20 ESL Text Comprehension of Reading Skills with Answers

ESL Text Comprehension of Reading Skills with Answers

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate with Answers

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate with Answers” is a resource designed to enhance the English language proficiency of learners at an intermediate level. This resource consists of a series of short passages covering a variety of topics, accompanied by multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to assess literal comprehension skills.

The passages are carefully crafted to provide interesting and diverse content, allowing learners to engage with different subjects such as history, science, literature, and more. Each passage is followed by thoughtfully constructed MCQs that test various aspects of comprehension, including paraphrasing, locating information, vocabulary, pronoun reference, inference, and identifying the author’s point of view.

Whether used for individual study or in a classroom setting, “ESL Text Comprehension with Answers” provides an interactive and comprehensive tool for learners to practice and refine their English language comprehension skills.

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Text Comprehension 1

Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

1. In a groundbreaking study, researchers have discovered a correlation between regular physical exercise and cognitive function. The study involved participants aged 40 to 60 engaging in aerobic exercises for at least 30 minutes, three times a week. Results showed a significant improvement in memory and problem-solving skills. The researchers suggest that exercise may play a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health as we age.”

1. What is the main focus of the study?

a) Diet and cognitive function

b) Physical exercise and cognitive function

c) Cognitive function and aging

d) Memory improvement techniques

2. What age group participated in the study?

a) 20 to 40

b) 30 to 50

c) 40 to 60

d) 50 to 70

3. How often did participants engage in aerobic exercises?

a) Once a week

b) Twice a week

c) Three times a week

d) Four times a week

4. What aspect of cognitive function showed improvement?

a) Emotional intelligence

b) Problem-solving skills

c) Creativity

d) Social awareness

Text Comprehension 2

2. Read the following extract carefully and choose the correct option.

Scientists recently discovered a new species of butterfly in the Amazon rainforest. The butterfly, named Morpho amazonica, boasts vibrant blue wings and is distinct from other known species. Researchers believe this finding highlights the incredible biodiversity of the Amazon region. Morpho amazonica has become the subject of ongoing study to understand its behavior and ecological role.”

1. What did scientists recently discover in the Amazon rainforest?

a) A new type of flower

b) A new species of butterfly

c) A unique bird species

d) A new kind of tree

2. What is the name of the newly discovered butterfly?

a) Morpho brazilensis

b) Morpho amazonica

c) Morpho vibrantia

d) Morpho distincta

3. What is distinctive about Morpho amazonica?

a) Its size

b) Its vibrant blue wings

c) Its nocturnal habits

d) Its camouflage abilities

4. According to the passage, what does the discovery of Morpho Amazonica highlight?

a) The importance of flowers in the Amazon

b) The threat of deforestation

c) The incredible biodiversity of the Amazon

d) The need for conservation in rainforests

5. What are researchers currently studying about Morpho Amazonica?

a) Its population size

b) Its wingspan

c) Its behavior and ecological role

d) Its preferred food sources

Text Comprehension 3

3. Read the following extract carefully and choose the correct option.

Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, continues to attract adventurers seeking to conquer its formidable heights. Climbers face extreme weather conditions, thin air, and treacherous terrain. Despite the challenges, reaching the summit is a lifelong dream for many. The allure lies not only in the physical accomplishment but also in the breathtaking views. However, the increasing number of climbers has raised concerns about environmental impact and safety on the mountain.”

1. What is the main subject of the passage?

a) Adventure sports

b) Mount Everest

c) Climbing techniques

d) Extreme weather conditions

2. According to the passage, what challenges do climbers face on Mount Everest?

a) Heavy rainfall

b) Thick forests

c) Extreme weather, thin air, and treacherous terrain

d) Wild animals

3. Why is reaching the summit of Mount Everest considered a lifelong dream for many?

a) Due to the availability of breathtaking views

b) Because of the extreme weather conditions

c) For the physical accomplishment

d) To overcome environmental challenges

4. What concern is raised in the passage regarding Mount Everest?

a) Lack of adventure

b) Environmental impact and safety

c) Availability of amenities

d) Decreasing number of climbers

Text Comprehension 4

4. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

The ancient city of Petra, nestled in the rugged desert of Jordan, is renowned for its stunning rock-cut architecture. Carved into rose-red cliffs, the city flourished as a trading hub in ancient times. Visitors can explore the iconic Al-Khazneh, also known as the Treasury, and the Monastery, both architectural marvels. Petra’s intricate structures reveal the artistic and engineering prowess of its creators, making it a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.”

1. Where is the ancient city of Petra located?

a) Egypt

b) Greece

c) Jordan

d) Turkey

2. What is Petra renowned for?

a) Beaches

b) Rock-cut architecture

c) Forests

d) Modern skyscrapers

3. What is Al-Khazneh, mentioned in the passage?

a) A desert

b) A trading hub

c) The Treasury

d) A monastery

4. Why is Petra considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

a) Due to its modern architecture

b) Because of its artistic and engineering prowess

c) For its beaches

d) As a trading hub

Text Comprehension 5

5. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

The invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was disseminated. Prior to this innovation, books were painstakingly copied by hand, limiting access to knowledge. The printing press, credited to Johannes Gutenberg, enabled mass production of books, making them more affordable and widely available. This development played a pivotal role in the Renaissance, sparking a cultural and intellectual reawakening across Europe.”

MCQ Questions:

1. What invention revolutionized information dissemination in the 15th century?

a) Radio

b) Printing press

c) Telephone

d) Television

2. Before the invention of the printing press, how were books produced?

a) Through mass production

b) By handwriting copies

c) Using typewriters

d) Through digital printing

3. Who is credited with the invention of the printing press?

a) Leonardo da Vinci

b) Johannes Gutenberg

c) Galileo Galilei

d) Isaac Newton

4. How did the printing press impact the availability of books?

a) Limited access to knowledge

b) Made books more expensive

c) Enabled mass production and wider availability

d) Restricted cultural and intellectual reawakening

c) Enabled mass production and wider availability

Text Comprehension 6

6. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

The coral reefs, often referred to as the rainforests of the sea, are crucial ecosystems supporting marine life. These vibrant underwater communities face threats such as rising sea temperatures and pollution. As a result, coral bleaching has become a common occurrence, endangering the delicate balance of marine biodiversity. Conservation efforts aim to protect these reefs by raising awareness, implementing sustainable practices, and mitigating the impact of climate change on ocean temperatures.”

1. What are coral reefs often compared to in the passage?

a) Deserts

b) Rainforests

c) Mountains

d) Grasslands

2. What threats do coral reefs face, according to the passage?

a) Rising sea temperatures and pollution

b) Earthquakes and tsunamis

c) Overfishing and oil spills

d) Excessive rainfall and hurricanes

3. What is mentioned as a common occurrence endangering coral reefs?

a) Coral bleaching

b) Coral growth

c) Increased biodiversity

d) Algae formation

4. How do conservation efforts aim to protect coral reefs?

a) By reducing awareness

b) By implementing unsustainable practices

c) By ignoring climate change impact

d) By raising awareness and implementing sustainable practices

Text Comprehension 7

7. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

In 1776, during the American Revolutionary War, General George Washington crossed the icy Delaware River on a daring mission. Facing harsh winter conditions, Washington led a surprise attack on the Hessian forces in Trenton. The victory marked a turning point for the Continental Army, boosting morale and rekindling hope. This event, known as the Battle of Trenton, is celebrated as a symbol of resilience and determination in American history.”

1. In what year did the event mentioned in the passage, the Battle of Trenton, take place?

a) 1676

b) 1776

c) 1876

d) 1976

2. Who led the surprise attack on the Hessian forces during the Battle of Trenton?

a) Thomas Jefferson

b) Alexander Hamilton

c) General George Washington

d) Benjamin Franklin

3. What marked the significance of the Battle of Trenton for the Continental Army?

a) Defeat and despair

b) A turning point, boosting morale and rekindling hope

c) A decisive victory for the Hessian forces

d) A diplomatic breakthrough

4. What is the Battle of Trenton celebrated as in American history?

a) A symbol of defeat

b) A symbol of resilience and determination

c) A symbol of surrender

d) A symbol of isolation

Text Comprehension 8

8. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

 In a small village, there lived a kind-hearted old woman named Mrs. Jenkins. She was known for her generosity and compassion. One day, a young boy named Timmy lost his way in the woods. Mrs. Jenkins found him crying and scared. She took him home, fed him, and comforted him. Timmy’s parents were grateful for Mrs. Jenkins’ kindness. The incident taught the villagers the importance of helping others in need.”

1. What was Mrs. Jenkins known for in the village?

a) Her cooking skills

b) Her generosity and compassion

c) Her gardening abilities

d) Her strictness

2. What happened to Timmy in the story?

a) He found a treasure

b) He got lost in the woods

c) He won a competition

d) He moved to a new village

3. How did Mrs. Jenkins help Timmy?

a) She scolded him

b) She ignored him

c) She took him home, fed him, and comforted him

d) She asked him to leave

4. What lesson did the incident with Timmy teach the villagers?

a) The importance of cooking

b) The significance of competition

c) The importance of helping others in need

d) The need for strictness

Text Comprehension 9

9. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a wise old man named Mr. Thompson. He was known for his insightful advice. One day, a young man approached him seeking guidance. Mr. Thompson handed him a plain wooden stick and said, “Plant this stick by the river, and your question will be answered.” The young man was puzzled but followed the advice. Over time, a beautiful tree grew. The lesson: Patience and the right actions lead to meaningful answers.

1. What is the main characteristic of Mr. Thompson in the story?

a) Wealth

b) Wisdom

c) Youth

d) Strictness

2. What did Mr. Thompson give to the young man seeking guidance?

a) A book

b) A plain wooden stick

c) A map

d) Money

3. What was the young man instructed to do with the wooden stick?

a) Throw it in the river

b) Plant it by the river

c) Use it as a walking stick

d) Carve something out of it

4. What lesson did the young man learn from following Mr. Thompson’s advice?

a) Money can solve problems

b) Patience and the right actions lead to meaningful answers

c) Wisdom comes with age

d) Guidance is unnecessary

Text Comprehension 10

10. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

In a quaint village, a young girl named Lily discovered a mysterious key in her grandmother’s attic. Intrigued, she set out to unlock the secrets hidden within an old chest. To her surprise, the chest revealed a collection of letters and artifacts from her ancestors, detailing tales of courage and resilience. Lily realized the key had opened not just a chest, but a window into her family’s rich history, inspiring her to cherish the legacy passed down through generations.”

1. What did Lily discover in her grandmother’s attic?

a) A mysterious chest

b) A hidden door

c) A forgotten room

d) A treasure map

2. What did the mysterious key unlock?

a) A book

b) An old chest

c) A hidden room

d) A family portrait

3. What did Lily find inside the chest?

a) Gold coins

b) A collection of letters and artifacts

c) A magical potion

d) Ancient scrolls

4. How did the discovery impact Lily?

a) It made her sad

b) It inspired her to cherish her family’s legacy

c) It led her to sell the artifacts

d) It made her forget about her family history

Text Comprehension 11

11. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

In 1969, Apollo 11 made history by landing the first humans on the moon. Neil Armstrong’s famous words, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” echoed across the globe. This monumental achievement marked a new era in space exploration, showcasing humanity’s ability to reach beyond Earth’s boundaries.

1. What event took place in 1969?

a) Apollo 13 landing

b) Apollo 11 moon landing

c) First satellite launch

d) Mars rover exploration

2. Whose words are famous from the moon landing?

a) Buzz Aldrin

b) Michael Collins

c) Neil Armstrong

d) Yuri Gagarin

3. What did the Apollo 11 mission achieve?

a) Landing on Mars

b) First humans on the moon

c) Pluto exploration

d) Launching a space station

4. What did the moon landing mark?

a) The end of space exploration

b) A new era in space exploration

c) Failure in space missions

d) The dominance of Earth-centric studies

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 12

12. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

The decline of bee populations poses a threat to global ecosystems. Bees, crucial pollinators, play a vital role in food production. Pesticides and habitat loss contribute to their decline. Efforts in planting bee-friendly gardens, reducing pesticide use, and creating protected habitats are essential in preserving these vital pollinators.

1. What role do bees play in global ecosystems?

a) Soil enrichment

b) Air purification

c) Water conservation

d) Pollination

2. What contributes to the decline of bee populations?

a) Increased habitat

b) High bee-friendly gardens

c) Pesticides and habitat loss

d) Controlled environments

3. What efforts are essential in preserving bee populations?

a) Increasing pesticide use

b) Reducing habitat protection

c) Creating protected habitats and reducing pesticide use

d) Ignoring the decline

4. Why are bees considered crucial pollinators?

a) They produce honey

b) They control pests

c) They play a vital role in food production

d) They build hives

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 13

13. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming various industries, from healthcare to finance. With machine learning algorithms, AI analyzes data, making predictions and optimizing processes. While AI offers efficiency, concerns about job displacement and ethical use need careful consideration as society embraces this technological revolution.

1. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforming?

a) Only the education sector

b) Various industries

c) Agricultural practices

d) Transportation systems

2. How does AI analyze data?

a) Through human intuition

b) By optimizing processes

c) Ignoring data

d) By avoiding predictions

3. What concerns are associated with AI adoption?

a) Only job creation

b) Job displacement and ethical use

c) Ethical use and efficiency

d) None of the above

4. What is the potential benefit of AI in healthcare and finance?

a) Increasing manual work

b) Decreasing efficiency

c) Making predictions and optimizing processes

d) Ignoring data analysis

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 14

14. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

The Renaissance, a cultural and intellectual movement, flourished in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries. It marked a revival of interest in art, literature, and humanism. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, along with thinkers like Galileo, played pivotal roles. The Renaissance laid the foundation for modern Western culture, emphasizing creativity, curiosity, and the exploration of new ideas.

1. During which centuries did the Renaissance flourish?

a) 10th to 13th centuries

b) 14th to 17th centuries

c) 18th to 21st centuries

d) 5th to 8th centuries

2. What areas saw a revival of interest during the Renaissance?

a) Military strategies

b) Art, literature, and humanism

c) Political ideologies

d) Technological advancements

3. Who were notable figures of the Renaissance mentioned in the passage?

a) Napoleon and Cleopatra

b) Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

c) Julius Caesar and Socrates

d) Genghis Khan and Confucius

4. What did the Renaissance lay the foundation for?

a) Ancient philosophy

b) Eastern cultural traditions

c) Modern Western culture

d) Religious dogmas

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 15

15. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Balanced nutrition is essential for overall well-being. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides necessary nutrients. Maintaining proper hydration is equally important. A balanced diet supports physical health, boosts energy levels, and enhances mental clarity, contributing to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

1. What is essential for overall well-being, according to the passage?

a) Skipping meals

b) Balanced nutrition

c) Strict dieting

d) Consuming only proteins

2. What does a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provide?

a) Empty calories

b) Necessary nutrients

c) Unhealthy fats

d) Artificial sweeteners

3. How does maintaining proper hydration contribute to well-being?

a) It causes dehydration

b) It has no impact on health

c) It supports physical health

d) It leads to fatigue

4. What benefits does a balanced diet provide?

a) Impaired mental clarity

b) Reduced energy levels

c) Enhanced mental clarity and boosted energy levels

d) Sedentary lifestyle

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 16

16. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices, enabling them to share and analyze data. From smart home appliances to wearable fitness trackers, IoT has transformed daily life. While providing convenience, it raises concerns about data privacy and security. As technology advances, addressing these challenges becomes crucial for a seamless integration of IoT into our lives.

1. What does the Internet of Things (IoT) connect?

a) People

b) Devices

c) Books

d) Music

2. Give an example of how IoT has transformed daily life, according to the passage.

a) Sending letters

b) Using typewriters

c) Wearable fitness trackers

d) Smoke signals

3. What concerns are raised about IoT, as mentioned in the passage?

a) Concerns about energy consumption

b) Concerns about data privacy and security

c) Concerns about the cost of devices

d) Concerns about device durability

4. Why is addressing data privacy and security crucial for IoT integration?

a) It is unnecessary

b) It hinders technological advancement

c) It ensures a seamless integration

d) It does not impact daily life

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 17

17. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Emily Dickinson, a renowned American poet, often explored themes of nature, death, and the human experience. Her unconventional style and use of dashes in her poems distinguish her work. Despite living a reclusive life, Dickinson’s poems have left a lasting impact, inspiring readers with their depth and introspection.

1. What themes did Emily Dickinson often explore in her poetry?

a) Technology and progress

b) Nature, death, and the human experience

c) Politics and economics

d) Fashion and trends

2. What distinguishes Emily Dickinson’s work, as mentioned in the passage?

a) Rhyming schemes

b) Unconventional style and use of dashes

c) Prose-like structure

d) Use of excessive punctuation

3. How did Emily Dickinson live her life?

a) Socially active

b) Reclusively

c) Extensively traveled

d) Politically engaged

4. Despite her reclusive life, what impact have Dickinson’s poems had?

a) Limited impact

b) No impact

c) Lasting impact, inspiring readers with depth and introspection

d) Negative impact

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 18

18. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Dolphins, known for their intelligence and social behavior, often engage in playful activities. They communicate using a variety of vocalizations and body language. This communication is crucial for forming social bonds and coordinating group activities. The complex social structure of dolphin pods highlights their advanced cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence.

1. What are dolphins known for, according to the passage?

a) Solitary behavior

b) Aggressive nature

c) Intelligence and social behavior

d) Herbivorous diet

2. How do dolphins communicate?

a) Through written language

b) Using a variety of vocalizations and body language

c) Using sign language

d) Through telepathy

3. Why is communication crucial for dolphins, as mentioned in the passage?

a) It is not crucial

b) For forming social bonds and coordinating group activities

c) To avoid social interactions

d) To isolate themselves

4. What does the complex social structure of dolphin pods highlight?

a) Limited cognitive abilities

b) Advanced cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence

c) Lack of communication skills

d) Lack of social bonds

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 19

19. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Climate change poses a significant threat to the planet. Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are clear indicators. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, contribute to the greenhouse effect. Mitigating climate change requires global efforts to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adopt sustainable practices.

1. What poses a significant threat to the planet, according to the passage?

a) Increased wildlife population

b) Climate change

c) Fossil fuel discovery

d) Renewable energy sources

2. What are clear indicators of climate change, as mentioned in the passage?

a) Decreased temperatures

b) Melting ice cream cones

c) Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events

d) Increased snowfall

3. What contributes to the greenhouse effect?

a) Planting more trees

b) Burning fossil fuels

c) Adopting renewable energy sources

d) Implementing sustainable practices

4. What is required for mitigating climate change, according to the passage?

a) Increasing carbon emissions

b) Reducing renewable energy sources

c) Global efforts to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adopt sustainable practices

d) Ignoring climate change indicators

ESL Text Comprehension for Intermediate 20

20. Read the following extract carefully and choose the most appropriate option.

Reading is a fundamental skill with numerous benefits. It enhances vocabulary, improves comprehension, and fosters critical thinking. Beyond academic advantages, reading opens doors to new worlds, cultures, and perspectives. Encouraging a love for reading from a young age lays the foundation for a lifelong journey of exploration and learning.

1. What is a fundamental skill with numerous benefits?

a) Playing sports

b) Reading

c) Singing

d) Drawing

2. What does reading enhance, according to the passage?

a) Physical fitness

b) Vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking

c) Artistic abilities

d) Musical skills

3. What does reading open doors to?

a) Cooking recipes

b) New worlds, cultures, and perspectives

c) Sports achievements

d) Scientific discoveries

4. What does encouraging a love for reading from a young age lay the foundation for?

a) A dislike for learning

b) A lifelong journey of exploration and learning

c) Ignoring academic advantages

d) Physical activities

ESL Text Comprehension Answers

Answer 1:

1. b) Physical exercise and cognitive function

2. c) 40 to 60

3. c) Three times a week

4. b) Problem-solving skills

Answer 2:

1. b) A new species of butterfly

2. b) Morpho amazonica

3. b) Its vibrant blue wings

4. c) The incredible biodiversity of the Amazon

5. c) Its behavior and ecological role

Answer 3:

b) Mount Everest

c) Extreme weather, thin air, and treacherous terrain

c) For the physical accomplishment

b) Environmental impact and safety

Answers 4:

c) Jordan

b) Rock-cut architecture

c) The Treasury

b) Because of its artistic and engineering prowess

Answers 5:

b) Printing press

By handwriting copies(b)

b) Johannes Gutenberg

Answers 6:

b) Rainforests

a) Rising sea temperatures and pollution

a) Coral bleaching

d) By raising awareness and implementing sustainable practices

Answers 7:

b) 1776

c) General George Washington

b) A turning point, boosting morale and rekindling hope

b) A symbol of resilience and determination

Answers 8:

b) Her generosity and compassion

b) He got lost in the woods

c) She took him home, fed him, and comforted him

c) The importance of helping others in need

Answers 9:

b) Wisdom

b) A plain wooden stick

b) Plant it by the river

b) Patience and the right actions lead to meaningful answers

Answers 10:

a) A mysterious chest

b) An old chest

b) A collection of letters and artifacts

b) It inspired her to cherish her family’s legacy

Answers 11:

b) Apollo 11 moon landing

c) Neil Armstrong

b) First humans on the moon

b) A new era in space exploration

Answers 12:

d) Pollination

c) Pesticides and habitat loss

c) Creating protected habitats and reducing pesticide use

a) They play a vital role in food production

Answers 13:

b) Various industries

d) By optimizing processes

b) Job displacement and ethical use

c) Making predictions and optimizing processes

Answers 14:

b) 14th to 17th centuries

b) Art, literature, and humanism

b) Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

c) Modern Western culture

Answers 15:

b) Balanced nutrition

b) Necessary nutrients

c) Supports physical health

c) Enhanced mental clarity and boosted energy levels

Answers 16:

b) Devices

c) Wearable fitness trackers

b) Concerns about data privacy and security

c) It ensures a seamless integration

Answers 17:

b) Nature, death, and the human experience

b) Unconventional style and use of dashes

b) Reclusively

c) Lasting impact, inspiring readers with depth and introspection

Answers 18:

c) Intelligence and social behavior

b) Using a variety of vocalizations and body language

b) For forming social bonds and coordinating group activities

b) Advanced cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence

Answers 19:

b) Climate change

c) Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events

b) Burning fossil fuels

c) Global efforts to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adopt sustainable practices

Answers 20:

b) Reading

b) Vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking

b) New worlds, cultures, and perspectives

b) A lifelong journey of exploration and learning