 2

1. One mark for each correct answer ( 3 Marks ) 

a. To 

b. Has 

c. and  

2. 1 mark for each correct answer 





3. 1 mark for each correct answer 

a. Craftsmen from all over India come to sell their wares at stalls here. 

b. One can try food from different regions in India at the food court 

c. There are regular cultural performances including the Folk dances.

Answers Set 3


(a) (iii) to (1m) 

(b) (ii) by (1m) 

(c) (iv) about (1m) 


(a) love for one’s 

(b) person who loves 

(c) else is called 

(d) man to do 

(e) being and betterment 

(f) quality that impels 

(g) sacrifice his own 

(h) sake of his


1. There are more than 12000 species of ants all over the world. 

2. They are social insects who live in large colonies or groups. 

3. Ant colonies can consist of millions of ants. 

Answers Set 4

1. One mark for each correct answer 

Eg. –when 

a. At 

b. As/since 

c. When /if 

2. One mark for each correct answer 

a) Cause 

b) Who 

c) Therefore/so 

d) which 4 

3. One mark for each correct answer 

a. It is Celebrated annually for playing a big role in /saving the lives 

b. It aims to provide relief to human beings in distress due to war 

c. Various programs are held to celebrate this day in the schools

Answers Set 5


a) (iii) for 

b) (ii) initiated 

c) (iv ) the 

d) (i) in 

e) (iii) felt 

2. OMISSION 1×4= 4marks 

1 mark to be awarded to each correct answer. For the marks to be awarded the word before and after the missing word should be written. The correct word should be underlined. 

BeforeMissing Word After
a) Campis one
b)Barogin Himachal
c) Popularitywith each
d)Want to get
e) Thishas become

Before Missing Word After a) Camp is one b)Barog in Himachal c) Popularity with each d)Want to get e) This has become 


a) Harvesting rainwater helps in reducing chances of flooding. 

b)It also helps in better storm water management. 

c) Storing rainwater can help in improving plant growth. 

d)Stored rainwater is free from natural and man-made pollutants. 

e) People came out on street fearing another earthquake. SECTION C LITER

Answers Set 6

1. GAP FILLING 1 x 4 = 4 MARKS 

a) (i) in 

b) (ii) is 

c) (iv ) but 

d)(iv) finds 

e) (iii) catching 

2. EDITING 4marks 

1 mark to be awarded to each correct answer. For the marks to be awarded the incorrect word and the correct word should be written. The correct word should be underlined. 

Incorrect word Correct word 
(a) athe
(b) or and
c) has is
(d) irrigating irrigate
(e) requiring require 


a) Millions tons of plastic enters the ocean every year . 

b) Sightings of junk filled waters are common . 

c) Middle – class population is increasing along coastlines . 

d) Lack of waste management has led to increase in trash . 

e) My close friends like helping others.

Answers Set 7


a) (iii) for 

b) (ii) initiated 

c) (iv) the 

d) (i) in 

e) (iii) felt 4 


1 mark to be awarded to each correct answer. For the marks to be awarded the word before and after the missing word should be written. The correct word should be underlined. 

a) Camp isone
b)Barog in Himachal
c) Popularity with each 
e) Thishasbecome 


a) Harvesting rainwater helps in reducing chances of flooding. 

b)It also helps in better storm water management. 

c) Storing rainwater can help in improving plant growth. 

d) Stored rainwater is free from natural and man-made pollutants. 

e) People came out on street fearing another earthquake. 

Answers Set 8

1. Complete the passage by choosing the correct option given below. 

a) ii) are 

b) ii) are living 

c) iii) and 

d) i) the 1×4=4 

2. Write the incorrect word and its correction against the appropriate blank number. 

Distribution of mark 

(½ mark to be awarded for identifying the error and ½ mark for giving the correct answer) 

a) in- of 

b) from – of 

c) through- by 

d) or – and 

3. Rearrange the following set of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. (For a partially correct answer no mark to be allotted) 

a) Over 40 percent of the world’s sugarcane is produced in India. 

b) Ethyl alcohol extracted from sugarcane can be used as fuel for cars. 

c) Gasoline is not the only thing that can power automobiles. 

d) Hydrogen also can be an alternative energy source.

Answers Set 9

1. Grammar 

Attempt all 3 

[Applying conventions using integrated structures with accuracy] 

(i) d) is an important 

(ii) b) celebrated to mark 

(iii) a) leads the youngsters 

1×3=3 marks (Only1 answer for each Q will be accepted. Two answers chosen will result in zero credit of marks) 

2. Grammar 

Attempt all 3 

[Applying conventions using integrated structures with accuracy] 

(i) c) asked him what he was 

(ii) d) replied that 

(iii) c) had heard that people who had 

1×3=3 marks (Only1 answer for each Q will be accepted. Two answers chosen will result in zero credit of marks) 

3. Grammar 

Attempt 4 of 6 

[Applying conventions using integrated structures with accuracy] 

(i) d) need to 

(ii) c) is 

(iii) a) fewer 

(iv)a) a, an 

(v) b) shall be presenting 

(vi)b) will 

1×4=4 marks (Only1 answer for each Q will be accepted. Two answers chosen will result in zero credit of marks) 

Answers Set 10

1. Answers Answer any five

I.  (B) must not 

II.  (A) much 

III. (C) will have taken 

IV. (B) Sunitha asked Venkat how much the rent for his flat was. 

V. (D) She said that she had told Damanjit to send an e-mail to me three days before.

VI. (D) had hidden 

2. Answers

a) shouldn’twon’t/don’t 
b) wasis
c) all some/many

3. Answers.

(a) why he had submittedAward 1 + 1 mark for each correct answer. NO partial credit.
(b) he/ the teacher couldn’t see it because it is not visibleDirect speech – Indirect speech (a) simple past tense  – Past perfect tense (b) Past perfect tense  – No change (c) fact/ universal truth  – No change 

Answers Set 11

Do As Directed:  Answers

Award 1 mark for complete answer  No partial credit 

1. B. blew up  

2. that he does not stay in a good mood. (Addition of sometimes/time to time acceptable) 

3. C. will 

4. C. the/a 

5. D. washed 

6. seek 

7. it is anyone who shows kindness and compassion to others 



9. Tariq asked Sunil if/whether he had enjoyed traveling by sea. 

10. D. CAN 

11. A. keep asking till one does. 



Answers Set 12

Complete the tasks as directed Answers

1. Fill the blanks (i) -(iii) with the appropriate option from those in the brackets.

(i) could [MODAL/ possibility] become a reality in the near future, 

(ii) allowing [TENSE] human beings to experience the thrill of travelling back or forward in time . However, 

(iii) many [DETERMINER] challenges must be overcome, such as ensuring safety and affordability for all potential time-travellers. 

2. Omission: (½ for word before and after + ½ for omission) ; No credit ,if either word before or after is missing or these words are completely missing. 1 (½ + ½) x 4 

Before OmissionAfter
deficit is 
      ✖        ✖    ✖
This can lead
swings and even
        ✖        ✖    ✖

3. Reordering & Transformation 1×3 


4. Report the dialogues to complete the paragraph that follows.

(ii)…if she usually offered that advice 

(iii) …she wanted to capture the complete scene… 

Answers Set 13

Full credit 1, for correct answers. No partial credit of ½ , for any question in this section 

1. highlights 

2. must – will 

3. Abhilash asked Neha whether / if her best friend was helping her in that venture. 

4. C. why he had chosen to participate 4 of 14 

5. this 

6. aimed-aims [it’s a current projection document] 

7. C. among-between 

8. A. feeling 

9. unlike the previous month, he had been away for quite some time that month. 

10. D. has won 

11. B. call 

12. will-should

Answers Set 14

Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 

1 mark for correct answer  No partial credit                                                      

1. Is  

2. he had processed his admission at Harvard Business School and added that very soon, he would be leaving for London.  

3. Will  

4. D. more  

5. B. trusts   

6. Error – or   Correction – and  

7. D.  attends  

8. Kanthi asked her teacher if/whether they could attempt the project as a group of four instead of six members. 

9. D. Error- celebrated, Correction-celebrating  

10. shall have completed  

11. . … he would go then and apologise to Mrs. Kumar and offer to pay for the shattered glass

Answers Set 15

Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions as Directed Answers

Award 1 mark for the correct answer. 

There is no partial credit. 

1. he would need to learn more about the art he liked and practice it every day / to learn more about the art he likes and practice it every day

2. C. will bring 

3. error correction Stays Stay 

4. B. must 

5. paint 

6. A. These/This 

7. A. hear 

8. not to worry as he had never lost a case in his life / not to worry as he had never lost any case in his life. 

9. D. is 

10. D. the next day 

11. error correction The A 

12. Rishi asked Ali if he could give him some advice on how he could be a better school captain. / Rishi requested Ali for some advice on how he could be a better school captain. 

Answers Set 16


2.  B 



5. 6. A