A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 Questions Answers

A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 by Daniel Defoe has been included in the class 9 syllabus in lesson 11. Questions Answers from A Shipwrecked Sailor class 9 have been prepared in the following with line-by-line Bengali meaning and word notes. Extra Questions Answers from A Shipwrecked Sailor class 9 arranged in the following are very common and found in different exams.

Daniel Defoe (1660 -1731), the writer of this text, was one of the most famous, Prolific, and versatile writers in English literature. He was famous for his Novel, “Robinson Crusoe”.

About the text A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9

This adapted text, ‘A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9’ from a section of the Novel “Robinson Crusoe”, represents how Robinson Crusoe made a “Dismal Island” habitable after being shipwrecked only with his hard work and intelligence. 

Bengali Meaning of A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9

Line by line Bengali Meaning of every paragraph of A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 has been given below. Word notes from A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 are also added here.

On September30, 1659  ……………… It rained all night. Page – 83]


আমি দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত রবিনসন ক্রুশো ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর ১৬৫৯ খ্রিস্টাব্দে একটি ভয়ানক ঝড়ের কবলে পড়ে জাহাজডুবি হয়ে এই বিষন্ন দ্বীপের তটে এসে পৌঁছেছিলাম। আমি এটিকে হতাশার দ্বীপ বলে ডাকি। আমি প্রায় মৃত ছিলাম এবং আমার জাহাজের বাকি সঙ্গীরা ডুবে গিয়েছিল। আমার খাবার, বাড়ি, জামাকাপড় কিছুই ছিল না। বন্য জন্তুরা আমাকে মেরে ফেলতে পারে এই ভেবে আমি একটু ভয় পেয়েছিলাম। যখন রাত্রি হল, তখন বন্যজন্তুদের ভয়ে আমি গাছে ঘুমিয়েছিলাম। সারারাত ধরে বৃষ্টি পড়েছিল।

Word Notes:

Miserable – distressed – হতভাগ্য 

Violent – fierce – উগ্র 

Dismal –  gloomy and deserted – বিছিন্ন 

Devoured –  to swallow – গোগ্রাসে গেলা 

Shipwrecked –  the destruction or loss of a ship by sinking –  জাহাজডুবি / জাহাজধংস 

Creatures – animals –  প্রাণী 

Read: English Textbook [Bliss] solution Class 9 All Chapters

Lesson – 1. Tales of Bhola GrandpaLesson – 7. Tom Loses a Tooth
Lesson – 2. All about a DogLesson – 8. His First Flight
Lesson – 3. AutumnLesson – 9. The North Ship
Lesson – 4. A Day in the ZooLesson – 10. The Price of Bananas
Lesson – 5. All Sumer in a DayLesson – 11. A Shipwrecked Sailor
Lesson – 6. Mild the Mist Upon the HillLesson – 12. Hunting Snake

[ The rain continued through ……………… desolate island. Page – 83]


দমকা বাতাস সহকারে বৃষ্টি তার পরের দিনও চলেছিল। আমার জাহাজের শুধুমাত্র একটি ভাঙা অংশ অল্প জলে দেখা যাচ্ছিল। আমি সাঁতার কেটে জাহাজের ভাঙা অংশের কাছে গিয়েছিলাম কিছু খাবার এবং পরবর্তীকালে প্রয়োজন হবে এমন কিছু উদ্ধার করে আমার টিকে থাকা সুরক্ষিত করতে। আমি কিছু কাঠ, শক্ত মোটা দড়ি, সুতো, একটি ছুরি, কিছু পেরেক এবং একটি বন্দুক সংগ্রহ করতে সক্ষম হয়েছিলাম। এছাড়াও আমি একটি দোলনশয্যা সংগ্রহ করেছিলাম এবং কিছু ত্রিপল যা-দিয়ে আমি একটি তাঁবু তৈরি করেছিলাম। আমি কিছুটা কালি এবং কাগজ পেয়েছিলাম। এছাড়াও আমি কিছু টাকাও পেয়েছিলাম, কিন্তু এই জনমানবশূন্য দ্বীপে এগুলি নিষ্প্রয়োজনীয় ছিল। মানুষের স্বাভাবিক লেনদেনের জায়গা থেকে আমি কয়েক হাজার লিগ দূরে ছিলাম। আমি উপলব্ধি করেছিলাম যে এই আদিম, জনমানবহীন দ্বীপে আমাকে একাই আমার জীবনের বাকিটা কাটাতে হবে।

Word Notes:

A gust of wind –blow of wind – হঠাৎ দমকা বাতাস

Wreck – the destruction of a ship – জাহাজের ধ্বংসাবশেষ

Rescue – save – উদ্ধার করা

Secure – protect – সুরক্ষা দেওয়া

Survival – to continue living – বাঁচার জন্য

Provisions – store of food – খাদ্যের সংগ্রহ

String – a rope – দড়ি বা সুতো

Hammock –  a hanging hand-made rope – ঝুলন্ত হাতের তৈরি করা দড়ি

Canvas – coarse cloth – ক্যানভাসের তৈরি কাপড়

Useless – of no use – বৃথা

Leagues –  nearly three miles – প্রায় তিন মাইলের কাছাকাছি

Barren – unproductive – অনুর্বর

Convinced – to make belief – বিশ্বাস করতে বাধ্য হওয়া

Desolate – isolate – পরিতক্ত বা নির্জন

[ I searched long for  ……………… pitch my tent. Page – 85]


আমি দীর্ঘসময় ধরে একটি সুরক্ষিত বাসস্থানের খোঁজ করেছিলাম। একটি পাহাড়ের ধারে আমি একটি সামান্য সমতলভূমি খুঁজে পেয়েছিলাম। পাহাড়ের পাথুরে দেয়ালের ওপরে গুহার প্রবেশপথের মতো একটি গহ্বর ছিল। এই গর্তের ঠিক আগে মসৃণ সবুজ ঘাসের ওপর আমি তাঁবু খাটানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছিলাম।

Word Notes:

Searched – looked for – খোঁজ করা 

Habitation – a place of abode – বাসস্থান 

Hollow–hole – ফাঁপা জায়গা 

Entrance – doorway – প্রবেশ পথ 

Resolved – dedicated – দৃঢ় প্রতিজ্ঞ

Pitch – set up – স্থাপন করা

[ I cut the wood  ……………… stores and provisions. Page – 85]


আমি সংগৃহীত কাঠগুলি কেটে খুঁটি তৈরি করলাম। আমি ওগুলিকে আমার তাঁবুর চারিদিকে অর্ধবৃত্তাকারে পুঁতলাম। খুঁটিগুলি প্রত্যেকটা ছয়ইঞ্জি দূরে ছিল। জাহাজ থেকে উদ্ধার করা দড়িগুলি আমি খুঁটিগুলির চারিদিকে বেড়ার মতো করে বেঁধে দিলাম। আমি একটি খাটো মই ব্যবহার করেছিলাম বেড়াটি টপকানোর জন্যে। একবার ঢুকে যাওয়ার পরে আমি মইটি সরিয়ে নিয়েছিলাম যাতে করে আমি বাইরের জগত থেকে সম্পূর্ণরূপে সুরক্ষিত থাকতে পারি। তাঁবুর ভিতরে আমি আমার সমস্ত সঞ্চিত এবং ভবিষ্যতের প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিসপত্র এনেছিলাম।

Word Notes:

Stakes – a post fixed to the ground – মাটিতে স্থির করে পোঁতা কাঠের দন্ড 

Fence – temporary wall for guarding – বেড়া 

Ladder –  series of steps – মই 

Withdrew –  to take back something – তুলে নেওয়া 

Fortified – secured – সুরক্ষিত 

[ After I had been on the land ……………… dry from the rain. Page – 85]


দশ অথবা বারো দিন দ্বীপে কাটানোর পরে, এটি আমার মাথায় এল যে, আমি সময় মাপার জ্ঞান হারাচ্ছি। এটি হয়েছিল কারণ আমার না-ছিল ঘড়ি না দিনপঞ্জিকা। এসবের অভাব দূর করতে আমি একটি বড়ো খুঁটির ওপর ছুরি দিয়ে আমার এই দ্বীপে আসার তারিখটি কেটে লিখে রাখলাম। প্রত্যেকদিনের জন্যে আমি ছুরি দিয়ে দাগ কাটতাম।

দীর্ঘ বৃষ্টির পরে ৭ নভেম্বর নাগাদ আমি ভালো আবহাওয়ার মুখ দেখেছিলাম। ভবিষ্যতে ব্যবহার করার জিনিসপত্র-গুলিকে বৃষ্টির হাত থেকে বাঁচাতে আমি পরবর্তী দুটি দিন ছোটো কাঠের বাক্স তৈরি করে কাটিয়েছিলাম।

Word Notes:

Occurred – take place – ঘটেছিল 

Measure – course – মাপ করা 

Calendar – pages showing dates – দিন পঞ্জী 

Prevent – block – প্রতিরোধ করা 

Landing – coming down – নিচে নামা 

Fair weather –  fine climate – ভালো আবহাওয়া 

Couple of days –  two days – দুই দিন 

[ Among the things I rescued ……………… stronger than the day before. Page – 85]


যে সমস্ত জিনিস আমি জাহাজ থেকে উদ্ধার করেছিলাম তাদের মধ্যে ছিল পোষা মুরগিদের খাওয়ানোর জন্যে শস্যদান ভরতি একটি ছোটো থলি। এর বেশিরভাগটিই ইঁদুরে খেয়ে নিয়েছিল। থলিতে খোসা আর ধুলো ছাড়া আর কিছুই দেখতে পেলাম না। আমার দেওয়ালের বাইরে আমি জিনিসগুলি খালি করেছিলাম। মুষলধারে বৃষ্টির আগে সামান্য কিছুটা সময় ছিল। এক মাস পরে আমি মাটিতে কিছু সবুজ অঙ্কুর মাটি ফুঁড়ে উদ্‌গত হতে দেখতে পেলাম। আমি দেখে অবাক হয়ে গেলাম যে, এটি একেবারে সবুজ যব। ১৬৬০ খ্রিস্টাব্দের জুন মাস নাগাদ আমি খাদ্য এবং আশ্রয়ের সুরক্ষা অর্জন করেছিলম।

এই একই মাসে আমি তীব্র জ্বরে ভুগেছিলাম এবং দুর্বল, তৃয়ার্ত হয়ে শয্যাশায়ী ছিলাম। ৩০ তারিখ নাগাদ আমি আরোগ্য লাভ করেছিলাম এবং ক্রমশ দিন দিন শক্তি ফিরে পেলাম।

Word Notes:

Poultry feed – food for fowl – মুরগীর খাবার 

Devoured – consumed – গিলে খাওয়া 

Emptied – unloaded – খালি করা 

Husks – hull – শস্য দানার খোসা 

Contents –  all that is contained – ভিতরের জিনিসপত্র 

Discovered –  found out – আবিষ্কার করা 

Shooting out – germination – নতুন গাছের জন্ম 

Astonished – surprised – অবাক হওয়া 

Barley –  green grain – এক ধরনের খাদ্য শস্য ( বার্লি)

[ On 15th of July  ……………… took me three days. Page – 87]


আমি দ্বীপটিকে আরও ভালোভাবে ১৫ জুলাই পর্যবেক্ষণ করেছিলাম। প্রায় দু-মাইল দূরে আমি একটি ছোটো নদী পেয়েছিলাম যার তীরে মসৃণ ঘাসে ঢাকা একটি তৃণভূমি ছিল। গাছপালাময় অংশে আমি প্রচুর পরিমাণে তরমুজজাতীয় ফল এবং আঙুর গাছ পেয়েছিলাম। আঙুরগুলি পাকা এবং সুমিষ্ট ছিল। ওখানেই আরও একটু দূরে আমি প্রচুর পরিমাণে কোকো, কমলালেবু এবং লেবুগাছ পেয়েছিলাম। আমি প্রচুর ফল বাড়িতে নিয়ে এসেছিলাম এবং বাড়ি পৌঁছোতে তিনদিন সময় লেগেছিল।

Word Notes:

Particular –  specific – বিশেষ 

Survey –  observe – পরীক্ষা করা 

Pleasant – enjoyable – মনোরম 

Meadows – grassland – তৃণভূমি

Abundance – plentiful amount – প্রচুর পরিমাণে 

Homeward –  in the direction of home – বাড়ির দিকে 

[ I was tempted to transfer  ……………… made myself a lamp. Page – 87]


ফলের দ্বীপে বাসস্থান সরানোর ব্যাপারে আমি প্রলোভিত হয়েছিলাম। আমি বাসস্থান সরাইনি কারণ তখনও সমুদ্রে চলাচলকারী জাহাজের দ্বারা উদ্ধার পাওয়ার আশা ছিল। আমি পাহাড় এবং জঙ্গলের মধ্যে নিজেকে আবদ্ধ রাখতে চাইনি। আমি সমুদ্রের সামনেই থেকে গিয়েছিলাম। এই দ্বীপে পা দেওয়ার পর দশ মাস অতিক্রান্ত হল। আগে সন্ধ্যার পর আমার কোনো লণ্ঠন ছিল না। আমি সামান্য পশুর চর্বি এবং একটি ছোটো মাটির থালা সংগ্রহ করেছিলাম। এটিতে আমি একটি সলতে লাগিয়েছিলাম। এইভাবে আমি নিজে একটি প্রদীপ তৈরি করেছিলাম।

Word Notes:

Tempted –  enticed – প্রলুব্ধ 

Transfer – move –  স্থানান্তরিত 

Tallow – animal fat – প্রাণীর চর্বি 

[ I now began to seriously  ……………… sixty-five days in this land. Page – 87]


আমার শোচনীয় অবস্থা সম্পর্কে আমি গভীরভাবে ভাবতে আরম্ভ করলাম।আমার দৈনন্দিন ঘটনাগুলি লিখে রাখার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছিলাম। আমি প্রতিদিনের কাজকর্মের জন্যে একটি দিনলিপি রাখতে আরম্ভ করেছিলাম। ধীরে ধীরে কালি  শেষ হওয়ার কারণে আমি পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ বিবরণ লিপিবদ্ধ করতে পারিনি।

পোস্টে আমি যে-দাগগুলি দিয়েছিলাম সেখান থেকে বুঝতে পারলাম যে, আবার ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর এসে গেছে। আমি এই দ্বীপে ৩৬৫ দিন কাটিয়ে ফেললাম।

Word Notes:

Consider – review – বিবেচনা করা 

Circumstances – situation – পরিস্থিতি 

Reduced to – decreased – কমানো 

Journal – diary – দিন লিপি 

Employment –  job – কাজ 

Particulars – full details – বিস্তারিত বিবরণ 

Gradually – slowly – ধীরে ধীরে 

Textual Exercise Questions Answers A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9

Textual Exercise Questions Answers from A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 have been added here.

Exercise 1

Tick (✔) the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(1) Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked in

(a) 1659 (✔)

(b) 1559

(c) 1359

(d) 1959

(2) Robinson Crusoe used canvas to make a

(a) bed

(b) sail

(c) tent (✔)

(d) curtain

(3) The distance between the stakes Robinson Crusoe drove into the ground was

(a) five inches

(b) seven inches

(c) four inches

(d) six inches (✔)

(4) Crusoe saw some fair weather in the month of

(a) December

(b) November (✔)

(c) September

(d) October

(5) The journey homeward with the fruit parcel took Crusoe

(a) five days

(b) ten days

(c) three days (✔)

(d) four days

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words. 

1. What name did Crusoe give to the dismal island?

Ans: Crusoe named the dismal island ‘the Island of Despair’ in which he got shelter after his shipwreck.

2. Where did he pitch the tent ?

Ans: He pitched his tent on the flat of green just before a hollow of a rising hill.

3. How did Crusoe go over the fence?

Ans: Crusoe took the help of a short ladder in order to go over the fence.

4. Why did he keep a journal?

Ans: He kept a journal to write down his every day’s employment.

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words. 

1. What were the items Robinson Crusoe collected from the wrecked ship?

Ans: From the wrecked ship Robinson Crusoe collected some wood, cable, string, nails, a knife, a gun, a hammock, canvas, some ink, paper, and some money.

2. How did Crusoe keep track of the number of days he spent on the island?

Ans: To keep track of the number of days spent on the island Crusoe cut a notch every day upon a large post on the date of his landing with his knife.

3. In what way did Crusoe make himself a lamp?

Ans: Collecting a little tallow, a small clay dish, and adding a wick to this, Crusoe prepared a lamp for his use at night in the tent.


Textual Grammar questions and answers from A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 have been provided here.

Exercise 4

Underline the adverbs and state their kinds. 

(a) It is too hot today.

Ans: It is too hot today. [too → adverb of quantity; today → adverb of time]

(b) The girl seldom visits my house.

Ans: The girl seldom visits my house. [seldom → adverb of frequency]

(c) He searched everywhere for the book.

Ans: He searched everywhere for the book. [everywhere→ adverb of place]

(d) The boy runs fast.

Ans: The boy runs fast. [fast → adverb of manner]

Exercise 5

Underline the clauses in the following sentences and state what kind of clauses they are. 

(a) She asked me what my name was.

Ans: She asked me what my name was. [Nominal Clause]

(b) He is a friend who has always helped me.

Ans: He is a friend who has always helped me. [ Adjective (Relative) Clause]

(c) Please enter the room when you are asked to.

Ans: Please enter the room when you are asked to. [Adverbial Clause]

(d) That he will win is known to us.

Ans: That he will win is known to us. [Nominal Clause]

Exercise 6

Identify the following sentences as simple, complex, or compound. 

(a) They predicted that it would rain.

Ans: Complex Sentence

(b) The weather being fine, the children went out to play.

Ans: Simple Sentence

(c) Ravi woke up early but he could not reach school on time.

Ans: Compound Sentence

(d) Fishing his work, my father returned home.

Ans: Simple Sentence

Exercise 7

Do as directed.

(a) Tatar hoped to do well in the examination. [Change into a Complex Sentence]

Ans: Tatar hoped that he would do well in the examination.

(b) The headmistress arrived, and the meeting began. [Change into a Complex Sentence]

Ans: When the headmistress arrived, the meeting began.

(c) Ayesha was surprised when she heard the news. [Change into a Simple Sentence]

Ans: Ayesha was surprised to hear the news./Hearing the news, Ayesha was surprised.

(d) You must work hard to be successful in life. [Change into a Compound Sentence]

Ans: You must work hard else you will be unsuccessful in life./You must work hard or, you will not succeed in life.


Exercise 8

You had been ill for three days. Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking a leave of absence for those days. 



The Headmaster,

Netaji Vidyayatan,

Netajigarh, Howrah

September 19, 2021

Subj: seeking leave of absence


A student of Class-IX, Sec.-A, Roll no.-24 of your school, I beg to bring to your kind notice that I absented myself from school from 16th to 18th September 2021 on account of my fever accompanied by a headache. 

I shall, therefore, be grateful to you if you compassionately grant me a leave of absence for the above-mentioned days.

A photocopy of the medical certificate has been annexed herewith for your kind perusal.

Thank you,

Yours obediently,

Smita Das

Exercise 9

You want to visit a tourist spot during the puja vacation. Write a letter within 100 words to the manager of a hotel enquiring about the availability of rooms, the cost involved and sites to be seen. 



The Manager,

Bellevue Hotel Darjeeling,

The Mall, Nehru Road, Darjeeling,

West Bengal-734101.

15 September 2015


I am pen you this letter intending to reserve two rooms for 5 nights. With my parents, I shall arrive at your hotel during the puja vacation, most probably on 18 October 2015, and stay up until 25 October 2015. But before making the reservation I hold some queries to be answered and replied to through email (pritam.c@gmail.com) at an early date.  The queries are given below:

1. Are two rooms available during the puja vacation, especially within the tentative dates of our arrival?

2. How much are the charges for two rooms for the night?

3. Is VAT included in the price?

4. Is there any rebate for the puja vacation?

5. Mention the sites to be visited.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Thanking you,

South Joypur Bill,

P.O.: Anandanagar, Liluah,

Howrah, Pin-711227.

Yours faithfully,

Pritam Majhi

Extra Questions Answers A Shipwrecked Sailor

Extra Questions Answers A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 9 have been provided in the following that are very important.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences. Put a tick (✔) against the correct answer:

(1) Robinson Crusoe went to that island in the year

(a)  1650


(c)  1657

(d)  1655

Ans: (b)  1659

(2) He feared that he would be killed by

(a) violent Storm

(b)  harmful disease

(c)  wild beasts

(d)  tribals

Ans: (c)  wild beasts

(3) Robinson Crusoe secure some food and other provision from the/a

(a)  Island

(b)  friend

(c)  nearby village

(d)  wreck of his ship

Ans: (d)  wreck of his ship

(4) To make a tent he found a little plain on the side of a

(a) rising hill

(b) river

(c)  sea

(d)  mountain

Ans: (a) rising hill

(5)  To go over the fence Robinson Crusoe used a

(a)  rope

(b)  staircase

(c)  short ladder

(d)  large post

Ans: (c)  short ladder

(6) The narrator decided to put his tent upon

(a) flat area

(b) rocky wall

(c) hilly slope

(d) tree

Ans: (a) flat area

(7) The narrator drove the stakes

(a) in a circle

(b) in a square

(c) in a triangle

(d) in a semicircle

Ans: (d) in a semicircle 

(8) The distance between the stakes was

(a) 5 inches

(b)  6 inches

(c)  4 inches

(d)  7 inches

Ans: (b)  6 inches

(9) The narrator saw some fair weather in the month of

(a) December

(b)  November

(c)  October

(d)  September

Ans: (b)  November

(10) The narrator put all his stores into

(a)  a box

(b)  his tent

(c)  the broken ship

(d)  the cave

Ans: (a)  a box

(11) Robinson Crusoe surveyed the island thoroughly in the month of

(a) June

(b)  July

(c)  August

(d) September

Ans: (b)  July

(12) Robinson Crusoe found a brook with pleasant Meadows around

(a)  one mile up

(b)  two miles up

(c) three miles up

(d) four miles up

Ans: (b)  two miles up

(13) Robinson Crusoe came back to his habitation after

(a)  two days

(b) three days

(c) four days

(d) five days

Ans: (b) three days

(14) Robinson Crusoe could not include all particulars in his journal because

(a)  he was very busy

(b)  he felt lazy

(c)  he ran a high fever

(d)  he ran out of ink

Ans: (d)  he ran out of ink

(15)  Robinson Crusoe faced a shipwreck during a

(a) heavy rainfall

(b)  Tornado

(c)  violent storm

(d)  terrible accident

Ans: (c)  violent storm

(16) The rest of the crew members were

(a)  safe

(b) drowned

(c)  happy

(d) angry

Ans: (b) drowned

(17) Crusoe feared he will be eaten by

(a)  cannibals

(b)  wild animals

(c)  sharks

(d)  sea fish

Ans: (b)  wild animals

(18) Crusoe made a tent with

(a)  animal skin

(b)  bark of trees

(c)  Canvas

(d)  leaves

Ans: (c)  Canvas

(19)  Crusoe was nearly

(a)  drowned

(b)  ill

(c)  injured

(d)  dead

Ans: (d)  dead

(20) Robinson Crusoe reach the island that was

(a)  thickly populated

(b)   dismal

(c)  beautiful

(d)  none of these

Ans: (b) dismal

(21) When Robinson Crusoe reached the island, the weather was

(a)  fine

(b)  violent

(c)  hot and humid

(d)  freezing

Ans: (b)  violent

(22) Crusoe was afraid of

(a) barbarous people

(b)  wild animals

(c)  robbers

(d) thieves

Ans: (b)  wild animals

(23) The island was

(a)  fertile

(b) barren

(c)  Haunted

(d)  none of these

Ans: (b) barren

(24) Crusoe put up his tent

(a) On the green valley

(b)  in the forest

(c)  upon a hill

(d)  before the hollow place on the Rocky wall of the hill

Ans: (d)  before the hollow place on the Rocky wall of the hill

(25) Robinson Crusoe was down with

(a)  pneumonia

(b)  stomach ache

(c)  high fever

(d)  skin disease

Ans: (c)  high fever

(26)  Robinson Crusoe found a brook around

(a) two miles up

(b) five miles up

(c) three  miles up

(d) six miles up

Ans: (a) two miles up

(27) The fruits he found in abundance in a woody part was

(a) Mangoes and grapes

(b) Mangoes and berries

(c) Melons and grapes

(d) Grapes and oranges

Ans: (c) Melons and grapes

(28) The journey homeward with parcels of fruit took Crusoe

(a) five days

(b) three days

(c)  ten  days

(d)  four days

Ans: (b) three days

(29) In the above passage, “I” refers to

(a)  Daniel Defoe

(b)  Christopher Columbus

(c)  Neil Armstrong

(d)  Robinson Crusoe

Ans: (d)  Robinson Crusoe

(30) Crusoe was unable to measure time because he did not have

(a) Watch and cable

(b)  cable and hammock

(c)  calendar and pen

(d)  watch and calendar

Ans: (d)  watch and calendar

(31) The “Pleasant Meadows” was by

(a) The Hillside

(b)  the bank of a brook

(c)  a lake

(d)   the dense forest

Ans: (b)  the bank of a brook 

(32)  Crusoe rescued something from

(a)  his fellow companion

(b)  the island

(c) the ship

(d) the seawater

Ans: (c) the ship

(33) On June 30 1660 Crusoe felt

(a) A bit weak

(b)  stronger

(c)  as usual

(d)   afraid

Ans: (b)  stronger

(34) Crusoe was able to rescue a small bag of

(a)  rice

(b)  wheat

(c)  corns

(d)  stones

Ans: (c)  corns

(35) The bag of cons was meant for

(a)  Snake feed

(b)  fish feed

(c)  poultry feed

(d) insect feed

Ans: (c)  poultry feed

(36) The writer of the text is

(a)  Manoj Das

(b)  Mark Twain

(c)  Mulk Raj Anand

(d)  Daniel Defoe

Ans: (d)  Daniel Defoe

(37) Unknowingly Crusoe helped to grow

(a)  cocoa

(b)  lemon

(c)  tobacco

(d)  barley

Ans: (d)  barley

B. Complete the chart with information from the given text.

He had neither watch nor calendar.The narrator would lose measure of time.
(ii) The narrator made small wood boxes.The narrator wanted to keep his provisions dry from the rain.
(iii) The narrator had emptied the bag of corns outside his wall.The narrator saw nothing but husks and dusts in the small bag of coins and as most of it has been delivered by rats.
He wanted to rescue and secure for his survival some food and other provisions.Robinson Crusoe swam to the wrecked ship.
(v) He withdrew the ladder after going over the fence.He was completely fortified against the outside world.

C. Complete the following sentences with information from the text.

(i) At night Robinson Crusoe slept in a tree for fear of wild creatures.

(ii) He was some hundred leagues out of the ordinary course of the trade of mankind.

(iii) The stakes stood six inches apart from each other.

(iv) The narrator searched long for a place of safe habitation.

(v) The hollow place on the rocky wall is compared with the entrance to a cave.

(vi) The narrator withdrew the ladder in order to fortify against the world outside completely.

(vii) Crusoe searched long for a place of safe habitation.

(viii) Crusoe was convinced to spend the rest of his life on the island because he was some hundred leagues out of the ordinary course of the trade of mankind.

(ix) The rain continued through the next day………………………………

(x) For the next couple of days after 7th November, the narrator was busy making wood boxes to keep his provisions drive from the rain.

(xi) To measure time, Crusoe used a knife to make a notch.

(xii) A small bag of corn was meant for poultry feed.

(xiii) By June 1660, Crusoe had gained the security of food and shelter.

(xiv) Crusoe saw some fair weather after a long spell of rain around 7th November.

D. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the box given on the right-hand side.

(i) Crusoe did not transfer his habitation to the valley of fruits because he hoped to be rescued by some passing ship on the sea. – False

Supporting Statement: “I did not enclose myself in hills and woods. I stayed in view of the sea.”

(ii) In the valley there were enough oranges but no melons. – False

Supporting Statement: “ I found melons in great abundance.”

(iii)  Robinson Crusoe Carried a great parcel of fish from the seashore. – False

Supporting Statement: “ I carried great parcels of fruit homeward..”

(iv) Robinson Crusoe continued to stay in view of the sea. – True

Supporting Statement: “I stayed in view of the sea..”

(v) Robinson wanted to stay in view of the sea – True

Supporting Statement: “I stayed in view of the sea..”

(vi)  Robinson began to write about his every day’s employment in details.  – True

Supporting Statement: “I began to keep a journal of every day’s employment.”

(vii) Robinson had already spent more than a year on that Island. – False

Supporting Statement: “ I had spent three hundred and sixty-five days on this island.”

(viii)  Crusoe collected a little tallow and a large clay dish. – False

Supporting Statement: “ I collected a little tallow and a small clay dish.”

(ix) Crusoe gradually ran out of ink. – True 

Supporting Statement: “ I gradually ran out of ink.”

(x) Crusoe faced heavy rainfall on the island. – True

Supporting Statement: “ After a long spell of rain….”

(xi)  Crusoe found a few melons in the woody part of the plain. –  FalseSupporting Statement: “ In a woody part, I found melons in great abundance.”

E. Answer the following questions:

(1) Why and how did Robinson Crusoe keep a record of time?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe had no watch or calendar with him. He thought that he would lose the measure of time. So, he decided to keep records of time making a mark with his knife every day on a large post.

(2) By When had Robinson Crusoe gained security and of what?
Ans: By the June of 1660, Robinson Crusoe had gained the security of food and shelter.

(3) How did Robinson make a lamp?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe collected a little tallow and a small clay dish. To this, he added a wick. Thus, he made himself a lamp.

(4) What did Robinson decide?

Ans: Robinson decided to describe his state of affairs in writing. So, he began to keep a journal of every day’s employment. But he could not include all particulars because he gradually ran out of ink.

(5) What did Robinson Crusoe find by notches that he cast on the post?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe found the date and time by notches that he cast on the post.

(6) What is tallow?

Ans: “Tallow” is animal fat that is used to make candles.

(7) Why did not Robinson Crusoe transfer his habitation?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe transferred his habitation because he did not want to enclose himself in hills and Woods but he stayed in view of the sea.

(8) When did Robinson Crusoe take a more particular survey of the land?

Ans: On the 15th of July Robinson Crusoe took a more particular survey of the island.

(9) What did Crusoe find further into the land?

Ans: Further into the land, Robinson Crusoe found a great number of Cocoa, orange, and lemon trees.

(10) How did Crusoe make a lamp for himself?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe collected a little tallow and a small clay dish. To this, he added a wick. Thus, he made himself a lamp.

(11) What was the condition of Robinson Crusoe when he reached the island?

Ans: When Robinson Crusoe reached the island, he was almost dead. He had neither food, house nor clothes. He feared he would be devoured by wild beasts.

(12) What things did Crusoe collect from the wreck of his ship?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe was able to collect some food, cable, string, a knife, nails, and a gun. He also collected a hammock, some Canvas, some ink and paper, and some money.

(13) How long did the rain continue?

Ans: The rain continued through the next day with gusts of wind.

(14) What name did Crusoe give to the island?

Ans: The name that Robinson Crusoe gave to the island was “The Island of Despair.”

(15) When did Crusoe land on the island?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe landed on the island on Sep 30, 1659.

(16) How did Crusoe reach the wreck of the ship?

Ans: Crusoe reached the wreck of the ship by swimming.

(17) Why did Crusoe visit the wreck of his ship?

Ans: Crusoe visited the wreck of the ship to rescue and Secure his survival for food and other provisions.

(18) What did Crusoe rescue from the broken ship?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe rescued some food, cable, string, a knife, nails, and a gun. He also collected a hammock, some Canvas, some ink and paper, and some money from the broken ship.

(19) What was Crusoe convinced about?

Ans: Crusoe was convinced that he had to spend the rest of his life alone on this wild desolate Island.

(20) Why was Crusoe tempted to transfer his habitation?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe was tempted to transfer his habitation because he wanted to enclose himself in hills and woods but he stayed in view of the sea.

(21) How many days did Crusoe find he had spent on the island?

Ans: By the notches that Robinson Crusoe cast on the post, he found that he had spent 365 days on the island.

(22) How did the narrator keep the measure of time?

Ans: To measure time, Robinson Crusoe put a notch with his knife for every day upon a large Post.

 “It occurred to me…………” Who is the narrator? what occurred to him?

Ans: Here the narrator is the measurable “Robinson Crusoe” who was shipwrecked during a violent Storm and came to shore on the dismal Island. It occurred to him that he would lose the measure of time because he had neither a watch nor a calendar with him.