Correct Form of Verbs Class 10 Questions Answers

Learn the correct form of verbs with our interactive fill-in-the-blank exercises. Improve your grammar and vocabulary skills by completing sentences with the appropriate verb tense. With step-by-step solutions and explanations, our exercises are perfect for students of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you’ll find our exercises challenging and fun. Start filling in the blanks and become a master of verb forms today!

Questions regarding the correct form of verbs to fill in the blanks are common in class 10 English Question papers. Master gap-filling with the correct verb forms requires much practice. There are some passages below that have blanks. The correct form of verbs needs to fill in those blanks. Below are examples, worksheets, and exercises that will definitely help class 10 students.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in brackets Examples

Example 1

1. When Mrs. Gupta _______ (return /returned /was returning) home, she noticed at once that thieves _______ (enter /have entered /had entered) her house during her absence. The local police station _______ (was informing /had informed/was informed) immediately. 

Ans: returned, had entered, was informed.

Example 2

2. Four persons _______ (kill /was killed /were killed) when a Matador Van _______ (collides /collided /was colliding) with a scooter the last night. The driver of the Matador Van _______ (is arrested/ have arrested /has been arrested). 

Ans: were killed, collided, has been arrested.

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Example 3

3. Although children _______ (love /has loved /are loving) outdoor games, their parents _______ (is considering/ considered/ has considered) their interest as harmful and meaningless. A child who spends time and energy in outdoor activities _______ (grows /had grown /is growing) up to be healthy and strong. 

Ans: love, consider, grows.

Example 4

4. At the end of every English text, there is a list of words _______ (give) in _______ (alphabet) order for _______ (refer) and _______ (revise). 

Ans: given, alphabetical, reference, revision.

Example 5

5. Thank you for your letter which I _______ (receive) last week. It was really good to hear from you. You said you _______ (meet) Anjan recently, but you did not say how he _______ (be). I _______ (be) in Kolkata for six weeks, and I am enjoying life here very much. I _______ (work) very hard since I arrived, but the job is interesting and everyone is very kind to me. 

Ans: received, had met, was, have been, have been working.

Example 6

6. Today India _______ (has been/ will be/ is) independent, but once India was under the British rule. The people of India did not _______ (like /liked/ likes) to remain in bondage. So some among them started _______ (organised /organising /to have organised) Revolt against the British Administration by collecting arms. The British rulers _______ (discover /would discover/ discovered) this and sent soldiers to _______ (seize/seized /seizing) the arms. The freedom-fighters _______ (putted/put/putting)up stiff resistance. 

Ans: is, like, organizing, discovered, seize, put.

Example 7

7. Yoga _______ (help /helps /help) to improve the quality of life of the drug users, _______ (said /says/had been said) a recent study _______ (conducted /conducts /has conducted) by the Delhi based AIMS. 

Ans: helps, says, conducted.

Example 8

8.The train _______ (left /has left /had left) the station before we _______ (reached /had reached /reach). But we _______ (make/ made /have made) to comment to our guide. 

Ans: had left, reached, made.

Example 9

9.We _______ (expect/ have expected /expected/ had expected) him here yesterday. He _______ (has not come /did not come /shall not come) till today. No one _______ (known /knows /knew) his address. 

Ans: expected, has not come, knows.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in brackets Worksheet

Worksheet 1

10. A poor young artist _______ (ask /asked /was asked) to paint the portrait of a lady and he did his best to _______ (make /makes/ made) a good likeness. When the Portrait_______ ( finishes /finished /was finished) it was exhibited to the lady’s friends. 

Ans: was asked, make, was finished.

Worksheet 2

11. Some days after the funeral a special train _______ (took /was taking /had taken) Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad. The compartment _______ (decked /was decked /had been decked) with flowers. People on the train _______ (sang /singing /had sabg) bhajans. 

Ans: took, was decked, sang.

Worksheet 3

12. On April 1975 India _______ ( entered /entered /has entered) the space age. On this historic day, India _______ (launches /launched/ has launched) its fast ever satellite. It _______ (had named /was named/has named) the Aryabhatta after great 5th century astronomer and mathematician. 

Ans: entered, launched, was named.

Worksheet 4

13. At least 13 people _______ (is killed /were killed /will be killed) in Jharkhand when a train hit a vehicle at an UN watched crossing yesterday. The accident _______ (takes / is taking / took place) around 9:30 p.m. Yesterday when a family _______ (was returning /returned /returns) from Rajrappa Temple in Bolero car. 

Ans: were killed, took, was returning.

Worksheet 5

14. India _______ (claims /claim /claiming) to be the leader of the third world in many fields of activity but in literacy percentage the country _______ (remained/ remain /remains) far behind. The founding fathers of the Indian Republic _______ (regards /regarding /regarded) education as one of the most important inputs in the country’s development. 

Ans: claims, remains, regarded.

Worksheet 6

15. The John F. Richards Prize _______ (awarded/ is awarded /has awarded) annually by the American Historical Association to _______ (honour /honoured/ honoring) the best book in South Asian History. This year NayanJot Lahiri of Ashoka University _______ (has been selected /selected /selecting) as the winner of this prize for the book of ‘Ashoka in Ancient India’. 

Ans: is awarded, honour, has been selected.

Worksheet 7

16. We walked down the path to the well house_______ (attracted /attracting /attract) by the fragrance of the honey-suckle with which it _______ (covered/was covered /covers).Someone was drawing water and my teacher_______ (placed /has placed /was placing) my hand under the spout 

Ans: attracted, was covered, placed.

Worksheet 8

17. I remember that day I _______ (meet /met/has met/ is meeting) him 10 years ago. I knew him through his letters and he could _______ (write /wrote /writing) the most charming letters I had ever _______ (reading /is reading/ has read/read). 

Ans: met, write, read.

Worksheet 9

18. After several Awards of sleep when Gulliver_______ ( wake) up he found himself bound with change and _______ (surround) by a crowd of human creatures who _______ (be) just six inches in height. Then he _______ (taken) to the king who _______ (decide) not kill him. Later Gulliver _______ (teach) the Lilliput language. 

Ans: woke, surrounded, were, was taken, decided, was taught.

Worksheet 10

19. The Taj Mahal in Agra _______ (considered /considered/ is considered) to be the finest example of Mughal architecture and a symbol of India’s rich history. It _______ (takes/ took/ has taken) twenty-two years to complete. The monument _______ (makes/ is made/ has made) of gleaming white marble. 

Ans: is considered, took, is made.

Exercises and Answers

Exercise 1

20. Swami stood at the entrance of his class. Samuel _______ (teach) arithmetic. He _______ (look) at Swami. Swami hoped Samuel _______ (scold) him severely. 

Ans: was teaching, looked, would scold.

Exercise 2

21.Today we _______ (have been/ are /will be) independent, but before 1947 Indians could not_______ ( imagine/ imagined/ imagining) of freedom. The people of our country _______ (are /were/ will be) in bondage for a long period. 

Ans: are, imagine,were.

Exercise 3

22. The Aryans _______ (be) very proud of themselves and their race. The very word ‘Arya’_______ ( mean) a gentleman, a superior person. They _______ (love) freedom greatly and _______ (prefer) death to dishonor and slavery. They did not _______ (know) much about science but a great deal about agriculture. 

Ans: were, means, loved, preferred, know.

Exercise 4

23.The fishermen in our country _______ (catch) fish in nets which _______ (make) of string. The nets _______ (carry) in boats, which _______ (take) out to sea. Then they _______ (drop) them in. The nets _______ (not sink) to the bottom of the sea because they _______ (hold) up by pieces of cork. They _______ (have) pieces of metal at the bottom, so that they _______ (hang) down straight. Such needs _______ (use) for hundreds of years and they probably_______ (use) for hundreds of years more. This_______ (be) my observation. 

Ans: catch, are made, are carried, are taken, drop, do not sink, are held, have, can hang, are being used, will be in use, is.

Exercise 5

24. The European was _______ (thrill) to see such grand celebration during Durga Puja in West Bengal. He was _______ (mesmerise) by the idol of our local club and even had rice and mutton _______ (serve) by the club on Navami. 

Ans: thrilled, mesmesised, served.

Exercise 6

25. Every year the Test Examination _______ (hold) in the month of November. The gap between Test Examination and the Final Examination _______ (be) more than three months. Students _______ (utilise) this period of preparation. Good schools _______ (hold) regular special classes and have students who _______ (solve) various test papers. 

Ans: is held, is, utilise, hold, solve.