Clause for Class 8 Explained with Structure Rules Worksheets

Clause for Class 8 Explained with Structure, Rules & Worksheets – This guide makes learning clauses easy for Class 8 and ESL students. Understand clause structure, explore noun, adjective, and adverb clauses with clear rules and examples, and practice with worksheets and answers. Perfect for quick revision and effective learning!

What is a clause?

An unlucky man almost lost a 17th-century painting worth a crore of rupees when he left it in the lounge of the Indira Gandhi International Airport.

The sentence can be divided into two parts or clauses.

1. An unlucky man almost lost a 17th-century painting worth a crore rupees

2. when he left it in the Indira Gandhi International Airport lounge.

Here each of the two main parts (clauses) has a subject and a finite verb

A clause is a group of words which has a subject and a finite verb.

Clause Structure

Clauses comprise a noun phrase and a verb phrase. 

For example,

Noun Phrase (Subject)Verb Phrase
Our classwon the match.
The men in bluewere fielding.

Types of Clauses

Clauses are of three kinds:

1. Principal Clause

A principal clause (also called a main clause, or an independent clause) has a finite verb with a subject and conveys complete sense, i.e., it can stand on its own.

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2. Subordinate Clause

A subordinate clause (also called a dependent clause) has a finite verb with a subject but does not convey complete sense on its own. It can, thus, never be a sentence in itself and makes sense only when it is subordinated to an appropriate principal clause.

For example,

Subordinate Clause Explained for Class 8

The independent clause, I like MS Dhoni, can exist on its own.

3. Coordinate Clause

Independent clauses which are joined by coordinating conjunctions are called coordinate clauses. Often in a sentence, there are two or more main clauses which are combined together by coordinating conjunctions. Each clause in such a sentence can stand alone.

For example,

Coordinate Clause Explained for Class 8

Both these clauses can stand alone, i.e., are independent sentences in their own right.

Types of Subordinate Clause for Class 8

Based upon their function, subordinate clauses are divided into three types:

  1. Noun Clause 
  2. Adjective Clause 
  3. Adverb Clause
  • Many people do not understand what Shakespeare wrote.

The highlighted portion is clearly a subordinate clause, with the subject what and finite verb wrote. Moreover, it performs the function of a noun, the direct object t the verb understand. It is thus a noun clause. (An easy way to identify it is that if it answers the question what asked to the verb, then it is a noun clause: ‘What do many people not understand?”-what Shakespeare wrote.”)

  • Most people do not understand the man who wrote under the name Shakespeare.

The highlighted portion is again clearly a subordinate clause, with the subject who and the finite verb wrote. Moreover, it performs the function of an adjective because it qualifies the noun man. It is thus an adjective clause.

  • Most people do not understand Shakespeare’s works, even after they are taught to appreciate them.

The highlighted portion is again clearly a subordinate clause, with the subject they and the finite verb are. Moreover, it performs the function of an adverb (of time) because it modifies the verb understand. It is thus an adverb clause.

1. Noun Clause

A noun clause is a subordinate clause in a sentence, which functions as a noun in the sentence. Now, we know that a noun can be the subject of a verb, a subject complement, the direct object of a verb or the object of a preposition. 

For example,

(In the following examples, the noun clauses are highlighted.)

What the English teacher said was very inspiring.

This noun clause is the subject of the verb ‘was’.

The wonderful thing about toddlers is that they all get along so well.

This noun clause is a subject complement to the verb is. Note that the subject, ‘the wonderful thing about toddlers‘, is a noun phrase (it has no finite verb).

I must decide which course is the best to take.

(This noun clause is a direct object to the verb ‘decide‘.)

Lonely old people like speaking to whoever will listen.

(This noun clause is the object of the preposition ‘to’.)

Note that a noun clause is often introduced by one of the conjunctions that, if and whether. In fact, the matter which is reported in any reported speech is a noun clause, which is introduced by one of these conjunctions. 

For example,

  • He asked me whether I knew the new neighbours.
  • He said that he knew the new neighbours.
  • He asked me if I would introduce him to the new neighbours.

A noun clause may be introduced by a wh-word, such as why, when, where, how, who, what, which, etc.

For example,

  • He asked me why the child was crying.
  • He asked me who was in charge of the operation.
  • They decided which charge had to be paid.
  • How do I know what I think, until I hear what you have to say?
  • He asked me where I went last week.
  • She wanted to know when the doctor would come.

2. Adjective Clause

An adjective clause (also called a relative clause) is a subordinate clause which performs the function of an adjective to a noun in the sentence. The noun being described by the adjective clause is called its antecedent. 

For example,

  • Geeta gave Ashok a belt, which was made of leather.

Thus, the antecedent of the adjective clause in this example, namely, which was made of leather, is belt. The antecedent of an adjective clause should always occur just before the clause.

An adjective clause always begins with a relative pronoun. This relative pronoun is either the subject or the object of the clause. It can also be a possessive (whose).

  • Vikas is the chef who taught me how to cook.

In this sentence, who taught me how to cook is an adjective clause with the antecedent chef of the verb taught. The relative pronoun who is the subject.

  • who or whom is used for a person
  • which is used for a thing
  • that or whose could be used for either a person or a thing

For example,

  • These are the people whom we met during our vacation.
  • This is the dog whose leg is broken.
  • Water scarcity is a problem that we will face.

Notice that sometimes adjective clauses are inserted between the main clause.

For example,

  • The boy who helped you as my friend.

Omission of the Relative Pronoun

When the relative pronoun (conjunction) of the adjective clause stands for the subject of the verb, the relative pronoun cannot be omitted.

For example,

  • These are the people who helped us.

Here, who is the subject of helped, the verb of the adjective clause. So, the relative

pronoun who cannot be omitted.

When the relative pronoun is the object of the verb of the adjective clause, then

the relative pronoun may be omitted. 

For example,

  • These are the people whom we helped.

Here, whom is the object of helped, the verb of the adjective clause. 

So, the relative pronoun whom can be omitted, and we can say,

  • These are the people we helped.

Similarly, in the following example,

  • This is the house which/that we are planning to buy.

The word which/that can be used or even omitted.

  • This is the house we are planning to buy.

Defining and Non-Defining Clauses

  • The girls who were wearing caps stood up.
  • The girls, who were wearing caps, stood up.

In both, the subordinate clause is the adjective clause who were wearing caps, with the antecedent girls.

The only difference between the two is the fact that the adjective clause is enclosed within commas in the second sentence, while it isn’t in the first one. Yet, these sentences convey very different meanings.

In the first sentence, the fact that we pause neither before nor after the adjective clause indicates that it is understood that only those girls who were wearing caps stood up. There might have been others who didn’t stand up. Therefore, the complete subject of the sentence is the girls who were wearing caps, and the adjective clause gives necessary, defining information about its antecedent. In fact, it is very much a part of the complete subject, and, as such, defines it.

In the second sentence, the fact that we pause both before and after speaking the adjective clause indicates that it is understood that all the girls in the context were wearing caps.

Thus, the complete subject of the sentence is just the girls, and the adjective clause merely gives us extra information about its antecedent. It does not define it.

An adjective clause is said to be defining if it is very much part of its antecedent.

If it merely gives extra information about its antecedent and in no way defines it, the adjective clause is said to be non-defining. 

For example,

  • My father, who is away at the moment, just called.

Since the antecedent, my father, is clearly defined without needing the adjective clause, who is away at the moment, the clause is non-defining.

On the other hand, if we replace father with brother and the speaker has more  than one brother, then the clause becomes defining, for we are specifically speaking about a particular brother-

  • My brother who is away at the moment just called.


To understand when to use that or which, it’s important to understand clauses. A defining clause (also called a restrictive clause) gives information essential to the meaning of the sentence. That is used in defining clauses. 

Here’s an example:

  • My car that has a flat tyre is in the garage.

In this sentence, you understand that the speaker has at least one other car. 

Specifically, the car he’s talking about is distinguished from his other cars by its flat tyre. If you removed the clause ‘that has a flat tyre,’ you would lose the implication that he owns more than one car, and even if you somehow knew about the other cars, you wouldn’t know which one was in the garage.

Which introduces non-defining clauses. Unlike defining clauses, non-defining clauses (also called nonrestrictive clauses) don’t limit the meaning of the sentence. You might lose interesting details if you remove them, but the meaning of the sentence wouldn’t change. Sometimes, these phrases are set off by commas.

  • My car, which has a flat tyre, is in the garage.

Here, the flat tyre is simply a description of the car in the garage. There’s no implication that the speaker owns more than one car.

As a thumb rule, if the antecedent is a proper noun (as in the example above), the adjective clause has to be non-defining. If it is a common noun, it may or may not be defining, depending upon the context. 

For example,

The ship, which sank on its maiden voyage, has been the subject of many films.

(It is understood from the context which ship is being talked about.)

The ship which sank on its maiden voyage has been the subject of many films.

(The ship being talked about is the one which sank on its maiden voyage.)

3. Adverb Clause

An adverb clause is a subordinate clause which does the same job as an adverb or an adverb phrase in a sentence. It generally modifies a verb.

They are very much like adverbs, and tell the reader where, when, why or how, someone did something. Adverb clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions. 

For example,

  • She (had) left before I arrived.

Types of Adverb Clauses

There are various types of adverb clauses. Here are some examples of the most common ones. In each of them, the adverb clauses are highlighted.

ExampleTypeQuestion Answered
The wandering beggar goes wherever he pleases.PlaceWhere?
After the mangoes are harvested, they are sold in the market.TimeWhen?
Gopal didn’t call her because he was shy.CauseWhy? (What caused this?)
Sandip completed his graduation so that he could get a better job.PurposeWhy? (What was the purpose for doing this?)
Jaya ran as if the wind was chasing her.Unreality
Although Jai is a qualified accountant, he works as a store clerk.Concession/Contrast
If you save your money, you will be able to go to college.Condition
Jaya ran as fast as she could.MannerHow?

As you can see from the examples in the table above, most adverb clauses can be recognised because they are introduced by subordinating conjunctions. Some of the most important subordinating conjunctions, classified according to their function while introducing adverb clauses, are-

1. Time: when, whenever, before, while, after, since, until, as, as long as, the first time, the last time, the next time

The adverb clause indicates when the action described in the main clause takes place. The action might be immediate (before, after, as) or it might be spread out over a duration of time (while, as long as). Sometimes, the starting point of the action (since) or the final point (until) is given. 

For example,

  • He has been depressed since his friend left the city.
  • He will remain depressed until his friend returns.
  • The first time I went to Mumbai, I was overwhelmed by the city.
  • I shall be seeing Shilpa next time I visit Jamshedpur.
  • The fifth time we played together, we finally got our game on track.

2. Place: where, wherever

The adverb clause indicates where the action described in the main clause takes place. 

For example,

  • The foolish man walked where the men were mixing concrete.
  • Wherever we looked, there was confusion.

3. Reason: because, since, as

The main clause indicates an action or state whose reason is supplied by the adverb clause. 

For example,

  • He lost the match since he was not fit.
  • She did well in the test as she had prepared for it.

4. Manner: as, as if, as though

The main clause indicates an action whose manner of performance is explained in the adverb clause. 

For example,

  • Act as your conscience dictates.
  • He acts as though he has no conscience. (suggesting unreality or improbability)

5. Purpose: so that, in order that

The main clause indicates an action or state whose purpose is indicated in the adverb clause. 

For example,

  • Humans eat so that they may live.
  • In order that she could hear what he was saying, the old lady put on her bearing aid.

6. Concession/Contrast: though, although, even if, whatever, while,

The main clause indicates an unexpected result, which is often contrary to what is indicated in the adverb clause. Adverb clauses beginning with while or  whereas indicate direct opposition to the content in the main clause. Note that though, even though and although indicate a situation which is contrary to the main clause. 

For example,

  • Although we told him not to, he intentionally came late.
  • Whatever one does, it is never enough.
  • Even if we delay our departure, we will still reach on time =
  • Whereas he is a minor, he can’t be sent to jail. (whereas = because of the fact that)
  • While I support you, I don’t agree with you. (while though/although; adverb clause)

7. Condition: if, if…then, provided that

The adverb clause expresses a condition for the content of the main clause to hold.

For example,

  • If you are right, then I am wrong.
  • I’ll win, provided you help me.

Punctuation of Adverb Clauses

When an adverb clause appears before the main clause, a comma is used to separate the two clauses. 

For example,

  • As soon as he arrives, we will have some lunch.

There is no need for a comma when the adverb clause appears after the main clause. 

For example,

He gave me a call when he arrived in town.

Whereas and while show clauses in direct opposition to each other. In this case, a comma is used to separate the clauses even when the subordinate clause appears after the main clause. 

For example,

  • I have very little time to do my homework, whereas you have lots of time to do yours.
  • Mary is slim, while I am overweight.

Note:  In case of most conditional clauses, a comma is used before the adverb clause when it appears after the main clause.

Just as we use a comma before while when it indicates contrast, we can do the same when since and as indicate cause. When while, as, and since indicate time and as indicates manner, we do not use the comma. 

For example,

  • She was talking while I was reading. (while time)
  • She was talking, while I was reading. (while = contrast)
  • She started talking as I walked in. (as = time)
  • She has been talking since the day dawned. (since = time)
  • She has stopped talking, since I started yawning. (since = cause)
  • She is not talking to me, as I told her that she talks too much. (as cause)

Sometimes, noun clauses are used adverbially. 

For example,

  • I am glad that you have come back.
  • It is sad that they have lost the match.

In the examples above, that clauses are used as the complement of the adjectives ‘glad’ and ‘sad’ respectively and therefore, they are noun clauses adverbially.

Clause for Class 8 Worksheets

Clause for Class 8 Worksheets” provides exercises to help students understand and identify different types of clauses, including main and subordinate clauses. These worksheets aim to enhance sentence structure skills for better writing and comprehension.

Worksheet 1

A. Mark the clauses as main clause (MC), subordinate clause (SC) and coordinate clause (CC) in these sentences.

1. Priya had a nice basket full of fruits which I like most.

2. I wanted to play Scrabble, but my sister was keen on playing Monopoly.

3. Debu likes music that is composed by AR Rahman.

4. The lady who is wearing a black dress is my aunt.

5. Use the washing machine carefully, as I showed you yesterday.

6. Ravi has a car but prefers to travel by bus.

7. Rinku left for Gujarat last month, and she has not returned since.

8. The boy who came yesterday was Monu’s brother.

9. The train will leave when the green signal is given.

10. He tried and tried again till he succeeded.

11. I love cats but my sister likes dogs.

12. He runs in the open field when he feels like it.

Worksheet 2

B. Complete the following with main, subordinate or coordinate clauses.

1. I wish __________________ 

2. __________________ is my sister.

3. __________________ but __________________

4. That he was __________________

5. As long as __________________

6. I can come with you __________________

7. __________________ is beyond me.

8. Are you talking about the boy __________________ ?

9. Do they think __________________

10. The movie started __________________

11. My father had __________________

12. The apples are __________________

Worksheet 3

C. Complete each sentence with a properly formed noun clause. Choose the correct option.

1. Harish asked me ______________________

a. where was his CD player b. where his CD player was

2. They couldn’t tell me ______________________

a. where was I  b. where I was

3. He doesn’t know ______________________

a. how many employees he has b. how many employees does he have

4. ______________________  is not important.

a. How tired we are b. How tired are we

5. ______________________ was true.

a. What did Ravi say b. What Ravi said

6. We are not responsible for ______________________

a. what our children do b. what do our children do

7. Is ______________________ about Priyanka true?

a. what did they say b. what they said

8. Nobody can tell you ______________________

a. what should you do b. what you should do

9. They wondered ______________________ from Thailand.

a. if was he b. if he was

10. The assistant showed us ______________________ our bags.

a. where we should leave b. where should we leave

Worksheet 4

D. Complete the sentences with the correct option.

1. Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn’t know where

a. is our cat  b. our cat was  c. our cat is  d. was our cat

2. Now, our cat is home again, and we can’t believe that.

a. so many kittens does she have b. so many kittens has she c. she has so many kittens d. kittens she has so many

3. You can’t imagine.

a. how cute they are b. how cute are they c. how they are cute d. are they cute

4. The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what. 

a. are saying you b. that you are saying c. are you saying you d. you are saying

5. My father said try to keep them all.

a. don’t we b. that shouldn’t c. that we shouldn’t d. that we don’t 

6. The cat belongs to my sister, so my father insisted that them for adoption.

a. she offer b. she offers c. she will offer d. she must offer

7. He told us not to be sad, and that

a. better for everyone b. was it better for everyone c. it was better for everyone d. it would be better for everyone

8. My sister needed to find new homes for them, but she didn’t know whom

a. should she ask b. she should ask c. she ask d. she asks

9. She decided post some notices around the neighbourhood.

a. that she b. what she  c. what she would d. that she would

10. Neighbours dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out.

a. which one he’s like b. which one he likes c. which one he liked d. the one they liked

Worksheet 5

E. Choose the correct option/options to complete the sentences. (Some sentences may have more than one correct response.)

1. Manish is the boy _______ shaved his head. He is completely bald now.

a. who b. that c. which

2. The food _______ she is buying looks fresh.

a. who b. that c. which

3. The bat is the only mammal _______ can fly.

a. who b. that c. which

4. Look! That’s the singer _______ mother is from my hometown.

a. whose b. who c. that

5. I don’t like animals _______  jump on me.

a. whose b. that c. whom

6. I felt bad for the boy _______ broke his ankle while running.

a. that b. which c. who

7. Jasmine is a flower _______ is white and beautiful.

a. which b. who c. that

8. They are singing for the girl _______ birthday is today.

a. whose b. that c. who

9. There’s the troupe _______ dancing you liked so much.

a. whose b. that c. who

Worksheet 6

F. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences by using an adjective clause. One has been done for you.

I met Mukesh in Kashmir. He is a tour guide.

I met Mukesh, who is a tour guide, in Kashmir.

1. The girl was frightened. She looked very pale.

2. She was sitting in the emergency room. It was very crowded.

3. A nurse was nearby. She called out to her.

4. The nurse called a doctor. He came immediately.

5. The doctor asked the woman to lie down. She looked very worried.

6. The nurse gave the patient an injection. It made her go to sleep.

Worksheet 7

G. Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Place the missing commas, if it is a non-defining clause.

1. Meena wrote a letter to her friend who stays abroad.

2. The vase that is lying on the table is a gift from my

3. My mother wore the saree which I gave her. friend.

4. We went to the garden which has beautiful flowers.

5. The Principal gave the prize to Naresh who was the winner.

6. The student who is sitting on the last bench is my brother.

Worksheet 8

H. Give examples of sentences which contain an adjective clause which may be either defining or non-defining.

Worksheet 9

I. Choose the correct subordinating conjunctions from the ones given in the box to fill in the blanks.

after, if, before, unless, since, though, so that, although, in order that

1. Hockey players wear protective clothing and gear they don’t  get hurt.

2. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains the ground  is rough and hard.

3. You should give the iron time to heat up–you iron your clothes.

4. the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It’s a mammal.

5. You will have to pay higher insurance -you buy a sports car.

6. You may get malaria you are bitten by a mosquito.

7. Ambassador cars are cheap, they last a long time.

8. You should be the one to drive, you are feeling sleepy.

9. We keep our vegetables in the fridge they don’t go bad.

Worksheet 10

J. Each of the following proverbial sayings contains an adverb clause. Identify the adverb clause in each sentence and state which type of adverb clause it is.

1. While the cat’s away, the mice will play.

2. A lie travels around the world while the truth is putting her boots on.

s. If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.

4. Memory is deceptive because it is coloured by today’s events.

5. Never look down on anybody, unless you’re helping him up.

6. You will have to run many miles before you reach your final destination.

7. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

8. Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.

9. As soon as you forbid something, you make it extraordinarily appealing.

10. Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else.

Worksheet 11

K. Choose the correct subordinating conjunction/phrase to fill in the blanks.

1. Hari decided to study hard his sister advised him to do so.

a. in case b. although c. because d. even if

2. Sushma was talking on the phone, her purse fell from her hand.

a. Because b. Provided that c. So that d. While

3. my father landed, he realized that he had left his bag behind.

a. When b. Unless c. While d. Even though

4.  he mends his ways, his family will not take him back.

a. Although b. Unless c. If d. In the event that

5. we study in the same class, my brother and I do not eat tiffin together.

a. Until b. When c. Although d. Because

6. Gunjan practised hard she may get through to the finals.

a. in case b. so that c. provided that d. although

Clause for Class 8 Worksheet Answers

Clause for Class 8 Worksheet Answers” provides solutions to exercises on identifying and using different types of clauses, helping students understand main and subordinate clauses with clear explanations.

Answer 1

  1. Priya had a nice basket full of fruits (MC) which I like most (SC).
  2. I wanted to play Scrabble (MC), but my sister was keen on playing Monopoly (CC).
  3. Debu likes music (MC) that is composed by AR Rahman (SC).
  4. The lady (MC) who is wearing a black dress (SC) is my aunt (MC).
  5. Use the washing machine carefully (MC), as I showed you yesterday (SC).
  6. Ravi has a car (MC) but prefers to travel by bus (CC).
  7. Rinku left for Gujarat last month (MC), and she has not returned since (CC).
  8. The boy (MC) who came yesterday (SC) was Monu’s brother (MC).
  9. The train will leave (MC) when the green signal is given (SC).
  10. He tried and tried again (MC) till he succeeded (SC).
  11. I love cats (MC) but my sister likes dogs (CC).
  12. He runs in the open field (MC) when he feels like it (SC).

Answer 2

  1. I wish I could visit Paris someday. (SC)
  2. The girl in the red dress is my sister. (MC)
  3. I wanted to go to the park, but it started raining heavily. (CC)
  4. That he was telling the truth was evident from his words. (SC)
  5. As long as you work hard, you will succeed. (SC)
  6. I can come with you if you wait for me for five minutes. (SC)
  7. Why she left so suddenly is beyond me. (SC)
  8. Are you talking about the boy who won the first prize in the competition? (SC)
  9. Do they think that I am responsible for this mistake? (SC)
  10. The movie started before we reached the theatre. (SC)
  11. My father had a long conversation with his friend yesterday. (MC)
  12. The apples are fresh and juicy. (MC)

Answer 3

  1. Harish asked me where his CD player was. (b)
  2. They couldn’t tell me where I was. (b)
  3. He doesn’t know how many employees he has. (a)
  4. How tired we are is not important. (a)
  5. What Ravi said was true. (b)
  6. We are not responsible for what our children do. (a)
  7. Is what they said about Priyanka true? (b)
  8. Nobody can tell you what you should do. (b)
  9. They wondered if he was from Thailand. (b)
  10. The assistant showed us where we should leave our bags. (a)

Answer 4

  1. Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn’t know where our cat was. (b)
  2. Now, our cat is home again, and we can’t believe that she has so many kittens. (c)
  3. You can’t imagine how cute they are. (a)
  4. The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what you are saying. (d)
  5. My father said that we shouldn’t try to keep them all. (c)
  6. The cat belongs to my sister, so my father insisted that she offer them for adoption. (a)
  7. He told us not to be sad, and that it was better for everyone. (c)
  8. My sister needed to find new homes for them, but she didn’t know whom she should ask. (b)
  9. She decided that she would post some notices around the neighbourhood. (d)
  10. Neighbours dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out which one he liked. (c)

Answer 5

  1. Manish is the boy who shaved his head. He is completely bald now. (a)
  2. The food that she is buying looks fresh. (b)
  3. The bat is the only mammal that can fly. (b)
  4. Look! That’s the singer whose mother is from my hometown. (a)
  5. I don’t like animals that jump on me. (b)
  6. I felt bad for the boy who broke his ankle while running. (c)
  7. Jasmine is a flower which is white and beautiful. (a)
  8. They are singing for the girl whose birthday is today. (a)
  9. There’s the troupe whose dancing you liked so much. (a)

Answer 6

  1. The girl who looked very pale was frightened.
  2. She was sitting in the emergency room, which was very crowded.
  3. A nurse who called out to her was nearby.
  4. The nurse who called a doctor came immediately.
  5. The doctor who asked the woman to lie down looked very worried.
  6. The nurse who gave the patient an injection made her go to sleep.

Answer 7

  1. Meena wrote a letter to her friend who stays abroad.
  2. The vase that is lying on the table is a gift from my friend.
  3. My mother wore the saree which I gave her.
  4. We went to the garden which has beautiful flowers.
  5. The Principal gave the prize to Naresh, who was the winner.
  6. The student who is sitting on the last bench is my brother.

In sentence 5, “who was the winner” is a non-defining clause, so it is separated with commas. The others are defining clauses, which don’t need commas.

Answer 8

Defining Adjective Clause (essential to the sentence):

  1. The book that she is reading is very interesting.
  2. The man who called you is my uncle.
  3. I need the pen that is on the table.
  4. The house which we just bought is huge.
  5. The person who helped me is a great friend.

Non-defining Adjective Clause (adds extra information, but isn’t essential):

  1. My father, who works in a bank, is coming home late today.
  2. The car, which is parked outside, belongs to my neighbor.
  3. My sister, who loves painting, is an artist.
  4. The movie, which we watched last night, was fantastic.
  5. The hotel, which is on the beach, is very popular with tourists.

Answer 9

  1. Hockey players wear protective clothing and gear so that they don’t get hurt.
  2. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains because the ground is rough and hard.
  3. You should give the iron time to heat up—before you iron your clothes.
  4. Although the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It’s a mammal.
  5. You will have to pay higher insurance if you buy a sports car.
  6. You may get malaria if you are bitten by a mosquito.
  7. Ambassador cars are cheap, though they last a long time.
  8. You should be the one to drive, unless you are feeling sleepy.
  9. We keep our vegetables in the fridge so that they don’t go bad.

Answer 10

  1. While the cat’s away (adverb clause of time), the mice will play.
  2. A lie travels around the world while the truth is putting her boots on (adverb clause of time).
  3. If you don’t know where you are going (adverb clause of condition), any road will get you there.
  4. Memory is deceptive because it is coloured by today’s events (adverb clause of reason).
  5. Never look down on anybody, unless you’re helping him up (adverb clause of condition).
  6. You will have to run many miles before you reach your final destination (adverb clause of time).
  7. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority (adverb clause of time), it is time to pause and reflect.
  8. Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans (adverb clause of time).
  9. As soon as you forbid something (adverb clause of time), you make it extraordinarily appealing.
  10. Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else (adverb clause of condition).

Answer 11

  1. Hari decided to study hard because his sister advised him to do so. (c)
  2. Sushma was talking on the phone, while her purse fell from her hand. (d)
  3. When my father landed, he realized that he had left his bag behind. (a)
  4. Unless he mends his ways, his family will not take him back. (b)
  5. Although we study in the same class, my brother and I do not eat tiffin together. (c)
  6. Gunjan practised hard so that she may get through to the finals. (b)