English Articles for Class 7 Usages and Worksheets

Explore comprehensive worksheets on the usage of English articles (a, an, the) tailored for Class 7 students. Enhance understanding through interactive exercises covering correct article usage in sentences.

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Understanding Articles in English for Class 7

The words a, an and the are called articles

A and an are called the indefinite articles because they do not refer to any specific person or thing. 

The article the is called the definite article because it refers to a specific person or thing.

English Articles for Class 7: Indefinite Articles

Explore the usage of indefinite articles (a and an) in English grammar for Class 7 students.

The English Article for Class 7 a/an is used

1. before a singular countable noun when it refers to no particular person or thing. 

For example,

  • I have a car.
  • The computer is a machine.
  • She is an advocate.

2. before a singular noun which represents its whole class or species.

For example,

  1. A student should be disciplined.
  2. A pet should be taken care of.
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3. to mean one. 

For example,

  • a European country
  • an unusual problem
  • an MBA student
  • a usual day
  • an honourable job
  • The car ran at the speed of sixty kilometres an hour.
  • I own a cat and three dogs.


The article a is used before a noun that starts with a consonant sound. The article an is used before a noun that starts with a vowel sound.

4. to indicate membership of a group. 

For example,

  • He is a teacher.
  • Brian is a Goan.
  • Richard is a practising Buddhist.

5. before phrases of time and measurements. 

For example,

  • I go on holiday twice a week.
  • Tomatoes are Rs 100 a kilo.
  • Our car can go at the speed of 220 kilometres an hour.

English Articles for Class 7: Definite Article

Learn the correct usage of the definite article ‘the’ in English grammar for Class 7 students.

The English Article for Class 7 ‘the’ is used

1. before a noun that is one of its kind. 

For example,

  • The Pope might visit India.
  • The moon is very bright tonight.

2. before a noun when we have already mentioned it. 

For example,

A boy fell from a mango tree. The boy was taken to a nearby hospital.

3. before a noun which is made definite by using a qualifying phrase or clause.

For example,

  • The boy in the corner is my brother.
  • The child in red is very cute.
  • This is the place where we first met.

4. before a noun which becomes definite because both the speaker and the listener are familiar with it. 

For example,

  • They are playing in the lawn.
  • Mother is in the kitchen.

5. before ordinals (first, second, third, etc.) and superlatives. Also, before same and only. 

For example,

  • I accepted the first offer.
  • I read the same book that you read.

6. to represent a whole class of animals or things.

For example,

  • The cow gives us milk.
  • The camel rarely drinks water.

7. before an adjective of quality to represent a category of people. 

For example,

  • The brave are admired.
  • The rich should help the poor.

Note: ‘Man’ is an exception to this rule. 

For example,

  • Man is mortal.

8. before the names of seas, rivers, oceans, groups of islands, deserts, ranges of mountains, gulfs and bays, poles, etc. 

For example,

  • the Red Sea
  • the Ganga River
  • the Himalayas
  • the Bay of Bengal
  • the Pacific Ocean
  • the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • the Sahara Desert
  • the Gulf of Mexico
  • the North Pole

9. before names of countries that have the words united or republic in them or

have plural names. 

For example,

  • the United States of America
  • the Philippines, the Netherlands
  • the Republic of Seychelles

10. before the names of a few important books, magazines and newspapers.

For example,

  • the Bible
  • the Mail Today
  • the Vedas
  • the Quran
  • the Hindustan Times

11. before musical instruments. 

For example,

  • He plays the tabla.
  • Diti plays the flute beautifully.

12. before a proper noun if it represents a particular class of people or if it is defined

by some defining clause or phrase. 

For example,

  • Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India.
  • Arjun is the Tendulkar of our local cricket team

Repetition of the Article

Repetition of an article changes the meaning of a sentence. 

For example,

  • I have a red and white shirt. (a shirt with two colours-red and white)
  • I have a red and a white shirt. (two shirts, one-red, the other-white)

Omission of the Article

No article is used

1. before an uncountable noun.

For example,

  • Milk is good for health.
  • Iron is a useful metal.
  • Grass is green.


The can be used before uncountable nouns when they refer to something specific. 

For example,

  • The milk sold in this shop is organic.
  • The grass in my lawn is very soft.

2. before plural countable nouns when they do not refer to any particular people or things. 

For example,

  • Men should respect women.
  • Roads should be safe even for pedestrians.
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3. before proper nouns such as names of people, countries, continents, cities, lakes, hills and mountains. 

For example,

  • Mohan is my brother.
  • We live in India.
  • Nainital has a better climate than Delhi.
  • Agra is known for the Taj Mahal.
  • Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

4. before the names of meals if they refer to the occasion, not food. 

For example,

  • I take breakfast at 8 o’clock.
  • Lunch is at 1:00 p.m.

5. before the names of certain buildings such as school, court, prison, hospital, church if they are visited or used for their primary purpose. 

For example,

  • She will appear in court tomorrow.
  • We go to school every day.

Note:  However, if the purpose is different from the primary purpose, we use articles. 

For example,

  • I have come to the hospital to meet my friend.
  • We catch the bus from the church.
  • He went to prison.
  • I went to bed.
  • She is in hospital.
  • We spend two hours in church every Sunday.

6. before the names of relations. 

For example,

  • Mother is cooking food.
  • Uncle is waiting.

7, before words that denote a unique post or position. 

For example,

  • He is Principal of my school.
  • They appointed me Chairman of the committee.

8. before names of languages. 

For example,

  • They speak Punjabi at home.
  • Can you speak French?

9. before certain phrases made up of a preposition and a noun. 

For example,

  • at home
  • at night
  • at sunrise
  • at daybreak
  • at dawn
  • at dark
  • in hand
  • in debt
  • at noon
  • at sunset
  • at sight
  • on demand
  • at interest
  • on earth
  • by water
  • by sea
  • by air
  • by road
  • by land
  • by train
  • by bus
  • by flight
  • on foot
  • on deck

10. before certain phrases consisting of a transitive verb and its object.

For example,

  • to send word
  • to give word.
  • to keep word
  • to catch fire
  • to take breath
  • to cast anchor
  • to leave home
  • to go home
  • to take offence
  • to give ear
  • to set sail
  • to lose heart
  • to set foot

English Articles for Class 7 Worksheets:

Worksheet 1:

A. Fill in each blank with a suitable article.

1. ___ River Thames flows across England.

2. ___ house is on ___ very crowded road.

3. We went for a walk in ___ park.

4. ___ trial was ___ parody of justice.

5. ___ worst thing is to have to wait unnecessarily.

6. When were ___ last Olympic Games held?

7. ___ next step is to call ___ press conference.

8. He doesn’t take ___ interest in sports.

9. You are ___ good player.

10. Use ___ ladder to get ___ books from ___ top shelf.

11. ___ guard must be posted outside ___ house.

12. He retired from ___ job last year.

13. You can see ___ wide variety of birds here.

14. She will go down in history as ___ great poet.

15. I gave ___ children ___ ice cream each.

16. Now, you should try ___ fresh approach.

17. ___ flower has ___ very sweet smell.

18. Why do you have such ___ big smile on your face?

19. ___ car smashed into ___ tree. ___ car is badly damaged.

20. They shop around for ___ best deal.

21. He shot ___ angry glance at me.

22. ___ government aims at giving quality education.

23. They have lived in ___ same house for ten years.

24. We are going to play ___ important match.

25. There is ___ letter for you.

Worksheet 2:

B. Insert articles where necessary.

1. Here is the list of participants.

2. Who made the coffee?

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3. I am short of cash now.

4. Today is a cloudless day.

5. She reathed a sigh of relief.

6. The chair is made of plastic.

7. A rose is a beautiful flower.

8. You have done an excellent job.

9. She had a dog with a smooth coat.

10. Could you shut the door, please?

11. They are staying at a hotel.

12. Cook the vegetables on low heat.

13. The captain held the trophy in the air.

14. The interview lasted half an hour.

15. He is the highest-ranked player in the country.

16. I have to buy a new pair of shoes.

17. We’ll have to get to the root of the problem.

18. Giving wrong information is an offense.

19. I work for a company that makes computers.

20. Be quiet or you’ll wake the whole house.

21. This is the first time she has been late for work.

22. The dark clouds in the sky gave a hint that it was going to rain.

23. The only way to win the match is to practise hard.

24. It was the fifth day running that the fog had continued.

25. What made you decide on a career as a teacher?

Worksheet 3:

C. Insert articles where necessary. Put a ‘X’ where you don’t need one.

1. Seema and I met up  last month.

2. Shelly is going to the bazaar to get a new salwar kameez for herself.

3. Pulses are a great source of protein.

4. Honesty is the best policy.

5. Meera and Suhita are the best of friends.

6. I survived on books and music during my years at the hostel.

7. I dropped the vase by mistake.

8. I was in college when Mum telephoned.

9. Father and Mother are going to the theatre to watch a play.

10. Dad is making dinner for us. It will be ready in a while.

11. The year 2019 was a good year for me.

12. My brother was born in  2014.

Worksheet 4:

D. Correct the errors in the use of articles. Some may have two errors.

1. She is best singer of all.

2. The man was diagnosed with the dengue.

s. Aeroplane is fastest means of transport.

4. I live in the New Delhi.

5. The gold is a precious metal.

6. The iron is an useful metal.

7. The London is a big city.

8. Last night, we went to the good restaurant.

9. There is the park near my school.

10. The patient is making a rapid progress.

11. We are in a trouble.

12. Do you know the English?

13. I caught the train to London. A train was late.

14. He travelled around world.

15. She lives in the small apartment in a suburbs.

16. A report he submitted was very exhaustive.

Worksheet 5:

E. Insert articles where necessary.

Once upon a time, a rich merchant was robbed in King Akbar’s kingdom. The grief-stricken merchant went to the court and asked for help. Akbar asked Birbal to help the merchant find the robber. The merchant told Birbal that he suspected one of his servants. On getting a hint from the merchant, Birbal summoned all the servants and told them to stand in a straight line. When asked about the robbery, everyone denied doing it, as expected. Birbal then handed over one stick of the same length to each one of them.

While dispersing, Birbal said, ‘By tomorrow, the robber’s stick will increase by two inches.’ The next day when Birbal summoned everyone and did an inspection of their sticks, one servant’s stick was shorter by two inches. On being asked by the merchant about the mystery of finding the real thief, Birbal said, ‘It was simple. The thief had cut his stick by two inches, fearing that it would increase in size.’