The poem, Amanda class 10 questions answers have been prepared here in this article for the students of class 10 of the CBSE board. According to the NCERT syllabus of class 10 in English Literature, The poem, Amanda class 10 questions answers are arranged here that are going to be very important in 2024.
Central Idea of the poem, Amanda class 10
In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda is portrayed as a young girl with a rich and vivid imagination. She daydreams and imagines fantastical worlds, longing for freedom and escape from the constraints of reality. Her imaginative thoughts take her on journeys where she wishes to become a mermaid and explore oceans. Amanda finds solace and joy in her creative mind, navigating life’s challenges by creating her own imaginative realms. The poem celebrates the power of imagination and the unique perspective of a young dreamer, highlighting the importance of creativity in finding happiness and fulfillment.
रॉबिन क्लेन की कविता “अमांडा” में, अमांडा को एक समृद्ध और ज्वलंत कल्पना वाली एक युवा लड़की के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है। वह दिवास्वप्न देखती है और काल्पनिक दुनिया की कल्पना करती है, स्वतंत्रता की लालसा रखती है और वास्तविकता की बाधाओं से बच जाती है। उसके कल्पनाशील विचार उसे उन यात्राओं पर ले जाते हैं जहाँ वह जलपरी बनना और महासागरों का पता लगाना चाहती है। अमांडा अपने रचनात्मक दिमाग में सांत्वना और खुशी पाती है, अपने स्वयं के कल्पनाशील क्षेत्र बनाकर जीवन की चुनौतियों का सामना करती है। कविता कल्पना की शक्ति और एक युवा सपने देखने वाले के अद्वितीय दृष्टिकोण का जश्न मनाती है, खुशी और पूर्णता खोजने में रचनात्मकता के महत्व पर प्रकाश डालती है।
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Q3 Amanda class 10 Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract
Amanda class 10 Extract Based Questions Answers 1
(A) (I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)
i The tone of the given lines is
a) analytical.
b) despairing.
c) peaceful.
d) nervous.
Ans: c) peaceful.
CBSE Class 10 English (Literature and Language) Questions Answers pdf 2024
Suggestive Sample Question Answers Papers pdf 2024 for Class X English (First Flight and Footprints without Feet), tailored to the 2023-24 syllabus, serve as essential preparation material for the upcoming CBSE board exam, aiding students in comprehensive understanding and practice.

ii Read the statements A and B given below, and choose the option that correctly evaluates these statements.
Statement A – The figure ‘I’ imagines a less than realistic view of being an orphan.
Statement B – The figure ‘I’ does not like the speaker.
a) A is true, B is false, according to the extract
b) A is true, B cannot be clearly inferred from the extract.
c) A cannot be clearly inferred from the extract, B is false.
d) A is true and can be inferred from the poem, B is true too.
Ans: b) A is true, B cannot be clearly inferred from the extract.
iii The golden silence is contrasted with the __________.
a) chaos of the street.
b) constant instructions received.
c) sweetness of freedom.
d) hushed, bare feet.
Ans: b) constant instructions received.
iv The rhyme scheme ‘aaa’ in the above extract is followed in all other stanzas of the poem that are written in parenthesis, i.e. (). Why? Read the reasons given below, and choose the option that lists the most accurate reasoning:
(i) It shows the simplicity of the child’s thoughts.
(ii) It reflects the harmony and rhythm of the child’s inner world.
(iii) It mirrors a child’s expression.
(iv) It highlights the poet’s aesthetic sensibility.
a) (i) and (iv)
b) (i) and (ii)
c) (ii) and (iii)
d) (iii) and (iv)
Ans: c) (ii) and (iii)
v Pick the option that lists the usage of the word ‘pattern’, as in the extract above.
a) That is a lovely pattern for a wallpaper.
b) He decided to wear a patterned shirt to the party.
c) Poetry is a form of pattern making.
d) She patterned her hair after her favourite celebrity.
Ans: d) She patterned her hair after her favourite celebrity.
vi Extra Q.
Which option completes the popular adage given below? ___________________ silence is gold.
a) Precious are words for
b) Speech is silver
c) Silver is the tongue
d) Ideas may be precious but
Ans: b) Speech is silver
vii Extra Q.
A transferred epithet is a literary device where the modifier or epithet is transferred from the noun it is meant to describe to another noun in the sentence.
Based on the given definition of ‘transferred epithet’, choose the option that lists an example of a transferred epithet.
a) soft dust
b) hushed (bare) feet
c) freedom (is) sweet
d) silence (is) golden 8
Ans: b) hushed (bare) feet
viii Extra Q.
Which image corresponds to what Amanda, is doing in this extract?
a) option 1
b) option 2
c) option 3
d) option 4
Ans: b) option 2
Amanda class 10 Extract Based Questions Answers 2
(B) (There is a languid, emerald sea,
where the sole inhabitant is me-
a mermaid, drifting blissfully).
(1) Who do these lines refer to?
(a) Amanda
(c) Amanda’s sister
(b) Mermaid
(d) None of these
Ans: (i) (a) Amanda
(ii) Why is this stanza given within brackets?
(a) to show inner thoughts of mother
(b) day dreaming by Amanda
(c) to show the contrast
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans: (ii) (d) Both (b) and (c)
(iii) Give the word from the stanza which means “free flowing act of going with motion and
(a) Languid
(b) Blissfully
(c) Drifting
(d) Emerald
Ans: (iii) (c) Drifting
(iv) Why does Amanda want to be sole Inhabitant of sea?
(a) Away from noise
(b) Away from mother
(c) Away from this noisy and disturbing atmosphere
(d) Away from everyone
Ans: (iv) (c) Away from this noisy and disturbing atmosphere
(v) What could she do if she were a mermaid?
(a) Be herself
(b) Lead a relaxing life
(c) Play in the green sea
(d) Learn to swim
Ans: (v) (b) Lead a relaxing life
Amanda class 10 Extract Based Questions Answers 3
(C) Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,
I The purpose of the speaker’s words in the given extract is to
a) show the speaker’s power over the listener.
b) make the listener a better human being.
c) advise the listener as an elder.
d) improve the listener’s posture and habits.
Ans: d) improve the listener’s posture and habits.
ii Pick the option that lists the image which correctly corresponds to the speaker’s mood in the extract.
a) Image (i)
b) Image (ii)
c) Image (iii)
d) Image (iv)
Ans: c) Image (iii)
iii Alliteration is a literary device used in the extract.
Which of the following options DOES NOT include examples of this literary device?
a) The moon and the shimmering stars watched over us
b) With that charming chat, Catherine chose comfort
c) Away ran the pathetic pooch pouting like a princess
d) Dee dee was driving down day after day
Ans: a) The moon and the shimmering stars watched over us
iv What does the repetition of “Amanda!” at the end of each line reflect?
a) It describes who the speaker is talking to.
b) It represents the absent-mindedness of the listener.
c) It shows the frustration of the speaker.
d) It helps create a rhyme scheme.
Ans: c) It shows the frustration of the speaker.
v select the option that fits with the following:
slouching : straight:: ______ : _______
a) transparent: translucent
b) lazy: agile
c) forgetful: lively
d) generous: liberal
Ans: b) lazy: agile
Amanda class 10 Extract Based Questions Answers 4
(D) Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking
to you,
Amanda! CBSE 2016
(i) Why is Amanda not looking at the speaker?
(a) Amanda listening to music
(b) Playing
(c) Sleeping
(d) Lost in her own thoughts
Ans: (i) (d) Lost in her own thoughts
(ii) What causes Acne according to the speaker?
(a) Biting nails
(b) Cleaning the room
(c) Eating chocolates
(d) Eating pizzas
Ans: (ii) (c) Eating chocolates
(iii) The speaker is so worried about acne. What does it show?
(a) This shows importance is given to physical beauty
(b) This shows her concern towards Amanda
(c) This shows Amanda’s carelessness.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans: (iii) (a) this shows importance is given to physical beauty.
(iv) Which word in the stanza is antonym of ‘Forget’?
(a) Disregard
(b) Misunderstand
(d) Recollect
(c) Remember
Ans: (iv) (c) Remember
(v) What does this stanza inform us about the speaker?
(a) Loves giving instructions
(b) Physical beauty is important
(c) Tries to control Amanda
(d) All of the above
Ans: (v) (d) All of the above
Amanda class 10 Extract Based Questions Answers 5
(E) (I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
(i) Who was Rapunzel?
(a) A fairy
(b) A nun
(c) A queen
(d) A princess
Ans: (i) (a) A fairy
(ii) What is Amanda doing?
(a) Imagining herself as Rapunzel
(b) Dressed herself as Rapunzel
(c) Reading book on Rapuzel
(d) None of these
Ans: (ii) (a) Imagining herself as Rapunzel
(iii) What do the words tranquil and rare signify?
(a) Pleasant surrounding
(b) Freedom and peace
(c) Music and excitement
(d) Peace and no nagging
Ans: (iii) (d) Peace and no nagging
(iv) Why these lines are bracketed?
(a) To show they are important
(b) To show mother’s words
(c) To show Amanda’s imagination
(d) To show poet’s words
Ans: (iv) (c) To show Amanda’s imagination
(v) Which adverb will be synonym of the word ‘surely’ as per the extract?
(a) Indefinitely
(b) Clearly
(c) Doubtfully
(d) Certainly
Ans: (v) (d) Certainly
Q10 Amanda class 10 Questions Answers in 20-30 words
i Would you call Amanda a disrespectful child? Provide one reason to justify your opinion.
Ans: Without context, it’s unfair to label Amanda as disrespectful. However, if she consistently interrupts others during conversations without consideration, it might suggest a lack of respect for their speech.
ii What kind of an image does “languid, emerald sea” evoke?
Ans: “Languid, emerald sea” evokes an image of a tranquil, slow-moving, and serene emerald-colored ocean, suggesting a sense of calmness, peacefulness, and gentle movement.
iii What does the line “never let down my bright hair” tell us about Amanda?
Ans: The line “never let down my bright hair” suggests that Amanda is protective or cautious about revealing herself or her true nature to others, maintaining a sense of privacy or guardedness.
iv The reader sympathizes with the speaker in the poem. Support this opinion with a reason.
Ans: The reader sympathizes with the speaker in the poem due to the speaker’s vulnerability and emotional depth, inviting empathy for their experiences and feelings expressed in the verses.
v What do you think is the significance of the exclamation mark in the title of the poem ‘Amanda!’?
Ans: The exclamation mark in the title “Amanda!” signifies emphasis, urgency, or a direct address, suggesting a strong emotional connection or a call for attention towards the character Amanda.
vi. Why does Amanda seem moody most of the time? CBSE 2016
Ans. Amanda seems moody most of the time because she is so involved in her world of imagination that she does not pay attention to her mother. Amanda often escapes
from reality into her world of fantasy to get away from the continuous scoldings. Her day dreaming makes her look moody and uninterested.
Q11 Amanda class 10 Questions Answers in 40-50 words
i How would you characterise the speaker in the poem ‘Amanda!’? List any two qualities, supporting the reason of your choice, with evidence from the poem.
The speaker in the poem ‘Amanda!’ exhibits two key qualities: concern and admiration.
Concern: The speaker’s concern for Amanda is evident in their statement, indicating a fear of vulnerability or exposure, indicating a protective nature and a deep concern for Amanda’s well-being.
Admiration: The exclamation mark in the title “Amanda!” conveys admiration or fondness towards Amanda, indicating a strong emotional connection and the speaker’s respect for Amanda, emphasizing the urgency and urgency of the expression.
These qualities of concern and admiration illustrate the speaker’s emotional investment in Amanda’s life and well-being.
ii ‘Amanda is alone but not lonely in the world she envisions.’ Justify the statement with reference to any one image she pictures in her mind.
Ans: The poem portrays Amanda’s self-sufficiency and contentment within her inner world, despite being alone, through the image of her bright hair, suggesting solitude but not loneliness.
iii This is Calvin, a character from a comic strip created by Bill Watterson. Do you think this might be something Amanda would say? Why/ why not? Give reasons.
Ans: Amanda, a fictional or real person, would not associate herself with a character like Calvin from a comic strip, as Calvin is a distinct character from Bill Watterson’s work. Instead, Amanda’s thoughts and expressions would likely stem from her own experiences, beliefs, or circumstances, rather than referencing Calvin.
Q12 Questions Answers in 100-120 words (beyond text and across texts)
i Read the quote given below carefully.
“All grown-ups were once children … but
Only a few of them remember it”
Based on your understanding of the poem, explain how and why this quote can be applied to the poem.
Ans: The quote implies that as people grow older, many forget the innocence, imagination, and freedom of childhood. In the poem, Amanda embodies the essence of childhood innocence, imagination, and curiosity. Her imaginative world and perceptions contrast with the adult world’s complexities and constraints.
The quote can be applied to the poem as Amanda seems to retain a childlike wonder and imagination, while the adults around her have lost touch with this aspect. She embraces her imaginative worlds and unconventional thoughts, reminiscent of the uninhibited nature of childhood.
The adults’ inability to understand or connect with Amanda’s imaginative flights parallels the quote’s sentiment. It suggests that only a few, like Amanda, retain the ability to remember and appreciate the unfettered creativity and perception of childhood, while most grown-ups have forgotten or lost touch with this innocence and imaginative spirit.
The poem highlights this contrast between Amanda’s childlike imagination and the adults’ lack of understanding, aligning with the quote’s idea that only a few adults remember or cherish their childhood perspective amidst the complexities of growing up.
ii What advice might “chatterbox” Anne (Frank) have for the quietly imaginative Amanda? Present this as a conversation between the two.
You may begin this way:
Anne: Gosh! You do run off into some strange worlds, don’t you?
Amanda: (nods) Well…
Anne: Gosh! You do run off into some strange worlds, don’t you?
Amanda: (nods) Well…
Anne: Sometimes I envy your ability to wander into those worlds quietly. But you know, speaking up can make those imaginative worlds even more vivid.
Amanda: I guess so, but I feel more comfortable keeping them to myself.
Anne: I get it. But sharing those thoughts, even if quietly at first, can lead to amazing connections. Writing helped me, you know. It gave life to my thoughts when I felt I had no one to talk to.
Amanda: I never thought of it that way. Did writing really help you?
Anne: Immensely. It let me express my innermost thoughts and feelings, turning loneliness into a companionable solitude. It might do the same for you.
Amanda: I’ll try. But what if no one understands?
Anne: They might not, but that’s okay. Expressing yourself authentically matters more. You might be surprised; someone out there might relate more than you expect.
Amanda: Thanks, Anne. I’ll give it a try.
Anne: Anytime, Amanda. Remember, your imagination is a gift; don’t hide it away entirely. Sharing it can bring comfort and connection.
Ans: Wanda and Amanda showcase contrasting approaches regarding the use of imagination, aligning with Colin Wilson’s perspective.
Wanda tends to use her imagination to escape reality. She often gets lost in fanciful worlds, avoiding or dissociating from real-life situations. Her imagination serves as a means to evade difficulties or unpleasant aspects of reality. However, this tendency might hinder her from facing and addressing actual challenges.
On the other hand, Amanda employs her imagination to create her reality. She uses her imaginative capabilities to explore possibilities, generate ideas, and envision a world that aligns with her aspirations. Amanda’s imaginative prowess serves as a tool for innovation, problem-solving, and crafting a vision for the future. Rather than escaping reality, she employs her imagination to shape and enhance her reality positively.
Colin Wilson’s viewpoint underscores the idea that imagination shouldn’t be an escape but a creative force to shape one’s reality. Wanda’s escapism contrasts with this, while Amanda’s constructive use of imagination aligns well with Wilson’s perspective by actively shaping and influencing her world.
iv. State the key points in the poem ‘Amanda’. What do you learn from it? CBSE 2016
Ans. The key point highlighted in the poem ‘Amanda is that every child is special in itself and it requires a great amount of patience and love to make them understand this.
To create such an understanding, parents must give freedom to their children as they learn the best from their own experiences. In this process, children may learn some bad habits which needs to be removed. This undoing also requires a great level of understanding and the right approach.
Parents judging each action of a child does more harm. In the poem, the little girl Amanda goes through constant scoldings for her habits. Everything she does is corrected by her mother and she can’t do anything at her will. Consequently, the girl seeks/desires freedom and a choice. The lack of freedom makes Amanda upset and moody as she escapes her world of imagination. She enjoys the things in her imagination, which she is deprived of in reality.
Therefore, in Amanda, we witness a failed approach of her parents and get a lesson that the parents need to take a more gentle/kind approach to teach their child.
Extra Amanda class 10 questions and answers
1. Who is Amanda in Class 10?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda is the central character—a young girl who uses her vivid imagination to create fantastical worlds and adventures. Her imaginative nature and creative thoughts are the focus of the poem. Amanda symbolizes the power of creativity and the unique perspective of a young mind.
2. What is the main theme of the poem Amanda?
Ans: The main theme of the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein is the power and importance of imagination. It explores how a young girl named Amanda uses her vivid imagination to create her own worlds, finding solace, joy, and a sense of freedom within her imaginative thoughts and dreams. The poem celebrates the creativity and unique perspective of Amanda’s imaginative mind.
3. What is the central idea of Amanda Class 10 easy words?
Ans: The poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein revolves around the importance of imagination and creativity. It celebrates the imaginative world of a young girl named Amanda, highlighting how her imaginative thoughts and dreams help her navigate life’s challenges and find joy in her own unique way.
4. What does the girl yearn for?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, the girl, Amanda, yearns for freedom and an escape from the constraints of reality. She seeks solace and joy in her vivid imagination, longing for the freedom to explore and create her own imaginative worlds where she can find happiness and fulfillment beyond the limitations of the everyday world around her.
5. What type of girl is Amanda?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda is portrayed as a creative and imaginative girl. She is characterized as someone who is deeply immersed in her own thoughts and fantasies, finding solace and joy in her vivid imagination.
6. Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda wishes to be a mermaid because it represents a longing for freedom and a desire to escape the limitations of the ordinary world. As a mermaid, she envisions herself experiencing a life of liberty and exploration in the vastness of the ocean.
7. Why is Amanda lost in her thought?
Ans: Amanda is lost in her thoughts in the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein because she finds solace, joy, and a sense of freedom in her vivid imagination. Her imaginative mind allows her to create intricate worlds and scenarios that captivate her attention, providing an escape from the constraints and mundanity of the real world.
8. What was Amanda’s posture?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, the specific posture of Amanda is not explicitly described. However, the poem suggests that Amanda is likely depicted as being lost in thought, engrossed in her own imaginative world. Her posture might symbolize a sense of introspection or deep contemplation as she delves into her vivid imagination, creating her own fantastical realities within her mind.
9. Why did Amanda orphan?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, there isn’t a mention or suggestion that Amanda is an orphan. The focus of the poem is on Amanda’s vivid imagination and her ability to create imaginative worlds as a way to escape the constraints of reality. The poem does not address her family situation or imply that she is an orphan. It centers more on her imaginative nature and her longing for freedom within her own thoughts and dreams.
10. In which mood is Amanda?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda’s mood appears to be reflective and contemplative. She is portrayed as someone who is lost in her thoughts, deeply immersed in her own imaginative world.
11. What does Amanda like?
Ans: Amanda likes the sense of liberation and creativity that her imaginative mind provides, allowing her to explore and invent different worlds and possibilities within her thoughts.
12. Why is Amanda so moody?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda’s moodiness might stem from her deep immersion in her imaginative world. She fluctuates between the constraints of reality and the freedom of her imaginative thoughts. Her moodiness could result from the contrast between the mundane, structured aspects of everyday life and the vibrant, unrestrained nature of her creative mind.
13. Is Amanda Sulking or Moody?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda’s demeanor is more reflective of being lost in her own thoughts rather than sulking or being overtly moody. She appears contemplative, absorbed in her imaginative world, which might give the impression of moodiness due to her inward focus.
14. How old is Amanda?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, the specific age of Amanda is not mentioned or specified. The poem focuses more on Amanda’s imaginative nature, her thoughts, and her vivid inner world rather than explicitly stating her age.
15. What type of life does Amanda wish for?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, Amanda wishes for a life that embraces freedom, creativity, and imagination. She longs for a life that allows her to escape the constraints of reality and immerse herself in the boundless possibilities of her vivid imagination. Amanda desires a life where she can explore imaginative worlds, free from the limitations of the everyday world, and find joy and fulfillment within her creative thoughts and dreams.
16. Who is the speaker angry with Amanda?
Ans: In the poem “Amanda” by Robin Klein, there isn’t a specific mention or indication that the speaker is angry with Amanda. The poem primarily focuses on Amanda’s imaginative nature and her inner world, highlighting her thoughts and desires rather than depicting any conflict or anger between Amanda and the speaker. The speaker seems more concerned with understanding Amanda’s vivid imagination and its significance in her life rather than expressing anger towards her.
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