HS English Suggestion 2025 with Answers for Class 12 PDF

Prepare WBCHSE Class 12 last-minute Higher Secondary (HS) English Suggestion 2025 with Answers. With concise and easy-to-understand answers, this guide is perfect for quick learning and last-minute revision. Prepare effectively by downloading the HS English Suggestion 2025 PDF, covering prose, poetry, drama, grammar, writing, and unseen comprehension.

The HS English Exam 2025 will be held on WEDNESDAY [05-03-2025] from 10:00 AM – 01:15 PM

HS English Suggestion 2025 with Answers for Class 12 PDF

Access the HS English Suggestion 2025 with Answers PDF and prepare for your 2025 Higher Secondary English exams. The PDF includes the most important questions and answers from the WBHS English (B) syllabus, covering Prose, Poetry, Proposal (Drama), Textual Grammar, and Writing Skills.

Class 12 HS English Suggestive questions answers 2025

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HS English Suggestion 2025: Multiple Choice Type Questions


Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided. 1✖12 = 12

The Eyes Have It

1. The girl who boarded the train from Rohana was wearing

(a) high heels (b) slippers  (c) boots (d) sports shoes

2. The co-passenger, who boarded the train at Saharanpur noticed the girl’s

(a) hair (b) beautiful eyes  (c) sweet face (d) bright dress 

3. The Narrator had the compartment himself up to 

(a) Saharanpur (b) Dehradun (c) Rohana  (d) Mussoorie

4. What tantalized the narrator was the 

(a) ringing laugh of the girl (b) sweet talk of the girl (c) the melodious voice of the girl (d) perfume of the girl’s hair 

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5. The girl in the train compartment thought the narrator to be 

(a) gallant (b) serious (c) gallant and serious  (d) pretentious

6. “I had the train compartment to myself up to Rohana”- Here I mean

(a) myself (c) the narrator  (b) the girl (d) the co-passenger.

7. The narrator had the compartment to himself up to 

(a) Saharanpur (b) Dehradun (c) Rohana  (d) Mussorie

8. The blind girl said that she loved the 

(a) tree (b) animals (c) hills  (d) forests

9. The blind girl said that she would get off at

(a) Nainital (b) Mussoorie  (c) Dehra (d) Saharanpur. 

10. According to Ruskin Bond, the best time for visiting the hills is-  

(a) September (b) October  (c) November (d) December

11. According to Ruskin Bond, the best time for visiting the hills is-

(a) September (b) October  (c) November (d) December.

12. What is the narrator’s very first clue about his fellow traveler on the train? 

(a) He knows that she wears slippers, from the way they slap against her heels. (b) He knows that she has light eyes and golden hair. (c) He knows that she has a radiant smile. (d) He knows that she wears glasses.

13. From Dehra, Ruskin Bond was going 

(a) to Mussoorie  (d) Saharanpur. (b) to Rohana (d) to a hill station

14. The thought of laughter made the narrator 

(a) happy  (b) sad (c) lonely (d) glad

15. The game that the narrator played with his fellow travelers was to- 

(a) pretend that he could see  (b) pretend that he couldn’t hear (c) make conversation about things around them  (d) make sure that they do not realize that he cannot see.

16. In October the hills are covered with – 

(a) moss (b) pine trees (c) wild dahlias  (d) sunflower

17. “Then I made a mistake.” The mistake that the narrator made was-

(a) to ask the wrong question  (b) to behave rudely with the girl (d) asking about her destination (c) praising the girl’s face

18. The girl had been tired of hearing about her – 

(a) beautiful eyes (b) pretty eyes (d) pretty face  (c) interesting face

19. The October Sun in the hills is – 

(a) unpleasant (b) pleasant  (d) hot (c) dull

20. The narrator tried to stop himself from getting too familiar with the girl because – 

(a) aunts are very strict (b) aunts are very cruel (d) aunts are very careless (c) aunts are usually formidable creatures 

21. “But I liked the sound of her voice.” The speaker also loved 

(a) sound of her slipper  (b) sound of her laugh (d) flapping of dress (c) cascading hair

22.  For the blind narrator the daylight was

(a) a gift (b) a curse (d) darkness  (c) boon

23. The blind girl said that she loved the 

(a) tree (b) animals (d) hills  (c) forest

24. During the train journey up to Rohana the narrator was

(a) alone  (b) accompanied by his friend (d) talking with a girl (c) talking with another person

25. The girl in the story, “The Eyes have It” preferred 

(a) long journeys (b) short journeys  (d) day journeys (c) night journeys

26. According to the blind narrator 

(a) all girls like flattery  (b) few girls can’t resist flattery (d) no girls like flattery (c) all girls can resist flattery

27. “We’ll soon be at your station” Here “station” refers to 

(a) Dehra (b) Saharanpur  (d) Delhi (c) Rohana

28. The narrator in “The Eyes Have It” perhaps would never discover something about

(a) The girl’s hair (b) The girl’s look  (d) The girl’s destination (c) The girl’s parents

29. “It would stay with me for the rest of the journey”- Here ‘it’ refers to the

(a) the sweet smile of the girl (b) sweet words of the girl (c) terrible shock (d) the memory of his brief encounter with the girl 

30. The person who broke into the narrator’s reverie was-

(a) the girl (b) the new passenger  (c) the girl’s aunt (d) the girl’s parents


Strong Roots

1. One of the forebears of Kalam’s mother was awarded by the British the title of-

(a) Bahadur (b) Raibahadur (c) Padmashree (d) Bharat Ratna

2. APJ Abdul Kalam was by birth a-

(a) Telugu (b) Kannad (c) Tamil (d) Malayali

3. The name of Abdul Kalam’s mother is-

(a) Ashima (c) Shiamma (b) Ashiamma (d) Hiamma

4. APJ Abdul Kalam’s own world was concerned with-

(a) science and war (b) science and technology (c) missile technology (d) rocket science and technology

5. The prayers chanted in the mosque were in

(a) Urdu (b) French (c) Persian (d) Arabic

6. Rameswaram was famous to pilgrims for-

(a) the Vishnu temple (b) the Tirupati temple (c) the Shiva temple  (d) the mosque

7. Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house was built in 

(a) mid 19th century  (b) late 19th century (c) early 20th century  (d) early 19th century

8. Kalam’s father would take him to the mosque for-

(a) pre-dawn prayers  (b) evening prayers (c) mid-day prayers  (d) afternoon prayers

9. Kalam’s locality was predominantly-

(a) Hindu (b) Muslim (c) Jain (d) Buddhist

10. Abdul Kalam’s house was in the-

(a) Mosque street  (b) Park Street (c) Church Street  (d) Temple Street

11. The words of Abdul Kalam’s father filled him with a strange energy and-  

(a) relief (c) perseverance (b) enthusiasm (d) determination

12. After reading the namaz before dawn, Abdul Kalam’s father used to   

(a) meet people of different religions (b) go to the mosque (c) meet Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry (d) go to the coconut grove.

13. Abdul Kalam’s father would convey complex spiritual concepts in simple, down-to-earth

(a) Arabic (b) Urdu (c) Tamil (d) Telugu.

14. Kalam’s ancestral house was built in 

(a) mid 19th century (b) late 19th century (c) early 20th century (d) early 19th century

15. One of the forebearers of Kalam’s mother was awarded by the British the title of

(a) Bahadur (b) Raibahadur (c) Padmashree (d) Bharat Ratna

16. The coconut grove, where Abdul Kalam’s father used to walk down every morning was about –

(a) one and a half miles (b) three miles (c) four miles (d) four and a half miles

17. Kalam’s ancestral house was made of

(a) limestone and brick (b) cement and brick (c) mud and brick (d) bamboo and tin shed


Thank You Ma’am

1. Before Roger left, Mrs. Jones gave him 

(a) a pair of suede shoes (b) a ten-cent cake (c) ten dollars (d) a set of new clothes

2. The lady picked up the boy from the street by holding his 

(a) trousers;  (b) shirt front;  (c) wrist;  (d) arm.

3.  Mrs. Jones wanted to teach Roger 

(a) right from wrong (b) what was right (c) what was wrong (d) what he should be

4.  On entering her room Mrs Jones asked Roger to-  

(a) eat dinner;  (b) comb his hair;  (c) wash his face;  (d) take rest for a while.

5. Bending over the sink the boy Roger asked Mrs Jones whether she –  

(a) was going to take care of him. take him to jail;  (b) was going to punish him;  (c) was going to reward him;  (d) was going to 

6. The boy wanted to buy-   

(a) blue suit shoes;  (b) black suede shoes; (c) blue suede shoes;  (d) black suit shoes.

7. Mrs. Jones gave the boy-  

(a) five cents;  (b) five dollars;  (c) ten cents;  (d) ten dollars. 

8. Roger was afraid that Mrs Jones would take him to – 

(a) jail;  (b) her home;  (c) his home;  (d) hotel.

9. The boy in “Thank you Ma’am” would never in his life – 

(a) like Luella Bates;  (b) remember Luella Bates;  (c) forget Luella Bates;  (d) dislike Luella Bates.

10. Mrs Bates was walking alone at – 

(a) eleven o’clock at night;  (b) one o’clock at noon;  (c) one o’clock at night;  (d) twelve o’clock at noon.

11. The age of the boy who tried to snatch Mrs Bates’ purse was 

(a) fourteen or fifteen;  (b) twelve or thirteen;  (c) fifteen or sixteen;  (d) seventeen or eighteen.

12. The boy could hardly say more than “Thank You Ma’am” because-

(a) he did not see the lady;  (b) he was very afraid;  (c) the door was shut;  (d) he never saw the lady again.

13. If the boy had been Mrs Bates’ son she would have taught him-

(a) left from right;  (b) right from wrong;  (c) right from left;  (d) wrong from right.

14. Mrs Jones was carrying a heavy- 

(a) suitcase;  (b) pocketbook;  (c) briefcase; (d) duffel bag.

15. Mrs Jones worked at a – 

(a) hotel beauty shop; (b) medical store; (c) garment shop; (d) departmental store.

16. The large purse that the woman was carrying had –

(a) at thin strap; (b) a thick strap: (c) a long strap; (d) a short strap.

17. After getting to her door, Mrs Bates first entered 

(a) kitchenette; (b) rear of the house; (c) drawing room; (d) a hall.

18.  When Mrs Bates was returning back from work Roger – 

(a) ran up to her; (b) ran to her side; (c) ran up behind her; (d) ran away from her.

19. Mrs Bates said that she was not going to 

(a) turn the boy to the police; return home; (c) turn the boy loose; (d) allow the boy steal. (b) let the boy

20. Mrs Jones thought that Roger wanted to steal because he had been

(a) acrobet (b) hungry; (c) rebellious; (d) lonely.

21. The boy lost balance because of 

(a) his own weight; (b) the weight of the purse; (c) his own weight and the weight of the purse combined; (d) the weight of the woman.


Three Questions

1. When the Tsar saw the hermit for the first time, the latter was – 

(a) meditating under the tree(b) sleeping on the porch (c) digging soil in front of the hut (d) talking to the villagers

2. The bearded man wanted to 

(a) meet the Tsar (b) meet the hermit (c) take revenge on the Tsar (d) hunt in the wood

3. The most necessary man is he- 

(a) with whom you work (b) with whom you are (c) with whom you live (d) who helps you in trouble 

4. The wounded man was actually-.

(a) enemy of the hermit; (b) enemy of the Tsar; (c) friend of the Tsar; (d) disciple of the hermit.

5. The hermit received none but 

(a) Emperors (b) Kings (c) Common folk (d) the Tsar

6. The hermit was-  

(a) tall and weak; (b) short and weak, (c) frail and strong; (d) frail and Weak

7.  The bearded man was wounded by-  

(a) the Tsar’s son; (b) the Tsar’s friend; (c) the Tsar himself; (d) the Tear’s bodyguard.

8. The Tear asked the hermit

(a) one question; (b) two questions; (c) four questions (d) three questions. 

9.  The Tsar had executed the bearded man’s-

(a) father; (b) son; (c) uncle, (d) brother.

10. The hermit never quitted 

(a) the cottage he lived in; (b) the road he could see, (o) the retreat he lived in; (d) the wood he lived in.

11. The title Tsar belonged to 

(a) the Prime Minister of Great Britain; (b) the President of Russia; (c) the King of Japan; (d) the King of Italy.

12. When the Tear went out into the porch and looked around for the hermit, he was –

(a) sowing seeds; (b) digging beds; (c) nursing the wound of the bearded man; (5) speaking to the wounded man.

13.  The answers that the learned men gave the Tsar were –

 (a) same; (b) different; (c) opposing; (d) bewidering.

14. The Tear went to visit the hermit in- 

(a) king’s attire; (b) simple clothes, (c) farmer’s; (d) a magician’s robe.

Or, The Tear disguised himself as a /an- 

(a) woodcutier; (b) farmer; (c) common man; (d) doctor.

15. When at last the blood ceased flowing the man revived and asked for- 

(a) food; (b) water; (c) medicine; (d) shelter,

Or, When the wounded man revived he asked for – 

(a) a towel; (b) a handkerchief; (c) a physician; (d) something to drink.

Or, The bearded man was actually, the king’s 

(a) friend; (b) guide; (c) enemy. (d) bodyguard.

16. To answer his three questions the Tsar had invited- 

(a) Scholars and learned men; (b) Priests; (c) soldiers; (d) Doctors.

17. The third question was what was the most important- 

(a) occupation; (b) place; (c) time; (d) thing.

18. The Tsar would never fail in anything he undertook, if he know- 

(a) the most important man; (b) the most important time; (c) the most important place; (d) the most important thing

to do.

19. When the king went to the wood to meet the hermit he left behind his in 

(a) -chief; (b) the learned man; (c) bodyguards; (d) the enemy.

20.  The Tsar wanted to know the right time to- 

(a) talk; (b) work; (c) end anything; (d) begin anything.

21. The bearded man wanted to kill the Tsar because – 

(a) he wanted to sit on the throne; (b) he wanted to take revenge; (c) he wanted to rob the Tsar; (d) he was a murderer,

22. The bodyguard was waiting for the Tsar- 

(a) in the forest; (b) outside the hut; (c) outside the forest; (d) in the hut.

23. Some suggested that the Tsar should have a Council of wise men to- 

(a) decide what was his most important occupation; (b) help him to fix proper time for everything; (c) decide who were the right people to listen to; (d) decide whom to avoid.

24.  Each time the hermit stuck his spade into the ground, he- 

(a) sat down for rest; (b) drank water; (c) wiped off the sweat on his forehead; (d) breathed heavily. 

25. The questions of the Tsar was about – 

(a) the most necessary people; (b) the right time; (c) the most important work; (d) all of the above


On Killing a Tree

1. The tree while growing had fed upon- 

(a) the earth; (b) the earth’s crust; (c) the earth’s exterior; (d) the earth’s interior.

2. The ……  is the most sensitive part of the tree-

(a) bleeding bark; (b) miniature boughs; (c) white and wet root; (d) blooming flowers.

3. The curled green twigs rise from – 

(a) the earth’s cave; (b) the uprooted tree; (c) close to the ground; (d) the rough bark. 

4. The bark of the tree is described as ‘leprous’ because 

(a) it is soft and smooth; (b) it is wounded by the knife; (c) it is rough and has marks; (d) it is glossy and shining.

5. “Miniature boughs”,- the word ‘boughs’ means – 

(a) leaves; (b) roots; (c) branches; (d) stems. 

6. The root needs to be pulled out of the –  

(a) firm soil; (b) anchoring earth; (c) underground; (d) firm earth. 

7. Green twigs that rise from close to the ground are  

(a) curled; (b) crooked; (c) straight; (d) broken. 

8. The poet seems to suggest that in order to kill a tree- 

(a) placking out all the leaves will do the job (b) some pain will do the job (c) cutting the branches will do the job (d) total destruction of the roots will do the job 

9. When the roots of thetree are pulled out, they are – 

(a) dry and dead (b) white and wet (c) hard and twisted (d) green and moist 

10. The most sensitive part of the tree was ………… the earth- 

(a) lying exposed; (b) scorched within; (c) hidden inside; (d) wet with.


Asleep In The Valley

1. The smile of the soldier in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is- 

(a) gentle (b) witty (c) foolish (d) cunning 

2. The soldier’s pillow is made of- 

(a) flowers (b) fern (c) grass (d) leaves 

3. One hand of the soldier is on his- 

(a) face (b) gun (c) breast (d) side 

4. The words ‘red holes’ mean- 

(a) spots of blood clots (b) red flowers in the valley (c) bullet wounds (d) none of these 

5. The stream flows through the valley 

(a) in a zigzag course (b) at a slow pace (c) swiftly (d) in a halting manner 

6. The marks of the wound of the soldier are

(a) on his head (b) on his chest (c) in his side (d) in his leg

7. Nature is pleaded to keep the soldier 

(a) pleasant (b) warm (c) asleep(d) peaceful

8. The soldier appears  

(a) cold (b) warm (c) pale(d) bright 

Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer’s Day

1. The eye of heaven’ in Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 18 refers to

(a) the sun (b) the moon (c) the poet (d) the clouds 

2. The winds that blow in summer in Shake- speare’s ‘Sonnet No. 18’ are-  

(a) balmy (b) weak (c) hot (d) rough 

3. The ‘darling buds’ are shaken by rough winds in- 

(a) March (b) April (c) May (d) June 

4.  “So long lives this.”-Here ‘this’ means-  

(a) the poet’s friend (b) the poet’s sonnet (c) the poet’s pet (d) the poet’s maid 

5. But thy eternal summer shall not fade’-here ‘thy’ refers to-  

(a) Shakespeare (b) the sun (c) Shakespeare’s friend (d) the season of summer 

6. Nature’s changing course is

(a) dimmed (b) temperate (c) untrimmed (d) lovely 

7.  “ …. His gold complexion dimmed.” Here ‘his’ refers to – 

(a) the sun (b) the sky (c) the poet’s friend (d) the poet himself 

8. According to the poet, what has “all too short a date”? 

(a) Eye of Heaven (b) Darling Buds of May (c) Summer’s Lease (d) The poet’s Friend’s beauty


The Poetry of Earth

1. The silence in “The Poetry of Earth’ has been wrought by- 

(a) summer (b) winter(c) frost (d) rain

2. According to Keats, the music of earth ceases- 

(a) in summer (b) in winter (c) in autumn (d) at no point of time

3.  Keats’s “The Poetry of Earth’ is a/an- 

(a) ballad (b) epic (c) sonnet (d) none of these

4. The grasshopper is associated with the season-  

(a) winter (b) autumn (c) summer (d) spring

5. Being tired the grasshopper rests beneath- 

(a) a tree (b) a bush (c) some pleasant weeds (d) grassy hills 

6. The grasshopper presents live- 

(a) music of spring (b) music of winter (c) music of summer (d) music of autumn 

7. “… he takes the lead” – Who is he? He is – 

(a) the summer(b) the grasshopper(c) the cricket (d) the poet 

8. The birds hide in – 

(a) the shade of trees(b) the shadow of trees(c) cold trees (d) cooling trees  

9. The cricket’s shrill song is heard on a 

(a) rainy afternoon(b) sunny morning(c) scorching noon (d) winter evening



The Proposal

1. Lomov inherited his land from his-

(a) father (b) aunt and her husband (c) father-in-law (d) stepfather

2. Natalya is-

(a) well educated (b) just literate (c) not educated (d) informally educated

3. The one-act play, “The Proposal’ is written by-

(a) Tolstoy (b) Chekhov (c) Ibsen (d) Dostoevsky

4. The name of Natalya’s dog is- 

(a) Tom (b) Jim (c) Squeezer (d) Guess

5. Lomov suffers from-

(a) arthritis (b) tuberculosis (c) obsessive compulsive disorder (d) palpitations

6. Natalya received Lomov in her-

(a) apron and negligee  (b) kimono (c) evening gown (d) night gown

7. Chubukov bought his dog for-

(a) 65 roubles (b) 75 roubles (c) 85 roubles (d) 95 roubles

8. Lomov was in his-

(a) early thirties (b) late thirties (c) mid thirties (d) beyond thirties

9. Chubukov laments that it is a burden-

(a) to be a landlord (b) to be the father of a grown-up daughter (c) to be an accountant of other’s business (d) to harvest crops

10. Guess is the name of-

(a) the Count’s dog  (b) Natalya’s dog (c) Lomov’s aunt’s dog  (d) Lomov’s dog

11. Chubukov is a- 

(a) landowner (b) lawyer (c) merchant (d) physician

12. Lomov comes to Chubukov’s house-

(a) to propose to his daughter (b) like a good neighbor (c) for a formal meeting (d) to borrow money from Chubukov

13. When Lomov arrived, Chubukov was surprised by his-

(a) evening dress (b) palpitations (c) shyness (d) impudence

14. According to Natalya, they had lent Lomov their-

(a) hunting dog (b) lands (c) peasants (d) threshing machine

15. Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a-

(a) partridge (b) fax (c) dog (d) wolf

16. Chubukov addresses Lomov as-  

(a) a devil (b) a peasant (c) an angel (d) an angle

17. Natalya’s age is-

(a) twenty five (b) thirty (c) thirty five (d) none of the above

18. “You pettifogger!” Here ‘pettifogger’ refers to-

(a) a poor peasant  (b) a vendor (c) a lawyer who deals with petty cases (d) an average trader

19. Lomov jumps in his sleep like a-

(a) dog (b) lunatic (c) rabbit (d) fox

20. Lomov hoped to go for shooting- 

(a) before the harvest (b) in November (c) in June (d) after the harvest

21. When Lomov arrived, Natalya was- 

(a) instructing her mowers (b) shelling peas for drying (c) stacking hay (d) reading a book

22. When Natalya comes to know that Lomov had come to propose her, she asks her father to- 

(a) never allow him again (b) take him to court (c) get him by the neck (d) bring him back

23. The first argument between Lomov and Natalya was over- 

(a) Land (b) Labour (c) Hunting dogs (d) Inheritance

24. “Say it again. I didn’t hear it all!” The speaker is-

(a) Chubukov (b) Lomov (c) Natalya (d) Natasya Mihailovna

25. Natalya was shelling… for drying.-

(a) beans (b) barley (c) peas (d) meadows

26. When Lomov arrived, Chubukov was surprised by his-

(a) evening dress (c) shyness (b) palpitations (d) impudence

27. The character who said that Natalya was an excellent housekeeper

(a) Lomov’s aunt (b) Chubukov (c) Lomov (d) Natalya’s maid

28. The worst of Lomov’s physical problems is 

(a) the way he sleeps (b) his palpitations (c) his headache (d) his limp.

29. Chubukov said that Lomov’s younger aunt had run away with 

(a) a hunter (b) a drunkard (c) a count (d) an architect.

30. Lomov went to his neighbor, Chubukov’s house 

(a) to borrow money (b) to settle a dispute (c) to give a marriage proposal (d) to complain.

31. Lomov’s aunt’s name is

(a) Natalya Stepanova (b) Natasha Vassilevitch (c) Nastasya Mihailovna (d) Natalya Mihailovna.

32. Lomov bought his dog, Guess, from 

(c) Chubukov (b) Mironov (c) Chiranova (d) Natalya.

33. Natalya claimed that Guess was like a 

(a) stallion (b) buffalo (c) mule (d) cab horse.

34. Chubukov tells Natalya that someone has come in their drawing room who is 

(a) a farmer (b) a land owner (c) a merchant (d) a hawker.

35. “What a weight off my shoulders.”- The weight refers to 

(a) Lomov (b) Guess (c) Squeezer (d) Natalya.

36. Lomov wanted to remind Natalya that her dog was- 

(a) ugly (b) old (c) overshot (d) lame

37. Natalya suggested that Lomov should not go after foxes but- 

(a) catch black beetles (b) go after horses (c) shoot partridges (d) go to the doctor

38. Chubukov comments that Lomov’s have had in their family- 

(a) autocracy (b) lunacy (c) hypocrisy (d) democracy

39. Lomov went to his neighbour, Chubukov’s house- 

(a) to borrow money (b) to settle a dispute (c) to give a marriage proposal (d) to complain

40.  Lomov gave …………… to Mironov for his dog. 

(a) 120 roubles (b) 125 roubles (c)  25 roubles (d)  85 roubles

41. The sitting of the play “ The Proposal” is 

(a) Chubukov’s garden (b) Lomov’s drawing room (c) Chubukov’s drawing room

(d) Lomov’sgarden

42. Natalya lived 

(a) alone (b) with her parents (c) with her mother (d) with her father

43. Lomov was ……………. Years old 

(a) twenty five (b) thirty (c) thirty five (d) forty

44. The piece of land that Lomov and Natalya quarrelled over was 

(a) Oxen Meadows (b) Lomov’s farm (c) Birch woods (d) Burnt March


HS English Suggestion 2025: Short Answer Type Questions

2. Answer any four questions from PROSE and four questions from POETRY of the following questions each in a complete sentence. 1✖8 = 8


The Eyes Have IT

1. What did the narrator know about the animals in the forest near Dehra?

 2. Who would receive the blind girl at the destination?/ Who was supposed to receive the girl at Saharanpur station? 

3. How did the narrator come to know that the girl wore slippers? 

4. What could the narrator see in his mind’s eye? .

5. How did the girl describe the narrator?

6. Who did the narrator of ‘The Eyes Have It’ think to be formidable creatures?  

7. Where was the girl in the story, ‘The Eyes Have It’ getting off? 

8. What did the narrator ask the new fellow- traveller about the girl? 

9. Why did the narrator think that his voice must have startled the girl? 

10. Where was the girl in the story, ‘The Eyes Have It’ getting off? 

11. Who did the narrator of, ‘The Eyes Have It’ think to be formidable creatures?

12. What remark did the narrator make about people with good eyesight? 

13. What were the eyes of the narrator in ‘The Eyes Have It’ sensitive to? 

14. How did the narrator in ‘The Eyes have It’, describe the voice of the blind girl? 

Or,  How did the girl’s voice appear to the narrator?

15. Who broke into the narrator’s reverie?  

16. What, according to the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It’, is the best time to visit the hills?  

17. At which station did the blind girl get into the train?


Strong Roots

1. In whom did Abdul Kalam’s father have an ideal helpmate?

2. What was the name of Abdul Kalam’s father?

3. What does Kalam’s father say about the relevance of prayer? 

4. How was the house of APJ Abdul Kalam?

5. When did the father of APJ Abdul Kalam get up from bed?

6. How does Kalam describe his appearance?

7. Where did Kalam’s father go for the evening prayers?

8. What was the name of Abdul Kalam’s mother?

9. Who has bestowed the title of ‘Bahadur’ in ‘Strong Roots’? 

10. In which town was Dr APJ Abdul Kalam born? 

11. What, according to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s father does adversity always present?

12. What did Kalam normally eat at lunch?

13. How would Kalam’s father sanctify water?

14. What was revealed to Kalam by his father?

15. Who was a very close friend of Abdul Kalam’s father?

16. How was Abdul Kalam’s mother’s lineage different from his father’s? 

17. What were the necessary things Kalam’s father provided to his family?

18. In which language were the prayers chanted in the mosque?

19. What does Kalam’s father say about the importance of prayer?

20. Who was the priest of the Rameswaram Temple? 

21. Whom did Kalam consider to be a very close friend of his father?

22. What did Abdul Kalam’s father use to avoid?

23. How was Abdul Kalam’s mother’s lineage different from his father’s? 

24. What did Kalam’s father avoid in his daily life? 

25. What were the names of Kalam’s parents? 


Thank You Ma’am

1. What did Mrs. Jones plan to prepare from the canned milk?

2. At what time was Mrs. Jones returning home from work?  

3.  Where did Mrs Jones work? 

4. What was the full name of Mrs Jones? 

5. Why did Mrs. Jones call the boy a liar? 

6. When and where did Roger and Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones meet? 

7. What shoes and Jeans was Roger wearing? 

8. What lesson of his life did Roger learn at the end of the story from Mrs. Jones? 

9. Why did Roger want to snatch the large purse of Mrs Jones? 

10. What advice did Mrs Jones give to Roger at the end of the story?

11. What did Mrs Luella Jones ask the boy to pick up? 

12.  “Do you need somebody to go to the store …?” – Who is the speaker? 

13.  “Do you need somebody to go to the store …?” – To whom did the speaker say this?

14. According to Mrs Jones how old was the boy? 

15. “I would teach you right from wrong” – Who said this, to whom? 

16. What were behind the screen in Mrs Jones room?

17. “Eat some more, son” – What is offered by the speaker to the listener? 

18. Why did Mrs Luella Bates give the boy ten dollars?

19. How did the boy know he and Mrs Bates were not alone in the large house? 

20. Describe the purse that Mrs Luella Bates carried.

21. What was Mrs Bates going to do with the canned milk she had got?

22. Where did Roger fall on losing his balance?

23.  What was the price of the cake the boy was given a part of in “Thank You Ma’am”?

24.  What were the parting words of Roger to Mrs Luella Bates?

25. What were the parting words of Mrs Luella Bates to Roger?


Three Questions

1. What was the third question that came to the Tsar’s mind? 

2. Why did the bearded man want to take revenge? 

3. Who wounded the bearded man? 

4. Where did the hermit live? 

5. What did the wounded man promise the Tsar? 

6. What was the second question of the Tsar? 7. What according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do?

8. Why did the Tsar put on simple clothes before meeting the hermit? 

9. How did the Tsar meet the hermit? 

10.  “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them.” – Where did that person live whom the Tsar decided to consult? 

11. “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them.” – What was he (the person whom the Tsar decided to consult) famous for? 

12. Whom did the hermit receive? 

13. “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them.” – Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? 

14.  Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? 

Or, Why did the man want to take revenge? 

15.  What did the man swear and resolve to do? 

16. Which part of the body of the bearded man was injured in the story ‘Three Questions?

 17. What did the Tsar do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men?

18. Where did the Tsar fall asleep?

19. What according to the hermit, is the most important time?

20. What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him?

21. Why did the Tsar decide to consult the hermit?

22. What did the Tsar promise the bearded man after he asked for his forgiveness?

23. What did the wounded man think about the Tsar?

24.  When did the Tsar ask his questions to the hermit a second time?

25.  What did the bearded man say when the Tsar woke up next morning?



On Killing a Tree

1. From where would the curled green twigs rise? Or, Where will green twigs rise from?

2. What according to Gieve Patel is the most sensitive’ part of a tree? Or, Which part of the tree is the most sensitive, white and wet? 

3. How does a tree grow? Or, How according to Gieve Patel, has the tree grown?

4. What sprouts out of the tree’s leprous hide?

5. What does the phrase ‘earth cave’ refer to?

6. What causes the bark of a tree to bleed? 

7.  What scorch and choke the tree after it is pulled out?

8.  What type of poem is ‘On Killing a Tree’? Or, In what form of verse is the poem “On Killing a Tree” written?

9.  “Slowly consuming the earth” – What does the expression ‘consuming the earth’ mean? 

10.  Where does the strength of a tree lie?

11. Who has written the poem, “On Killing A Tree”? 

12. What will happen if miniature boughs are unchecked?


Asleep In The Valley

1. Why does the poet ask Nature to keep the soldier warm?

2. Where does the stream leave ‘long strands of silver’?

3. What is described as ‘gentle, without guile’?

4. Where are the feet of the soldier placed? 

5. What is the soldier’s smile compared to? 

6.  Why is the soldier pale? 

7. Where does the soldier lie stretched?

8. What is seen on the side of the soldier? 

9. How does the stream look like in the poem, “ Asleep in the Valley”? 

10. What was soldier’s pillow made of?

11. Who is not expected to disturb the soldier’s rest?


Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer’s Day

1. What will make the beauty of the poet’s friend eternal?

2. How long will the young man be remembered in Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 18?

3. How is the “gold complexion” of the sun dimmed? 

4. “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”-What is meant by ‘summer’s lease?

5. What does the eye of heaven’ refer to? 

6. What gives life to the poet’s friend in Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 18? 

7. What does the line ‘And every fair from fair sometimes decline’ mean? 

8. In which month can the darling buds’ be seen? 

9. What shall death not brag about in Shakespeare’s poem? 

10. What kind of a poem is “Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day”? 

11. How long will the young men be remembered in Shakespearean Sonnet No 18? 

12. What does the ‘eye of heaven’ refer to?

13. What do the rough winds do? 

14. What does the poet compare his friend to? 

15. What does the line “And every fair from fair sometimes decline” mean? 

16. What according to the poet is more lovely than a Summer’s day?17. What kind of a poem is “Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer’s Day”?

The Poetry of Earth

1. “… a voice will run”-Whose voice is referred to here?

2. Who takes the lead in ‘summer luxury’?

3. Where was the grasshopper seen in summer?

4.  Where does the grasshopper rest?

5. From where is the shrill song of the cricket heard? 

6. Whose voice shall run from hedge to hedge? 

7. What does Keats celebrate in the poem “The Poetry of Earth’? 

8. Where do the birds hide when they are ‘faint with the hot sun’? 

9. From where is the shrill song of the cricket heard in “The Poetry of earth”? 

10. What do the birds do when they are ‘faint with the hot sun’?11.  Which insect’s song can be heard on a lone winter evening?

12.  What might one hear on a lone, cold, and silent winter evening?

13. Who has “never done/with this delight”? 

14. Why is the poet of the earth never dead? 


2025 HS English Suggestion: Subjective/Descriptive Type Questions

3. Answer any two questions from PROSE, two from POETRY, and one from DRAMA of the following questions. Each question inclusive of subparts, should not exceed 100 words.

The Eyes Have It

1. “Can you tell me – did she keep her hair long or short?” – Who is the speaker? To whom is he speaking? Who is being referred to? Where did the girl get down? What was the answer the speaker received in context to his question? 

2. “I’m tired of people telling me I have a pretty face.”-Who said this to whom and when? What did the person speak to reply?

3. “… the girl got up and began to collect her things”-Who is the girl? When did she get up? Why did she get up to collect her things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl?   

4. “She would forget our brief encounter.”- Who said this and about whom? What is the ‘brief encounter’ referred to here? Why did the speaker think so?   

5. “She was an interesting girl?”-Who said this to whom and when? What else did the person say? What reply did he get? 

6. “Then I made a mistake.”-What ‘mistake’ did the speaker make? Why was it a mistake? What removed the speaker’s mistake? What did the speaker do then? How did his co-passengers react to it?

7. “Yes, this is the best time,” I said, calling on my memories. Who is the speaker? What is the best time according to him? What is the occasion of this remark? Describe the scenic beauty of the time of the place./What does the speaker say after calling on his memories?/ Why does the narrator think so?

8. “You have an interesting face.”-Who said this and to whom? When did the speaker make the remark? How did the person spoken to react? How did the speaker mend his comment?


“Few girls can resist flattery?”-Who made the remark? What was the flattery? Why did the speaker say so? How did the person spoken to accept the flattery?

9. “But her next question removed my doubts.” -Who made this remark and about whom? What were the doubts of the speaker? What was the next question? How did it remove the doubts?

10. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.”-Whose reverie is referred to here? What was the reverie about? How was the reverie broken?

11. “It could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there.-Who is the speaker? What was the ‘fascinating game? How could the guessing game help him to keep himself away from ‘hard reality? How did it come to an end?

12. “Oh, how lucky you are”-Who is the speaker here? Who is referred to by the word ‘you’? Why is the person spoken to be called ‘lucky’?

13. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.”-Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were they useless to her? Bring out the irony in the given line.


Strong Roots

1. “People of different religions would be sitting outside waiting for him.”-Who is referred to as ‘him’? Where did the people wait? Why did they wait there? What would happen thereafter? 

2. “In fact, I would say mine was a very secure childhood…”-Whose childhood is referred to here? Where was his childhood spent? How was his childhood secured?

3. “Our locality was predominantly Muslim” -Who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in this description?

4. What was Kalam’s father’s response to his son’s query about prayer? Or, What did Kalam’s father tell him about the relevance of prayer?

5. “My father could convey complex spiritual concepts in very simple down-to-earth Tamil-Sum up the spiritual principles Dr. Kalam’s father./How did Kalam’s father convey ‘spiritual concepts’?

6. “I have endeavored to understand the fundamental truths revealed to me by my father- Who was the son? Who was the father? What were the fundamental truths revealed to the son? 

7. “When troubles come, try to understand the relevance of your sufferings. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.”-. Who said this and to whom? Elucidate the statement. 

8. What is APJ Abdul Kalam’s perception of divine power? How, according to him, can a person achieve freedom, happiness, and peace of mind?

Or, How did Abdul Kalam try to emulate his father?

Or, How did Kalam’s father influence Kalam’s perception and interpretation of divine power?

9. “This is not a correct approach at all.”-Who said this? What is the approach referred to here? Why is the approach not correct? 

10. What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam’s father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father? 

11. “I normally ate with my mother.”-Who ate with his mother? Name his mother. Where did he eat with his mother? What did he eat with his mother?

12. What do you mean by communal harmony? Describe Rameswaram as an ideal place for all communities.


Thank You Ma’am

1. “May be, you ain’t been to your supper either, late as it be. Have you?” 

(a) Who is the speaker and who is being spoken to?

(b) Which meal of the day is “Supper”?

(c) What did the person spoken to reply?

(d) What were the things offered by the speaker?

2.  “Eat some more, son” Who is the speaker? What food was offered by the speaker? What picture of the speaker’s character is revealed in the line?

3.  What had Mrs. Jones guessed to be the real reason behind Roger’s action? What was the real reason? What did Mrs. Jones do so that Roger could fulfill his wish? What did she tell him then? 

4.  “You gonna take me to jail?” – When did the speaker ask this question?

5.  “Do you need somebody to go to the store …?” – What did they have in supper?

6.  “I would teach you right from wrong” – How did the speaker transform the person spoken to here? 

7.  “You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong” – Did the speaker manage to teach what he/she claimed to teach? Give reasons for your answer. 

8. “I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes” – How did the speaker react?

9.  “Sweat popped out from the boy’s face and he began to struggle” – Why  did sweat pop out from his face?

10.  “… shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet” – What does the statement mean?

11. Why did the boy in “Thank you Ma’am” not run away though he found the door open?

12. What did the woman do with Roger after having taken him to her house?


Three Questions

1. “Here comes someone running”

(a) Who is the speaker?

(b) Who came running?

(c) What was the condition of the person who came running/

(d) How was the person taken care of?

2. “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them.” – What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? 

3. Why did he (the bearded man) ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? 

4. What did the learned men say in reply to the Tsar’s questions? 

5. What were the three questions the Tsar wanted to be answered? Why did he need the answers? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and learned men? Whom did the Tsar finally decided to consult? 

6. “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them.”-What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? Where did that person live whom the Tsar decided to consult? What was he famous for? 

7. What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need correct answers to those questions? What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men? 

8. Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? 

9. 22. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man? 


On Killing a Tree

1. How is the tree finally killed? 

2. Why does it take “much time to kill a tree”? How is a tree finally killed? 

3. How does the poet describe the growth of a tree over the years? 

4. Justify the title of the poem “On Killing a Tree”. 

5. “And then it is done.” – What is being referred to? How is it done? On what tone does the poem end? 

6. “ Not a simple jab of the knife/ Will do it.” 

(a) What is meant by “it”?

(b) Why will the jab of the knife not do “it”?

(c) How can “it” be done?

Asleep In The Valley

1. “His smile is like an infant”-Whose smile is referred to here? Why is his smile compared with that of an infant? How does nature treat him?

2. How does the poet Arthur Rimbaud look upon war?

Or, Justify Asleep In The Valley as an anti-war poem.

Or, Discuss the central idea of the poem, ‘Asleep In The Valley’.

Or, How does the poet express the futility of war? What message does he want to convey? 

3. “A soldier very young, lies open-mouthed.” -Who is the ‘soldier’ referred to here? Describe the place where the soldier lies. Why does he lie ‘open-mouthed’? Who takes care of him and how? 

4. “In his side there are two red holes.”-Who is the person referred to here? What do the ‘two red holes’ signify? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here? 

5.  “The humming insects do not disturb his rest.”-Who rests and where? What puts him to rest? Why can’t the insects disturb 

6. . “…… His smile

Is like an infant’s… 

” Whose ‘smile’ is being referred to here? Explain the comparison in the given lines. How does Nature take care of him ? 

7. . “In his side there are two red holes” Who is the person referred to here? What do the two red holes’ signify ? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here? 

8. “A small green valley where a slow stream flows” 

(a) who lies in the valley?

(b) How does he lie?

(c) Describe his bed and pillow.

(d) How does the poet describe the smile on his face?

Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer’s Day

1. What do the rough winds do? What does the poet mean by ‘summer’s lease’? How is the friend’s beauty superior to the summer’s day? 

2. “And every fair from fair sometime declines.” From which poem is the line quoted? Who is the poet? Briefly explain the meaning of the quoted line. How does the poet promise to immortalize his friend’s beauty? 

3. What type of poem is ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Who is the poet? Whom does the poet speak of? What does the poet say about the person spoken of? 

4. How does Shakespeare compare the beauty of summer to that of his friend in his ‘Sonnet-18’? 

5. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade.-Who is the poet? What is meant by ‘thy eternal summer’? How does the poet suggest that ‘thy eternal’ shall never end? 

6. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade.-Who is being referred to as ‘thy’? What is meant by ‘thy eternal summer’? How does the poet suggest that ‘thy eternal’ shall never end/ fade?

The Poetry of Earth

1. Identify the voices of the ‘Poetry of Earth How does Keats establish its continuity through these voices? 

2. What pictures of the two seasons does Keats draw in ‘The Poetry of Earth’? How are the two pictures related? 4+2

Or, What picture of summer is presented in “The Poetry of Earth’? How has it been carried on to the picture of winter? 4+2 

Or, Bring out the contrasting pictures used in the poem “The Poetry of Earth.’

3. Justify the title of Keats’s Sonnet ‘The Poetry of Earth. 

4. Why does Keats feel that the poetry of earth is never dead/cease? 

5. “ His rest at ease beneath some pleasant weed…” From which poem is the line quoted? Who is the poet? Who ‘rests at ease’ and when? Describe his activities. 


The Proposal

1. “I have come to you honored Stepan Stepanivitch to trouble you with a request”-Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to? What is the request? How did the person spoken to react to the request? 

2. “We’ve had the land nearly three hundred years”-Who is the speaker? Who is spoken to? What is referred to as ‘the land’? What do you know of ‘the land’ from their conversation? 

3. Sketch the character of Natalya Stepanovna. [

4. Describe the character of Chubukov as a sensible father.

5. Write a note on the significance of the title of the play “The Proposal.

6. “She’s like a lovesick cat.” Who said this and about whom? Analyze the person’s character, referred to here, under the light of the comment above. 

7. Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play “The Proposal. 

8. Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry? 

Or, Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision? 

9. “Why are you so formal in your get up?”- Who is the speaker? Who is being spoken to? What led the speaker to make this comment? 

10. “Go, there a merchant came for his goods.”— Who said this and to whom? Who is the merchant? In what ways does it bring out the attitude of the person and the society at that time? 

11.  “If you like, I’ll make you a present of them.” -Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? What would the speaker make a present of? Why did the speaker say so? 

12. “Forgive us Ivan Vassilevitch, we were all a little heated.”-Who is the speaker? Who are referred to by ‘us’? Why were the persons referred to a little heated’? Why does the speaker ask for forgiveness? 

13. “I’m the most unhappy of men!”-Who said this? Why did he say so? How did the speaker get rid of his unhappiness? 

14. “And it’s impossible for me not to marry.”- Why is the speaker so interested in marrying? Whom does he want to marry? Why? 

15. “I’ve been hoping for it for a long time.”-Who is the speaker? What does ‘it’ refer to? How did the speaker come to know about ‘it’? What more did the speaker say in this context? 

16. “Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here?”-Who says this and to whom? When is this said? What impression of the speaker can be formed from this remark? 

17.  “Oxen Meadows, it’s true, were once the subject of dispute, but now everybody knows that they are mine.” Who is the speaker? Who is spoken to?  What information did the speaker give to establish the ownership of Oxen Meadows? What did the person spoken to say in response to the speaker’s argument? 

18. “I’ve been hoping for it for a long time.”-Who is the speaker? What does ‘it’ refer to? How did the speaker come to know about ‘it’? What more did the speaker say in this context? 1+1+1+3 

19. “She’s like a ‘love-sick cat,” – Who said this and to whom? Analyze the character of the person referred to her, under the light of the comment above. 

20. Why has Lomov come to visit Chubukov? How was Lomov dressed? How does Chubukov react to Lomov’s proposal? How far was Natalya aware of the reason of Lomov’s arrival? 

21. What are the names of the hunting dogs of Lomov and Chubukov? From whom has Lomov purchased his dog and at what price? According to Lomov, what defect does Chubukov’s dog have? 

22. “Oh what a burden, Lord, to be the father of grown up daughter!” Who is the speaker? In not more than 80 words sketch the character of the speaker on light of the above comment. 

2025 HS English Suggestion 2025 with Answers: Textual Grammar

Access HS English 2025 Textual Grammar Suggestion with Answers. Enhance preparation with the Last Nine Years H S English Textual Grammar Solved Questions, offering comprehensive study notes tailored for WBCHSE students aiming to excel in the upcoming H S Exams in 2025. HS English Grammar Section is divided into three types of questions:

  • Do as Directed 1✖6 = 6
  • Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions 1/2✖6 = 3
  • Correct the error in the following sentence 1✖1 = 1

Grammar Suggestion Set  1

4. [a] Do as directed: 1✖6 = 6

(i) His smile is like an infant’s. (change into a negative sentence

(ii) Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (change the voice

(iii) The woman said, “Pick up my pocketbook boy, and give it here.” (change the mode of narration

(iv) One should always attend to all. (use the noun form of attend‘) 

(v) When tired out of fun, he rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed. (Split into simple sentences

(vi) My mother’s lineage was more distinguished than that of my father’s. (change the

degree of comparison).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

She was a large woman (i) …………. a large purse that had everything (ii) …………. it but hammer and nails. It was (iii) …………. eleven O’Clock (iv). ………….night, and she was walking alone When a boy ran (v) …………. behind her and tried (vi) ………….  snatch her purse.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

It would take me some time discovering something about her looks. (having discovered/discover/to discover).

Grammar Suggestion Set  2

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) Then I made a mistake. (Change the voice). 

(ii) It takes much time to kill a tree. (Turn into a negative sentence). 

(iii) I wished to kill you (Rewrite with the noun of ‘wished’). 

(iv) I told the girl, “Are you going all the way to Dehra?” (Change into indirect speech). 

(v) The couple who saw her off were probably her parents. (Turn into a simple sentence).

(vi) My mother’s lineage was the more distinguished than that of my father’s (Turn into a positive degree).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

I had the train compartment to myself up to Rohana, then a girl got (i) …………. The couple who saw her off were probably her parents; they seemed very anxious (ii) …………. her comfort, and (iii) …………. woman gave (iv …………. girl detailed instructions as to where (v) …………. keep her things, when not to lean (vi) ………….of windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

His answers filled me with a strange energy and enthusiastic. [Options: enthuse/enthusiastically/enthusiasm].

Grammar Suggestion Set  3

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) I do not want anything of yours. (Change the voice

(ii) The humming insects don’t disturb his rest. (Make it complex

(iii) Only the scent of perfume still lingered. (Make it negative

(iv) She laughed pleasantly. (Rewrite the underlined word as an adjective but without

changing the pronoun ‘she’.) 

(v) One of the most vivid memories of my early childhood is of the two men. (Turn into a positive degree). 

(vi) The woman said, “What did you want to do it for, boy?” (Change into indirect speech)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

Having taken leave of (i) ………….wounded man the Tsar went out (ii) ………….the porch and looked (iii) ………….  for the hermit. Before going (iv) …………. he wished once more (v) ………….  beg an answer (vi) ………….  the questions he had put.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

“I’m not nearly as attracted a travelling companion as the one who just left”. [Options: attraction/attractive/attractively]

Grammar Suggestion Set  4

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) “I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes”, said the boy. (Turn into indirect speech). 

(ii) But this alone won’t do it. (Change the voice). 

(iii) When I was old enough to speak questions. I asked my father about the relevance of prayer. (Change into a simple sentence). 

(iv) One should always attend to all that was going on. (Turn into a Negative sentence).

(v) Few girls can resist flattery. (Use the noun form resist). 

(vi) The Tsar, with the hermit’s help, carried the wounded man into the hut and

laid him on the bed. (Split the sentence).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

(i) …………. reply (ii) …………. the first question, some said that to know (iii) ………….  right time (iv) ………….  every action, one must draw up (v) ………….  advance, (vi) …………. table of days, months and years, and must live strictly according to it.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

The boy said, “I didn’t aim at. [Options for/to/of]

Grammar Suggestion Set  5

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) “Why do not you look out of the window?” She asked. (Change into indirect speech). 

(ii) I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes (Change the voice). 

(iii) An interesting face can also be pretty. (Turn into a complex sentence). 

(iv) Our locality was predominantly Muslim. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘predominantly’) 

(v) The Tsar was very glad. (Turn into an Exclamatory sentence). 

(vi) I do not recall the exact number of people she fed every day. (Turn into an Affirmative sentence).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

She was a large woman (i) ………… a large purse that had everything (ii) ……….. it but hammer and nails. It had (iii) ………… long strap, and she carried it slung (iv) ………… her shoulder. It was (v) ………… eleven o’clock at night, and she was walking alone, when a boy ran up (vi) ………… her…

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

At last, the blood ceased flow. [Options: flew/flowing/flowed]

Grammar Suggestion Set  6

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) She thought me a romantic fool (Change the Voice). 

(ii) He sleeps in sunlight at peace. (Rewrite using the adverb form of ‘peace’). 

(iii) The woman said, “What did you want to do it for?” (Change into indirect speech). 

(iv) A man, getting into the compartment stammered an apology. (Split into simple sentences). 

(v) They are mine. I’ll prove this to you. (Join to form a complex sentence). 

(vi) My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. (Turn into a negative sentence).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

The water dripping (i) …………. his face, (ii) …………. boy looked (iii) …………. her. There was (iv)  ………… long pause. (v) ………….very long pause.  After he had dried his face and not knowing what else (vi) ………… do, dried it again.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

Your behavior, Ivan Vassilevitch, is strength. [Options: strange, strangly. Stramgeness]

Grammar Suggestion Set  7

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) I wanted to raise my hand. I wanted to touch her hair. (Join into a simple sentence). 

(ii) My mother’s lineage was more distinguished than that of my father’s. (Change the degree of comparison). 

(iii) He takes the lead in summer luxury. (Change the Voice). 

(iv) The Tsar was very glad. (Make an exclamatory sentence). 

(v) The poetry of earth is never dead. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘dead‘). 

(vi) The poet said, “Ah, nature, keep him warm.” (Change the mode of narration).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

The Tsar turned round, and saw (i) ………….  bearded man come running (ii) ………….  (iii) ………….  the wood. The man held his hands pressed (iv) …………. his stomach, and blood was flowing (v) ………….  (vi) ………….  Them.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

It has grow slowly consuming the earth. [Option: been growing/grown /was growing]

Grammar Suggestion Set  8

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. (Make it affirmative). 

(ii) The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie. (Split into simple sentences). 

(iii) “We’ll be at your station,” I said to the girl. (Turn into indirect speech). 

(iv) The most important thing in the world was science. (Change to a positive degree). 

(v) You have already been answered. (Change the voice). 

(vi) A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed (Turn into a complex Sentence).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

My parents were widely regarded as (i) …………. ideal couple. My mother’s lineage was (ii) …………. more distinguished, one (iii) …………. her forebears having been bestowed  (iv) …………. title  (v) …………. ‘Bahadur’  (vi) ………….the British.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

It could be a fascinated game. [Options: fascination/fascinate/ fascinating]

Grammar Suggestion Set  9

(i) And he did not want to be misunderstood now (Change the voice). 

(ii) I answered quite confidently (Use noun form of ‘confidently‘). 

(iii) “Did she keep her hair long or short?” I asked. (Change the mode of narration).

(iv) I have come only to see you. (Make it negative). 

(v) The Tsar was very glad. (Turn into an exclamatory sentence). 

(vi) Nature’s changing course is untrimmed. (Split into two simple sentences)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

The large woman simply turned (i) ………….  and kicked him right square (ii) ………….  his blue- jeaned sitter. Then she reached (iii) …………. picked (iv) ………….  boy (v) ………… (vi) ………… his shirt front, and shook him until his teeth rattled.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

I turned from the window and face the girl [Options: faces, facing, faced]

Grammar Suggestion Set  10

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) A man getting into the compartment stammered an apology. (Make it complex

(ii) I moved casily along the berth. (Rewrite the sentence using the adjective form of the underlined word.) 

(iii) The hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. (Change the voice), 

(iv) “Why don’t you say this to the people who come to you for help and advice? – I asked my father. (Change the mode of narration

(v) He received none but common folk. (Make it affirmative). 

(vi) She switched on the light and left the door open. (Change it into a simple sentence).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

(i) ………… another corner (ii) …………the room (iii) ………… (iv) …………  screen was (v) ………… gas plate and (vi) ………… icebox.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

Thou art more lovely and more tempting. [Options: temperament, temperature, temperate].

Grammar Suggestion Set  11

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) Oh, how lucky you are (Make it assertive). 

(ii) My mother’s lineage was the more distinguished than that of my father (Change in to positive degree). 

(iii) Your face is dirty. I got a great mind to wash your face for you. (Change in to simple sentence). 

(iv) But they all answered his questions differently (Change the voice). 

(v) The strap broke with a single tug the boy gave it from behind. (Split up the sentence).  

(vi) They all answered his questions differently (Rewrite the sentence with the noun form of the underlined word).

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

I escaped (i) ………… them, but should have bled (ii) ………… death had you not dressed my wound. Having taken leave (iii) ………… the wounded man, the Tsar went out (iv) …………  the porch and looked around (v) ………… the hermit. Before going away he wished once more to beg (vi) ………… answer to the questions he had put.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

The water drip from his face, the boy looked at her. [Options: dripping/dropped/dripped]

Grammar Suggestion Set  12

4. (a) Do as directed: 16=6

(i) Then I made a mistake (Turn into a complex sentence). 

(ii) There is nothing to argue about (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘argue). 

(iii) She said “Oh! how lucky your are” (Change the narration). 

(iv) I didn’t know anyone else was here (Change the voice). 

(v) The bleeding bark will heal (split into simple sentences). 

(vi) I have come to you. I want to ask you to answer three questions (Join into a single sentence)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

The hermit lived (i) ………… (ii) ………… a wood which he never quitted, and he received none but common folk. So (iii) ………… Tsar put (vi) ………… simple clothes, and (v) …………reaching the hermit’s cell dismounted (vi) …………  his horse, and, leaving his body-guard behind, went on alone.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

I Wish I was going to Mussoorie. [Options: had been, am, were].

Grammar Suggestion Set  13

4. [a] Do as directed: 16=6

(i) “Why don’t you say this to the people who come to you for help and advice ?” I asked my father. (Change into indirect speech)

(ii) Then I made a mistake. (Change the voice)

(iii) You have an interesting face. (Chane into a complex sentence)

(iv) We lived in our ancestral house which was built in the middle of the 19th century. (Split into simple sentences)

(v) He is the best dog in the district. (Change into positive degree)

(vi) The poetry of earth is never dead. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

I have endeavored (i) ………… understand (ii) …………  fundamental truths revealed (iii) …………  me (iv) …………  my father, and feel convinced that there exists (v) …………  divine power that can lift one up from confusion, misery, melancholy and failure, and guide one (vi) …………  one’s true place.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

Few girls can resist flattering..

[Options: flatter, flattery, flatterer |

Grammar Suggestion Set  14

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

(i) “Was I bothering you when I turned that corner ?” asked the woman. (Change into indirect speech)

(ii) The hills are covered with wild dahlias. (Change the voice)

(iii) The poetry of earth is never dead. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

(iv) It’s not true. I’ll prove it. (Join into a single sentence using a noun clause)

(v) Having taken leave of the wounded man, the Tsar went out into the porch and looked around for the hermit. (Split into simple sentences)

(vi) The door was open. (Turn into a negative sentence)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

They called their goodbyes and (i) ………….. train pulled out (ii) ………….. the station. As I was totally blind (iii) ………….. the time, my eyes sensitive only (iv) ………….. light and darkness, I was unable (v) ………….. tell what (vi) ………….. girl looked like;

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

In fact, I would say mine was a very securely childhood, materially and emotionally.

[Options: secured, secure, security |

Grammar Suggestion Set  15

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

(i) The most important thing in the world was science (Change to a positive degree)

(ii) I don’t intend to give up what I have. (Use the underlined word as ‘noun’ and rewrite)

(iii) The door was open. (Turn into a negative sentence)

(iv) The hermit was digging the ground. (Change the voice)

(v) My father could convey complex spiritual concepts. (Change the voice)

(vi) As soon as she left the train, she would forget our brief encounter. (Turn into a negative sentence)

(vii) The Tsar said, “I come to you, wise man, for an answer to my questions.” (Change into indirect speech)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

The Tsar turned round and saw (i) ……….. bearded man come running (ii) ……….. (iii)  ………..the wood. The man held his hands pressed (iv) ………..his stomach and blood were flowing (v) ………..(vi) ………..them.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

His answers filled me with a strange energy and enthusiastic. [Options: (i) enthuse (ii) enthusiastically (iii) enthusiasm]

Few girls can resist flattering [Options: (i) flatter (ii) flattery (iii) flatterer]

Grammar Suggestion Set  16

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

(i) The hermit was digging the ground. [Change the voice]

(ii) Lomov: I’ll show you the documents, Natalya Stepanovna! [Change into indirect speech]

(iii) There was a very old mosque in our locality where my father would take me for evening prayers.[Split into two simple sentences]

(iv) The poetry of earth is never dead. [Turn into an affirmative sentence]

(v) He answered in a low deep voice. [Use the underlined word as a noun and rewrite the sentence]

(vi) The sun’s rays were bright. They lit up the valley. [Combine and turn into a simple sentence]

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

I moved easily (i) ……….. the berth and felt (ii) ………. the window ledge. The window was open and I faced it, making a pretence (iii) ……… studying the landscape. I heard the panting (iv) ………. the engine, the rumble of the wheels, and, (v) ………. my mind’s eye, I could see telegraph posts flashing (vi) ………. .

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

I would say my was a very secure childhood. [Options: (i) 1 (ii) me (iii) mine]

Grammar Suggestion Set  17

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

(i) I don’t intend to give up what I have. [Use the underlined word as a noun and rewrite]

(ii) The Tsar said, “I come to you, wise man, for an answer to my questions.” [Change into indirect speech]

(iii) The man would have attacked you. [Change the voice]

(iv) The door was open. [Turn into a negative sentence]

(v) The sun began to sink behind the trees, the Tsar stuck the spade into the ground

at last. [Turn into a complex sentence]

(vi) The most important thing in the world was science. [Change into positive degree]

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

When my father came out (i) ………… the mosque after the prayers people of different religions would be sitting outside, waiting (ii) …………  him. Many of them offered bowls of water …………  my father, who would dip his fingertips (iv) ………… them and say (v)…………  prayer. This water was then carried home (vi) …………  invalids.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

You might run that comb through your hair so you will look present. [Options: presently/presentable/presenting]


Grammar Suggestion Set  18

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

(i) “Was I bothering you when I turned that corner?”, asked the woman. [Turn into Indirect speech]

(ii) My father could convey complex spiritual concepts in very simple, down-to-earth Tamil. [Change the voice]

(iii) As soon as she left the train, she would forget our brief encounter. [Turn into a negative sentence]

(iv) I am the most unhappy of men. [Change to a positive degree]

(v) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. [Change to affirmative sentence]

(vi) I wished to kill you. [Use the underlined word as a noun and rewrite]

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

The Tsar turned round and saw (i) ………. bearded man come running (ii) ……….  (iii) ……….the wood. The man held his hands pressed (iv) ………. his stomach and blood was flowing (v) ………. (vi) ………. them.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

His answers filled me with a strange energy and enthusiastic. [Options: enthuse/enthusiastically/enthusiasm]

Grammar Suggestion Set  19

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

i”We’ll soon be at your station,” I said to the girl. (Turn into Indirect speech)

ii My parents were widely regarded as an ideal couple. (Change the voice)

iii I was the most important man. (Rewrite the sentence using the positive degree of ‘important’)

iv. I do not recall the exact number of people she fed every day. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

v. Mine was a very secure childhood. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)

vi. The water dripping from his face, the boy looked at her. (Split into two separate sentences)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

We lived (i) ………. our ancestral house, which was built (ii) ………. the middle (iii) ………. the 19th century. It was a fairly large pucca house, made (iv) ………. limestone and brick, (v) ………. the Mosque Street (vi) ………. Rameswaram.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

Few girls can resist flattering. [Options: flatter/flattery/flatterer]

Grammar Suggestion Set  20

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

i. “Then I won’t turn you loose,” said the woman to the boy. (Turn into Indirect speech)

ii. I found the window. (Change the voice)

iii. A man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology. (Split into two simple sentences)

iv. This is not a correct approach. (Rewrite as an affirmative sentence)

V. She was silent. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)

vi. She did not leave the door shut. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

I was prepared (i) ……….. sit there (ii) ………. almost any length (iii) ………. time, just to listen (iv) ……….her talking. Her voice had  (v) ……….sparkle (vi) ……….a mountain stream.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

They seemed very ancient about her comfort. [Options: anxious/anxiety/anxiously]

Grammar Suggestion Set  21

[a] Do as directed: 16=6

i. Who doesn’t know Ramlal? (Rewrite as an Assertive sentence)

ii. “You have already been answered,” said the hermit to the Tsar. (Turn into Indirect speech)

iii. I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. (Turn into a Complex sentence)

iv. The hermit was digging the ground. (Change the Voice)

v. The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie. (Split into two Simple sentences)

vi. This is the best time. (Use the Positive degree of ‘best’)

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 126=3

I have endeavored (i) ………….understand (ii) ………… fundamental truths revealed (iii) ………… me (iv)…………  my father, and feel. (v) ………… divine power that can lift one up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure and guide convinced that there exists one (vi)  ………… one’s true place

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 11=1

It could be a fascinated game, guessing what went on out there. [Options: fascination, fascinate, fascinating]


2025 HS English Suggestion 2025 with Answers: English Writing

Prepare and enhance your skills for the 2025 HS English Exam with this comprehensive writing suggestion guide. Offering last-minute tips, solved answers from the last nine years, and detailed study notes. Access the PDF now for focused preparation and to excel in your HS English exam! HS English Writing has the following options:

HS English Suggestion 2025: Letter Writing

Letter to the Editor

Pollution caused by plastic carry bags,

Action Needed to Combat Plastic Carry Bag Pollution

Unhealthy Food Options Near Our School

Addressing the Menace of Global Terrorism

 Address Communal Disharmony for Peace in Our Locality

Protecting Our Youth from Cyber Crimes and Mental Health Issues

Due to Mobile Phone Use While Crossing Roads or Driving

Discomfort Caused by Excessive Use of Microphones During Festivals

Scarcity of Safe Drinking Water in Our Locality

Excessive Mobile Phone Use Among Students

Soaring prices of petrol, diesel and daily commodities.

reckless driving. 

inconveniences caused by the hawkers on the footpath.

concern on the growing unemployment problem

Rising Incidence of Road Accidents

to the Headmaster/Headmistress/ Librarian:

your ward was absent from school for some days.

difficulties you face every day in your overcrowded classroom.

requesting for the construction of a cycle shed.

Letters of Complaint:

officer-in-charge of the local police station on theft

Postmaster enquiring about a book sent by a Publisher

Chairman of your municipality drawing his attention to the insanitary condition of your locality. 

Pradhan of your Gram Panchayat requesting him/her to sink an arsenic-free tubewell 

locality seeking permission to organize a blood donation camp

irregular disposal of garbage

about the insanitary condition of roads and drains

menace of firecrackers and indiscriminate use of microphones 

Request for Correction in Registration Certificate

Request for Installation of a Deep Tubewell in our Locality

Dengue Epidemic in Our Locality

Business Letters

protesting against delay in delivery of goods

Manager of a hotel in Goa where you had put up with your family 

owner of M.K. Electronics, Kolkata, to provide you with the benefit of a warranty

manager of Fashion Today complaining about a shirt

inviting quotation for stationery goods

Banking Letters:

Request for Closure of Current Account

requesting a loan for a manufacturing unit.

Loan against LIC Policy

appeal to sanction an educational loan

open a savings account

 link your mobile number with the account.

issue a duplicate passbook. 


HS English Suggestion 2025: Newspaper Report Writing

Making Our School a Plastic-Free Zone

Successful Blood Donation Camp in Our Locality

District-Level Science Exhibition Featuring Our School’s Innovations

Nirmal Vidyalaya Abhiyan

Cleaning Drive Programme Celebration at Our School

Successful Career Counseling Program at Our School

School Launches Awareness Drive on Global Warming

COVID Prevention Camp and Current Situation Update

School’s Educational Tour Chronicles

Traffic Awareness Program – ‘Safe Drive Save Life’

Farewell Function for Esteemed Teacher

Commemoration of ‘Kanyashree Divas’ at Our School

Celebrating Teachers’ Day at Our School

Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony

Impact of a Natural Calamity in Our State

‘Say No to Polythene Bags’ Campaign in Kolkata

Reducing Water Wastage to Mitigate the Impending Crisis

Seminar on “Pandemics and Strategies for Combat

Seminar on ‘Plant Tree, Save Life and Water’ Organized by Our School

World Environment Day Celebration at Our School

Seminar on ‘Cyber Awareness’ Organized by Our School

Three-Day Dengue Eradication Program by Our School

Celebrating Teachers’ Day at Our School

Inter-School Drama Competition at Our School

Seminar on Blood Donation Necessity in Post-COVID Summer Months

Farewell Meeting for Senior Teacher

Vaccination Drive Organized at Our School

Health Awareness Camp Conducted at Our School

Celebration of Rabindranath Tagore’s 162nd Birth Anniversary at Our School

Earth Day Celebration at Our School

Successful Career Counseling Program at Our School

Inter-School Quiz Competition Organized by the Club

Felicitation Program for Top All India Medical Entrance Exam Achiever

Tree Plantation Programme by Eco Club in our Locality


Precis Writing 

Passage 1:

“Globalization has led to increased interconnectedness among nations, fostering cultural exchange and economic integration. However, critics argue that it perpetuates economic inequality and threatens local cultures. Despite its benefits, globalization’s impact on societies remains a subject of debate.

Passage 2:

“Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power offer sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. Their widespread adoption is crucial for a greener future and mitigating environmental degradation.”

Passage 3:

“The proliferation of social media has transformed communication, enabling instantaneous global connectivity. However, concerns arise regarding privacy breaches, misinformation, and its impact on mental health. Balancing its advantages with potential risks is imperative.”

Passage 4:

“Technological advancements have revolutionized healthcare, enhancing diagnostics and treatment. However, accessibility disparities persist, limiting equal healthcare access. Bridging this gap is crucial for equitable healthcare provision.”

Passage 5:

“Education is pivotal for societal development, empowering individuals and fostering innovation. However, challenges like unequal access and outdated systems hinder its transformative potential. Reforms are essential for inclusive and effective education.”

HS English Suggestion 2025 Unseen Comprehension Tips

The Class 12 HS English Exam 2025 includes Reading Unsen Comprehension passages. Unseen Comprehension passages are entirely new to students during the exam, requiring them to carefully read and understand the content to answer questions accurately.

Marks and Question Format:

  • Unseen Comprehension in the Class 12 HS English exam carries 10 marks.
  • It includes:
    • 4 True/False-type questions.
    • 3 “Answer the Following Questions” type questions.

Nature of Unseen Comprehension:

  • Passages are entirely new to students in the exam hall.
  • Students need to carefully read the passage multiple times to grasp the meaning and answer the questions.

Preparation Tips:

  • Regular practice is essential to handle the comprehension section effectively during the exam.

Common Topics:

  • Scientific Topics.
  • Individual achievements.
  • Significant national progress.
  • Individual’s Talent.
  • Accidents.
  • Natural Calamities
  • Sports
  • National Achievements
