Leela’s Friend Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE

Leela’s Friend Questions Answers have been provided here for the students of class 11 under WBCHSE. From Leela’s Friend Questions Answers, the questions that are selected are MCQ, SAQ, and LAQ. All are given below with answers. This is the complete guide regarding Leela’s Friend Questions Answers of class 11 under WBCHSE.

Contents show

Part I: Leela’s Friend Multiple Choice Type (MCQ): 1 Mark

Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given.

1. Leela was aged

(a) five years

(b) four years

(c) seven years

(d) six years

2. Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of [H.S 2014, 2023]

(a) dust

(b) cloud

(c) moon

(d) stars

3. The color of the ball Leela used to play with was

(a) black 

(b) grey

(c) white

(d) red

4. Sidda knows 

(a) the deity

(b) the policeman

(c) the thieves

(d) the moon

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5. Leela firmly believed that Sidda [Annual Exam 2016]

(a) knew God

(b) knew the stars

(c) know the moon

(d) knew the sun

6.. “I have asked it to follow us about.” Here ‘it’ refers to

(a) ball

(b) moon

(c) the servant

(d) God 

7. When Sidda would be able to touch the moon, the moon was

(a) enormous

(b) considerably big

(c) average

(d) small

Part II: Leela’s Friend Multiple Choice Type (MCQ): 1 Mark

Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given.

8. Siddha’s stories dealt with

(a) animals

(b) magicians

(c) Gods

(d) all of them

9. Sidda told Leela stories sitting

(a) on a chair beside her bed

(b) on the floor near her bed

(c) on her bed

(d) on a stool beside her bed

10. Leela’s box was filled with

(a) catalogues, illustrated books, and pencil butts

(b) catalogues, pens, and chalks

(c) illustrated books, cards, and pins

(d) chocolates, erasers, and pencils

11. Leela could draw a kind of

(a) dog and cat

(b) cat and crow

(c) crow and owl

(d) cat and crow

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12. Leela took up classes with Sidda on

(a) language

(b) history

(c) drawing

(d) science

13. “Why are you so rough?”- Here ‘you’ refers 

(a) Leela

(b) Leela’s mother

(c) the police inspector

(d) Leela’s father

14. “Leela made a noise of deprecation.’- Here ‘deprecation’ means

(a) agreement

(b) indifference

(c) disapproval

(d) praise

Part III: Multiple Choice Type (MCQ): 1 Mark

Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given.

15. “Mother didn’t answer the question.”-Which question did Leela’s mother fail to answer?

(a) Can’t you tell the story of an elephant?

(b) Why should he be made to sleep outside the house?

(c) Why are you so rough?

(d) Why should not Sidda sit on our chair?

16. The police inspector was angry with Leela’s father 

(a) for indulging Leela too much

(b) for not informing him of Sidda’s appointment

(c) for slapping false charges on Sidda

(d) for not informing of the theft

17. Leela’s friend was

(a) Sidda

(b) Siddarth

(c) Sikander

(d) Siddique

18. Leela lost her [Annual Exam 2015]

(a) doll

(b) earring

(c) diamond necklace

(d) gold chain

19. Leela’s mother found the gold chain in the [Annual Exam 2017, 2022]

(a) turmeric pot

(b) black pepper pot

(c) red chili pot

(d) tamarind pot

20. After the gold chain was found, Leela’s father was

(a) ready to apologize to Sidda

(b) in a hurry to get Sidda released

(c) telephoned the inspector immediately

(d) unconcerned about Sidda

21. Leela knew

(a) all the letters

(b) none of the letters

(c) 10 to 20 letters

(d) 2 or 3 letters

Part I: Leela’s Friend Short Answers Type (SAQ): 1 Mark

Answer the following questions in a single sentence each.

1. What problem was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over?  Or, What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over? 

Ans:  Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over the problem of getting a domestic servant.

2. What was the impression of Mr. Sivasanker after he subjected Sidda to a scrutiny? Or, What is Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda? [(Annual Exam 2016 Annual Exam 2019]

Ans:  Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda was that he was not a bad sort of a person and that he looked tidy.

3. Where did Sidda work before he came to Mr. Sivasanker seeking engagement as a servant?  

Or, Where did Sidda work previously? 

Ans: Previously Sidda worked as a servant in the house of a doctor.

4. What was Mrs. Sivasanker’s opinion about Sidda?

Ans:  Mrs. Sivasanker’s opinion about Sidda was that he did not seem to be worse than those who had worked in their house earlier.

5. Who was Leela?

Ans:  Leela was the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sivasanker

6. What would Sidda get from Mr. Sivasanker’s house as his Wage?

Ans: From the family of Mr. Sivasanker, Sidda got two meals a day and four rupees a month. 

7.  What kind of job did Sidda do in the Sivasanker household?

Or, What did Sidda do at Mr. Sivasanker’s house? [Annual Exam 2017]

Ans:  Sidda had to wash clothes, tend the garden, chop wood, run errands and look after Leela. 

8. Why did Sidda leave the old master’s house? [Annual Exam 2015]

Ans: Sidda left his old master’s house because his master had left the town. 

Part II: Leela’s Friend Short Answers Type (SAQ): 1 Mark

Answer the following questions in a single sentence each.

9. How old was Leela?

Ans: Leela was five years old. 

10.  “What is his name?” – Who asked this? 

Ans:  Mr. Sivasanker asked this. 

11. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky? [Annual Exam 2015]

Ans: Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

12. How, in Sidda’s words, can a person touch the sky? Or, According to Sidda, how can he touch the sky? 

Ans:  According to Sidda, a person can touch the sky if he stands on a coconut tree

13. How, according to Sidda, could Leela touch the sky? [Annual Exam 2016]

Ans: According to Sidda, Leela could touch the sky if she stood on a coconut tree. 

14. To Whom did Leela convey that Sidda knew the moon? Or, Whom did Leela tell that Sidda knew the moon? 

Ans: Leela conveyed the information to her mother.

15. What made Leela supremely happy?

Ans: Sidda’s company made Leela supremely happy. 

16.  Who played with Leela?

Ans:  Sidda would play with Leela. 

Part III: Leela’s Friend Short Answers Type (SAQ): 1 Mark

Answer the following questions in a single sentence each.

17. What is there in the sky, according to Sidda?

Ans:  According to Sidda, there is God in the sky.

18. Where did Sidda play and with what?

Ans: Sidda and Leela played with a red ball in the garden.

19. What stories were told by Sidda to Leela?

Ans: To please Leela, Sidda told her stories of animals in the jungle, of gods in heaven, of magicians who could conjure up golden castles and fill them up with little princesses and their pets.

20. What happened as a deep bonding developed between Leela and Sidda? 

Ans: As a result of their deep bonding Leela gradually clung closer to Sidda, and insisted upon having his company all her waking hours. 

21. What was Leela’s box filled with? [Annual Exam 2017]

Ans: Leela’s box was filled with catalogs, illustrated books, and stumps of pencils. 

22. When did Leela hold a class for Sidda? 

Ans: At dusk Leela held a class for Sidda. 

23. How did Sidda put Leela to sleep? 

Ans: Sidda put Leela to sleep by telling her incomparable stories. 

24. Who was Leela’s student? 

Ans: Sidda was Leela’s Student.

Part IV: Leela’s Friend Short Answers Type (SAQ): 1 Mark

Answer the following questions in a single sentence each.

25. Who first spotted that the gold chain was missing? 

Ans:  Leela’s mother, Mrs. Sivasanker, first noticed that the gold chain was missing. 

26.  “I told you to take it off and put it in the box.” – What does ‘it’ refer to here?

[Annual Exam 2019]

Ans: Here ‘it’ refers to the gold chain that Leela had been wearing so long and which was missing then.

27. Why did Leela’s mother need to go to the kitchen just before Sidda’s disappearance? 

Ans: Leela’s mother had to go to the kitchen just before Sidda’s disappearance because she had left something in the oven.

28. What kind of story did Leela want to hear from her mother?

Ans: Leela wanted to hear the story of the elephant from her mother. 

29. Why didn’t Leela like her mother?

Ans: Leela did not like her mother because she always abused and worried Sidda unnecessarily.

30. When did Leela’s mother notice that Leela’s gold chain was missing? 

Ans: One evening when Leela returned home from the market with Sidda, her mother noticed that Leela’s gold chain was missing.

31. On what condition did the inspector agree to let Sidda off?

Ans: The inspector agreed to let Sidda off provided that he would return the gold chain and promise not to do such a thing again.

32. Who was an unreliable ‘prosecution witness’? 

Ans: The police inspector observed that Leela was an unreliable ‘prosecution witness.

Part V: Leela’s Friend Short Answers Type (SAQ): 1 Mark

Answer the following questions in a single sentence each.

33. Who is the writer of the story, Leela’s Friend’?

Ans: The writer of the story, Loola’s Friend’ is R. K. Narayan.

34. How did Sidda look at Leela while she clung to his hand?

Ans: While Locla clung to Sidda’s hand, Sidda looked at Leela mutely like an animal. 

35. When and why was Leela in tears? 

Ans:  When the police took Sidda away, Leela was in tears because a bond of love and affection had grown between them.

36. Where did Leela’s mother find the chain? [Annual Exam 2014]

Or, Where was the gold chain of Leela found? 

Or, where was the gold chain found?

Ans: Leela’s mother found the chain in the tamarind pot in the kitchen of the house.

37. When did Sidda look at Leela mutely like an animal? 

Ans: While Leela clung to Siddha’s hand when he was being taken away to the police station, Sidda looked at her mutely, like an animal

38. Why was Sidda taken to the police station? 

Ans: Sidda was taken to the police station for interrogation.

39. Who kept the gold chain in the tamarind pot?

Ans: Leela kept the gold chain in the tamarind pot. 

Part I: Leela’s Friend Analytical Questions Answers: 5 Mark

Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words.

1. Briefly narrate the first meeting of Sidda with the Sivasanker family.

Ans:  Mr. Sivasanker scrutinized Sidda and found him quite tidy. He asked Sidda where he had worked before. Sidda informed him that he had previously worked in a doctor’s house. Mr. Sivasanker further wanted to know the name of the doctor, but Sidda said that he did not know the name. Not being convinced by the answer, he asked why Sidda had been dismissed by his previous employer. Sidda gave the stock answer that his master had left the town. Both Mr. Sivasanker and Mrs. Sivasankar thought Sidda to be tidy and not a bad sort. at their first meeting. However, their only daughter Leela liked Sidda immediately. She requested her father to keep Sidda in the house.

2. Don’t send him away. Let us keep him in our house.”- Who was the speaker and to whom was it spoken? About whom was it said?  (Annual Exam 2015)

Ans:  Leela was the speaker and the words were spoken to her father Mr. Sivasanker. The words were said about Sidda, who came to their household to seek a job.

Mr. Sivasankar and his wife could not make up their minds about whether they would engage Sidda or not. But Leela liked him and when she pressed them they obliged Leela. They took the decision of engaging Sidda as a servant in their household. So the words of Leela made them react in favor of employing Sidda.

Part II: Leela’s Friend Analytical Questions Answers: 5 Mark

Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words.

3. “Sidda, come and play!”-What would Sidda do when he heard this call? What kind of games did the speaker play? [Annual Exam 2019]

Ans: When Leela, gave this call, Sidda would drop any work he might be doing and run to Leela. The little girl and the domestic helper played games with a red ball and the moon. Leela flung the red ball at him and Sidda flung it back. Following Leela’s wish Sidda threw the ball up and told her that the ball had touched the moon. Leela was taken aback. Sidda told Leela that he had asked the moon to follow them from the rose plant to the well and Leela easily believed. But whatever might be the game, they both enjoyed each other’s company.

4. How does Sidda’s company make Leela ‘supremely happy?

Ans: Leela and Sidda gradually establish a unique relationship between themselves. Sidda seems to know the tricks of a magician. Sidda can make the ball touch the moon. He even appears to make the moon move. Sidda tells Leela wonderful stories. He gives Leela his pleasant company whenever she asks for it. All these make Leela supremely happy.

Part III: Leela’s Friend Analytical Questions Answers: 5 Mark

Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words.

5. Describe the teaching episode between Leela and Sidda.

Ans:  Little Leela had just started learning the alphabet and drawing pictures of a few animals and birds and had mastered two or three letters. Sidda had entertained

Leela but he was illiterate. She thought she would do him a good turn by teaching him. Above all, it was the only occasion when the youngest member of the family

could take the place of an older person. Hence she took to teaching Sidda and it gave her great joy. Sidda was in critical condition then. He could neither draw a perfect ‘crow’ nor give his ‘B’ a proper shape. His wrist would get stiff and inflexible. To get rid of the hard taskmaster he sent her to her mother on the plea of being called for dinner.

6. What did Leela’s mother do when she found the gold chain in the tamarind pot? How did Leela’s father react? 

Ans: Leela’s mother found the chain in a tamarind pot a few days later. She washed the tamarind coat off the chain. On finding the chain, the Sivasanker family did not

show any notable regret for their behavior towards Sidda. When Leela’s father, Mr. Sivasanker learned of the recovery of the chain, he blamed Leela for the incident.

He decided to go and inform the police about finding the chain, but he refused to employ Sidda in their house. According to him, Sidda was a criminal.

Part IV: Leela’s Friend Analytical Questions Answers: 5 Mark

Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words.

7. “He looked at her mutely, like an animal.”-Who look at whom? What was the situation when this occurred? 

Ans:  Sidda looked at Leela mutely, like an animal. Leela’s chain was missing, Mr. Sivasanker’s wife made the blame on Sidda and the incident was reported to the

police. Four days later, Sidda was brought to the house by a police inspector. Leela was overjoyed to see Side back. She wanted him to be released. She repeated

that Sidda had not taken the chain. When the constable took Sidda by the hand to take him back to the police station, Leela clung to Sidda’s hand. At that time the

said incident occurred.