Class 7 Story Writing in English with Topics and Answers

Explore the world of storytelling for CBSE, KVS, and DAV Class 7 students with Class 7 Story Writing in English Topics with Answers. Enhance language proficiency, creativity, and critical thinking skills through these engaging topics. Elevate the writing journey for Class 7 students with this comprehensive resource.

Importance of Story Writing in English Curriculum

Engaging in Class 7 Story Writing in English not only improves language proficiency but also fosters imagination and creativity. It encourages students to think critically, organize ideas logically, and communicate effectively through the written word.

Selecting Engaging Story Topics

Choosing the right topic for Class 7 Story Writing in English is crucial for a captivating story. Students should explore themes that resonate with their interests, allowing for a more personalized and enthusiastic approach to writing.

Building a Strong Story Structure

Introduce students to the fundamental elements of a story: 

  • a compelling introduction, 
  • a well-developed plot,  
  • a satisfying conclusion. 

Emphasize the importance of maintaining coherence and flow throughout the narrative.

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Story Writing for Class 7
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Class 7 Story Writing in English with Answers

1. With the help of given outlines, develop a readable story in about 100 words with a suitable title and moral.     

HINTS:-  A crow …………..finds a piece of cheese………flies to a tree ……….a hungry fox sees the crow n…………….thinks of a plan………praises him …….requests him to sing………..the crow very pleased…….opens his beak …….the cheese falls down……fox picks up…….runs away….Moral.


The Cunning Fox and the Wise Crow

Once upon a time in a lush forest, a clever crow found a piece of cheese. Proudly, he flew to a high branch, ready to enjoy his prize. A hungry fox, spying on the crow and the cheese, hatched a plan. Approaching with flattery, the fox praised the crow’s melodious voice and requested a song. Pleased by the admiration, the crow eagerly opened his beak, and alas, the cheese fell to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, the fox swiftly grabbed the cheese and vanished. The crow learned that flattery can lead to downfall. 

The moral: Beware of sweet words; they may hide cunning intentions.

2. Develop an interesting story from the given outlines.

HINTS:- A young lamb went to eat grass____________got separated from its group________ wandered far away________eating grass_________suddenly a wolf comes________ lamb is afraid ________ thinks of an idea_______ ask the wolf to wait till the grass digests ______ wastes time _________ stupid bol believes in its excuses________ Shepherd comes in search of lamb__________wolf is scared away__________lamb saved_______moral.


The Cunning Lamb and the Wise Shepherd

In the rolling hills, a young lamb ventured away from its flock to graze on the lush grass. Enjoying the feast, it soon found itself separated from the safety of the group. Alone and vulnerable, a cunning wolf appeared. Fearful, the lamb quickly devised a plan, telling the wolf to wait until the grass was digested for a tastier meal. The gullible wolf, believing the excuses, wasted time. Meanwhile, the wise shepherd, noticing the missing lamb, searched diligently. Upon the shepherd’s arrival, the wolf scampered away, and the lamb was saved. 

The moral: “Deception may fool the cunning, but wisdom prevails in the end.”

3. By taking the help of the following hints, develop a short story in about 100-120 words. Don’t forget to give it a suitable title.

HINTS:- A farmer —– old and tired now —– had four sons —– always fighting —– calls all four sons one day —– gives a bundle of sticks —– says to break —– nobody can break —– gives a stick to break —– all breaks easily —– advises them to stay united.


The Bundle of Sticks

In a quaint village, an old and tired farmer had four quarrelsome sons. Tired of their constant bickering, he called them together one day. He handed each son a single stick and instructed them to break it, which they did with ease. Then, he presented a tightly bound bundle of sticks and challenged them to break it. Despite their combined efforts, the bundle remained unbroken. The wise farmer smiled and shared a valuable lesson. “Individually, you are weak, like the single stick. But together, united as a family, you are strong and unbreakable, just like this bundle of sticks. Remember, staying united brings strength and harmony.” The sons, realizing the wisdom in their father’s words, pledged to put aside their differences and work together.

The moral: United we stand, divided we fall./Unity brings strength and harmony

4. Write a story based on the outlines given below : 

HINTS:- A fox hungry—–goes in search of food—–reaches a garden—— sees a bunch of juicy grapes—–wishes to have the grapes—–very high—–jumps but fails—–feels sad—–says grapes are sour—– walks away


The Fox and the Sour Grapes

Once, a hungry fox ventured into a garden in search of food. There, it spotted a tantalizing bunch of juicy grapes hanging high above. Determined to feast on the delicious grapes, the fox leaped and jumped, but each attempt failed. Exhausted and disappointed, the fox sat down, feeling sad about its unsuccessful efforts. In an attempt to console itself, the fox declared, “Those grapes are probably sour anyway!” With a dismissive glance, the fox walked away, pretending not to care about the unattainable grapes. The moral of the story is that sometimes when we cannot achieve our goals, it’s easier to belittle them rather than admit our shortcomings.

The moral: Grapes are sour

5. Develop the following outlines into a readable story with a suitable title. 

HINTS:- A boy falls in bad company —–father brings apples—— puts them in the cupboard—— places a rotten apple among them—next day all apples rotten———–teaches a lesson- Moral? 


The Rotten Apple

In a quiet town, a young boy fell into the wrong company, much to his father’s concern. Trying to impart a valuable lesson, the father brought home a bunch of fresh, crisp apples. He placed them in the cupboard and sneakily added a single rotten apple among the lot. The next day, to the boy’s surprise, all the apples had turned rotten. His father seized the opportunity to teach a vital lesson. “Just as one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch, so can bad company affect your life. Choose your friends wisely.” The boy, realizing the metaphorical significance, learned that the company one keeps can significantly impact their character and choices. 

The moral: Mindful of the company you keep.

6. With the help of given outlines, develop a readable story in about 100 words with a suitable title and moral.

Outlines: Two friends- a bear after them—- they were scared—-one friend climbs a tree—–the other can’t—he lies on the ground the bear smells him and leaves——the friend asks —-what the bear did reply: you have a false friend.


The True Test of Friendship

Two friends, wandering through the woods, found themselves pursued by a menacing bear. Fear gripped them, and in a desperate attempt to escape, one friend swiftly climbed a sturdy tree, while the other, unable to climb, lay motionless on the ground, hoping the bear would overlook him. The bear, sniffing around, eventually left without harming either of them. Relieved, the friend in the tree descended, and they continued their journey. Curious, the friend who had been on the ground asked the other, “What did the bear say to you?” The response was profound: “The bear taught me a valuable lesson. It said, ‘You have a false friend.’ True friendship is proven in actions, not just words.” 

The moral: True friends stand by you in times of trouble.

7. Using the following hints, develop a short story in about 100-120 words. Don’t forget to give it a suitable title. 

Outlines: Once a fox fell into a well ……. tried hard to come out…….could not come chance a goat came…….goat was thirsty…….looked into the well for water…….saw the fox…….fox was clever…….invited the goat to drink cool, sweet water…….goat was foolish…….jumped into the well…….fox jumped on its back and came out…….foolish goat realized her folly.


The Clever Fox and the Foolish Goat

Once, a clever fox found itself trapped in a well, desperately trying to escape. Coincidentally, a thirsty goat approached the well, seeking water. The sly fox, seizing the opportunity, invited the goat to enjoy the cool, sweet water inside the well. The unsuspecting goat, driven by thirst, leaped into the well without thinking. With the goat in the well, the fox cunningly used its back as a stepping stone to climb out. As the fox reached the top, the foolish goat realized her hasty mistake. The clever fox, now free, looked back at the trapped goat and shared a wise lesson. 

The moral: Think before you act.

8. Read carefully the hints given below and develop a complete meaningful story based on the given hints. Also, write the title and moral of your story. (word limit 100– 120 words)

HINTS:- A merchant had an ass –does not treat him well –overloads him – carries salt—ass falls —– into a stream—–the salt melts –burden becomes lighter—makes it a habit —master sees —through —– the trick—loads cotton—ass falls—load becomes heavier.


The Wise Ass and the Deceptive Trick

In a bustling market town, a merchant had an ass that he didn’t treat well. The poor creature was often overloaded, struggling under the weight of heavy burdens. One day, the merchant loaded the ass with salt, and as they crossed a stream, the salt melted, making the load lighter. The ass, cleverly noting the change, started intentionally falling into streams. The merchant, oblivious at first, praised the apparent improvement. However, when the merchant loaded the ass with cotton, it didn’t take long for him to realize the trick. The cotton soaked up water and became heavier. The merchant, seeing through the deception, learned not to be fooled by appearances. 

The moral: Clever tricks may work momentarily, but honesty prevails in the end.

9. Develop a meaningful story by using the hints given below and also give a suitable title and moral. 

HINTS: crow—-thirsty——search —– sky——-garden—-pitcher——-pebbles——-level of water—- drank—– quenched the thirst —– flew.


The Clever Thirsty Crow

On a scorching day, a thirsty crow searched the sky for a source of water. Spotting a garden with a pitcher, hope surged within the crow. As it approached, disappointment struck – the water level was too low, beyond the crow’s reach. Undeterred, the clever crow noticed a pile of pebbles nearby. Ingeniously, it picked up the pebbles one by one and dropped them into the pitcher. Gradually, the water level rose, and the crow joyfully drank, quenching its thirst. The story teaches that intelligence and resourcefulness can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. 

The moral: Where there is a will, there is a way.

10. Write a story in about 8o words based on the given outlines. Give a suitable title. 

Outlines: One summer—– very hot day —– a cap seller—–  going —–  village —–  sell caps —–  tired and thirsty —–  looking for shade —–  to take rest —– put basket —–  tree —– sleeps —–  wakes up —–  caps gone —–  looks up in wonder —– many monkeys on the tree —–  each wears a cap  —–  tries several methods to recover caps —–  no use —–  snatches the cap off his head  —–  throws it down in anger —–  monkeys do the same —– recovers all his caps. 


The Cap Seller and the Mischievous Monkeys

On a scorching summer day, a cap seller ventured into a village to sell his caps. Exhausted and thirsty, he sought shade under a tree to rest. Placing his basket of caps beside him, he dozed off. Upon waking, he was shocked to find his caps missing. Looking up, he discovered mischievous monkeys in the tree, each adorned with a cap. Desperate to retrieve his merchandise, the cap seller tried various methods, but the monkeys mimicked his every move. Frustrated, he snatched the cap off his head and threw it down in anger. To his amazement, the monkeys followed suit. Learning their mimicry, the cap seller cleverly threw his cap last, and the monkeys, mimicking him, dropped all the stolen caps. 

The moral: Outsmarting mischief requires clever thinking.

11. Write the following story with the help of the outlines and also give the moral & title of the story.

HINTS:-  A man —– a hen —–laying a golden egg daily —–man wants to become rich overnight —– kills the hen —– finds no egg —– repents.


The Greedy Man and the Golden Egg

Once, a man owned a miraculous hen that laid a golden egg every day, making him wealthy. However, consumed by greed and impatience, he desired instant riches. In a moment of folly, he decided to kill the hen, believing it contained a fortune within. To his dismay, the next day brought no golden egg, and his dreams of quick wealth shattered. Regret filled his heart as he realized the irreversible consequences of his impulsive action.

The moral: Greed and impatience can lead to the destruction 

FAQs of Class 7 Story Writing in English

1. Why is story writing important for Class 7 students?

Storywriting enhances language skills, fosters creativity, and encourages critical thinking, essential for overall academic development.

2. How can teachers motivate students to overcome writer’s block?

Teachers can motivate students by incorporating interactive activities, providing inspiring prompts, and creating a supportive writing environment.

3. How can students select engaging story topics?

Students can choose topics based on their interests, and experiences, or explore themes that resonate with their emotions, ensuring a more enthusiastic approach to writing.

4. What are the long-term benefits of story writing for Class 7 students?

Story writing nurtures creativity, improves communication skills, and instills a love for literature, creating a foundation for lifelong learning and expression.