Explore comprehensive exercises and explanations for voice change in Class 10. Enhance your understanding of active and passive voice with provided answers.
For Class 10 students, mastering these voices is crucial for effective writing and comprehension. In this article, we delve into “Voice Change Class 10 Exercises with Answers,” providing detailed guidance on active and passive voice transformations.
Voice Change Class 10
When the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action it is in Active Voice and when something is done to the subject it is said to be in Passive voice.
When the doer does the work itself it is called Active Voice and when the work is assigned to the doer it is called Passive Voice.
Active: Rina sees the moon.
Passive: The moon is seen by Rina.
Active: The cat kills a rat.
Passive: The rat is killed by the cat.

Remember: To convert Active to Passive, the subject, verb, and object of the sentence must be extracted first.
The object can be obtained by questioning the verb with what or whom. Then you have to see which tense the verb is in.
Because while doing the passive voice, the fixed form of the ‘be’ verb has to be put in the tense and then the Past Participle of the main verb has to be used.
Rules for Voice Change Class 10
The Subject of Active Voice sits as the Agent in Passive Voice. It is preceded by the preposition “by”. In some cases at, with, to, etc.
In Active voice, the verb is in Tense, in Passive Voice, the subject is associated with Person and Number. The prescribed form sits. Then the past participle of the main verb is placed..
The modal verb in active voice is used in passive voice. Then add ‘be’ and use the past participle of the main verb.
The object or action of the Active voice sits as the Subject in Passive Voice.
If two objects in an active voice | If there is, one has to make Subject while doing Passive. The other remains after the Past Participle form of the original verb. It is called retained object.
If the Subject of the Active voice is a Noun, the Passive is uninflected as the Object. But if the Pronoun is the objective form of a Pronoun.
People also ask
Changes of ‘Be’ or ‘Have’ verb in Change the voice
Tense [Active voice] | ‘Be’ or ‘Have’ verb [Passive voice] |
Present Indefinite | am/is/are |
present continuous. | am/is/are + being |
Present perfect. | has/have + been |
Present perfect continuous. | has/have + been + being |
Past indefinite. | was/were |
Past continuous. | was/were + being |
Past perfect. | had + been |
Past perfect continuous. | had + been + being |
Future indefinite. | shall be / will be |
Future continuous. | shall be / will be + being |
Future perfect. | shall have / will have + been |
Future perfect continuous. | shall have / will have + been + being |
Change of Pronouns in Change the voice
Subject Pronouns | Object Pronouns | Possessive pronouns |
I | me | my |
we | us | our |
You | you | your |
He | Him | his |
She | her | her |
They | them | their |
It | it | its |
Voice Change Class 10 Exercises with Answers
Through a comprehensive array of exercises, explanations, and answers, this article has demystified the world of active and passive voice transformations for Class 10 students.
Present Tense Exercises Answers
Change the voice
1. I see the picture.
2. He teaches me English.
3. Ram is eating an apple.
4. I am calling my friend.
5. He has done the work.
6. Mother has blessed me.
7. She has been doing the work.
8. They have been playing football.
Past Tense Exercises Answers
Turn the following sentences into passive voice
1. I enjoyed the ice cream.
2. The cat killed a rat.
3. He was writing a story.
4. Shobha was sending messages.
5. Sandip had sold the computer.
6. They had called a meeting.
7. They had been eating biriyani.
8. You had been writing a letter.
FutureTense Exercises Answers
1. The news will please you.
2. He will be watering the trees.
3. He will be completing the task.
4. They will have been tying the knot.
5. You will have been forgiving me.
6. She will have spoken the truth.
7. We shall have made him captain.
8. Sahil will clean the room.
Negative Sentences Exercises Answers
1. I did not eat rice yesterday.
2. We should not disobey the laws.
3. The people here never fell trees.
4. His father did not beat him.
5. I do not like fruits.
6. You must not leave your work undone.
7. We should not laugh at one’s shortcomings.
8. He has not seen the drama.
9. We were not following him.
10. Mohun Bagan is not hiring any foreign players this season.
Interrogative Sentences Exercises Answers
(1) Do I eat rice?
(2) Does he beat you?
(3) Did I eat rice?
(4) Did he beat you?
(5) Shall I eat rice?
(6) Will he beat you?
(7) Where did Anil find the bag?
(8) How did you open the door?
Voice Change Class 10 (Imperative Sentences) Exercises Answers
(1) Do this work.
(2) Solve the sum.
(3) Open the door.
(4) Polish your school shoes.
(5) Let us do it.
(6) Please look after the pet for
(7) Write the answer.
(8) Please do not smoke.
Voice Change Class 10 (Transitive verbs with two objects) Exercises Answers
(1) He teaches us English.
(2) I gave him a book.
(3) She gave me a present.
(4) I sent a card to her.
(5) Grandmother told me a story.
(6) Me. Smith gifted me a book.
Voice Change Class 10 (Complex Sentence) Exercises Answers
(1) I know that she did this.
(2) We cannot undo what we do.
(3) What cannot be cured must be endured. Ans.
(4) Everybody knows that radio was invented by Marconi.
(5) They informed us that they would do the job
(6) We must endure what we cannot cure.
(7) I know that he did the work.
(8) I hope that she will sign in life.
Voice Change Class 10 (to + Infinitive) Exercises Answers
(1) I saw him play.
(2) There are a lot of things to do.
(3) You have to admit this.
(4) She is to cook the food.
(5) I am to buy the book.
(6) They have to read Sanskrit.
(7) She has to marry John.
(8) I have to make a plan.
Voice Change Class 10 (Modal Auxiliary Verbs) Exercises Answers
(1) He can drive a car.
(2) Could I use your laptop?
(3) You must do it.
(4) She may allow you to go out.
(5) I cannot remember the incident.
(6) The poor should be helped by the rich.
(7) I can do this work.
(8) You may help your brother.
Voice Change Class 10 (Quasi-Passive Verbs) Exercises Answers
(1) Honey tastes sweet.
(2) The stone feels rough.
(3) Lime tastes sour.
(4) Her skin feels soft.
(5) Rose is sweet when it is smelt.
(6) The milk smells sour.
(7) The book reads well.
(8) The milk smells sour.
Voice Change Class 10 (Intransitive Verbs) Exercises Answers
(1) They run a race.
(2) She slept a sleep.
(3) I dreamt a dream.
(4) They laughed at us.
(5) They fought the battle.
(6) Tiya ran a race.
(7) Students should maintain discipline.
Voice Change Class 10 (without a doer) Exercises Answers
(1) I have lost my phone.
(2) One should keep one’s promises.
(3) People speak English all over the world.
(4) Authorities will prosecute trespassers.
(5) Devotees worship Gods in the temple.
Voice Change Class 10 (Objective Complement, Reflexive Object, Prepositional or Group Verbs) Exercises Answers
(1) She fans herself.
(2) He killed himself.
(3) Know yourself.
(4) He laughs at me.
(5) They made him King.
(6) He called me a fool.
Voice Change Class 10 workout exercises
Fill in the blanks with suitable passive
1. People eat 40 million burgers every day, 40 million burgers __________ every day,
2. The police didn’t find the missing girl last weekend, The missing girl __________ last weekend by the police.
3. Workers are building a new fun park in town. A new fun park __________ in town.
4. Some men were following her the whole evening. She __________ by some men the whole evening,
5. The cleaning lady has watered the plants, The plants __________ by the cleaning lady,
6. Have they delivered the new music system yet? __________ the new music system __________ yet?
7. You can obtain further information at the desk. Further information __________ at the desk.
8. They have never opened the door before. The door __________ before.
9. I am to finish this work. This work __________ by me.
10. She should have won the game. The game __________ won by her.
Complete the following passages by
1. Yesterday the city (i) __________ (hit) by a thunderstorm. Many trees (ii) __________(uproot) and streets at several places (iii) __________ (flood) resulting in traffic jams.
2. If a long journey (i) __________(give) a good start, it is half covered. The weariness of the traveler (ii) __________ (defeat) by his enthusiasm and hope. He (iii) __________ (reward) with success.
3. Pleasure (i) __________(enjoy) without passing through pains. Spring (ii) __________(relish) only by those whose bones (iii) __________(freeze) by unbearably cold winter.
4. Whenever I feel that I (i) __________(leave) alone even by my shadow, my loneliness (ii)__________ (dispel) by the soothing presence of someone who is everything for me. At that moment, I (iii) __________ (compensate) heavily for all the losses.
5. Yesterday a UFO (i) __________ (see) in the western sky over Delhi. People (ii) __________ (horrify) to see it and started running. It was reported to have remained suspended in the air for some time. Then it picked up speed and (iii) __________ (lose) from view.
Voice Change Class 10 unsolved Exercises Answers
Change the voice of the following sentences.
1. The girl buys a ring every month.
2. Gandhiji’s life inspires us.
3. I do my homework carefully.
4. Bina likes bananas.
5. I am writing a letter to my uncle.
6. He is drawing a picture.
7. I have done the work.
8. He has helped me.
9. Tulika sees the moon.
10. They stole our goods.
Change the voice
1. I was doing the work.
2. He had bought a pen.
3. I shall do the job as early as possible.
4. The police arrested the thief.
5. Hari likes this place.
6. You had cheated me.
7. The dacoits broke into the bank.
8. Trees surround the lake.
9. The news surprised me greatly.
10. You may help him.
Change the voice of the following sentences.
1. Children do not like chocolates.
2. I would not read novels.
3. They do not like him.
4. He does not sell fruit in the market.
5. He did not give me a pen.
6. Ramesh Babu does not teach us English.
7. I did not show him the letter.
8. They did not make him president.
9. They were not watching TV then.
10. They do not claim their property.
11. They might not sing a song.
12. He must not do it.