A Ghostly Wife Question Answer Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Sem

A Ghostly Wife Questions and Answers for Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester is a crucial study resource for Class 11 students following the new syllabus. This guide provides well-structured answers to key 5-mark questions, highlighting the story’s themes, moral lessons, and a Bengali summary. It helps students understand the narrative deeply and perform well in their 2nd-semester exams.
A Ghostly Wife Bengali Summary

একবার এক ব্রাহ্মণ তার স্ত্রী ও মাকে নিয়ে একটি বড়ো দীঘির পাশে একটি বাড়িতে বাস করতেন। সেই দীঘির পাড়ে ছিল একটি গাছ, যেখানে এক পেতনি বাস করত।

English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 PDF

Prepare for WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 with the English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 PDF. Get exam-relevant questions and solutions covering Prose, Verse, Grammar, Writing & Sample Papers. Download now and prepare confidently!

English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025

একদিন ব্রাহ্মণের স্ত্রী সেই দীঘিতে গিয়েছিলেন এবং ঘটনাচক্রে সে পেতনির গা ঘেঁষে চলে যায়। এতে পেতনি রেগে গিয়ে তাকে জোর করে ধরে, গাছে ওঠায় এবং গাছের বড়ো কোটরে ছুড়ে ফেলে দেয়। তারপর সেই পেতনি ব্রাহ্মণের স্ত্রীর পোশাক পরে ছদ্মবেশে ব্রাহ্মণের বাড়িতে প্রবেশ করে। কেউ তাকে সন্দেহ করেনি।

পরদিন সকালে ব্রাহ্মণের মা তার বৌমার মধ্যে কিছু অদ্ভুত পরিবর্তন লক্ষ্য করলেন। তিনি দেখলেন, তার বৌমা হঠাৎ ঘরকন্নার কাজে অসাধারণ দক্ষ হয়ে উঠেছে, যা তার স্বভাববিরুদ্ধ। প্রথমে তিনি এতে খুশি হলেও খুব শীঘ্রই ঘটনাটি অদ্ভুত মোড় নিল।

পেতনিটি তার শাশুড়ির যেকোনো প্রয়োজন মুহূর্তের মধ্যেই পূরণ করতে লাগল। শাশুড়ি হতবাক হয়ে দেখলেন, তার বৌমা লম্বা লম্বা হাত বাড়িয়ে দূরের জিনিস সহজেই নিয়ে আসছে। এতে ব্রাহ্মণের মা আতঙ্কিত হয়ে পড়লেন এবং তার ছেলেকে বিষয়টি জানালেন। তারা তখন বৌমাকে ভালোভাবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল।

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পর্যবেক্ষণের পর তারা নিশ্চিত হলেন যে এই নতুন আগন্তুকটি তাদের পরিবারের সদস্য নয়। তারা একজন ওঝাকে ডেকে আনলেন। ওঝা এসে পেতনির নাকের নিচে জ্বলন্ত হলুদের টুকরো ধরলেন। ভূতেরা জ্বলন্ত হলুদের গন্ধ সহ্য করতে পারে না, তাই পেতনি আতঙ্কে চিৎকার করে পালানোর চেষ্টা করল। কিন্তু ওঝা ও ব্রাহ্মণ তাকে ধরে ফেললেন এবং কঠোরভাবে জেরা করলেন।

অবশেষে পেতনি তার আসল পরিচয় স্বীকার করল। ব্রাহ্মণ তার স্ত্রীকে গাছের কোটর থেকে উদ্ধার করে আনলেন। ওঝা পেতনিকে শপথ করালেন যে সে আর কখনও এই পরিবারের ক্ষতি করবে না। তারপর ওঝার জাদুতে তাকে মুক্ত করে দেওয়া হল।

অবশেষে ব্রাহ্মণের স্ত্রী সুস্থ হয়ে উঠলেন এবং ব্রাহ্মণ তার পরিবারসহ সুখে-শান্তিতে জীবনযাপন করলেন।

 A Ghostly Wife Question Answer 5-Marks

A Ghostly Wife Question Answer 5-Marks provides detailed solutions, themes, and moral insights to help Class 11 WBCHSE students excel.

 A Ghostly Wife Question Answer Set 1

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

1. Describe the family of the Brahman as portrayed in the story “The Ghostly Wife”.

What do you know about the members of the family?

Ans: The story “The Ghostly Wife” starts with a fine portrayal of a family of rural Bengal of bygone days. The family lives in a house near which lies a tank. It is used mainly for domestic purpose. On the bank of that tank stands a very old tree with a hollow in its trunk. The family knows not that on its boughs resides a female ghost. The family presents an usual picture of calm and quiet life of rural Bengal in those days. The family of the Brahman consists of his old mother and his wife. The mother is an experienced and alert in every sense. Her son trusts and respects her opinions. The wife is physically weak and languid. She has no great skill in doing household works. But she minds her duties as far as practicable.

2. Where does the Brahman’s wife go one night? What happens to her? How does the event change the setup of the family?

Ans: One night, the Brahman’s wife, on a casual occasion goes to the pond near their house. There at the bank has been standing the ghostly woman. The wife brushes her and thereby incurs her anger. The angry spirit seizes the wife by the throat and climbs up a tree with her victim. There she thrusts her into a hole of the trunk. In great fear the helpless woman lies almost dead. The female ghost puts on her clothes and disguised as the wife of the Brahman enters the house. The appearance of the female ghost disturbs the usual setup of the Brahman’s family. Though initially appreciated for her exceptional skill, she is soon detected. And her evil presence is dealt with severely.

 A Ghostly Wife Question Answer Set 2

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

3. Why does the arrival of the ghostly wife cause no suspicion in the family? How does she gain an appreciation of the family?

Ans: The female ghost enters into the house, wearing the clothes of the mistress of the Brahman. She comes perfectly disguised as the replaced wife. Obviously, no doubt crosses the minds of the Brahman and his old mother. Now, the ghostly wife pleases her mother-in- law with her exceptional skills in any household work. She fetches things from near or far in a second. Earlier, the mistress of the family, due to her physical weakness and languidness, could not satisfy her mother-in-law. But she is now a changed being. Perhaps, the husband might feel satisfied with her strength and charm in their personal life. All this enables the ghostly wife to earn appreciation in the family.

4. How does the ghostly wife impress her mother-in-law? What specific events create suspicion in her in-law’s mind?

Ans: The ghostly wife appears with perfect disguise in the house of the Brahman. None has an ounce of doubt about her identity. She first wins the heart of her mother-in-law with her extraordinary skill in housekeeping. Her mother-in-law is amazed at her changed way of dealing with things of family. Whenever she wants a thing, the ghostly wife presents it in a trice. This impresses the old lady who has long been dissatisfied with her daughter-in-laws sluggishness and idleness, However, some specific events create a suspicion in her daughter-in-law. Once she ordered to fetch a thing from the next room. The thing was brought to her in a fraction of second. Second, she wanted a vessel lying some yards away This time too she saw with her own eyes that her daughter-in-law, spreading her abnormally long hand, brought it for her. Now the old lady began to feel that it was not possible for a normal human being to the task in such a way. Her suspicion started mounting up.

 A Ghostly Wife Question Answer Set 3

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

5. Do you think that the Brahman’s family is any way responsible for the arrival of the ghostly wife in the house? 

Ans: Apparently, the Brahman’s family looks happy and content. But there is an undercurrent of discomforts and dissatis factoin. Their woman, the Brahman’s wife, is constitionally weak and languid. Therefore, she is not well with her home management. Her mother-in-law and her husband harbour a complaint against her. The female ghost living near their house is well aware of this unrest in the family. It gives her chance exploit the family unrest. Hence, she makes the wife captive and easily enters the house. Her exceptional housekeeping ability earns her adoration. The old lady’s son too may be elated with an agile and active lady. So the ghost’s arrival sparks no doubt. In fact, their intial fault is they are unable to understand the ghostly wife.

6. What does the old woman see her daughter-in-law in the kitchen? Who else sees the strange sight? What does the family think of their woman? 

Ans: One day the old mother of the Brahman sees an eerie sight in the kitchen. Her daughter-in-law is engaged in cooking. To her utter horror, she finds the woman making fire using her foot in stead of fuel. The mother shows the horrible scene to her son. They are fully convinced of the real nature of the woman. They immediately want to get rid of the uncanny woman. They send for an exorcist to expose this evil spirit. They are confirmed that she is a malicious spirit or she is their former woman possessed with devil. Only an ojha can be an answer to this riddle. So they take his help.

 A Ghostly Wife Question Answer Set 4

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

7. How can you interpret the fire-making by the ghostly woman a sign of premonition? Why do the Brahman and his mother fear?

Ans: The fire making is a normal daily necessity in a household. Fire is made to cook food, the sustenance of life. Fuel of any kind is used is to make a fire. But in the Brahman’s family something strange takes place. The Brahman and his mother find the woman cooking food using no fuel, but her foot. The onlookers of this strange scene shudders to think of the future of the family. They realise that this fire may be used soon to burn them all and destroy the family. They understand that peace is always better than comfort. The Brahman and his mother fear some ominous awaiting them. If the abnormal woman continues staying with them, they must be in greater danger.

8. Who is an exorcist? By which name is he popular in rural Bengal? Why does the family send for him? What does he do in the beginning of his strange activities? 

Ans: An exorcist is a person skilled in driving out devils, demons, evil spirits with his binding spell, rituals and occult activities. An exorcist is populary called ojha in rural Bengal. The occult practice of ojha stil exists in our society. At the sight of their woman suddenly doing strange devilish acts, the Brahman and his mother seek the help of the ojha. In the very beginning of his ritualistic works, the ojha burns a piece of turmeric and makes the ghost smell it. At once the woman screams and tries to flee. The ojha gets assured that it is not a real human but a dead spirit. Meanwhile, the stout males are ready to seize her and the ojha compels her to disclose the mischief she has done to the family.

 A Ghostly Wife Question Answer Set 5

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

9. How does the story “The Ghostly Wife’ portray contemporary society? 

Ans: Literature is the reflection of the society. It captures a particular time of a particular place and then makes it universal by the power of language and expression. Folk tales are a vital part of literature. They are an invaluable asset to a country. They are the exclusive property of people. The present folk tale “The Ghostly Wife” testifies to this fact. The tale pictures the life of a community of long past. It concerns about the need of domestic peace and stability. The Brahman, his married wife and his mother are the family. But the family faces an unwanted trouble and crisis. The arrival of a ghostly female, replacing the former wife occupies the house. The Brahman and his mother are at stake due to the strangely abnormal activities. They understand that they have been thoroughly deceived. An ojha comes to solve problem successfully. The social norms, the religious beliefs, superstitions, false identity are all exposed here. The domestic event is nicely connected with larger social issues like the curse of illegal relationship, the tension in the family and others. In short, the simple folktale presents a slice of society.

10. What is a folk tale? Consider ‘A Ghostly Wife’ as a successful folk tale of Bengal.

Ans: A folk tale is a traditional story told from generation to generation. It often has supernatural elements, cultural beliefs, and a moral lesson. Folk tales are simple, easy to remember, and entertaining. They reflect people’s customs and fears.

A Ghostly Wife’ is a Bengali folk tale because it has a ghost (Sankchinni), traditional beliefs, and a simple story. The ghost replaces the Brahman’s wife and works very fast. The Ojha (exorcist) uses rituals to expose and defeat the ghost. The real wife is rescued, and the family becomes happy again. The story shows the victory of good over evil and reflects Bengali village life. It is an interesting and meaningful folk tale.

11. Who is an ‘Ojha’? Why was an Ojha called in the Brahman’s house? What did the Ojha do at first?

Ans: An Ojha is a traditional exorcist or spiritual healer who removes ghosts and evil spirits using rituals. He has special knowledge of mantras and supernatural practices.

The Ojha was called to the Brahman’s house because the Brahman and his mother suspected that the woman in their house was a ghost, not the real wife. They needed the Ojha’s help to confirm their doubts and drive the ghost away.

At first, the Ojha tested whether the woman was a ghost or not. He burned a piece of turmeric and held it near her nose. Ghosts cannot tolerate the smell of burnt turmeric. When the woman screamed and ran away, the Ojha confirmed that she was a ghost. Then, he began the process of exorcism to remove the ghost from the house.