10 Types of Pronouns Examples and Worksheets for Class 7

“10 Types of Pronouns Examples and Worksheets for Class 7” covers ten different kinds of pronouns, such as personal, possessive, reflexive, and relative pronouns. Each type is explained with clear examples to enhance understanding. 

These 10 Types of Pronouns Examples and Worksheets for Class 7 include practical worksheets designed to reinforce learning and improve proficiency. Perfect for Class 7 students, these materials make understanding pronouns engaging and effective.

Write the pronoun that can replace the highlighted words or phrases.

1. Rajiv left in a hurry.

2. Did you see my mittens?

3. Please give the ball to me.

4. Place the toys in the basket.

5. Rajni and I missed the bus.

6. Miss Rana chose Deepa to play the lead.

7. Yesterday, Mala and Priya went to the mall.

8. I like my toy.

9. Mohit met Diya and me at the theatre.

10. Ahmed is going to the fair with his uncle.

11. Throw the waste paper into the bin.12. I think I saw Leela and Meghna yesterday.

10 Types of Pronouns Examples and Worksheets

A pronoun replaces a noun in a sentence.

There are ten types of pronouns.

1. Personal pronouns:

Personal pronouns are those pronouns that stand for people and things. They depend on the person, number, and gender of the noun.

Subject Pronouns

1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person


Object Pronouns

1st Person
2nd Person

3rd Person




2. Possessive pronouns 

Possessive pronouns are pronouns that indicate possession of a noun, and they

stand by themselves. 

For example,

  • These books are mine.
  • These clothes are hers.
Second personyoursyours
Third personhis

3. Reflexive pronouns 

Reflexive pronouns indicate that the object of a verb is the same as the subject. It is normally used after verbs.

See also  Compound Complex Sentence examples with answers

For example, 

  • She hurt herself.
  • I cut myself while chopping vegetables.
Second personyourselfyourselves
Third personhimself

4. Emphatic pronouns 

Emphatic pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis. They are normally used after nouns or pronouns.

For example, 

  • The Principal herself attended the annual function.
  • They will do it themselves.

5. Demonstrative pronouns 

Demonstrative pronouns are used to point at people or things that are near or far from us, or to introduce people. 

For example,

  • These are very expensive. How much are those?
  • This is my brother.
  • That is my sister.

6. Distributive pronouns 

Distributive pronouns are used to refer to people or things taken one at a time. They always take a singular verb. 

For example,

  • Either will do. Select any of the two books.
  • Each of them deserves a reward.

Note:  Each, neither and either are distributive pronouns.

7. Indefinite pronouns 

Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things in a general way without exactly saying who or what they are.

For example,

  • Everybody came for the meeting.
  • We could see everything clearly.

Note:  Someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, nobody, no one, everyone, everybody, something, anything, nothing, and everything are indefinite pronouns and take singular verbs.

8. Interrogative pronouns 

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. 

For example,

  • What are the kinds of films that you like?
  • Whose are these clothes?
  • Who are you?
  • What would you like to have?

Note:  There are five interrogative pronouns-what, which, who, whom, whose.

9. Relative pronouns 

Relative pronouns refer to a noun or a pronoun mentioned previously. They also help to join sentences. 

For example,

  • ‘Goldilocks’ is the story of a little girl who got lost in the woods.
  • The book that I wanted to buy was not available.

10. Reciprocal pronouns 

Reciprocal pronouns indicate that two or more people are doing the same thing. There are two reciprocal pronouns each other and one another.

For example,

  • We greet each other on Diwali.
  • We should help one another.

Note: We also use the possessive forms of reciprocal pronouns.

  • We looked at each other’s stamp collection.
  • We often stayed in one another’s homes.

Worksheets:10 Types of Pronouns for Class 7

10 Types of Pronouns Examples and Worksheets for Class 7 explores ten kinds of pronouns with clear examples and practical worksheets.

Worksheets 1:

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns.

1. We are looking for Rohan. Have you seen …………. ?

2. Being the eldest daughter, ………….  took good care of her younger sisters.

3. ‘Have you seen the latest blockbuster?’ Salim asked …………. .

4. By when will the Principal be free to meet …………. ?’ asked the child’s parents.

5. Whenever …………. do something, make sure that it is done well,” said the old man to the little girl.

6. When friends saw the Taj Mahal, …………. were amazed.

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7. Usually when the Indian team plays on home soil, …………. wins by a huge margin.

8. The people surrounded the thieves and gave …………. sound thrashing.

9. Maya saw Manik at the fair. …………. waved out to …………. , but …………. didn’t see …………. .

10. Zara and I plan to visit Mysore. …………. are looking for friends to come along with ………….

11. ‘Ria, are ………… from Kanpur?” asked Padmini.

12. You and Maya speak French well. Where did ………… learn to speak French?

13. Priya is a student. ………… studies engineering.

14. My parents are going to Kerala. ………… are going for a week.

15. Raja is very tall. And ………… is very slender too.

16. My name is Deepshikha. ………… am from Delhi.

17. Mark and Robin are from Australia. ………… have come to India for the first time.

Worksheets 2:

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronouns. Then, identify the pronouns as reflexive pronouns (R) or emphatic pronouns (E).

1. He posted the letter …………. 

2. Father met the Principal …………. 

3. Be careful. You might hurt …………. 

4. I am teaching ………….  to play the guitar.

5. I do my homework …………. . Nobody helps me.

6. The Principal …………. announced the news.

7. ‘Why don’t you do the dishes ………….?’ she said.

8. ‘Help ………….’, Mother said to the hungry children.

9. When we had to do things ………… we learned our lesson.

10. The children did their homework …………

11. ‘Did you enjoy …………?’ the gentleman asked me.

12. The baby smiled at …………on seeing her reflection in the mirror.

Worksheets 3:

C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

1. ………… is Miss Ahana Jain. She is your new class teacher,’ said the Principal.

2. ‘Look at …………!’ exclaimed the boy pointing at the shooting star.

 3. ………… is how you can solve this sum.

4. I can solve ………… easily,’ said the girl.

5. I like …………, but I would like to look at ………… too, the ones you have at that end,’ said the customer.

Worksheets 4:

D. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate distributive pronouns.

1. Susan exclaimed, ‘Oh no! …………. of my old dresses has frayed.”

2. …………. of the students can participate in the dance competition.

3. ………….r of them has done the mischief.

4. …………. of these doctors seems efficient enough to handle the patients they are attending to. 

5. It appears that …………. of you has been selected for the part.

6. …………. of the two girls has the ability to carry it off.

7. …………. of these chapters has an exercise at the end.

8. …………. of the tourists had a torch.

9. …………. of the books was helpful.

10. I like both the dresses. But I will buy one. I can buy …………. of the two. I don’t have enough money to buy both.

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Worksheets 5:

E. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate indefinite pronouns.

1. Neetu is throwing a party. ………….. is invited.

2. Hello! Is ………….. there?

3. ‘Why is………….. ready yet?” asked father irritably.

4. Will ………….. please help me?’ the trapped man cried out.

5. ‘Is………….. at home?’ shouted the postman. But ………….. answered his call. 

6. ………….. felt that Gaurav will win. Nobody could believe it when Prateik won.

7. Has …………..understood the procedure? Does anyone have a doubt?

8. ………….. in my family bursts crackers. They are really bad for the environment.

9. ………….. is at the door. Can you please check? 

10. ………….. ran towards the actor. The actor was scared and ran away!

11. I went to meet the neighbours. But ………….. answered the door. 

12. Can ………….. tell me the difference between ‘pavement’ and ‘sidewalk’?

Worksheets 6:

F. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate interrogative or relative pronouns.

1. …………..  is that lady?

2. …………..  is this book about?

3.…………..  did you speak to?

4. Ask him about …………..  he wants.

5. I don’t know …………..  he is.

6. …………..  do you wish to meet?

7. …………..  was driving the car?

8. May I know ………….. is speaking?

9. …………..  is your favourite colour?

10. ………….. has to read next?’ asked the teacher.

11. I cannot understand ………….. you are saying.

12. …………..  is the guy you were speaking to?

15. Do you know the man ………….. is speaking?

14. This is the teacher ………….. taught me last year.

15. …………..  of these ladies is your class teacher?

16. He is delivering a lecture …………..  is very interesting.

17. …………..  of your childhood hobbies do you still pursue?

18. The game …………..  we invented was nothing new.

19. Look at these dresses …………..  do you prefer the red one or the white one?

20. The person to …………..  I spoke on the phone that day gave me wrong information.

Worksheets 7:

G. Underline the pronouns and identify their kinds.

1. What is happening?

2. Mahesh hurt himself.

3. These books are mine.

4. Is anybody at home?

5. That is a beautiful dress.

6. Does Anita like these?

7. Nobody came to help us.

8. We gave each other gifts.

9. He himself made the coffee.

10. This is our car. That is theirs.

11. Whom do you want to meet?

12. Which is your favourite song?

15. I sent myself a copy of the mail.

14. The car that he drives is very old.

15. Nothing happened at school today.

16. We ourselves made the sandcastle.

17. They built the garden themselves.

18. My plant is dying. Yours is lovely.

19. These apples are sweeter than those.

20. Riddhi and Siddhi beat them in the finals.

21. This is the boy who saved his grandmother.

22. The cat saw itself in the mirror and panicked.

23. I do not know the person who called yesterday.

24. Praveen and Sudeep are talking to each other.

25. Girish runs very fast. Can you run faster than him?

26. The team members are blaming one another for the loss.

27. ‘Would you like to have some coffee, Sir?’ asked