Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper Class 10

Letters to the editor of a local newspaper are a powerful medium through which individuals, including students in classes 10 and 12, can voice their opinions, concerns, or suggestions on various societal issues. It serves as a platform to communicate thoughts effectively, influencing public opinion and initiating positive changes.

Contents show

Learn how to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper and have your voice heard. Discover tips and tricks for making your letter stand out, including how to express your opinions and concerns effectively. Check out our guide for a step-by-step approach to writing a successful letter to the editor.

Technical Parts to Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper

The letter to the editor of a local newspaper is divided into eight parts. Explore the technique of writing a letter to the editor of a Local English newspaper. Study the following eight simple steps on how to write a letter to the editor of a local Newspaper.

Steps to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper

Learn the steps to write an effective letter to the editor of a local newspaper, from researching the newspaper’s guidelines to crafting a compelling message. Our guide will help you to focus your thoughts, choose the right words, and submit your letter for publication through some simple steps.

  • Step 1: (Sender’s Address)
  • Step 2: Date (Below one step of the sender’s Address
  • Step 3: To
    The Editor
    Name of the Newspaper (Receiver’s Name, Rank, and Address)
  • Step 4: Subject of the Letter
  • Step 5: Sir, (Salutation)
  • Step 6: Body of the Letter(The most important part)
  • Step 7: Yours faithfully,/sincerely, (at the left-hand corner, at the end)(Subscription)
  • Step 8: XYZ (Signature) (under the subscription)

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Format to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper

Study the following format to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper and spend some time understanding it well.

Format of a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper

Topics and Examples of the Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper.

Write a compelling letter to the editor of your local newspaper and share your thoughts and opinions with your community. Our guide provides a comprehensive overview of the topics and examples you can use to make your letter stand out. Get started now and join the conversation with a well-written letter to the editor.

Banning of plastic carry bags and also cite the reasons against it.

28. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the banning of plastic carry bags and also cite the reasons against it in 120 words.


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Subject: The Ban on Plastic Carry Bags: A Double-Edged Sword


I write to express my concerns regarding the recent ban on plastic carry bags. While the ban aims to curb environmental degradation, it presents challenges for consumers and businesses. Plastic bags, though harmful to the environment, offer convenience and affordability, especially for small businesses and consumers from lower economic backgrounds.

However, the ban is a necessary step to address the escalating plastic pollution crisis. These non-biodegradable bags contaminate ecosystems, endanger wildlife, and persist in our environment for centuries.

To mitigate the adverse effects of the ban, there’s a need for accessible and affordable alternatives and public awareness campaigns emphasizing the importance of responsible consumption.

Balancing environmental concerns with practical solutions is crucial. Collaborative efforts can ensure a successful transition to eco-friendly alternatives while minimizing the impact on businesses and consumers.

Yours sincerely,

Srijit Chowdhury

Anti-social activities disturb normal life in your area.

27. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the anti-social activities that are disturbing normal life in your area in 120 words.

West Bengal

The Editor,
The Times of India

Subject: Concerns Over Rising Anti-Social Activities Disrupting Our Community


I am writing to draw attention to the escalating anti-social activities that are disrupting the tranquility of our neighborhood. Incidents of vandalism, theft, and unruly behavior have become distressingly common, causing anxiety and fear among residents.

The unchecked proliferation of such activities not only disturbs normal life but also poses a threat to the safety and well-being of our community members, particularly affecting the vulnerable segments of society.

Law enforcement agencies need to intensify patrols and implement measures to prevent such activities. Additionally, community engagement programs fostering unity and vigilance among residents can play a pivotal role in deterring these behaviors.

It is crucial for all stakeholders, including authorities and residents, to collaborate in addressing this issue promptly, ensuring our neighborhood remains a safe and secure place for everyone.

Yours sincerely,

Baishali Murmu

The Miserable Condition of Hospitals in your locality.

26. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the miserable condition of hospitals in your locality in 120 words.

West Bengal

The Editor,
The Times of India

Subject: Urgent Need for Attention to the Deplorable State of Hospitals in Our Locality


I am writing to shed light on the dismal condition of hospitals in our locality, which poses a severe threat to public health and well-being. The inadequacy of medical facilities, understaffing, shortage of essential equipment and medicines, and unsanitary conditions are rampant issues plaguing our healthcare institutions.

Patients face prolonged wait times, insufficient care, and compromised treatment due to the dilapidated state of these hospitals. This situation not only jeopardizes lives but also erodes public trust in healthcare systems.

It’s imperative for authorities to prioritize and invest in revamping healthcare infrastructure, allocating adequate resources, and ensuring competent staffing to guarantee quality medical services for our community.

The urgency of this matter necessitates immediate action to address the distressing state of our hospitals and safeguard the health of our citizens.

Yours sincerely,

Aparna Baski

The nuisance of burning crackers during festivals, particularly during Kali Puja and Diwali.

25. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the nuisance of burning crackers during festivals, particularly during Kali Puja and Diwali in 120 words.

Purba Medinipur

The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Subject: Urgent Concern: Impact of Crackers on Festivals


I write to express my deep concern over the persisting issue of excessive cracker burning during festivals, notably Kali Puja and Diwali. While these celebrations hold cultural significance, the indiscriminate use of fireworks has created severe environmental and health hazards.

The toxic fumes and noise pollution from firecrackers pose a threat to our well-being, aggravating respiratory problems and distressing animals. Additionally, the aftermath leaves our streets littered and air quality dangerously compromised.

I urge for a collective shift towards eco-friendly celebrations, emphasizing the importance of alternative ways to mark these occasions without causing harm. Stricter regulations and public awareness campaigns are vital in curbing this menace and preserving our environment for generations to come.

Let’s celebrate responsibly, ensuring our festivities do not come at the cost of our health and environment.

Yours sincerely,

Arpita Manna

Complaint against large-scale deforestation/Thoughtless cutting of trees.

24. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the complaint against large-scale deforestation or thoughtless tree-cutting in 120 words.


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Subject: Urgent Complaint: Large-Scale Deforestation


I am writing to bring attention to the distressing issue of large-scale deforestation and thoughtless tree-cutting in our region. The rampant destruction of trees is causing irreparable harm to our environment, biodiversity, and the overall ecological balance.

The consequences of such thoughtless actions are evident in the loss of wildlife habitats, soil erosion, and a decline in air quality. Moreover, this shortsighted approach to land use threatens our future generations’ ability to thrive in a healthy environment.

Authorities must take swift and stringent measures to protect our forests and enforce sustainable practices. Public awareness campaigns and community involvement are also crucial in fostering a collective responsibility toward preserving our precious natural resources.

Let us act urgently to halt this destructive trend and work towards a sustainable future for all.

Yours sincerely,

Souranshu Hasda

Irregular clearance of garbage in your locality.

23. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the irregular clearance of garbage in your locality in 120 words.

New Jalpaiguri
West Bengal

The Editor,
The Times of India

Subject: Urgent Concern: Irregular Garbage Clearance in Our Locality


I am writing to highlight the chronic issue of irregular garbage clearance plaguing our locality. The inconsistent disposal of waste has led to unsightly heaps of garbage accumulating in our streets and public spaces, posing serious health hazards and environmental degradation.

This irregular clearance not only affects the aesthetics of our neighborhood but also invites pests and spreads foul odors, risking the well-being of residents.

It is imperative for local authorities to streamline and prioritize waste management systems, ensuring regular and efficient garbage collection and disposal. Citizen involvement through awareness campaigns on proper waste segregation and disposal practices can also contribute significantly to resolving this pressing issue.

Let us work together towards a cleaner and healthier environment by addressing this crucial concern promptly.

Yours sincerely,

Sk Sabir

Unsanitary and unhygienic conditions.

22. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the unsanitary and unhygienic conditions in the locality in 120 words.

West Bengal

The Editor,
The Times of India

Subject: Urgent Need to Address Unsanitary Conditions in Our Locality


I am writing to shed light on the deplorable and unsanitary conditions prevailing in our locality. The lack of proper sanitation facilities, uncollected waste, and inadequate maintenance of public spaces have created an environment that poses serious health risks to residents.

These unsanitary conditions are breeding grounds for diseases, endangering the well-being of our community, particularly vulnerable groups.

Local authorities need to take immediate action by implementing robust sanitation measures, ensuring regular waste disposal, and maintaining clean public spaces. Additionally, community awareness campaigns on hygiene practices can play a pivotal role in transforming our locality into a healthier and safer place for everyone.

Let us collectively strive to improve hygiene standards and create a conducive environment for a healthier community.

Yours sincerely,

Ishita Mandi

Bad Road Conditions in Your Locality.

21. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the bad road conditions in your locality in 120 words.


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Subject: Urgent Need for Attention to Poor Road Conditions in Our Locality


I am writing to draw attention to the dire state of roads in our locality that has become a cause of immense inconvenience and safety concerns for residents. The deteriorating road conditions, riddled with potholes and uneven surfaces, pose significant risks to motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike.

These bad roads not only hinder smooth transportation but also lead to vehicle damage and, more importantly, accidents.

I implore the concerned authorities to prioritize and expedite road repairs and maintenance. Timely measures to fix these hazardous conditions are essential to ensure the safety and convenience of all commuters.

Our community deserves safe and well-maintained roads, and I urge swift action to address this pressing issue for the benefit of all residents.

Yours sincerely,

Dip Hembram

A random feeling of Roadside trees.

20. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the random feeling of roadside trees in 120 words


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Subject: Concern Over Random Felling of Roadside Trees


I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the indiscriminate cutting down of roadside trees in our area. The wanton removal of these trees not only disrupts the natural beauty of our surroundings but also has detrimental effects on our environment.

Roadside trees play a vital role in mitigating air pollution, providing shade, and maintaining ecological balance. Their arbitrary felling not only reduces green cover but also impacts the overall well-being of our community.

I urge local authorities to implement stringent measures to protect these trees, ensuring their preservation and responsible management. Additionally, community involvement and awareness programs can foster appreciation for the importance of maintaining our roadside greenery.

Let us work together to safeguard our environment by conserving these invaluable roadside trees.

Yours sincerely,

Satish Nandi

Bad effects of using Polythene bags.

19. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the problems faced by the bad effects of using polythene bags. in 120 words

North 24-Parganas
West Bengal

The Editor,
The Times of India

Subject: Urgent Need to Address the Detrimental Effects of Polythene Bags

Dear Editor,

I am writing to bring attention to the pressing issue of the detrimental effects caused by the rampant use of polythene bags in our society. The convenience they offer comes at an immense cost to our environment. These bags, due to their non-biodegradable nature, are clogging our waterways, harming wildlife, and polluting our soil.

The extensive use of polythene bags also contributes significantly to global plastic pollution, posing severe health hazards and disrupting ecological balance. It’s crucial for our community to adopt eco-friendly alternatives and implement strict regulations to curb their usage.

We must collectively address this menace by advocating for sustainable practices and encouraging the use of biodegradable alternatives. It’s imperative that we act now to safeguard our environment for future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Anish Dev

Problems faced by school children once school opened after a hiatus of twenty months due to the pandemic

18. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily highlighting the problems faced by school children once school opened after a hiatus of twenty months due to the pandemic. in 120 words

South 24-Parganas
West Bengal

The Editor,
The Times of India

Sub: Problems faced by school children once school reopened after a hiatus of twenty months due to the pandemic.


I am writing to bring to your attention the challenges faced by schoolchildren as they return to school after an extended break of twenty months due to the pandemic. While the reopening of schools is a positive step towards normalcy, it is not without its difficulties.

Many students are struggling to cope with the new routine of attending school after a long hiatus, and are finding it difficult to focus and concentrate in class. Moreover, the pandemic has brought about a lot of anxiety and fear among students, which is making it hard for them to socialize and interact with their peers.

In addition, several schools are facing infrastructure problems, a lack of access to technology, and a shortage of teachers. These issues are adding to the stress of students, who are already dealing with the challenges of readjusting to the new normal.

I urge the authorities to take the necessary steps to address these issues and provide the necessary support to students and schools to ensure a smooth transition back to regular school life.

Writtik Jana

Prepare a correspondence to the Editor of a Local Newspaper addressing Prevention of Dengue and Malaria

17. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily within 120 words expressing your views about the “prevention of Dengue and Malaria”.

North 24-Parganas

The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Sub: My views about the Prevention of Dengue and Malaria.


I am writing to express my concern about the growing prevalence of dengue and malaria in our community. With the onset of the rainy season, these diseases tend to spread rapidly, and it’s essential that measures are taken to prevent their outbreak.

One of the most effective ways to prevent dengue and malaria is by maintaining clean surroundings. Waterlogged areas and stagnant water become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which are carriers of these diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to keep our surroundings clean and dry. Another crucial step is to use mosquito repellents, and bed nets, and wear protective clothing.

I urge the government and local authorities to take the necessary steps to educate the public about these diseases and how to prevent their spread. Additionally, I request that the concerned authorities take prompt action to eradicate the breeding grounds for mosquitoes in public spaces such as parks, schools, and hospitals.

Together, we can take steps to prevent the spread of dengue and malaria and ensure a healthier community for all.

Sumona Biswas

The increase in the number of accidents due to indifferent and careless use of mobile phones.

16. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your anxiety about the increase in the number of accidents because of indifferent and careless use of mobile phones in your locality.


Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about accidents caused by talking over cell phones at the time of crossing the roads on driving.


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Sub: increase accidents because of indifferent and careless use of mobile phones


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to voice my views about the increase in the number of accidents because of indifferent and careless use of mobile phones in our locality

Mobile phones have undoubtedly become an essential part of our lives, but we need to understand that using them recklessly can cause grave accidents. It is alarming to note that the use of mobile phones while driving, walking, or even crossing the road has become a common sight, which is posing a serious threat to the safety of people. This puts not only their own lives but also the lives of others in danger.

As responsible citizens, it is our duty to spread awareness about the dangers of using mobile phones while driving, walking, or crossing the road.

In conclusion, I urge everyone to be mindful of the dangers of using mobile phones carelessly and to take necessary precautions to avoid accidents.

Yours faithfully,
Soumya Roy

Formulate a written piece to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about the Harmful Effects of Excessive Use of Smartphones by Students.

15. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the harmful effects of excessive use of smartphones by students in particular.


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Sub: harmful effects of excessive use of smartphones by students

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to voice my views about the harmful effects of excessive use of smartphones by students in particular.

As we all know, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and students, in particular, are highly dependent on them. While smartphones have undoubtedly made our lives easier, their overuse can lead to numerous negative consequences.

One of the most significant problems associated with excessive smartphone use among students is a decline in academic performance and reduced productivity as most of the students spend hours scrolling through social media and playing games on their phones.

Another issue with excessive smartphone use among students is its impact on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive smartphone use is linked to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

So, it is crucial that we address the issue of excessive smartphone use among students. We need to educate them about the negative consequences of over-reliance on technology and encourage them to engage in other healthy activities.

Yours faithfully,
Bishal Routh

Put together a message to the Editor of a Local Newspaper relating to The relevance and limitation of Online Coaching due to the lock-down situation.

14. Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper expressing your view on the relevance and limitations of online coaching due to the lock-down situation within 150 words.


The Editor,
The Telegraph
Kolkata-700 001.

Sub: the relevance and limitation of online coaching due to the lock-down situation


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to voice my views about the relevance and limitations of online coaching in the current lockdown situation. While online coaching has become an essential part of education during the pandemic, it also has its limitations.

On the one hand, online coaching has made education more accessible and convenient for students, particularly those who live in remote areas or cannot travel to a physical classroom. It has also enabled educators to continue their teaching practice despite the restrictions imposed by the lockdown.

However, online coaching also has its limitations, especially for students who have poor internet connectivity or lack access to a computer. These students are at a disadvantage as they cannot participate in online classes or access digital learning materials.

In conclusion, online coaching has proven to be a valuable tool during the pandemic, but it should not be seen as a complete replacement for traditional classroom education. Instead, it should be used as a supplement to face-to-face teaching, and efforts should be made to ensure that all students have access to the necessary resources to participate fully in online classes.

Yours sincerely,
Sujata Samanta

Craft a message to the Editor of a Local Newspaper on the topic of The Necessity of Planting More Trees

13. Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper about the necessity of planting more trees in the country afforestation in the country/social forestry programs in the country.

Bidhan nagar

The Editor,
The Statesman
Kolkata-700 001.

Sub: Necessity of Planting More Trees


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to voice my views about the necessity of planting more trees in the country.

We know there is an eternal bond between man and trees. Trees help us in many ways. They supply us with oxygen. Trees give us food, fruits, fuel, wood, timber, medicine, and many other useful things. The trees check soil erosion. They are also the harbingers of rain to produce crops in a cyclic order-trees bring clouds, clouds bring rain and rain brings the harvest. Moreover, they give us shelter and shade. They protect wildlife. The absence of trees creates a desert. Trees help us fight against environmental pollution. It is interesting to note that 33-3% of the land is required as forests in any country to maintain ecological balance. We cannot think of life without trees. So, we must all grow more trees and stop deforestation.

I think that the Government should take drastic measures to check the cutting down of the forests and at the same time social forestry programs should be given due consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Babai Rana

Draft a communication to the Editor of a Local Newspaper concernin Thoughtless use of Loudspeakers.

12. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily about the disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.

Egra, PurbaMedinipur

The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata 700001

Subj:- disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.


I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a space to publish my letter in your esteemed daily. Nowadays we have been facing a great nuisance in our locality and it is rampant and it is the thoughtless use of loudspeakers. It disturbs us for hours together. Marriage, religious festivals, music concerts, and on almost every occasion, seem to be good enough for the job of the microphone. Sides street corner meetings using loudspeakers continue sometimes for 15 to 16 hours at a stretch. People making such use of microphones seem to have no civic sense. They disturb students and examinees at a very critical time. They also create problems for the patients and make their life impossible.

I think the authority should take the necessary steps to stop such careless and thoughtless use of loudspeakers. Moreover, a strong public opinion should be created through your powerful editorial note.

Yours faithfully
Anirban Maiti

Convey your thoughts to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about the Reckless Driving of Public Vehicles.

11. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper within 100 words about the problems faced by commuters due to the reckless driving of public vehicles.


The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata 700001

Subj:- problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to voice my views about the problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.

The condition of the road in our area is so calamitous that it is always a danger to the commuters in our locality. Accidents have become very frequent in recent times. But the public vehicles are running at a breakneck speed causing terror to the commuters. Sometimes the drivers of public vehicles are often tried to overtake other vehicles and lorries and collide with one another. This endangers the lives of the innocent public. The accidents on roads are increasing day by day. Many people do not abide by the traffic rules perfectly.

I feel that the authorities should take necessary steps to stop these reckless driving for the benefit of the general public.

Yours faithfully,
Dipak Das

Frame a written document to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about The Problem of Power Cuts in the City.

10. Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper drawing the attention of the authorities concerned with the problem of power cuts in the city.



The Editor,
The Statesman
Kolkata-700 001.

Subject: Frequent power cuts are now the biggest curse in our daily life.

There is hardly any area that is not affected by it. Houses, shops, and factories are all affected. The whole industry gets paralyzed. Production hampers and factories run at a loss. Sometimes load shedding continues for an indefinite period in the evening. Students are the worst sufferers. Most of the time they have to struggle with their studies in the evening hours in candlelight or oil lamp, straining their eyes. This results in an inconsiderable loss of time available for the preparation of their studies. The situation earnestly calls for immediate actions by the authorities for preventing greater calamities.

Yours faithfully,
Krishna Basu

Compose a letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper regarding the Loss of Social and Moral Values among Common People.

9. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper expressing your anxiety about the loss of social and moral values among common people.


28 January 2020

The Editor
Hindustan Times
50 Chowringhee Road
Kolkata – 700 071

Sub: Loss of social and moral values

I would like to say a few words about the loss of social and moral values among common people. Today we live in a curious age when social and moral values are waning rapidly. In offices, educational institutions, and everywhere in society values like morality, loyalty, honesty, humanity, and sincerity are declining. It’s beyond imagination that even the ministers are involved in scams. A country of social and moral values can never think of theft of the Nobel Prize Medal of respected world poet, Rabindranath Tagore. It appears strange that people violating social values are sometimes discharged without any sort of punishment.

I think conscious people should come forward to create a new generation of social milieu where people breaking moral values will feel shame.

Yours faithfully,
Arun Majumder

Construct a letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper discussing inconveniences Caused by ‘Bandhs’ or ‘Strikes’.

8. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper about the inconveniences caused by ‘bandhs’ or strikes.

Gole Bazar
P.O. Kharagpur
Dist. Paschim Midnapore

19 February 2020

The Editor
Hindustan Times
50 Chowringhee Road
Kolkata – 700 071

Sub: Inconveniences caused by bandhs or strikes

I’d like to raise my voice about the inconveniences caused to the public by ‘bandhs ‘or strikes. It’s true that ‘bandh’ is a weapon to protest against misrule or injustice in a democratic country. It isn’t just to call ‘bandhs’ over trifle issues. But our political leaders are supposed to manhandle the weapon. Ours is a developing nation. When it’s trying hard to abolish want and disease, strike proceeds to knock the hell out of everything. Daily wage-earners remain unfed; schools, colleges, offices, shops, etc. remain closed; dying patients wait for destiny for want of transport, etc.

I don’t know whether such ‘bandhs’ will be stopped. But through your strong editorial column, you may create public opinion if the bandhs are discouraged.

Yours faithfully,
Sitaram Hembram

Compile a letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper on the subject of Concerning Global Warming.

7. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper expressing your concern about global warming.

P.O. Tamluk,
Dist. Purba Midnapore


The Editor
The Times of India
105/7A, S.N. Banerjee Road
Kolkata – 700 014

Sub: Concern about global warming

I’d like to say a few words about global warming that’s become a grave concern nowadays. Global warming causes climatic change around the globe. The violations of environmental integrity are committed by modern technology in our times. The increasing level of carbon dioxide in the air brings about atmospheric changes by forming a layer that prevents heat radiation from escaping the earth. In this way the globe is warming up, the polar ice-caps are melting Slowly and ocean tides are engulfing the coasts. It’s the man who’s destroying the ecological balance and making the globe a death trap.

I think that not only legislative action but enlightened public opinion is also necessary for forcing governments to tackle environmental pollution responsible for global warming.

Yours faithfully,
Bidhan Roy Chowdhury

Express your views in a letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper regarding Hazards of using Polythene Bags.

6. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper about the hazards of using polythene bags.

P.O. Kalyani
Dist. Nadia

22 January 2020

The Editor
The Statesman
4 Chowringhee Square
Kolkata – 700 001

Sub: Hazards of using polythene bags

I want to say a few words about the hazards of using polythene bags. Nowadays the use of polythene bags has been so popular that they’ve replaced the use of traditional paper bags as well as jute bags. But we aren’t aware of the fact of what a hazard they’re creating. Polythene is not biodegradable and can neither be burnt nor buried. If they’re thrown in the water, the aquatic animals die gasping for breath. They prevent the growth of agriculture when mixed with soil. Practically the polythene bags are making the earth a death trap for all living animals.

So, I’d like to draw the attention of the government to ensure an awareness campaign to stop using polythene bags for our existence.

Yours faithfully,
Chaitali Maji

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about the Burning of Brides in our Country

5. Write a letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper about the burning of brides in our country and your reaction to it.

Chowringhee Square,

10 May 2006.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Kolkata 700001

Subj: about the burning of brides in our country

Through your esteemed newspaper, I want to express my shock and disgust at the incidents of bride-burning that are published in your columns off and on. It appears that most of these heinous ( ) crimes are committed by the groom’s family when the bride’s family fails to satisfy their excessive demand for dowry. The shocking thing about these cases is that they happen even in the so-called well-to-do and educated families who speak in favor of gender equality. It is also strange that such inhuman incidents continue to take place even though there is an Anti-Dowry Act in force.

I think that people guilty of such brutal deeds as bride-burning should be tried by fast-track courts and if convicted the guilty should be punished in an exemplary way.

Yours truly,
Jagannath Sen

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about the Smoking in Buses and Trains.

4. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper protesting against smoking in buses and trains.

Girls School Road
P.O. Tufangunj
Dist. Cooch Behar

26 February 2020

The Editor
The Telegraph
6 Prafulla Sarkar Street
Kolkata – 700 001

Sub: Smoking in buses and trains

I’d like to ventilate my protest against indiscriminate smoking in buses and trains. Smoking is one of the much-discussed problems of today as it causes health hazards to people. Smoking may cause serious diseases like breathing trouble, tuberculosis, and even cancer. For that, the government’s-imposed restrictions on smoking in public places like buses, trains, and railway stations. It’s harmful to passive smokers like children and others. People who don’t smoke can’t tolerate its foul smell. Smokers must realize that they’ve no right to make non-smokers suffer in public vehicles. In view of the above, I hope that the keepers of the law have been more conscious as to see that the non-smoking zones are free from smoking.

Yours faithfully,
Abhijit Chakraborty

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about the The High Price of Essential Commodities.

3. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper expressing your anxiety about the high price of essential commodities.

College Road
PO. Chinsurah,
Dist. Hooghly

10 March 2020

The Editor
Hindustan Times
50 Chowringhee Road
Kolkata – 700 071

Sub: Price rise of essential commodities

I’d like to say a few words about the misery of the common people caused by the high price of essential commodities. It’s a matter of great regret that the price of essential commodities like rice, groceries, vegetables, medicines, and petroleum products is increasing day by day. It’s a great blow to the people belonging to the poor and lower middle class. Especially the daily earners are the worst sufferers as they can’t make both ends meet. It seems that dishonest businessmen create an artificial crisis in the open market. If this process goes on, teetering of the common people will know no bounds.

So, I’d like to draw the attention of the government to look into the problem and take drastic steps to control the prices.

Yours faithfully,
Shyamal Samaddar

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about the Excessive Depiction of Violence and Crime on Television

2. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily about the harm that is caused to young minds due to excessive depiction of violence and crime on television.

[Too many serials, films, news reports on crimes, television often the only – mode of – entertainment, the proneness of young people to imitate, causes. – aggressiveness, dangerous consequences.]

26 Tangra Road
Kolkata – 700 046

7 March 2008

The Editor
The Times of India
105/7A, S.N. Banerjee Road
Kolkata – 700 014

Sub: Excessive depiction of violence and crime on television

I’d like to say a few words about the harm caused to young minds for the excessive depiction of violence and crime on television. Nowadays television is undoubtedly the mode of entertainment for almost all. But it’s seen that lots of television channels telecast crime serials, films on crime and violence, and news reports on various forms of crimes happening in our society. We all know that young people are imitative by nature. Watching the incidents on television almost daily, young people may get aggressive. They may be four to be particularly prone to such crimes and violence, which may bring dangerous consequences to them.

So, I’d like to draw the attention of the competent authorities to control telecasting such programs thinking of young minds.

Yours faithfully,
Raju Dutta

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Local Newspaper about The Hazards of using Polythene Bags.

1. Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper about the hazards of using polythene bags.

P.O. Kalyani
Dist. Nadia

22 January 2020

The Editor
The Statesman
4 Chowringhee Square
Kolkata – 700 001

Sub: Hazards of using polythene bags

I’d like to say a few words about the hazards of using polythene bags. Nowadays the use of polythene bags has been so popular that they’ve replaced the use of traditional paper bags as well as jute bags. But we aren’t aware of the fact of what a hazard they’re creating. Polythene is not a biodegradable product and it can neither be burnt nor buried. If they’re thrown in the water, the aquatic animals die gasping for breath. They prevent the growth of agriculture when mixed with soil. Practically the polythene bags are making the earth a death trap for all living animals.

So, I’d like to draw the attention of the government to ensure an awareness campaign to stop using polythene bags for our existence.

Yours faithfully,
Chaitali Maji