9 Modal Auxiliaries for Class 6 – Can May Should Must Would

9 Modal Auxiliaries for Class 6 – Can May Should Must Would Could Might Ought to —is fundamental for effective communication and comprehension.

Let’s explore each of these modal auxiliaries to grasp their meanings and usage in various contexts.

What are Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Modal auxiliaries are a category of auxiliary verbs used to express various meanings in a sentence. They modify the main verb to indicate possibility, ability, permission, obligation, or likelihood.

Understanding Modal Auxiliaries for Class 6 

Modals are a special group of verbs used to express ability, permission, suggestion, possibility, intention, etc.


  1. I am eight and I can run for thirty minutes without stopping. (expressing ability)
  2. May I come in? (asking for permission-formal)
  3. You should wake up early every morning. (giving a polite suggestion)
  4. You must complete your homework before going out to play. (expressing
  5. a necessity)

The highlighted verbs are called modal auxiliaries or modals.

English Grammar Ebook for Class 6

Modal Auxiliaries with their Uses and Examples.

1. Can

The modal verb, ‘Can’, is used  – 

  • to talk about ability: I can bat well.
  • to ask for and grant permission: Can I borrow your colored pencils? Yes, you can.
  • to talk about what we are allowed to do: Dad says I can borrow his tie for tonight’s party.

Use of ‘Cannot/can’t’

  • to talk about inability: I can’t do it.
  • to deny permission to do something: You can’t go there.
  • to talk about what one is not allowed to do: He said that I can’t make mistakes.

2. May

The modal verb, ‘May’, is used  – 

  • to seek and grant permission: May I come in? Yes, you may.
  • to talk about something possible: Rehan may like the past Rehan may like the past
  • and to express wishes and blessings: May your journey be a safe one.
  • strong possibility: It may rain today.

Use of ‘May not/Mayn’t

  • To refuse permission: May I come in? No, you mayn’t.
  • To talk about something that may not be possible: Rehan may like the pasta but Abir may not.

3. Should

The modal verb, ‘Should’, is used  – 

  • to politely talk about: You should greet your elders every morning.
  • to express duty: You should obey your parents.
  • to express an idea or desired action: I should go if I were with you. 
  • to express obligation: We should go to school daily.

Use of should not/shouldn’t

  • to express prohibition: You should not spill here.

3. Could

The modal verb, ‘Could’, is used  – 

  • to express ability or power: He Could sing well. 
  • to make a polite request: Could you tell me the time? 
  • to express inability: I could not swim. 

Use of could not/couldn’t

  • to express inability: I could not swim.

4. Might

The modal verb, ‘Might’, is used  – 

  • to express possibility: The report might be true. 
  • to express purpose: She read hard so that she might pass the exam. 
  • to express unfulfilled condition: He might have recovered if he had proper nursing. 

Use of might not/mightn’t

  • to talk about something that may not happen: Srijit may not come in a picnic.

5. Must

The modal verb, ‘Must’, is used  – 

  • to express determination: I must see him punished.
  • to express certainty: You must obey your parents.
  • to express moral obligation: You must obey your parents.
  • to express command: You must come earlier tomorrow.
  • to express prohibition: You must not spill here.

Use of must not/mustn’t

  • to express the absolute need to not do something:  You mustn’t ignore the wound you have. You must see a doctor immediately.

6. Would

The modal verb, ‘Would’, is used  – 

  • to express condition or uncertainty: If you would go there, you would see the new sight.
  • to express determination: I repeatedly told him to go, but he would not.
  • to express past occasional habits: While in Kolkata, he would go to Eden Gardens.

Use of would not/wouldn’t

  • to express determination: I repeatedly told him to go, but he would not.

7. Ought to

The modal verb, ‘Ought to’, is used  – 

  • to express duty: We ought to help the neighbors.
  • to express moral obligation: you ought to keep your promise.
  • to express strong possibility: You ought to pass in the First Division.

Use of ought not to/oughtn’t to

  • to express the need not to do something: You oughtn’t to be so late when you have a flight

8. Used to

The modal verb, ‘Used to’, is used  – 

  • to express irregular past habits: They used to live here last year.

Class 6 English Grammar Chapter-Wise Contents:

1: The Sentences

2: Subject and Predicate

3: Nouns

4: Singular Plural Nouns

5: Gender

6: Case

7: Pronouns

8: Verbs

9: Modal Auxiliaries

10: Adjectives

11: Degrees of Comparison

12: Adverbs

13: The Simple Tense

14: The Continuous Tense

15: The Perfect Tense

16: Phrases and Clauses

17: Prepositions

18: Conjunctions

19: Articles

20: Subject Verb Agreement

21: Active and Passive Voice

22: Direct and Indirect Speech

23: Punctuation Marks

Modal Auxiliaries for Class 6 Worksheets

Engaging Modal Auxiliaries for Class 6 Worksheets can solidify understanding and usage of modal auxiliaries. Try to attempt the following worksheets for better understanding.

Worksheet 1:

A. Match the following Modals with their uses.

canto express inability.
mayto offer a polite suggestion
shouldto express ability 
mustto ask for and give permission in a formal way  
cannotto express a necessity

Worksheet 2:

B. Complete the following sentences using can/cannot, may/mayn’t, should/ shouldn’t, must/mustn’t, could/couldn’t, and a suitable verb from the help box.

run, purchase, take, wear, travel, consult, make, eat, swim, walk, sleep, get, grant, keep, follow

1. I …………..  these jeans for you if you really want me to. But I think they are one size too big for you.

2. I  …………..  far and wide with you. But I  …………..   with large groups.

3.  …………..  you please …………..   to the pharmacy and check if they have some electral?

4. I …………..  the payesam for Malathi’s birthday, if you would let me.

5. …………..  you …………..  The entire length of this pool: No, I …………..  

6. I …………..   At Aunt Ria’s tonight. You need not worry about my dinner, Mum. You go ahead and attend the seminar.

7. …………..  and ………….. Madhumita’s house and apologize?

8. The new interns are to be informed that they …………..  closely ………….. all instructions from the management.

9.  …………..   you   …………..  her so many leaves for no reason whatsoever, every month?

10. It’s rather late. You    …………..  Now.

11. Now that I have told you everything, you   …………..  my secret.

12. I    …………..   a saree for the wedding and I should    …………..  

13. Out of the way, children! I    …………..  Your father on an  urgent matter.

14. I    …………..  a heavy jacket along for the winter in Russia.

15. You  …………..  some sleep if you want to be fresh for the interview tomorrow.

Worksheet 3:

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct modals and the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. What with the treatment his foster parents gave him, the little boy …………… I quickly gave him some bread and warm milk. (starve)

2. You   …………..  these books home. We are shutting the bookshop down and these are for you. (take)

3. Shipra ………….. page-long poems by heart in ten minutes! (learn)

4.  ………….. you and your theatre group  …………..  the musical for school on Christmas? (perform)

5. I ………….. not …………..  for the party tomorrow. (turn up)

6. Divya  ………….. really ………….. a haircut! (get)

7. You ………….. my wedding reception tomorrow. I will you to be there with Simi and the kids. (attend)

8.   ………….. you   …………..  that screeching sound? I cringe every time you do that! (make)

9. I have not visited my Grandpa in a fortnight. I  …………..  this weekend for sure. (visit)

10. You   …………..   to wear whichever dress you like. I will be waiting outside because I am ready. (choose)

Worksheet 4:

D. Practice the use of these common Modals with the help of the phrases given under them.

1. see clearly
2. play football
3. speak Spanish
4. fly kite
5. drive a car
6. climb a mountain
1. obey traffic rules
2. save water
3. save electricity
4. stop at red light
5. buy stale fruit
6. shonk loudly
1. think too much
2. take rest
3. do homework
4. exercise regularly
5. eat candies
6. watch television

FAQs about Modal Auxiliaries

Q1: Can modal auxiliaries be used in all tenses?

A1: Yes, modal auxiliaries can be used in various tenses to express different meanings.

Q2: Is there a difference between “can” and “may” when asking for permission?

A2: Yes, “can” implies ability, while “may” indicates permission more formally.

Q3: Are modal auxiliaries the same as helping verbs?

A3: Yes, modal auxiliaries are a type of helping verbs that assist the main verb in expressing various meanings.

Q4: Can modal auxiliaries change the meaning of a sentence?

A4: Definitely. Modal auxiliaries add nuances to the main verb, altering the meaning of the sentence accordingly.


In conclusion, understanding modal auxiliaries—can, may, should, must, and would—is essential for effective communication in English. By knowing their usage, students can enhance their language skills and convey meanings with precision and clarity.