Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Class 10 Guidance (Updated)

Empower your preparation for the CBSE Exams 2024-2025 with our updated Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises Class 10 Guidance for 2024.

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Strengthen your grasp of English grammar essentials through tailored exercises designed to align with the latest curriculum updates.

Understanding subject-verb agreement is pivotal for scoring well in CBSE exams, and our comprehensive resources ensure thorough preparation for success.

Fundamental of Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Guidance

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule in English grammar. It makes sure that a sentence’s subject and verb are consistent in terms of both number and person. 

To put it another way, if the subject is singular, the verb also needs to be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb likewise needs to be plural.

What is Subject Verb Agreement?

The grammar rule that determines the verb form employed in a sentence is known as subject-verb agreement, or SVA for short. It depends on the number and person of the subject. This agreement is crucial to maintaining clarity and coherence in communication.

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Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Answers

Let’s now shift our focus to the invaluable resources of the Subject Verb Agreement Class 10 worksheet designed specifically for Class 10 students.

Exercise 1: Singular or Plural?

In each of the following sentences, choose the correct form of the verb (singular or plural) to ensure subject-verb agreement.

1. The cat (is/are) sleeping peacefully.

Ans: is

2. My friends (enjoy/enjoys) playing chess.

Ans: enjoy

3. The book on the shelf (belongs/belong) to me.

Ans: belongs

Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 2: Identifying the Subject

For the sentences below, identify the subject and then choose the appropriate verb form (singular or plural) to maintain subject-verb agreement.

1. (She/They) are going to the park.

Ans: They

2. (The dog/The dogs) barks loudly.

Ans: The dog

3. (Each of the students/All of the students) (has/have) a book.

Ans: Each of the students has a book.

Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 3: Compound Subjects

Now, let’s tackle sentences with compound subjects. Determine whether the subject is singular or plural, and choose the correct verb accordingly.

1. Tom and Jerry (is/are) friends.

Ans: are

2. Neither the cat nor the dog (likes/like) rainy days.

Ans: likes

3. The cake, along with the ice cream, (was/were) delicious.

Ans: was

Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 4: Collective Nouns

Collective nouns can be a bit tricky. Decide whether the collective noun should be treated as singular or plural based on the context.

1. The team (is/are) practicing diligently.

Ans: is

2. The family (enjoys/enjoy) spending weekends together.

Ans: enjoys

3. The committee (has/have) made its decision.

Ans: has

Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 5: Indefinite Pronouns

Lastly, let’s work with indefinite pronouns. Determine whether the indefinite pronoun is singular or plural and select the appropriate verb form.

1. Everyone (was/were) surprised by the news.

Ans: was

2. Nobody (wants/want) to miss the party.

Ans: wants

3. Either of the options (seems/seem) reasonable.

Ans: seems

Exercise 6: More Complex Sentences

Now, let’s work with some more complex sentences that involve subject-verb agreement. Analyze the sentences and choose the correct verb form.

1. The group of students (was/were) excited about the field trip.

Ans: were

2. Either the red or the blue car (needs/need) a new battery.

Ans: needs

3. All the books on the shelf (belongs/belong) to the library.

Ans: belong

Exercise 7: Tricky Situations

Subject-verb agreement can become trickier in certain situations. Let’s explore these scenarios.

1. The news about the accident (was/were) shocking.

Ans: was

2. Ten dollars (is/are) not enough to buy lunch nowadays.

Ans: is

3. The list of ingredients (seems/seem) incomplete.

Ans: seems

Exercise 8: Irregular Verbs

Sometimes, irregular verbs don’t follow the standard rules of subject-verb agreement. Identify the subject and select the correct verb form.

1. The data from the experiment (was/were) inconclusive.

Ans: was

2. Both the cat and the dog (has/have) unique personalities.

Ans: have

3. The pants (needs/need) to be altered.

Ans: need

Exercise 9: More Collective Nouns

Let’s delve further into collective nouns. Determine whether the collective noun should be treated as singular or plural.

1. The audience (enjoys/enjoy) live performances.

Ans: enjoys

2. The flock of birds (was/were) a breathtaking sight.

Ans: was

3. The jury (has/have) reached a verdict.

Ans: has

Exercise 10: Abstract Concepts

Subject-verb agreement also applies to abstract concepts. Identify the subject and select the appropriate verb form.

1. Happiness (brings/bring) joy to people’s lives.

Ans: brings

2. Success (depends/depend) on hard work and determination.

Ans: depends

3. The idea of change (intrigues/intrigue) me.

Ans: intrigues

Exercise 11: Challenging Sentences

Now, let’s tackle some sentences that present a bit more of a challenge in terms of subject-verb agreement. Analyze the sentences and choose the correct verb form.

1. The collection of rare coins (was/were) sold at an auction.

Ans: was

2. Neither the teacher nor the students (is/are) aware of the surprise.

Ans: is

3. The majority of the votes (was/were) in favor of the proposal.

Ans: was

Exercise 12: Conditional Statements

Subject-verb agreement also applies to conditional statements. Determine the subject and select the appropriate verb form.

1. If the weather (is/are) nice, we’ll have a picnic.

Ans: is

2. Unless the guests (arrives/arrive) on time, the event will be delayed.

Ans: arrive

3. In case of an emergency, the instructions (is/are) posted on the wall.

Ans: are

Exercise 13: Complex Subjects

Complex subjects can involve multiple elements that impact subject-verb agreement. Identify the subject and choose the correct verb form.

1. The book, as well as the accompanying CDs, (is/are) on the shelf.

Ans: is

2. Not only the employees but also the manager (works/work) hard.

Ans: works

3. Along with her sisters, Mary (enjoys/enjoy) hiking in the mountains.

Ans: enjoys

Exercise 14: Questions and Commands

Subject-verb agreement plays a role in forming questions and commands. Select the appropriate verb form for each sentence.

 1. How often (do/does) she visit her grandparents?

Ans: does

2. Please make sure everyone (has/have) their ID badges.

Ans: has

3. Which of the options (is/are) the best choice?

Ans: is

Exercise 15: Review of Everything

To conclude our exercises, let’s review everything you’ve learned so far. Analyze each sentence and choose the correct verb form.

1. Both the cake and the cookies (tastes/taste) delicious.

Ans: taste

2. The team, along with their coach, (is/are) heading to the championship.

Ans: is

3. None of the options (seems/seem) suitable for this project.

Ans: seems

Exercise 16: Special Situations

Subject-verb agreement can become especially intricate in certain situations. Carefully assess each sentence and choose the correct verb form.

1. The committee, consisting of experts in their fields, (is/are) finalizing the report.

Ans: is

2. The group of musicians, along with their conductor, (performs/perform) exceptionally well.

Ans: perform

3. The variety of fruits in the basket (provides/provide) a colorful display.

Ans: provides

Exercise 17: Subject-Verb Agreement in Narratives

Narratives often present sentences with unique subject-verb agreement challenges. Identify the subject and select the appropriate verb form.

1. In the forest, a family of bears (live/lives) peacefully.

Ans: lives

2. On the farm, the chickens (cluck/clucks) loudly every morning.

Ans: cluck

3. At the zoo, a group of children (watches/watch) the playful monkeys.

Ans: watches

Exercise 18: Subject-Verb Agreement in Conversations

Imagine these sentences in a dialogue. Choose the correct verb form to maintain subject-verb agreement.

1. Sarah: “All the cookies (was/were) delicious.” John: “I agree, they (was/were) amazing!”

Ans: were, were

2. Emily: “Either the cat or the dog (needs/need) a bath.” Tom: “I think the cat (needs/need) it more.”

Ans: needs, needs

3. Lisa: “None of the books (is/are) available at the moment.” Mark: “I noticed that too. None of them (is/are) on the shelf.”

Ans: is, is

Exercise 19: Subject-Verb Agreement in Business Writing

Business writing demands precision in subject-verb agreement. Select the correct verb form for these business-related sentences.

1. The company’s financial team (has/have) prepared the annual report.

Ans: has

2. Each department head, along with their team, (is/are) attending the conference.

Ans: is

3. The range of products (includes/include) both new and updated items.

Ans: includes

Exercise 20: Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement

Let’s conclude with some advanced exercises that incorporate various subject-verb agreement scenarios.

1. Not only the main dish but also the side dishes (taste/tastes) exquisite.

Ans: taste

2. The selection of books on the shelf (is/are) impressive.

Ans: is

3. The athlete, as well as her coach, (is/are) preparing for the upcoming competition.

Ans: is

Exercise 21: Subject-Verb Agreement in Academic Writing

Academic writing necessitates strict adherence to subject-verb agreement rules. Choose the appropriate verb form for these academic sentences.

1. The data collected from various sources (support/supports) the research hypothesis.

Ans: supports

2. Each of the participants (was/were) asked to complete a questionnaire.

Ans: was

3. The majority of scholars in the field (agree/agrees) with this theory.

Ans: agrees

Exercise 22: Subject-Verb Agreement in Technical Writing

Technical writing demands precision and accuracy. Select the correct verb form for these technical sentences.

1. The software, as well as the user manual, (has/have) been updated.

Ans: has

2. None of the components (function/functions) properly without the necessary firmware.

Ans: functions

3. The various parameters of the experiment (has/have) been carefully analyzed.

Ans: have

Exercise 23: Conversational Subject-Verb Agreement

Imagine these sentences in a conversation between friends. Choose the correct verb form for each response.

1. Alex: “All the movies we watched last night (was/were) entertaining.” Sarah: “Yes, they (was/were) a great choice!”

Ans: were, were

2. Emma: “Either the blue or the red dress (look/looks) good on you.” Mia: “I think the red one (look/looks) better.”

Ans: look, looks

3. Chris: “None of the questions on the test (seems/seem) easy.” Jamie: “I agree, none of them (seems/seem) straightforward.”

Ans: seems, seems

Exercise 24: Subject-Verb Agreement in Legal Writing

Legal writing demands precision in subject-verb agreement. Choose the correct verb form for these legal sentences.

1. The terms and conditions of the contract (has/have) been reviewed by legal counsel.

Ans: have

2. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant (is/are) satisfied with the verdict.

Ans: is

3. The body of evidence presented in court (support/supports) the defendant’s claims.

Ans: supports

Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercises, Notes, Rules

Subject Verb Agreement Class 10 Notes and Rules have been described in the following to get a better understanding of the above worksheet.

1. Number:

The basic principle of Subject-Verb agreement is that singular subjects need singular verbs. Plural subjects need plural verbs:

The girl is playing.The girls are playing.
The boy has gone to school.The boys have gone to school.
He likes sweets.They like sweets.

2. Person:

The rules regarding the person are as follows:

(i) The first person singular or plural takes a singular verb:

I like this scenery.

(ii) The second person singular or plural takes a singular verb:

You like this scenery.

We like this scenery.

(iii) The third person singular takes a singular verb:

He likes this scenery.

(iv) The third person plural takes a plural verb:

They like this scenery.

3. Uncountable Noun:

When we use an uncountable noun as the subject of a verb, we use a singular form of the Verb:

1. Fear begins to haunt him.

2. Honesty is the best policy.

4. Singular and Plural Nouns:

When we use a singular noun as the subject of a verb, we use a singular verb. Plural nouns take a plural verb:

1. The moon was shining in the sky.

2. The children were swimming.

3. The sun is about to set.

4. The farmers were ploughing.

5. One of+ Plural Noun:

When the subject consists of ‘one of + plural noun’, the verb is singular:

1. One of the students was talking.

2. One of the girls was singing.

3. One of the birds was chirping.

6. Long Subject:

When a clause or a long group of words is the subject, we have to be careful to make the verb agree with the subject:

1. The chairs which I bought yesterday are very costly.

2. The woman whom I met in the market was my friend’s sister.

7. Introductory ‘there’:

The verb has to agree with the real subject that follows the introductory there. If the subject is singular, then there will be followed by a singular verb. If the real subject is plural, then ‘there’ will be followed by a plural verb:

1. There is no chair in the room.

2. There are fifty boys in the class.

3. There are no chairs in the room.

4. There is one girl in the class.

8. Two or More Nouns:

When two or more nouns function as subject, a plural verb is used:

1. Satish and his sister have gone to see a movie.

2. My friend and his father are meeting us tomorrow.

9. Distances, Weight, etc:

For distances, weight, height or amounts of money, we use a singular verb even when the subject is plural:

1. Ten thousand rupees is not a small sum.

2. Five hundred feet above sea level is not a great height.

3. Three kilometers is a small distance.

10. Plural Names:

The title of a book, the name of a house or a hotel in plural takes a singular

1. “The Arabian Nights” has interesting stories.

2. “The Hotel Brewers” is a five-star hotel.

11. Plural Nouns with Singular Meaning:

Nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning usually take a singular verb:

1. Economics is a dull subject.

2. Mathematics is not an easy subject.

3. Measles is an infectious disease.

4. The latest news is that the criminal has been arrested.

12 Singular Nouns with Plural Verb:

Some nouns which appear to be singular in form take a plural verb:

1. The police have arrested three terrorists.

2. The Indian cricket team won the match.

13. Collective nouns 

Collective nouns like group, crowd, flock, regiment, etc. are generally followed by a singular Verb:

1. A group of boys was playing in the ground. 

2. A crowd of people rushes into the hall.

3. A regiment of soldiers was marching towards the town.

14. Class nouns 

Class nouns such as food, furniture, clothing, etc. take a singular verb:

1. This furniture is very old.

2. This imported cutlery is very costly.

15. Some nouns plural in form take a singular 

Some nouns that appear to be plural in form when preceded by a pair of take a singular verb, for example, shoes, scissors, trousers, etc.

1. A pair of scissors was taken out of the drawer. 

2. A pair of trousers was washed by the servant

3. A pair of shoes was bought by him.

16. Without A pair of + nouns

But when these nouns are used without ‘a pair of’, they take a plural verb:

1. His shoes have worn out.

2. My scissors do not cut well.

17.  Nouns take singular verb

Some nouns are preceded by a lot of, a plenty of, a great deal of, etc. These nouns take a singular verb when they refer to amount or quantity. But they take a plural verb when they refer to number:

1. A lot of people visit the exhibition.

2. A plenty of water was supplied to the villagers.

18.  singular subject is joined by Phrases

When a singular subject is joined by as well as, in addition to, except, etc. with another noun or pronoun, we use a singular verb.

1. Sohan as well as his brother has come.

2. My father in addition to our neighbour has gone out for a walk.

3. Everyone except Satish was present.

18. each, either, neither, anyone

A singular verb is used with singular pronouns, e.g. each, either, neither, anyone, etc.

1. Each of the boys was given a prize.

2. Neither of the students was absent.

3. Everybody has helped her.

19.  two or more subjects

When two or more subjects are connected by nor or or, the verb is used according to the number of the noun nearest to it:

1. Neither she nor her sisters visit the temple. 

2. Either they or he is telling a lie.

20. collective noun

A collective noun such as jury, committee, family, etc. takes a singular verb when it is considered one unit. But when they are regarded as individuals, they take a plural verb:

1. The jury is about to give its decision.

2. The jury are divided in their opinion.

3. The committee is meeting tomorrow.

4. The committee have decided to raise the membership fee.

5. Our family has decided to visit Shimla this summer.

6. The family now live in London.

21. nouns as one unit

When some nouns are regarded as one unit, they take a singular verb:

1. Bread and butter is a wholesome food.

2. Brick and stone is lying scattered all over the place.

3. Time and tide waits for none.

4. The novelist and poet is dead.

FAQs on Class 10 Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

What are some common examples of subject-verb agreement errors?

Subject-verb agreement errors often occur with compound subjects, indefinite pronouns, and collective nouns. For example, using “they” with a singular subject or a singular verb with a plural subject are common mistakes.

How can I improve my subject-verb agreement skills?

Practice is key. Work through worksheets and exercises regularly to reinforce your understanding. Additionally, reading extensively can help you internalize correct sentence structures.

Are there any exceptions to subject-verb agreement rules?

Yes, some irregular verbs do not follow the standard rules. It’s essential to memorize these exceptions through practice and exposure to the language.

Can you provide more examples of collective nouns?

Certainly. Collective nouns like “jury,” “family,” and “committee” can be either singular or plural. For instance, “The jury is deliberating” (singular) and “The jury are divided in their opinions” (plural).

Is subject-verb agreement the same in all languages?

No, subject-verb agreement rules can vary significantly between languages. Each language has its own grammatical rules, and it’s essential to learn and apply them correctly.

What resources can I use to practice subject-verb agreement?

Besides worksheets and notes, you can find online grammar quizzes and books dedicated to English grammar that provide ample exercises for practice.