Subject and Predicate Examples Exercises Class 7 Chapter 3

In the English language, sentences are composed of two main parts: the subject and the predicate. Understanding the concept of subject and predicate is crucial for constructing clear and coherent sentences. Chapter 3 of Class 7 curriculum delves into the intricacies of subjects and predicates, providing students with examples and exercises to reinforce their understanding. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of subject and predicate, along with practical examples and exercises for Class 7 students.

Contents show

Overview of Chapter 3: Subject and Predicate

Chapter 3 of the Class 7 curriculum focuses on the fundamental elements of sentence structure: the subject and the predicate. This chapter aims to help students understand how sentences are constructed and the roles that subjects and predicates play in conveying meaning. By mastering these concepts, students will be able to write more effectively and clearly. The chapter provides a thorough explanation of subjects and predicates, offers numerous examples, and includes a variety of exercises to reinforce learning. Through this comprehensive approach, students will gain a solid foundation in sentence construction, which is essential for effective communication and writing skills.

Understanding Subject and Predicate

In every complete sentence, two main components work together to convey a clear message: the subject and the predicate. Understanding these components is crucial for constructing well-formed sentences.

A. Subject

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. It tells who or what is performing the action or being described. For example, in the sentence “The cat sleeps on the mat,” “the cat” is the subject because it is the one performing the action of sleeping.

B. Identifying the Subject

To identify the subject of a sentence, ask yourself “who” or “what” is performing the action or being described. The subject is usually a noun or pronoun and is often found at the beginning of the sentence. For instance, in the sentence “The teacher explains the lesson,” the subject is “The teacher” because the teacher is performing the action of explaining.

C. Predicate

The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject does or is. It includes the verb and any other details that describe the action or state of the subject. In the sentence “The cat sleeps on the mat,” “sleeps on the mat” is the predicate because it describes what the cat is doing.

D. Identifying the Predicate

To identify the predicate, find the verb first, as the predicate always contains the verb. Then, determine the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is doing or what is being said about the subject. The predicate can include the verb and all the words that complete its meaning. In the sentence “The teacher explains the lesson,” the predicate is “explains the lesson” because it tells what the teacher is doing.

Kinds of Subjects

A sentence can have one or more subjects, each contributing to the sentence’s meaning and clarity. Let’s delve deeper into understanding the different kinds of subjects.

1. Noun or Pronoun as Subject

A subject can be a single word  – a noun or a pronoun. 

For example,

  • Jayashree laughed.
  • Denny barked.

2. A Phrase as Subject

A subject can be a phrase containing a noun, article, or modifier. 

For example,

  • All the students in the class were making noise.
  • That new boy in the class is very intelligent.

3. Compound words or phrases as subjects. 

A subject can be two or more nouns, pronouns or noun phrases that may be joined by conjunctions such as and, not only…but also, both…and, neither…nor either…or. 

For example,

  • Chocolate and pista kulfi are my two favourite flavours of ice cream.
  • Both the players and the officials were honoured for their performance.

When a sentence has two or more subjects, we call the subject a compound subject.

Subjects in Different Sentence Structures

In a sentence

1. the subject performs the action. 

For example,

  • Rohit wrote a letter.
  • The puppy chewed up the sock.

2. the subject is described. 

For example,

  • The kitten is naughty.
  • Pavan is intelligent.

3. the subject is acted upon. 

For example,

  • The victim was taken to the hospital.
  • She was attacked by a bear.

Spotting the Subject

To identify the subject in a sentence, we should analyze the following rules:

Rule 1: Identify the Verb

  • Look for the action word or state of being in the sentence.
  • Examples of verbs: run, jump, is, seems.

Rule 2: Ask Questions to Find the Subject

a. Once the verb is identified, ask the following questions to determine the subject:

(i)Who is doing the action?”

  • Example: In “The dog barks,” ask “Who is barking?” The answer is “The dog.”

(ii)What is doing the action?”

  • Example: In “The wind blows,” ask “What is blowing?” The answer is “The wind.”

(iii) “Who are we speaking about?”

  • Example: In “Alice is happy,” ask “Who is happy?” The answer is “Alice.”

(iv)What are we speaking about?”

  • Example: In “The book is on the table,” ask “What is on the table?” The answer is “The book.”

Rule 3: Confirm the Subject

(i) Ensure the answer to the questions correctly identifies the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about.

(ii) The subject can be a single word or a phrase.

  • Single word: “John runs fast.”
  • Phrase: “The big brown dog is barking.”

By following these steps, you can accurately identify the subject in any sentence.

Identify the subjects in different kinds of sentences.

Let us now learn how to identify subjects in different kinds of sentences step by step.

1. Declarative Sentences

In declarative sentences, the subject usually appears before the verb.

For example,

  • The puppy bit the postman’s ankle.
  • The horse jumped over the fence.

2. Interrogative Sentences

a. In interrogative sentences with one verb, the subject usually appears after the verb. 

For example,

  • Where is the puppy?
  • Which is your favourite colour?

b. In interrogative sentences with two verbs, a helping verb and a main verb, the subject appears between the two verbs. 

For example,

  • Do you play cricket?
  • Has she taken a decision?

3. Imperative Sentences

In imperative sentences, the subject you is implied. 

For example,

  • (You) Come here.
  • (You) Clean your room.

4. Exclamatory Sentences

In exclamatory sentences, the subject generally comes before the verb.

For example,

  • How beautiful the garden is!
  • How lovely these roses are!

5. Simple Sentences Examples

Simple sentences contain a single independent clause. Here are some examples:

(i) The dog barks.

  • Subject: The dog
  • Predicate: barks

(ii) She reads a book.

  • Subject: She
  • Predicate: reads a book

(iii) The sun sets in the west.

  • Subject: The sun
  • Predicate: sets in the west

6. Compound Sentence Examples

Compound sentences consist of two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). Here are some examples:

(i) The dog barks, and the cat meows.

  • Subject: The dog, the cat
  • Predicate: barks, meows

(ii) She reads a book, but he watches TV.

  • Subject: She, he
  • Predicate: reads a book, watches TV

(iii) The sun sets in the west, and the moon rises in the east.

  • Subject: The sun, the moon
  • Predicate: sets in the west, rises in the east

7. Complex Sentences Examples

Complex sentences contain an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Here are some examples:

(i) When the dog barks, the cat hides.

  • Subject: When the dog, the cat
  • Predicate: barks, hides

(ii) Although she was tired, she finished her homework.

  • Subject: Although she, she
  • Predicate: was tired, finished her homework

(iii) Because the sun was setting, we decided to go home.

  • Subject: Because the sun, we
  • Predicate: was setting, decided to go home

Kinds of Predicates

1. A predicate can just be a single verb. 

For example,

  • The dog barked.
  • Maya giggled.

2. A predicate can be a phrase containing a verb in some tense, person, and number.

For example,

  • The clouds are gathering.
  • That new boy in the class is very intelligent.

3. When the verb is an intransitive verb, the predicate can be a verb and its modifier or complement. 

For example,

  • The girls laughed loudly.
  • The baby slept soundly.
  • The mango smells sweet.

4. When the verb is a transitive verb, the predicate can be a verb and its object.

For example,

  • Birds build nests.
  • Ravi kicked the football.

5. When the verb is a transitive verb with two objects, the predicate consists of a verb and its direct object and indirect object. 

For example,

  • Father bought me a bike.
  • We gave a bouquet of roses to our teacher.

6. A predicate can be two or more verbs or verb phrases that may be joined by conjunctions such as and, not only…but also, both…and, neither…nor, either…or. 

For example,

  • He came, saw, and conquered.
  • We ate dinner and watched a film.

When a sentence has two or more predicates, we call the predicate a compound predicate.

Tips for Mastering Subject and Predicate

A. Practice Regularly

  • Consistent practice is essential.
  • Set aside time each day.
  • Focus on identifying and using subjects and predicates.
  • Regular practice reinforces understanding and improves skills.

B. Start with Easy Exercises

  • Begin with simple exercises.
  • Identify subjects and predicates in basic sentences.
  • Gradually move to more complex sentences.
  • Build confidence with a step-by-step approach.

C. Seek Feedback and Guidance

  • Ask for feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers.
  • Use constructive feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Correct mistakes based on feedback.
  • Seek guidance if struggling with specific concepts.

Importance of Subject and Predicate in Writing

A. Enhancing Clarity and Coherence

A. Clear Meaning:

  • Proper use of subjects and predicates ensures sentences convey clear and precise meanings.
  • Well-defined subjects and predicates contribute to the overall coherence of a paragraph.
  • Clear sentence structure helps readers easily understand the writer’s message.

B. Improving Sentence Structure

  • Mastering subjects and predicates allows for varied and complex sentence structures.
  • Proper use of subjects and predicates enhances the grammatical accuracy of sentences.
  • Balanced sentences with clear subjects and predicates improve readability and engagement.

C. Facilitating Effective Communication

  • Well-constructed sentences are concise and to the point, facilitating effective communication.
  • Proper sentence construction helps emphasize important points and ideas.
  • Clear and well-structured sentences keep readers engaged and interested in the content.

Exercises for Practicing Subject and Predicate

Engaging in exercises focused on subjects and predicates is essential for mastering sentence construction. These exercises provide valuable practice opportunities to enhance comprehension and fluency in writing.

Practice Exercises for Subject and Predicate:

A. Identify the subject and the predicate in each sentence.

1. (You) Go home now]

2. We are going to the zoo.

3. (You) Have a good time!

4. Monica is reading a novel

5. The school is on M G Street.

6. The hike was five miles long

7. [How sweet the moonlight is!

8. I threw the ball towards Kevin.

9. (You) Please lend me your book.

10. Preeti and her friends[watched a film

11. The pasta and salad were delicious.

12. Atul loves swimming and basketball.

13. The hairdresser cut my hair and styled it

14. Ria walked or cycled to school every day.

15. French fries and burgers are bad for you.

16. They went to a play on Saturday afternoon.

17. The little puppy and the old cat are friends.

Worksheet Exercises for Subject and Predicate:

B. Underline the subject and circle the predicate in each sentence.

(i) The dog barked loudly.

(ii) Don’t touch that hot pan.

(iii) She loves reading books.

(iv) Did you finish your homework?

(v) The new movie starts at seven.

(vi) What a beautiful day it is!

(vii) My mother baked a cake.

(viii) The students finished their homework.

(ix) Who is coming to the party?

(x) Study for your exam.

(xi) The cat slept on the windowsill.

(xii) Where is my pen?

(xiii) How quickly time flies!

(xiv) The flowers bloomed in the garden.

(xv) Wow, the fireworks are amazing!

(xvi) Here is the solution to the problem.

(xvii) There is a cat on the roof.

Unsolved Exercises for Subject and Predicate:

C. Complete each sentence by adding a suitable subject or predicate.

(i) _____ (predicate) very quickly.

(ii) _____ (subject) loves to sing.

(iii) _____ (predicate) delicious.

(iv) _____ (subject) are playing in the park.

(v) _____ (predicate) his lunch.

(vi) _____ (subject) read a book.

(vii) _____ (predicate) in the garden.

(viii) _____ (subject) is a great swimmer.

(ix) _____ (predicate) in the sky.

(x) _____ (subject) cooked dinner tonight.

(xi) _____ (subject) won the race.

(xii) _____ (predicate) a good idea.

(xiii) _____ (subject) is on the table.

(xiv) _____ (predicate) very loudly.

(xv) _____ (subject) are taking a nap.

(xvi) _____ (predicate) an amazing movie.

(xvii) _____ (subject) bake delicious cookies.

Question Papers for Subject and Predicate Exercises:

D. Match each subject with the correct predicate.

The catjumped over the fence.
My parentsare cooking dinner.
The sunshines brightly
The studentsfinished their homework.
The birdsare singing in the trees.
Sarah and Tomwent to the beach.
The dogbarks at strangers.
The flowersbloom in the spring.
John and his friendsplay soccer every weekend.
The bookis on the shelf.
The teacherexplains the lesson clearly.
The rainpoured heavily yesterday.
My sisterloves to read books.
The carbroke down on the highway.
The moviestarts at 7 PM.

Exercises for Subject and Predicate Practice:

E. Identify if the sentence has a compound subject, compound predicate, or both. Underline the compound parts.

(i) My brother and sister play basketball and soccer.

(ii) The cat climbed the tree and caught a bird.

(iii) John and his friends went swimming and fishing.

(iv) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

(v) She sang and danced at the talent show.

(vi) The dog barked loudly and wagged its tail.

(vii) My parents cooked dinner and baked a cake.

(viii) The children laughed and played in the park.

(ix) Sarah and Tom studied for their exams and completed their assignments.

(x) The bird chirped and flew away.

(xi) Sarah and Tom went to the library and studied.

(xii) The dog barked and growled.

(xiii) The teacher and the students discussed the project.

(xiv) The rain poured and the wind howled.

(xv) John and his friends played soccer and watched a movie.

Try yourself for Subject and Predicate Exercises:

F. Supply suitable subjects to these predicates.

(i) ……………….. like soccer and cricket.

(ii) ……………….. were talking in the corridor.

(iii) ……………….. eat your food with a spoon or a fork.

(iv) ……………….. likes soccer.

(v) ……………….. rides her bicycle to school.

(vi) ……………….. addresses the students tomorrow.

(vii) ……………….. are watching television.

(viii) ……………….. play in the field.

(ix) ……………….. needs soil, water, and sunlight to grow.

(x) ……………….. has some of my favorite stories.

(xi) ……………….. have been good friends since school.

(xii) ……………….. has a good collection of clothes.


Mastering the concept of subject and predicate is essential for building strong writing skills. By understanding how subjects and predicates function within sentences, students can construct clear, concise, and meaningful sentences. With the examples and exercises provided in Chapter 3, Class 7 students can enhance their understanding and proficiency in using subject and predicate effectively.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is a subject in a sentence?

The subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about.

2. What is a predicate in a sentence?

3. Can you provide an example of a compound sentence?

Practice regularly and seek guidance from teachers or tutors if needed.

4. Why is it important to learn about subject and predicate?

Understanding subject and predicate enhances writing skills and improves overall communication abilities.”Sheila enjoys reading novels, but her brother prefers watching movies.”

5. How can I improve my understanding of subject and predicate?

The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is or does.